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2/23/2017 10MainFunctionsofGolgiComplex(929Words)|Biology

10 Main Functions of
Golgi Complex (929
Words) | Biology

Some of the main functions of Golgi complex

are as follows:

Golgi apparatus appears to play an important

role in the storage, packaging and secretion of
certain cell products. It is involved in the
formation of lysosomes and other enzyme-
containing cellular inclusions, and in the
formation of secretory granules in cells such as
those found in the pancreas, pituitary and
mammary glands, and mucous-secreting glands
of the intestine and in many other cell types.

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In general Golgi complex is of vital importance
and serves many functions:


Hirsch et al., have discovered that, when iron

sugar is fed to an animal, iron becomes absorbed
on Golgi bodies (Kedrowsky). Van Teel has shown
that Golgi systems also absorb compounds of Cu
and Au (gold). Kedrowsky has shown that Golgi
bodies of Opalina can absorb bismutose
(compound of albumin and bismuth) and
protargol (compound of albumin and silver).
Palay and Kartin (1956) have indicated that Golgi
complex are concerned with the storage and
absorption of lipids.

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Thus, Kirkman and Severinghaus state that Golgi

apparatus acts as a condensation membrane for
the concentration of products produced
elsewhere into droplets or granules by losing
water, which are transported to the cell surface
for export.

These products may be lipids, yolk, bile

compounds, enzymes and hormones, etc. The
proximity of Golgi and contractile vacuoles in
protozoa may confirm the concentration
behaviour of Golgi membranes. Golgi
membranes may remove water from the
products of synthesis during the formation of
secretory granules.

The principal function of Golgi complex is
secretion. In several types of cells, synthetic
products from the rough endoplasmic reticulum
are transferred to Golgi region, from where they
are liberated from the cell through plasma
membrane by pinocytosis. Secretory function of
Golgi seems to be well founded experimentally.

Bowen speaks of Golgi apparatus as a great
intracellular centre of enzyme formation.
Moricard has shown that Golgi body helps in the

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production of follicular fluid from granulosa cells

of ovary.


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It may release zymogen granules (inactivated

pancreatic enzymes) which arise from cisternae
into secretory vesicles. Secretory vesicles
containing granules migrate to cell surface
where the membrane of the secretory vesicle and
the cell membrane merge, releasing the contents
into pancreatic ducts from where they pass into
intestine as active digestive enzymes.

Golgi body in endocrine cells helps in secretion
of hormones. Cowdry has suggested that any
harm to Golgi apparatus in thyroid gland cells
will result in decline in secretion of its hormone.


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Vacuoles and vesicles which are the main

components of Golgi complex become filled with
protein-lipoid material for storage. These stored
products help in secretory action.

It forms the acrosome of sperm during sperm
maturation as shown in Fig. 11-2. The cisternae
of Golgi complex are arranged in a cup-shaped
pattern, the lamellae stacked in parallel. From
the periphery of lamellae, small vesicles or
vacuoles are pinched off.


Gradually the system of cisternae is replaced by

more vesicles and tubules and within some of
these vesicles small granules appear. These
granules represent secretory products within
Golgi complex. Some of the granule-containing
vesicles coalesce to form a single acrosome

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within a large vesicle, which comes to lie on the

surface of the sperm nucleus.

The vesicle gradually spreads over more of the

nuclear surface and eventually collapses on the
nuclear membrane to form the cap material,

In the marine isopod, Limnaria ligmorum, which
is a burrowing form, there are present midglands
whose cells consist of crystals. These range up to
30 in length and 15(1 thick. It has been proved
that these crystals are formed by Golgi complex
and are known to contain protein and iron. They
are without enclosing membrane and usually
spheroidal in shape. They are concerned with the
secretory activity.

In lactating mammary gland of mice are
produced protein droplets which are related
with Golgi complex. These droplets usually open
on to cell surface by fusion of their enclosing
membrane with plasma membrane.

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Golgi bodies of plant cells synthesize all
polysaccharides such as pectin, hemicellulose
and microfibrils of a-cellulose. These are
packaged in vesicles for secretion. For example,
pectin and other mucilaginous substances of the
plant cell wall are synthesized in the Golgi and
are packaged in vesicles for secretion.

Golgi bodies during mitotic cell division form a

cell plate at the centre of spindle. This cell plate
is gradually enlarged and thickened by
deposition of pectic substances, hemicellulose
and micro fibrils of a-cellulose secreted by Golgi

Glycoproteins are formed in the Golgi complex
by the attachment of carbohydrate to the protein
products of the endoplasmic reticulum.

After enzymes are synthesized and accumulated

in vesicles of endoplasmic reticulum, the vesicles
migrate to the Golgi complex, where they fuse
with the Golgi membranes. In the Golgi complex,
the newly synthesized products of ER are
concentrated, and some of the proteins are
modified by the addition of carbohydrates or
other prosthetic groups.

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The concentrated products then accumulate in

the edges of Golgi cisternae, where they are
packed into small vesicles that bud off from the
edges of cisternae and are released into the
cytoplasm. Here smaller vesicles may fuse into
larger ones. If the vesicles contain secretory
product, they will migrate to the plasma
membrane, where they release their products
into the surrounding environment by exocytosis.


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