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DOI 10.1007/s00572-009-0274-x


Ectomycorrhizal lifestyle in fungi: global diversity,

distribution, and evolution of phylogenetic lineages
Leho Tedersoo & Tom W. May & Matthew E. Smith

Received: 26 April 2009 / Accepted: 13 August 2009

# Springer-Verlag 2009

Abstract The ectomycorrhizal (EcM) symbiosis involves a and identification studies suggest that EcM symbiosis has
large number of plant and fungal taxa worldwide. During arisen independently and persisted at least 66 times in
studies on EcM diversity, numerous misidentifications, and fungi, in the Basidiomycota, Ascomycota, and Zygomy-
contradictory reports on EcM status have been published. cota. The orders Pezizales, Agaricales, Helotiales, Bole-
This review aims to: (1) critically assess the current tales, and Cantharellales include the largest number of EcM
knowledge of the fungi involved in the EcM by integrating fungal lineages. Regular updates of the EcM lineages and
data from axenic synthesis trials, anatomical, molecular, genera therein can be found at the UNITE homepage http://
and isotope studies; (2) group these taxa into monophyletic The vast majority of EcM fungi
lineages based on molecular sequence data and published evolved from humus and wood saprotrophic ancestors
phylogenies; (3) investigate the trophic status of sister taxa without any obvious reversals. Herbarium records from 11
to EcM lineages; (4) highlight other potentially EcM taxa major biogeographic regions revealed three main patterns in
that lack both information on EcM status and DNA distribution of EcM lineages: (1) Austral; (2) Panglobal; (3)
sequence data; (5) recover the main distribution patterns Holarctic (with or without some reports from the Austral or
of the EcM fungal lineages in the world. Based on critically tropical realms). The holarctic regions host the largest
examining original reports, EcM lifestyle is proven in 162 number of EcM lineages; none are restricted to a tropical
fungal genera that are supplemented by two genera based distribution with Dipterocarpaceae and Caesalpiniaceae
on isotopic evidence and 52 genera based on phylogenetic hosts. We caution that EcM-dominated habitats and hosts
data. Additionally, 33 genera are highlighted as potentially in South America, Southeast Asia, Africa, and Australia
EcM based on habitat, although their EcM records and remain undersampled relative to the north temperate
DNA sequence data are lacking. Molecular phylogenetic regions. In conclusion, EcM fungi are phylogenetically
highly diverse, and molecular surveys particularly in
L. Tedersoo (*) tropical and south temperate habitats are likely to supple-
Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences and Natural History ment to the present figures. Due to great risk of contam-
Museum of Tartu University, ination, future reports on EcM status of previously
40 Lai Street,
unstudied taxa should integrate molecular identification
51005 Tartu, Estonia
e-mail: tools with axenic synthesis experiments, detailed morpho-
logical descriptions, and/or stable isotope investigations.
T. W. May We believe that the introduced lineage concept facilitates
Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne,
design of biogeographical studies and improves our
Birdwood Avenue,
South Yarra, Victoria 3141, Australia understanding about phylogenetic structure of EcM fungal
M. E. Smith
Farlow Herbarium and the Department of Organismic
Keywords Ectomycorrhizal symbiosis .
and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University,
22 Divinity Avenue, Biogeography of fungi . Evolutionary ecology .
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA Fruit-body types . Sequestrate fungi . Poorly known taxa

Introduction fungi-producing hypogeous fruit-bodies in forest soil were

the first suggested to be intimately associated with roots,
Since Franks description and definition of mycorrhizas and either in the form of parasitism (e.g., Tulasne and Tulasne
ectomycorrhizas (EcM) in the 1880s (Frank 1885, 1887), 1845; Ree 1880) or mutualism (Frank 1885). Subsequent-
numerous reports of the mycorrhizal status of both phyto- ly, various fungi with epigeous fruit-bodies commonly
and mycobionts have been published. These reports involve observed in forests were suspected to associate with tree
various ecosystems on all continents (Trappe 1962; Wang roots in mycorrhizal symbiosis and demonstrated to do so
and Qiu 2006; Brundrett 2009). Based on taxonomic and via hyphal tracing (Noack 1889). Field observations of
ecological extrapolation, an estimated 86% of terrestrial fruit-body occurrence as well as experimental synthesis
plant species acquire mineral nutrients via mycorrhizal root trials since the 1920s (Melin 1921, 1923b) have revealed an
symbionts (Brundrett 2009). For the EcM symbiosis (where amazing diversity of putatively EcM-forming fungi from
the fungus forms a mantle external to the plant root), the many taxonomically unrelated genera (Trappe 1962).
number of plant and fungal species involved is currently However, the reliability of many of the early studies
estimated to be ca. 6,000 and 20,00025,000, respectively suffered from: (1) ambiguous definition of EcM (Hatch
(Rinaldi et al. 2008; Brundrett 2009). Thus, the EcM and Hatch 1933; Brundrett 2009), (2) contamination of
symbiosis involves only a tiny fraction of the ca. 220,000 fungal cultures (Hutchison 1990), (3) misidentification of
420,000 estimated plant species (ca. 2%; Scotland and roots and fruit-bodies (Shemakhanova 1962), (4) the
Wortley 2003; Brundrett 2009) and the 1,500,000 fungal inability to axenically culture most EcM taxa (Modess
species (0.50.7%; Hawksworth 2001). Nevertheless, the 1941), and (5) naivet of the real magnitude of fungal
ecologically and economically most important forest trees diversity belowground. Thus, ambiguous suggestions of
Pinaceae, Fagaceae, Betulaceae, Nothofagaceae, Leptosper- EcM lifestyle have been attributed to numerous terrestrial,
moideae of Myrtaceae (incl. Eucalyptus), Dipterocarpaceae, epigeous fungal genera (reviewed in Trappe 1962; Molina
and Amhersteae of Caesalpiniaceaedominate woodland et al. 1992), and there is still great uncertainty in the trophic
and forest communities in boreal, Mediterranean, and status of many fungal taxa (Rinaldi et al. 2008).
temperate forests of the Northern Hemisphere and parts of Data on decomposition capacity and culture characters
South America, seasonal savanna and rain forest habitats in complement those on the trophic status of some fungi,
Africa, India and Indo-Malay as well as temperate rain forest particularly basidiomycetes. With a few exceptions, EcM
and seasonal woodland communities of Australia. Thus, basidiomycetes lack enzymes for degradation of cellulose
EcM fungi play an important role in seedling establishment and lignin (Norkrans 1950; Hutchison 1990), and they do
and tree growth in habitats across the globe. not produce conidia in pure culture (Hutchison 1989).
Wide taxonomic distribution of EcM plants and fungi in Conversely, EcM or putatively EcM ascomycetes some-
all continents (except Antarctica) and large continental times lack sexual reproduction, and they may produce
islands suggests an ancient evolution of the EcM symbiosis. lignolytic enzymes as well as conidia and chlamydospores
Pinaceae is certainly the oldest extant plant family that is (Caldwell et al. 2000; Egger 2006). In early studies,
symbiotic with EcM fungi (Hibbett and Matheny 2009). identification of mycobionts was attempted by comparing
The oldest Pinaceae fossils originate 156 Ma and the oldest morphology of axenic cultures derived from field collected
EcM root fossils are dated to 50 Ma (LePage et al. 1997; with that of isolates from fruit-bodies (Melin 1923b;
LePage 2003). Because fungi are comprised of soft tissues, Pachlewski 1967). However, many clades of EcM fungi
fungal fossils are extremely rare. Nevertheless, molecular have never been isolated into pure culture, rendering
tools have provided evidence for radiations of EcM- manipulative studies on their ecology and nutrition very
forming taxa, suggesting that orders of Agaricomycetes difficult.
and families of Pezizales originated ca. 200 and 150 Ma, In the 1990s, a revolution of molecular tools partly
respectively (Berbee and Taylor 2001). Because of external ameliorated the culturability problem and substantially
calibrations and restricted taxon sampling, these values improved identification of EcM fungi in situ (Gardes et al.
should be treated with caution, but they roughly correspond 1991; Egger 1995; Horton and Bruns 2001). With the
to the anticipated evolution of EcM in plants. advent of these techniques, many common yet unidentified
Unlike fungi that form arbuscular and ericoid mycorrhi- EcM fungi on roots could be taxonomically assigned
zas, most EcM fungi reproduce sexually and produce (Egger 1996; Kljalg et al. 2000, 2002; Vrlstad et al.
macroscopic fruit-bodies. These fruit-bodies are predomi- 2000). Not surprisingly, the EcM status of many additional
nately epigeous and stipitate, but substantial proportions are fungal genera was discovered by comparing fungal DNA
resupinate on the underside of debris or sequestrate, i.e., from root tips and fruit-bodies (Gehring et al. 1998; Palfner
with a closed basidiome (inside soil or above the ground) and Agerer 1998a, b; Tedersoo et al. 2006a; Smith et al.
that has no aerial dispersal mechanism. Not surprisingly, 2007). Unfortunately, a large number of described morpho-

and anatomotypes (Agerer 19872006) have not yet been synthesis trials, anatomical, molecular, and isotope studies;
identified with molecular techniques. (2) to group these taxa into monophyletic lineages based on
New molecular and bioinformatics tools have facilitated molecular sequence data and published phylogenies; (3) to
powerful phylogenetic analyses of fungi. These studies investigate the lifestyle of nonmycorrhizal sister taxa and
support the hypothesis of Malloch (1987) that EcM fungi evolution of fruit-body types to draw parallels in the
have evolved multiple times from saprotrophic ancestors. development of EcM symbiosis in different lineages; (4)
Some studies (e.g., Hibbett et al. 2000) have also suggested to highlight other potentially EcM taxa that lack both
reversals to a saprotrophic nutritional mode, but this information on EcM status and DNA sequence data; (5) to
hypothesis has been strongly challenged due to taxa recover the main distribution patterns of the EcM fungal
sampling biased towards EcM-forming genera (see also lineages in the world based on the lineage concept and
Bruns and Shefferson 2004). At the other extreme, Wei et carefully revised fruit-body records.
al. (2004) hypothesized that all Agaricomycetes may have
originated from EcM ancestors based on the discovery of
EcM symbiosis in the Sebacinales, a basal group of Materials and methods
Agaricomycetes (Hibbett et al. 2007). However, this
assertion is primarily attributable to the EcM lifestyle of a Definition of EcM
single clade within the Sebacinales (Wei et al. 2004, but
see below). Here, we follow the basic concept of EcM as a balanced
Utilization of stable isotopes, particularly 15N and 13C reciprocal parasitism between plant roots and fungi, where
has strongly enhanced understanding of energy flow from the symbiosis is beneficial (i.e., mutualistic) to both
molecular to ecosystem levels (Dawson et al. 2002). partners in natural conditions (Frank 1885; Melin 1923b;
Discrimination against heavier isotopes is common in many Egger and Hibbett 2004). This balance may dramatically
enzymatic, physiological, and physical processes, e.g., differ in anthropogenic habitats and artificial conditions
photosynthesis, respiration, and evaporation. EcM fungi because of unnaturally elevated soil nutrient concentra-
are relatively enriched in 15N and 13C compared to tions that enable one or the other partner to gain
autotrophs. Relative to saprobes, EcM fungi are enriched dominance. Plants provide photosynthetically fixed carbon
in 15N but depleted in 13C (Gebauer and Dietrich 1993; and habitat for the fungi, whereas mycobionts provide
Gebauer and Taylor 1999; Mayor et al. 2009). This dissolved and organically bound nutrients, particularly
enrichment is due to different N and C sources as well as nitrogen and phosphorus to their hosts. Fungi may also
discrimination during nutrient transfer (Hobbie and Hobbie provide other functions such as ameliorating environmen-
2008). There is also a phylogenetic signal in the stable tal stress caused by chemicals, herbivory, pathogens, or
isotope concentrations of both plants (Delwiche et al. 1978) drought (Smith and Read 2008). We agree with Brundrett
and fungi (Taylor et al. 2003). Inherent differences of 15N (2004) and Smith and Read (2008) in distinguishing the
isotope composition in EcM fungi derive from differences EcM symbiosis from other putatively mutualistic plant
in nitrogen form (Lilleskov et al. 2002b), site (Kohzu et al. fungal interactions by morphological criteria, i.e., the
1999; Taylor et al. 2003), soil horizons, the amount of presence of a fungal mantle covering the root tips and a
extraradical mycelium produced (Trudell et al. 2004; Hartig net. The latter is a complex organ comprising
Hobbie and Agerer 2009), season, part of fruit-body, host cortical or epidermal cells of plant roots and fungal hyphae
plant, N concentration, and efficiency of transportation that have ramified intercellularly between the individual
(Taylor et al. 2003). Within EcM fungi, high 15N values are root cells to maximize the contact area for reciprocal
attributable not only to uptake of protein N (Lilleskov et al. nutrient transfer. Arbutoid, pyroloid, and ectendomycor-
2002b; Hobbie and Hobbie 2006) but also to ruderal rhizas are considered subtypes of EcM because of the
strategy and low biomass of external hyphae (Trudell et shared fungi and minor differences in the thickness of the
al. 2004). The multifactorial nature of isotope signatures in fungal mantle and intracellular fungal colonization (Brundrett
fungal fruit-bodies acts to blur the differences between EcM 2004). Orchid and liverwort mycorrhizas are not considered
and saprotrophic fungi and between functional guilds of EcM because they are structurally unique and EcM fungal
EcM fungi. Accordingly, isotope data should be considered taxa appear only secondarily involved in the evolution of
as circumstantial, suggestive evidence in studies of fungal these symbioses. Root endophytes, i.e., more or less
trophic status and ecophysiology (Henn and Chapela 2001; commensal root colonists that form no specialized interface
Taylor et al. 2003). for improved nutrient exchange are considered non-EcM,
The aims of the present review are fivefold: (1) to although they may develop mantle-like structures especially
critically assess the current knowledge of the fungi in axenic conditions (Jumpponen 2001; Peterson et al.
involved in the EcM by integrating data from axenic 2008).

Sources of information excluded. Regular updates of the EcM lineages and genera
therein can be found at the UNITE homepage http://unite.
We studied and critically evaluated all available original
literature reports where fungi were assigned EcM status Literature searches in ecological and taxonomic pub-
based on (1) tracing of mycelium from fruit-bodies to EcM lications revealed a number of genera that have been
root tips; (2) direct microscopic comparisons between the suggested as EcM but lack supporting evidence. For each
hyphal morphology of fruit-bodies and the hyphal mor- of these genera, we searched the taxonomic literature and
phology of EcM; (3) pure culture synthesis experiments INSD for ITS or 28S rDNA sequence data and attempted to
resulting in the development of EcM; and (4) in situ match these sequences with EcM root tip sequences by use
molecular identification by use of RFLP or DNA sequenc- of BLAST searches. When fruit-body and root tip sequen-
ing. As suggestive evidence, we also included data from (5) ces displayed high-sequence similarity, these taxa were
stable isotope studies aimed to distinguish EcM fungi from considered molecularly supported as EcM fungi. In cases
saprobes (Mayor et al. 2009 and references therein); and (6) where sequence data were missing, these genera (many of
well-resolved phylogenies involving closely related EcM which have sequestrated fruit-bodies) are considered puta-
genera. We paid particular attention to possible non-EcM tively EcM but not assigned to lineages, and their trophic
taxa within EcM lineages as evidence for reversal to mode is discussed with reference to their known habitat and
saprotrophic or other nutritional modes and to separate possible host affiliations.
closely related EcM lineages. We disregarded superficial By use of published and unpublished phylogenies, we
reports on fruiting habits with certain trees because all identified the successive sister taxa to EcM lineages to
terrestrial fungi may grow in the vicinity of living plant recover the trends in ancestral fruit-body type and nutri-
roots by chance. The bulk of references for direct tional mode among in EcM lineages. Fruit-body type
observations were obtained from reviews focusing on (stipitate, resupinate, sequestrate, or asexualwith no
related aspects of fungal ecology (Shemakhanova 1962; known fruit-body) and nutritional mode (humus saprobe,
Trappe 1962; Molina et al. 1992; Maia et al. 1996; de wood saprobe, litter saprobe, pyrophilous saprobe, endo-
Roman et al. 2005; Agerer 2006; Rinaldi et al. 2008). In phyte, parasite, other) were assigned to each of these sister
addition, we conducted blastN searches of ITS sequences taxa based on taxonomic literature and data on fruiting or
from fruit-bodies and root tips of putatively EcM taxa isolation substrate. Uncertain cases were not considered.
against the INSD to confirm their trophic mode or to
improve identification a posteriori. ITS sequences display- Geographical distribution analysis
ing >90% full-length similarity to identified taxa were
conservatively considered congeneric, provided that other Many EcM fungal genera are non-monophyletic and may
taxa were not more similar. We outline the discrepancies in comprise saprotrophic members. To overcome these prob-
EcM status of fungal taxa against Rinaldi et al. (2008) to lems, we carried out geographical distribution analysis at
explain and analyze different opinions and approaches. the level of a lineage that represents a monophyletic,
Based on published and unpublished phylogenetic independently evolved EcM taxon. We anticipate that they
evidence, the EcM genera were assigned to monophyletic differ substantially in their time of origin and rate of
groups termed as lineages to avoid confusion and evolution. Since reliable estimates on the relative age of the
overlapping names with established clades of Agaricales lineages are lacking, we chose to give them equal weights
and Agaricomycetes (sensu Binder and Hibbett 2002; but admit that this may blur the biogeographic pattern and
Moncalvo et al. 2002). To avoid confusion, the names of the results cannot be interpreted in the context of
lineages are based on the name of the dominant or evolutionary origin of EcM symbiosis. Data on distribution
characteristic genus (or genera) written in lower case, of lineages were retrieved from published and unpublished
non-italicized font preceded with a slash (e.g., /inocybe) reports of fruit-bodies (and Cenococcum sclerotia) from
(Moncalvo et al. 2002). Due to taxonomic overlap, some major biogeographic regions of the world (Sanmartin et al.
names were adopted from Moncalvo et al. (2002). 2001; Sanmartin and Ronquist 2004). Despite potentially
Whenever possible, names of tribes and families were not high diversity of EcM fungi, the large islands of New
used because most of these taxonomic levels contain both Guinea, New Caledonia, and Madagascar were excluded
EcM and nonmycorrhizal taxa. The higher-level taxonomy from the distribution dataset due to the small number of
follows Hibbett et al. (2007) and Matheny et al. (2007). The publications or collection records. We carefully excluded
online version of Index Fungorum (www.indexfungorum. the numerous records of EcM fungi under introduced trees
org) was consulted to reveal synonymy and current generic in gardens and plantations. In Northern South America,
names for EcM fungal species. Genera not included in data on fungi under the Betulaceae, Fagaceae, and
Index Fungorum and synonyms (as of 20.07.2009) were Salicaceae were excluded due to the relatively recently

arrival of these hosts. In addition to publications listed in (9.4%) to have no direct evidence for EcM status. There
Table 1, Corner (1969), Singer (1986), Trappe et al. were major discrepancies between our approach and that of
(2009b), and herbarium records of TU, TAA, HUH, and Rinaldi et al. (2008) when interpreting the lifestyles of
MEL were studied on a global scale. The following Ascomycota as well as Thelephorales and Sebacinales
regional sources were used: Hansen and Knudsen (1992, of the Basidiomycota (Table 2, see below).
1997); Pegler et al. (1993)(Europe); Arora (1986); Redhead Table 3 lists 33 genera of fungi that are probably EcM
(1989)(NE and NW America); Flore Iconographique des but lack unambiguous evidence. Due to lack of sequence
Champignons du Congo (19351970); Buyck et al. (1996); data, most of these genera are only tentatively assigned to
Hrknen et al. (2003); records in BR (Africa); Pegler higher taxa based on morphological characters. Of these
(1986); Gunasekara and Wijekoon (2005); Natarajan et al. genera, 23 (69.7%) form sequestrate fruit-bodies; 16
(2005); Butler (2008)(India and Sri Lanka); Sims et al. (48.5%) belong to Boletales; and nine (27.3%) to Pezizales.
(1997); Lee et al. (2003)(SE Asia); Dennis (1970); Pegler Many of these genera are species-poor and are described
(1983); de Meijer AAR (2001); Henkel et al. (2002); Lodge from Austral or tropical realms. Sequencing of the ITS-28S
(2003); Lsse and Petersen (2008)(Northern South rDNA region from herbarium specimens followed by
America); Singer and Digilio (1951); Garrido (1988); phylogenetic analyses would greatly improve our under-
Palfner (2001)(Southern South America); Warcup (1990a), standing on the ecology and phylogenetic affinities of these
Lepp (2009); May et al. (2009)(Australia); McKenzie et al. taxa and facilitate comparison with root isolates (Brock et
(2000), Orlovich and Cairney (2004); Auckland Fungus al. 2009).
Group (2009)(New Zealand). Polyphyly or paraphyly of a large number of fungal
Similarity in EcM fungal distribution between biogeo- genera constitutes a major problem in assigning trophic
graphic regions and among lineages was addressed by status to fungal species. Many poly- or paraphyletic genera
employing a two-way cluster analysis by use of the Euclidean of Ascomycota (Humaria, Meliniomyces, Peziza, Trichar-
distance and centroids as implemented in PC-Ord 5.04 ina, and Trichophaea), Basidiomycota (Amanita, Cerato-
(McCune and Mefford 2006). To reduce the impact of basidium, Clavariadelphus, Entoloma, Gyrodon,
missing information, the occurrence data of 52 EcM fungal Lyophyllum, Ramaria, Sebacina, Sistotrema, Tomentella,
lineages in 11 regions were used for inferring the relatedness and Tulasnella), and Zygomycota (Endogone) comprise
of regions and lineages. Based on the same dataset, we also both EcM and saprotrophic species. Most of these genera
performed an independent UPGMA analysis for biogeo- contain a large number of species and have not been
graphical regions in PAUP 4.0 (Swofford 2002). Bootstrap taxonomically revised since their description. Most of these
support based on random resampling with replacement was genera have been retained due to a lack of good
calculated by use of 1,000 replications to demonstrate the discriminating morphological characters. In particular,
robustness of clusters. Sebacina, Tulasnella, and Ceratobasidium contain many
cryptic species with contrasting lifestyles. In such heterog-
enous genera, the EcM species are usually grouped within
Results and discussion one or more monophyletic clades but phylogenetic treat-
ments are not yet available for many of these taxa. The
Magnitude of EcM symbiosis in fungi presence of different trophic modes within a genus strongly
argues for reassessment of generic boundaries.
Based on critical examination of original reports on EcM
synthesis trials and in situ identification, EcM lifestyle was Phylogenetic diversity of EcM fungi
recognized in 162 fungal genera (or a part of a genus, e.g.,
Entoloma p. parte). An additional 52 genera were consid- Integrating knowledge of EcM lifestyle and phylogenetic
ered EcM based on their phylogenetic positions nested studies allowed us to hypothesize that EcM fungi evolved
within EcM-forming lineages (Table 1). Sowerbyella and (and persisted) 66 times independently from non-EcM
Catathelasma were regarded as EcM based on stable ancestors (Fig. 1; Table 1). This estimate substantially
isotope signatures and habitat in EcM vegetation. The exceeds the previous estimates of 714 events (Hibbett et
attribution of EcM habit to 234 fungal genera by Rinaldi et al. 2000; Bruns and Shefferson 2004). Our analysis
al. (2008) closely matches our conclusions. We added 26 indicates that 27 lineages of Ascomycota, 37 lineages of
genera or provisional genera (11.1%) to the list of Rinaldi Basidiomycota, and two lineages of Zygomycota form
et al. However, after careful review of the primary literature EcM. Among these, the /sowerbyella and /catathelasma
and consideration of the fruiting habits of some taxa, we lineages were erected based on circumstantial isotopic
consider 25 of the genera (10.7%) suggested as EcM by evidence and remain to be confirmed experimentally or by
Rinaldi et al. (2008) to be nonmycorrhizal and further 22 use of molecular tools. The distinction of /densospora from
Table 1 Lineages (lower-case bold text) and genera (lower-case normal text) of confirmed and suspected ectomycorrhizal fungi based on original references to pure culture synthesis, molecular
identification, stable isotope studies, anatomical description, and/or phylogeny arranged by phyla and orders

Taxa of EcM fungi References

Synthesis In situ identification (first reports; Stable isotopes Phylogeny (to define
bold, molecular data) the lineage)

Cenococcum Hatch and Hatch 1933; Hatch 1934 Ferdinandsen and Winge 1925; LoBuglio et al. 1996
(as Mycelium radicis nigrostrigosum); Hatch 1934; Lihnell 1942; Dahlberg
Lihnell 1942; Mikola 1948 et al. 1997; Horton and Bruns 1998;
Horton et al. 1999
Elaphomyces* Warcup 1990c; Theodorou and Ree 1880; (Frank 1892); Fontana LoBuglio et al. 1996;
Reddell 1991; Reddell et al. 1999 and Centrella 1967; Tedersoo et al. 2003; Henkel et al. 2006
Smith et al. 2007; Courty et al. 2008;
Pseudotulostoma* Henkel et al. 2006 Mayor et al. 2009 Miller et al. 2001
/acephala macrosclerotiorum
Acephala Mnzenberger et al. 2009 Menkis et al. 2004 (as Phialocephala
macrosclerotiorum sp6); Mnzenberger et al. 2009
Cadophora Wilcox et al. 1974; Wang and Wilcox Ursic and Peterson 1997; Tedersoo Vrlstad et al. 2002a;
finlandica (incl. 1985; Wilcox and Wang 1987; et al. 2003; Pttsepp et al. 2004; Hambleton and
Chloridium Ursic and Peterson 1997 Korkama et al. 2006 Sigler 2005
Meliniomyces p. Thomas and Jackson 1979 (as type 5); Gronbach 1988; Vrlstad et al. 2000, Vrlstad et al. 2002a;
parte (M. bicolor Vrlstad et al. 2002b 2002a; Tedersoo et al. 2008b Hambleton and
and M. Sigler 2005
unnamed Clade III (Fig. 1) in Vrlstad Vrlstad et al. 2002a
et al. 2002a
unnamed Tedersoo et al. 2008b Tedersoo et al. 2009b
unnamed Tedersoo et al. 2008a, 2009a Tedersoo et al. 2009b
Galactinia(*) Valentine et al. 2004; Tedersoo et al. Hansen et al. 2005;
(Peziza p. parte) 2006a; Smith et al. 2007 Tedersoo et al.
Taxa of EcM fungi References

Synthesis In situ identification (first reports; Stable isotopes Phylogeny (to define
bold, molecular data) the lineage)

Genabea* Izzo et al. 2005b; Smith et al. 2006b; Smith et al. 2006b;
Morris et al. 2008 Perry et al. 2007

Genea* Fontana and Centrella 1967; Jakucs Smith et al. 2006b;

et al. 1998; Lilleskov et al. 2002a; Tedersoo et al.
Tedersoo et al. 2006a; Smith et al. 2006a; Perry et al.
2006b; Ers-Honti et al. 2008 2007
Gilkeya* Moser et al. 2009 Smith et al. 2006b;
Perry et al. 2007
Humaria Tedersoo et al. 2006a; Ers-Honti Smith et al. 2006b;
et al. 2008; Morris et al. 2009 Tedersoo et al.
2006a; Perry et al.
Geopora(*) Gehring et al. 1998; Fujimura Hansen and Pfister
et al. 2005; Tedersoo et al. 2006a 2006; Tedersoo et al.
2006a; Perry et al.
(Hydnocystis p. M.E. Smith, unpubl.
Picoa* Gutierrez et al. 2003 M.E. Smith, unpubl.
Tricharina p. parte Trocha et al. 2006; Smith et al. 2009 Perry et al. 2007
(T. ochroleuca)
Hydnotrya* Lu et al. 1998 Peyronel 1929; Tedersoo et al. 2006a Hobbie et al. 2001 Hansen and Pfister
2006; Tedersoo et al.
Fischerula* Hobbie et al. 2001 Hansen and Pfister
(Imaia)* Kovcs et al. 2008
Leucangium* Palfner and Agerer 1998b Hobbie et al. 2001 Hansen and Pfister
/marcelleina-peziza gerardii
Hydnobolites* Smith et al. 2007; Morris et al. M.E. Smith, unpubl.
2008; Tedersoo et al. 2008b
(Marcelleina) Hansen et al. 2005
Peziza gerardii Smith et al. 2007; Morris et al. 2008 Hansen et al. 2005
(as Marcelleina)
Otidea(*) Kennedy et al. 2003; Smith et al. Hobbie et al. 2001 Perry et al. 2007;
2004, 2007; Toljander et al. 2006 Smith and Healy
(Amylascus)* Hansen et al. 2005;
Tedersoo et al.
Table 1 (continued)

Taxa of EcM fungi References

Synthesis In situ identification (first reports; Stable isotopes Phylogeny (to define
bold, molecular data) the lineage)

Chromelosporium Palmer et al. 2008
p. parte
Glischroderma Tedersoo et al. 2006a; Morris Tedersoo et al. 2006a
(anamorph) et al. 2009
Pachyphloeus* Tedersoo et al. 2006a; Smith Hansen et al. 2005;
et al. 2007 Tedersoo et al.
Scabropezia Smith et al. 2007; Morris Hansen et al. 2005;
et al. 2008 Tedersoo et al.
Pulvinula p. parte Warcup 1990a Bencivenga et al. 1995 (cited in de Perry et al. 2007
(P. constellatio, P. Roman et al. 2005); Amicucci
tetraspora) et al. 2001
Hydnotryopsis* Frank et al. 2006; Smith et al. 2007 Hansen et al. 2005;
Tedersoo et al.
Sarcosphaera Tedersoo et al. 2006a Tedersoo et al. 2007a Hansen et al. 2005;
Tedersoo et al.
Sowerbyella Hobbie et al. 2001 Perry et al. 2007
Sphaerosporella Danielson 1984a; Egger and Paden Danielson 1984a; Danielson and Hansen and Pfister
1986; Danielson and Visser 1988 Visser 1988 2006; Tedersoo et al.
Perry et al. 2007
Trichophaea Tedersoo et al. 2006a; Mhlmann Hansen and Pfister
woolhopeia and Peintner 2008 (as Pezizales sp.) 2006; Tedersoo et al.
2006a; Perry et al.
Tarzetta Tedersoo et al. 2006a; Smith et al. 2007; Hansen and Pfister
Mhlmann and Peintner 2008 2006; Tedersoo et al.
/terfezia-peziza depressa
(Cazia)* INSD unpublished Hansen et al. 2005;
Taxa of EcM fungi References

Synthesis In situ identification (first reports; Stable isotopes Phylogeny (to define
bold, molecular data) the lineage)

Tedersoo et al.
Chromelosporium Palmer et al. 2008 INSD unpublished

p. parte
Hydnoplicata* Warcup 1990a (as Peziza whitei) Smith et al. 2007; Morris et al. 2008 INSD unpublished
(Mycoclelandia)* Trappe et al. 2009a
Peziza p. parte Warcup 1990a Cline et al. 2005; Tedersoo et al. 2006b, Hansen et al. 2005;
(incl. P. badia, P. 2008b; Palmer et al. 2008 Tedersoo et al.
depressa, etc.)(*) 2006a
Ruhlandiella* Warcup and Talbot 1989 (as Hansen et al. 2005;
Muciturbo); Warcup 1991a Tedersoo et al.
Sphaerozone* Shi et al. 2002; Tedersoo et al. 2006a
Terfezia s. stricto* Dexheimer et al. 1985; Morte et al. (Pirotta and Albini 1900) as cited in Hansen et al. 2005;
1994; Gutierrez et al. 2003 Melin 1923b; Ammarellou et al. 2007 Tedersoo et al.
Tirmania* Fortas and Chevalier 1992 Hansen et al. 2005;
Tedersoo et al.
(Ulurua)* Trappe et al. 2009a
Balsamia* (Ceruti and Bussetti 1962); Hobbie et al. 2001 O'Donnell et al. 1997;
Palfner and Agerer 1998a; Hansen and Pfister
Bidartondo and Read 2008 2006; Tedersoo
et al. 2006a
Barssia* Hobbie et al. 2001 O'Donnell et al. 1997;
Hansen and Pfister
2006; Tedersoo
et al. 2006a
Choiromyces* Izzo et al. 2005a, b Hobbie et al. 2001 O'Donnell et al. 1997;
Hansen and Pfister
2006; Tedersoo
et al. 2006a
Dingleya* Hobbie et al. 2001 O'Donnell et al. 1997;
Hansen and Pfister
(Gymnohydnotrya)* M.E. Smith
Helvella Weidemann 1998; Murat et al. 2005; Hobbie et al. 2001; Tedersoo O'Donnell et al. 1997;
Tedersoo et al. 2006a et al. 2007a Hansen and Pfister
Tedersoo et al.
Labyrinthomyces* Warcup 1990a; (Warcup 1990c); Hobbie et al. 2001 O'Donnell et al. 1997;
Brundrett et al. 2005 Hansen and Pfister
Table 1 (continued)

Taxa of EcM fungi References

Synthesis In situ identification (first reports; Stable isotopes Phylogeny (to define
bold, molecular data) the lineage)

Reddellomyces* Brundrett et al. 1996, 2005 O'Donnell et al. 1997;

Hansen and Pfister
Tuber (I-type sensu Sappa 1940 (as cited in Trappe 1962); (Mattirolo 1887) as cited in Melin 1923b; Hobbie et al. 2001; Zeller et al. 2008 O'Donnell et al. 1997;
Dominik 1959)* Fassi and Fontana 1967; Fontana (Frank 1892); (Peyronel 1929); Fontana Hansen and Pfister
and Fasolo-Bonfante 1971; Palenzona and Centrella 1967; Palenzona et al. 1972; 2006; Tedersoo
et al. 1972; Giovanetti and Fontana Horton et al. 1999; Baar et al. 1999; et al. 2006a
1980, 1982 Taylor and Bruns 1999
(Underwoodia)* O'Donnell et al. 1997;
Hansen and Pfister
(Wynnella)* Hobbie et al. 2001 O'Donnell et al. 1997;
Hansen and Pfister
2006; Tedersoo
et al. 2006a
Trichophaea Tedersoo et al. 2006a, 2008b Hansen and Pfister
hybrida 2006; Tedersoo
et al. 2006a; Perry
et al. 2007
Wilcoxina (E-strain) Laiho 1965; Mikola 1965; Laiho 1965; Mikola 1965; Danielson and Hansen and Pfister
Danielson and Visser 1988 Visser 1988; Baar et al. 1999; Taylor and 2006; Tedersoo
Bruns 1999; Grogan et al. 2000; Fujimura et al. 2006a; Perry
et al. 2005; Tedersoo et al. 2006a et al. 2007
Sordariales Trowbridge and Jumpponen 2004; Nara Tedersoo et al. 2007b
unnamed 2006; Tedersoo et al. 2007b, 2009a
Nothojafnea Warcup 1990a
(sensu J. Warcup)*
Lachnea Warcup 1990a
(sensu J. Warcup)
Amanita Melin 1923a, 1924; Hatch and Hatch (Frank 1892); (Peyronel 1922); Gardes Gebauer and Dietrich 1993; Gebauer Moncalvo et al. 2002;
1933; (Doak 1934); Modess 1941; and Bruns 1996; Horton and Bruns and Taylor 1999; Kohzu et al. 1999; Hallen et al. 2004;
(Hacskaylo and Palmer 1955); Vozzo and 1998; Horton et al. 1999; Hobbie et al. 2001; Taylor et al. 2003; Matheny et al. 2006
Table 1 (continued)

Taxa of EcM fungi References

Synthesis In situ identification (first reports; Stable isotopes Phylogeny (to define
bold, molecular data) the lineage)

Hacskaylo 1961; Riffle 1973; Pachlewski Taylor and Bruns 1999 Trudell et al. 2004; Hart et al. 2006;
and Chrusciak 1980; Malajczuk et al. 1982; Molina Zeller et al. 2007, 2008
and Trappe 1982; Godbout and Fortin 1985

(Amarrendia s. Hallen et al. 2004

(Torrendia)* Hallen et al. 2004
Catathelasma (Hutchison 1992) Kohzu et al. 1999 Moncalvo et al. 2002;
Matheny et al. 2006
(Amarrendia p. Hallen et al. 2004
Cortinarius (incl. Melin 1924, 1925; Ashton 1976; Antibus (Noack 1889); Kauffman 1906; McDougall Hobbie et al. 1999, 2001; Kohzu et al. Hiland and Holst-
Cuphocybe, et al. 1981; Kropp and Trappe 1982; 1914; Masui 1927; Gardes and Bruns 1999; Taylor et al. 2003; Trudell et al. Jensen 2000; Peintner
Rapacea, Rozites, Godbout and Fortin 1985; Loree et al. 1996; Dahlberg et al. 1997; Erland 2004; Clemmensen et al. 2002, 2004;
Thaxterogaster) (*) 1989; van der Heijden and Kuyper 2003 et al. 1999; Jonsson et al. 1999a; et al. 2006; Zeller et al. 2007; Wilson Matheny
et al. 2007; Mayor et al. 2009 et al. 2006
Dermocybe Malajczuk et al. 1987 (as Cortinarius) Uhl and Agerer 1987; Gronbach 1988; Kohzu et al. 1999; Taylor et al. 2003; Hiland and Holst-
Cullings and Makhija 2001; Tedersoo Trudell et al. 2004; Jensen 2000;
et al. 2008a Peintner et al. 2001
Protoglossum* Burgess et al. 1993 (as Hymenogaster) Peintner et al. 2001
(Quadrispora)* Peintner et al. 2001
Stephanopus Palfner 2001
Descolea Bougher and Malajczuk 1990; Lu et al. Bougher and Malajczuk 1985; Palfner Peintner et al. 2001;
1998; Brundrett et al. 2005 2001; Tedersoo et al. 2008a, 2009a Matheny et al. 2006
Descomyces* Malajczuk et al. 1982 (as Hymenogaster); Agerer et al. 2001; Tedersoo et al. Peintner et al. 2001;
Burgess et al. 1993 (as Hymenogaster); 2008a, 2009a Matheny et al. 2006
Lu et al. 1998; Brundrett et al. 2005
Setchelliogaster* Burgess et al. 1993; Brundrett et al. 1996, Tedersoo et al. 2008a, 2009a Peintner et al. 2001;
2005; Thomson et al. 1996 Matheny et al. 2006
(Timgrovea)* INSD unpublished
Entoloma s. str. Modess 1941; Zerova and Rozhenko Agerer 1997; Avis et al. 2003; Kohzu et al. 1999; Trudell et al. 2004; Matheny et al. 2006;
(sections 1966 (cited in Antibus et al. 1981); Walker et al. 2005; Smith et al. 2007 see Taylor et al. (2003) for contrasting D.L.V. Co, pers.
Entoloma, Antibus et al. 1981; Loree et al. 1989; evidence comm. 2007
(Rhodogaster)* D.L.V. Co, pers.
comm. 2007
(Richoniella)* D.L.V. Co, pers.
comm. 2007
Alnicola Pritsch et al. 1997; Becerra et al. 2005b Kohzu et al. 1999; Trudell et al. 2004 Peintner et al. 2001;
Moreau et al. 2006;
Matheny et al. 2006;
Garnica et al. 2007
Table 1 (continued)

Taxa of EcM fungi References

Synthesis In situ identification (first reports; Stable isotopes Phylogeny (to define
bold, molecular data) the lineage)

(Anamika) Matheny et al. 2006

Hebeloma Shemakhanova 1956 (cited in Shemakhanova 1962); (Kljushnik 1952); Fontana 1961; Fassi and De Kohzu et al. 1999; Taylor et al. 2003; Peintner et al. 2001;
Trappe 1967; Hacskaylo and Bruchet 1972; Antibus Vecchi 1963; Fassi and Fontana 1966; Trudell et al. 2004; Clemmensen et al. Moreau et al. 2006;
et al. 1981; Malajczuk et al. 1982; Godbout and Dahlberg et al. 1997; Hagerman et al. 2006 Matheny et al. 2006;
Fortin 1985; Dunabeitia et al. 1996; van der Heijden 1999; Jonsson et al. 1999a Garnica et al. 2007
and Kuyper 2003;
Hymenogaster s. Fontana and Centrella 1967; Kennedy et al. Peintner et al. 2001;
stricto* 2003; Izzo et al. 2006; Bidartondo and Moreau et al. 2006;
Read 2008
Hygrophorus Kropp and Trappe 1982 (Frank 1888); (Noack 1889); (Peyronel Hobbie et al. 1999; Taylor et al. 2003; Moncalvo et al. 2002;
1922); Gronbach 1988; Dahlberg et al. Trudell et al. 2004; Hart et al. 2006 Matheny et al. 2006
1997; Gehring et al. 1998; Stendell et al.
(Auritella) (*) Matheny and Bougher
Inocybe (incl. Cripps and Miller 1995; van der Zerova 1956; Schramm 1966; Ingleby Hobbie et al. 2001; Taylor et al. 2003; Moncalvo et al. 2002;
Astrosporina) Heijden and Kuyper 2003 et al. 1990; Horton et al. 1999; Magyar Trudell et al. 2004; Abadie et al. 2005; Matheny 2005;
et al. 1999; Taylor and Bruns 1999; Clemmensen et al. 2006; Hart et al. Matheny et al.
Cullings et al. 2000; Kernaghan 2001 2006; Zeller et al. 2008; Mayor et al. 2006; Ryberg et al.
2009 2008
Hydnangium* Malajczuk et al. 1982; Malajczuk and Hartney Chu-Chou and Grace 1981; Diez 2005 Mueller and Pine
1986; Burgess et al. 1993; Lu et al. 1998 1994;
Matheny et al. 2006
Laccaria Bryan and Zak 1961 (as Clitocybe); Thomas Fassi and Fontana 1966; Gardes Gebauer and Taylor 1999; Kohzu et al. Mueller and Pine
and Jackson 1979; Molina and Trappe et al. 1991; Horton and Bruns 1999; Hobbie et al. 2001; Taylor et al. 1994;
1982; Godbout and Fortin 1985; Lu et al. 1998 1998; Kernaghan 2001 2003; Trudell et al. 2004; Hart et al. Moncalvo et al.
2006; Zeller et al. 2007 2002;
Matheny et al. 2006
(Podohydnangium)* Mueller and Pine 1994
Lyophyllum p. (Masui 1927); Norkrans 1950; Pera and Alvarez Agerer and Beenken 1998b; Kohzu et al. 1999; Trudell et al. 2004 Hofstetter et al. 2002;
parte (L. 1995; Kasuya and Igarashi 1996; Kawai 1997 Bergemann and Garbelotto 2006 Moncalvo et al. 2002;
fumosum=shimeji; Matheny et al. 2006
L. semitale)
Tricholoma Melin 1923a, 1924, 1925; Modess 1941; Fries 1942; (Noack 1889); Masui 1927; Luppi and Hobbie et al. 1999, 2001; Kohzu et al. Moncalvo et al. 2002;
Norkrans 1950; Pachlewski and Chrusciak 1980; Gautero 1967 (cited in de Roman et al. 1999; Taylor et al. 2003; Trudell et al. Matheny et al. 2006
Kropp and Trappe 1982 2005); Gehring et al. 1998; Horton et al. 2004; Tedersoo et al. 2007a; Zeller
Table 1 (continued)

Taxa of EcM fungi References

Synthesis In situ identification (first reports; Stable isotopes Phylogeny (to define
bold, molecular data) the lineage)

1999; Lilleskov et al. 2002a; Shi et al. et al. 2007

ATHELIALES Binder and Hibbett

Amphinema Danielson and Visser 1988 Fassi and De Vecchi 1963; Hagerman et al. Binder and Hibbett
2001; Kernaghan 2001; Lilleskov et al. 2006
Tylospora Taylor and Alexander 1991 Dahlberg et al. 1997; Eberhardt et al. 1999; Binder and Hibbett
Jonsson et al. 2000 2006
Byssocorticium Peyronel 1922 (as Hypochnus cyanescens); Binder and Hibbett
Shi et al. 2002; Bergemann and Garbelotto 2006
2006; Tedersoo et al. 2008b
Piloderma Melin 1936; Zak 1976; Kropp Melin 1936; Dahlberg et al. 1997; Erland Binder and Hibbett
1982; Erland et al. 1990 et al. 1999; Jonsson et al. 2000 2006
Austropaxillus Garrido 1988; Burgess et al. 1993 Palfner 2001 Binder and Hibbett
(as Paxillus) 2006
(Gymnopaxillus)* Binder and Hibbett
(Afroboletus) Binder and Hibbett
Aureoboletus Kohzu et al. 1999; Binder and Hibbett
(Austroboletus) Binder and Hibbett
Boletellus Tedersoo et al. 2007b; Morris et al. 2009 Kohzu et al. 1999; Mayor et al. 2009 Binder and Hibbett
Boletus (Doak 1934); Ferreira dos Santos 1941 (Peyronel 1920); Horton et al. 1999; Kohzu et al. 1999; Hobbie et al. 2001; Binder and Hibbett
(cited in Trappe 1962); (Hacskaylo Jonsson et al. 2000; Dickie et al. 2002 Taylor et al. 2003; Trudell et al. 2004 2006
and Palmer 1955); Vozzo and Hacskaylo
1961; Malajczuk et al. 1982; Molina and
Trappe 1982; Dunabeitia et al. 1996
(Bothia) Halling et al. 2007
Chamonixia* Raidl 1999 Binder and Hibbett
(Durianella)* Desjardin et al. 2008
(Fistulinella) Binder and Hibbett
Gastroboletus* Molina and Trappe 1982 M. Binder
Table 1 (continued)

Taxa of EcM fungi References

Synthesis In situ identification (first reports; Stable isotopes Phylogeny (to define
bold, molecular data) the lineage)

Heimioporus (syn. Bryan and Zak 1961 (as Boletus) Kohzu et al. 1999 M. Binder
Heimiella) unpublished
(Leccinellum) Binder and Hibbett
Leccinum Melin 1923a (as Boletus); Molina and Trappe McDougall 1914; (Peyronel 1920); Kohzu et al. 1999; Taylor et al. 2003; Binder and Hibbett
1982; Dunabeitia et al. 2004 Ingleby et al. 1990; Nara 2006; Clemmensen et al. 2006 2006
Tedersoo et al. 2006b; Courty
et al. 2008
(Mackintoshia)* M.E. Smith
(Mycoamaranthus)* M.E. Smith
Octaviania p. Chilvers 1968; Smith et al. 2007; Binder and Hibbett
parte* Morris et al. 2008 2006
(Phylloboletellus) Binder and Hibbett
Phylloporus Vozzo and Hacskaylo 1961 (as Paxillus) Trudell et al. 2004; Binder and Hibbett
Porphyrellus Raidl and Hahn 2006 Binder and Hibbett
Pseudoboletus Richter and Bruhn 1989
(Pulveroboletus) Binder and Hibbett
(Retiboletus) Binder and Hibbett
(Rhodactina)* Yang et al. 2006
(Royoungia)* M. Binder
(Rubinoboletus) M. Binder
Strobilomyces (Peyronel 1920); Matsuda and Hijii Kohzu et al. 1999; Binder and Hibbett
1999; Riviere et al. 2007; Sato et al. 2007 2006
Tylopilus (Doak 1934); Vozzo and Hacskaylo Erland et al. 1999; Jonsson et al. Kohzu et al. 1999; Taylor et al. 2003; Binder and Hibbett
1961; Brundrett et al. 1996; 1999b; Dickie et al. 2002 Trudell et al. 2004; Mayor et al. 2009 2006
Reddell et al. 1999
Xanthoconium Kohzu et al. 1999 M. Binder
Xerocomus Melin 1923b; Modess 1941; Bokor (Peyronel 1922); Ceruti and Bussetti Gebauer and Dietrich 1993; Gebauer Binder and Hibbett
1958; Bryan and Zak 1961; Vozzo 1962; Gronbach 1988; Gardes and and Taylor 1999; Taylor et al. 2003; 2006
and Hacskaylo 1961; Dunabeitia Bruns 1996; Horton and Bruns 1998; Zeller et al. 2007, 2008
Taxa of EcM fungi References

Synthesis In situ identification (first reports; Stable isotopes Phylogeny (to define
bold, molecular data) the lineage)

et al. 1996; van der Heijden and Horton et al. 1999; Jonsson et al. 1999b
Kuyper 2003

Alpova* Godbout and Fortin 1983; Danielson Massicotte et al. 1988; Miller et al. Binder and Hibbett
and Visser 1988; Massicotte et al. 1988 1991; Taylor and Bruns 1999; 2006
Bergemann and Garbelotto 2006;
Gyrodon s. stricto (Godbout and Fortin 1985) Becerra et al. 2005a; Tedersoo Kretzer and Bruns
et al. 2006b, 2009c 1999; Binder and
Hibbett 2006; Yang
et al. 2006
Melanogaster* Malajczuk et al. 1982; Molina and Shi et al. 2002; Wiedmer et al. 2004; Binder and Hibbett
Trappe 1982; Pera and Alvarez 1995 Cline et al. 2005; Bergemann and 2006;
Garbelotto 2006; Tedersoo et al. 2006b; Yang et al. 2006
(Paragyrodon) Binder and Hibbett
Paxillus Laiho 1970; Molina and Trappe Laiho 1970; Lilleskov et al. 2002a; Gebauer and Dietrich 1993; Gebauer Kretzer and Bruns
1982; Malajczuk et al. 1982 Korkama et al. 2006; Tedersoo and Taylor 1999; Taylor 1999;
et al. 2006b et al. 2003; Zeller et al. 2007 Binder and Hibbett
Yang et al. 2006
Astraeus Trappe 1967; Molina and Trappe Schramm 1966; Dickie and Reich 2005 Binder and Hibbett
1982; Malajczuk et al. 1982 2006
Calostoma Wilson et al. 2007 Wilson et al. 2007 Binder and Hibbett
(Corditubera)* M.E. Smith
(Diplocystis)(*) Binder and Hibbett
Gyroporus Hatch and Hatch 1933;Vozzo and Peyronel 1922 (as Boletus); Wilson et al. 2007 Binder and Hibbett
Hacskaylo 1961; Agerer 1999; Avis et al. 2008 2006
Pisolithus Bryan and Zak 1961; Zak 1976; (Kljushnik 1952); Schramm 1966; Kohzu et al. 1999 Binder and Hibbett
Marx et al. 1977 Tedersoo et al. 2007b 2006
Scleroderma(*) (Doak 1934); Modess 1941; Fries McDougall 1914; (Peyronel 1920); Kohzu et al. 1999; Wilson et al. 2007; Binder and Hibbett
1942; Bokor 1958; Vozzo and Masui 1927; Zerova 1950; (Fassi Zeller et al. 2007 2006
Hacskaylo 1961; Malajczuk et al. 1957); Thoen and Ba 1989; Nara and
1982; Dunabeitia et al. 1996; Lu et al. Hogetsu 2004; Valentine et al. 2004;
1998; Reddell et al. 1999; van der Murat et al. 2005
Heijden and Kuyper 2003
(Tremellogaster)(*) Binder and Hibbett
(Brauniellula p. Miller 2003
Chroogomphus Agerer 1990; Douglas et al. 2005 Kohzu et al. 1999; Taylor et al. Binder and Hibbett
2003; see Trudell et al. (2004) 2006
for contrasting evidence
Table 1 (continued)

Taxa of EcM fungi References

Synthesis In situ identification (first reports; Stable isotopes Phylogeny (to define
bold, molecular data) the lineage)

Gomphidius (Ohga and Wood 2000) Agerer 1991b; Olsson et al. 2000 Hobbie et al. 2001; Taylor et al. 2003; Binder and Hibbett
Trudell et al. 2004 2006
Rhizopogon* Young 1937 (cited in Trappe 1962); (Fontana and Centrella 1967); Gardes Kohzu et al. 1999; Taylor et al. 2003 Binder and Hibbett
Modess 1941; (Hacskaylo 1953); and Bruns 1996; Gehring et al. 1998; 2006
Hacskaylo and Palmer 1955; Trappe Horton and Bruns 1998; Horton
1967; Pachlewski and Chrusciak 1980; et al. 1999
Malajczuk et al. 1982; Molina and
Trappe 1982
Suillus (incl. Melin 1922, 1923b, 1924, 1925; (Frank 1892); (Peyronel 1920, Kohzu et al. 1999; Taylor et al. 2003; Binder and Hibbett
Boletinus) Hammarlund 1923; Masui 1927; 1922); Peyronel 1929; Gardes and Trudell et al. 2004; Hart et al. 2006; 2006
Hatch and Hatch 1933; Doak 1934; Bruns 1996; Dahlberg et al. 1997; Tedersoo et al. 2007a
Fries 1942; Vozzo and Hacskaylo Horton et al. 1999; Jonsson et al. 1999a
1961; Trappe 1967; Pachlewski and
Chrusciak 1980; Malajczuk et al.
1982; Molina and Trappe 1982
Truncocolumella* Malajczuk et al. 1982; Molina and Goodman et al. 19962000; Cline et al. Binder and Hibbett
Trappe 1982; Massicotte et al. 2000 2005; Horton et al. 2005 2006
Cantharellus Doak 1934; Danell 1994 Goodman et al. 19962000; Gebauer and Dietrich 1993; Gebauer Moncalvo et al. 2006
Agerer 19872006 and Taylor 1999; Kohzu et al. 1999;
Hobbie et al. 2001; Taylor et al. 2003;
Trudell et al. 2004; Zeller et al. 2007;
Mayor et al. 2009
Craterellus Goodman et al. 19962000; Taylor et al. 2003; Zeller et al. 2007; Moncalvo et al. 2006
Jonsson et al. 2000; Shi et al. 2002; Mayor et al. 2009
Walker et al. 2005
Hydnum Lu et al. 1998 Masui 1927; Agerer et al. 1996; Horton Kohzu et al. 1999; Taylor et al. 2003; Moncalvo et al. 2006
et al. 2005; Courty et al. 2008 Trudell et al. 2004; Zeller et al. 2007
Pterygellus (Verbeken and Walleyn 1999) INSD unpublished
Sistotrema p. parte Lian et al. 2001; Nilsson et al. 2006a; Moncalvo et al. 2006
Smith et al. 2007
Clavulina Dickie et al. 2002; Kennedy et al. 2003; Gebauer and Taylor 1999 Moncalvo et al. 2006
Tedersoo et al. 2003 (misconsidered); Hobbie et al.
2001; Trudell et al. 2004;
Zeller et al. 2008; Mayor et al. 2009
Membranomyces Tedersoo et al. 2003 (as Clavulicium) Moncalvo et al. 2006
Tulasnella p. parte (Bidartondo et al. 2003) (Haug and Oberwinkler 1987); Bidartondo Moncalvo et al. 2006
et al. 2003; Tedersoo et al. 2008a, b
Taxa of EcM fungi References

Synthesis In situ identification (first reports; Stable isotopes Phylogeny (to define
bold, molecular data) the lineage)

Ceratobasidium p. Warcup 1991b; Yagame et al. 2008; Yagame et al. 2008 Veldre 2009

Ceratobasidium p. (Rosling et al. 2003); Wilson et al. Veldre 2009

parte 2007; unpublished INSD data
Clavariadelphus p. Izzo et al. 2005a; Iosifidou and Raidl 2006; Hosaka et al. 2006
parte (incl. C. Smith et al. 2007; Morris et al. 2008
subfastigiatus; C.
truncatus, C.
Gautieria* Dunabeitia et al. 1996; Reddell et al. 1999 Griffiths et al. 1991; Douglas et al. 2005; Hosaka et al. 2006
Izzo et al. 2005b; Morris et al. 2008
(Gloeocantharellus) Hosaka et al. 2006
Gomphus Agerer et al. 1998b Trudell et al. 2004 Hosaka et al. 2006
Ramaria p. parte Agerer 1996b; Dickie et al. 2002; Kohzu et al. 1999; Hobbie et al. 2001; Hosaka et al. 2006
Smith et al. 2004; Horton et al. 2005 Trudell et al. 2004;
Turbinellus Masui 1927 (as Cantharellus) Kohzu et al. 1999 Hosaka et al. 2006
Coltricia (Pachlewski and Chrusciak 1980); Danielson 1984b; Danielson and Visser 1988; Tedersoo et al. 2007a Larsson et al. 2006;
Danielson 1984b; Danielson and Thoen and Ba 1989; Tedersoo et al. 2007c Tedersoo et al.
Visser 1988 2007c
Coltriciella Tedersoo et al. 2007c, 2008a Mayor et al. 2009 Larsson et al. 2006;
Tedersoo et al.
(Andebbia)* Hosaka et al. 2006
(Aroramyces)* Hosaka et al. 2006
Austrogautieria* (Thoen and Ba 1989) Hosaka et al. 2006
Castoreum* Brundrett et al. 2005 (Dell et al. 1990) Hosaka et al. 2006
Chondrogaster* Lupatini et al. 2008 Lupatini et al. 2008
(Gallacea)* Hosaka et al. 2006
Gummiglobus* Reddell et al. 1999 Hosaka et al. 2006
(Hallingea)* Hosaka et al. 2006
Hysterangium* Malajczuk et al. 1982; Molina and Ceruti and Bussetti 1962; Fontana Hosaka et al. 2006
Trappe 1982; Theodorou and and Centrella 1967; Griffiths et al.
Reddell 1991; Brundrett et al. 2005 1991; Smith et al. 2007
(Malajczukia)* Hosaka et al. 2006
Mesophellia* Lu et al. 1998; Reddell et al. 1999; Ashton 1976; Dell et al. 1990 Hosaka et al. 2006
Brundrett et al. 2005
Nothocastoreum* Reddell et al. 1999 Hosaka et al. 2006
Table 1 (continued)

Taxa of EcM fungi References

Synthesis In situ identification (first reports; Stable isotopes Phylogeny (to define
bold, molecular data) the lineage)

(Protubera p. Hosaka et al. 2006

parte: P.
Albatrellus (incl. (Pilat 1931 (as Caloporus)); Agerer 1996a; Taylor et al. 2003; Trudell et al. 2004 Miller et al. 2006;
Scutiger) Izzo et al. 2005a; Walker et al. 2005 Albee-Scott 2007
Byssoporia Zak 1976 (as Poria); Kropp 1982 Zak 1969 (as Poria) Miller et al. 2006
Leucogaster* Izzo et al. 2005b Miller et al. 2006;
Albee-Scott 2007
Leucophleps* Izzo et al. 2005b Albee-Scott 2007
(Mycolevis)* Miller et al. 2006;
Albee-Scott 2007
Polyporoletus Agerer et al. 1998a Miller et al. 2006;
Albee-Scott 2007
Arcangeliella* Luppi and Gautero 1967 (cited in de Peter et al. 2001;
Roman et al. 2005); Peter et al. Miller et al. 2006;
2001; Izzo et al. 2005b Lebel and Tonkin
(Cystangium)* Miller et al. 2006
Gastrolactarius* Izzo et al. 2005a (as Arcangeliella)
Gymnomyces* Stendell et al. 1999; Douglas et al. 2005; Peter et al. 2001;
Izzo et al. 2005b; Smith et al. 2006a Miller et al. 2006;
Lebel and Tonkin
Lactarius Melin 1924, 1925; Hatch and Hatch (Noack 1889); (Peyronel 1922); Kohzu et al. 1999; Hobbie et al. 2001; Peter et al. 2001;
1933; Modess 1941; Riffle 1973; Luppi and Gautero 1967; Gronbach Taylor et al. 2003; Trudell et al. 2004; Miller et al. 2006;
Zak 1976; Antibus et al. 1981; 1988; Kraigher et al. 1995; Gardes Mayor et al. 2009; Clemmensen et al. Lebel and Tonkin
Kropp and Trappe 1982; Malajczuk and Bruns 1996; Dahlberg et al. 1997; 2006; Zeller et al. 2007; Wilson et al. 2007;
et al. 1982; Godbout and Fortin Kernaghan et al. 1997 2007 Buyck et al. 2008
1985; Lu et al. 1998
Macowanites* Kennedy et al. 2003; Izzo et al. 2005a, b Peter et al. 2001;
Miller et al. 2006;
Lebel and Tonkin
Martellia* Trappe and Castellano 1986 Trappe and Castellano 1986; Horton Peter et al. 2001;
et al. 2005; Izzo et al. 2005b Miller et al. 2006
(Multifurca) Buyck et al. 2008
Russula Melin 1924, 1925; (Doak 1934); Bokor (Frank 1892); (McDougall 1914); Hobbie et al. 1999, 2001; Kohzu et al. Peter et al. 2001;
Taxa of EcM fungi References

Synthesis In situ identification (first reports; Stable isotopes Phylogeny (to define
bold, molecular data) the lineage)

1958; Vozzo and Hacskaylo 1961; (Peyronel 1922); Peyronel 1929; 1999; Taylor et al. 2003; Trudell et al. Miller
Pachlewski and Chrusciak 1980; Gardes and Bruns 1996; Dahlberg 2004; Hart et al. 2006; Zeller et al. et al. 2006; Lebel
Kropp and Trappe 1982; Taylor and Alexander 1989; et al. 1997; Kernaghan et al. 1997; 2007, 2008; Mayor et al. and Tonkin 2007;

Dunabeitia et al. 1996 Gehring et al. 1998; Horton and 2009; for contrasting Buyck et al. 2008
Bruns 1998; Horton et al. 1999 evidence, see Gebauer
and Taylor (1999)
Zelleromyces* Molina and Trappe 1982; Reddell et al. 1999 Peter et al. 2001;
Miller et al. 2006;
Lebel and Tonkin
Sebacina (clade A Glen et al. 2002; Selosse et al. 2002; Walker and Parrent
sensu Wei et al. Urban et al. 2003; Tedersoo et al. 2003 2004; Wei et al.
p. parte) 2004; Selosse et al.
Tremellodendron Walker and Parrent 2004 Mayor et al. 2009 Walker and Parrent
2004; Wei et al.
2004; Selosse et al.
(Tremelloscypha) Wei et al. 2004;
Selosse et al. 2007
Serendipita p. parte Warcup 1988, 1990c (as Sebacina (Bergemann and Garbelotto 2006); (Izzo Ryberg et al. 2009
(Sebacina clade B vermifera) et al. 2006); Ryberg et al. 2009
sensu Wei et al.
Hydnellum Agerer 1993; Kernaghan 2001; Walker Kohzu et al. 1999; Taylor et al. 2003; U. Kljalg et al.
et al. 2005; Bergemann and Trudell et al. 2004 unpublished
Garbelotto 2006;
Sarcodon (Masui 1927 as Hydnum); Agerer Taylor et al. 2003; Trudell et al. 2004 U. Kljalg et al.
1991a; Kernaghan 2001; Izzo unpublished
et al. 2005a
Bankera Danielson 1984b Masui 1927 (as Polyporus); Agerer U. Kljalg et al.
and Otto 1997; Bergemann and unpublished
Garbelotto 2006
Phellodon Agerer 1992a; (Bergemann and Kohzu et al. 1999; Taylor et al. 2003 U. Kljalg et al.
Garbelotto 2006) unpublished
Pseudotomentella s. Agerer 1994; Kljalg et al. 2000; U. Kljalg et al.
stricto Smith et al. 2004; Cline et al. unpublished
2005; Izzo et al. 2005a
(Polyozellus) U. Kljalg et al.
Table 1 (continued)

Taxa of EcM fungi References

Synthesis In situ identification (first reports; Stable isotopes Phylogeny (to define
bold, molecular data) the lineage)

Thelephora Hacskaylo 1965; Zak 1976; Thomas Fassi and Fontana 1966; Gardes Abadie et al. 2006; Tedersoo et al. U. Kljalg et al.
and Jackson 1979 et al. 1991; Jonsson et al. 1999b; 2007a; Mayor et al. 2009 unpublished
Stendell et al. 1999 (unreplicated)
Tomentella (incl. Danielson and Visser 1988; (Warcup Danielson and Visser 1988; Danielson Mayor et al. 2009 (unreplicated) U. Kljalg et al.
Riessia radicicola, 1990c); (Kljalg 1992); Cairney et al. 1994 and Pruden 1989; Gardes and Bruns unpublished
Riessiella spp.) 1996; Horton and Bruns 1998; Taylor
and Bruns 1999; Kljalg et al. 2000
Tomentellopsis Erland et al. 1990 Kljalg et al. 2002; Rosling et al. Kljalg et al. 2002;
2003; Walker et al. 2005 U. Kljalg et al.
Boletopsis Agerer 1992b; Izzo et al. 2005a; Trudell et al. 2004 U. Kljalg et al.
Bergemann and Garbelotto 2006 unpublished
Endogone p. parte* Warcup 1990b (Fassi et al. 1969); Walker 1985; Warcup White et al. 2006
1990b; Tedersoo et al. 2008a, 2009a
Sclerogone* Warcup 1990b Warcup 1990b
Densospora Warcup and McGee 1983; (Warcup 1985)
(sporocarpic Warcup 1985; McGee 1996
Glomus spp.)*

Genera that are suspected to be ectomycorrhizal based on phylogeny are indicated in parentheses. Asterisks denote sequestrate genera (asterisk in parentheses where only some species are
sequestrate). Genera including members with resupinate fruit-bodies are underlined. References in parentheses indicate that the EcM association was not anyhow illustrated or described for proper
Direct proof for EcM status is lacking, but the taxon is phylogenetically distinct
Phylogenetic relations of this taxon are unknown

Table 2 Discrepancies between the present treatment of EcM genera Table 2 (continued)
and that of Rinaldi et al. (2008)
Genus This study Rinaldi et al. (2008)
Genus This study Rinaldi et al. (2008)
Tremellogaster (Boletales) EcM nd
Acephala (Helotiales) NM (EcM) nd Trichophaea (Pezizales) NM (EcM) EcM
Amaurodon (Thelephorales) NM EcM Xerocomus (Boletales) EcM nd
Boughera (unknown) na EcM Youngiomyces (Zygomycota) NM EcM
Brauniellula (Boletales) EcM nd
Discrepancies are discussed in the section Ecology and distribution
Catathelasma (Agaricales) EcM NM
of EcM lineages
Ceratobasidium1,2 (Cantharellales) EcM nd
NM (EcM) only a single unrelated species is EcM, na absent from
Chalciporus (Boletales) NM EcM Index Fungorum, nd not determined
Chromelosporium (Pezizales) EcM nd
Craterocolla (Sebacinales) NM EcM
/endogone relies on anatomical differences due to the lack
Cribbea (Agaricales) NM EcM
of molecular data. EcM taxa belong to five orders of
Densospora (Zygomycota) EcM NM
Ascomycota and ten orders of Basidiomycota. Based on
Durianella (Boletales) EcM nd
accumulating sequence data from fruit-bodies and EcM root
Efibulobasidium (Sebacinales) NM EcM
tips, the order Pezizales comprises the greatest number of EcM
Eremiomyces (Pezizales) NM EcM
lineages (16). This figure may expand when representative
Galactinia (Pezizales) EcM nd
species from more genera (particularly sequestrate and Austral
Gastrolactarius (Russulales) EcM nd
taxa) are sequenced, cultured, and detected below ground on
Genabea (Pezizales) EcM nd
EcM root tips. In particular, the ecology and phylogenetic
Geopyxis (Pezizales) NM EcM
relationships among the Austral members of Pezizales are
Gyromitra (Pezizales) NM EcM
Helotiales unnamed 1-6 (Helotiales) EcM nd
almost unknown. Yet, Pezizales are common in arid and
Hoehnelogaster (unknown) na EcM
semiarid Australia (Trappe et al. 2008b) and many of the
Hydnoplicata (Pezizales) EcM nd
post-fire pezizalean taxa readily form EcM on a variety of
Kalaharituber (Pezizales) NM EcM hosts (e.g., Warcup 1990a). Helotiales is another order of
Lenzitopsis (Thelephorales) NM EcM Ascomycota, where additional EcM lineages await discovery
Leptodontidium (Helotiales) NM EcM (Tedersoo et al. 2009b). Thus far, records of any sexual
Leucangium (Pezizales) EcM nd structures are lacking for seven out of eight helotialean lineages
Leucopaxillus (Agaricales) NM EcM that strongly hamper their formal description, isolation into
Lindtneria (Agaricales) NM EcM pure culture, and subsequent manipulative studies.
Marcelleina (Pezizales) EcM nd
Martellia (Russulales) EcM nd Evolutionary ecology of EcM fungi
Neocudoniella (Helotiales) NM EcM
Nothojafnea (Pezizales) EcM nd Based on the putative ecology of nonmycorrhizal sister and
Paurocotylis (Pezizales) NM EcM successive sister taxa (Table 4), the EcM lineages evolved
Peridiospora (Zygomycota) NM EcM mostly from saprotrophic fungi (94.7% of the resolved
Phialocephala (Helotiales) NM EcM cases), confirming earlier suggestions (Hibbett et al. 2000).
Phylloboletellus (Boletales) EcM NM Among the saprotrophic sisters, humus saprobes predomi-
Plicaria (Pezizales) NM EcM nated (61.1%), followed by wood (30.6%) and pyrophilous
Porphyrellus (Boletales) EcM nd saprobes (8.3%). Among wood-decay fungi, EcM lineages
Protubera (Hysterangiales) NM (EcM) NM appear to have evolved from white rot, brown rot, and soft
Pseudaleuria (Pezizales) NM EcM rot specialists. Our analysis suggests that no EcM lineages
Pseudoboletus (Boletales) EcM nd evolved from litter decay fungi. Other sister ecologies
Pseudohysterangium (unknown) na EcM included other biotrophic for the /pisolithus-scleroderma
Riessia (unknown) NM (EcM) EcM lineage and putatively endophytic for the /meliniomyces
Scabropezia (Pezizales) EcM NM lineage. The ecology of sister taxa to 28 EcM lineages
Serendipita (Sebacinales) NM (EcM) nd (42.4%) was considered unresolved.
Sordariales unnamed (Sordariales) EcM nd The dominance of humus saprobes among sister groups
Stephanospora (Agaricales) NM EcM of EcM lineages suggests that a shared soil habitat is a
Stephensia (Pezizales) NM EcM strong precondition for the evolution of EcM symbiosis in
Tricharina (Pezizales) NM (EcM) EcM fungi. Most of the putative wood saprobe ancestors are
Trechispora (Trechisporales) NM EcM secondary wood decayers that often share their habitat with

Table 3 Ancestral fruit-body types of ectomycorrhizal fungal lineages and lifestyle of their nonmycorrhizal sister taxa

Ectomycorrhizal Nonmycorrhizal sister taxon Reference

EcM fungal lineage Sister taxon Putative ecology Fruit-body

/cenococcum Unresolved Unresolved Unresolved LoBuglio et al. 1996

/elaphomyces Trichocoma Wood saprobe Brush-like ascostroma Miller et al. 2001; Geiser
et al. 2006
/acephala Acephala, Phialocephala, Unresolved Asexual Mnzenberger et al. 2009
macrosclerotiorum Phaeomollisia
/meliniomyces Meliniomyces, Rhizoscyphus Root endophyte, Asexual Hambleton and Sigler 2005
/helotiales1 Unresolved Unresolved Unresolved Vrlstad et al. 2002
/helotiales26 Unresolved Unresolved Unresolved Tedersoo et al. 2009b
/sordariales Rhamphoria delicatula, unresolved Wood saprobe Cleisothecium Tedersoo et al. 2007b
/galactinia Unresolved Unresolved Unresolved Hansen et al. 2005
/genea-humaria Parascutellinia Humus saprobe Apothecial Perry et al. 2007
/geopora Tricharina s. stricto, (Scutellinia- Humus saprobe Apothecial Perry et al. 2007
Ramsbottomia group)
/hydnotrya Gyromitra, Discina, Pseudorhizina Humus/wood Apothecial Hansen and Pfister 2006
/leucangium Verpa, Morchella, Disciotis Humus saprobe Apothecial Hansen and Pfister 2006
/marcelleina-peziza The rest of Pezizaceae Unresolved Unresolved Hansen et al. 2005
/otidea unresolved unresolved unresolved Hansen and Pfister 2006;
Perry et al. 2007
/pachyphloeus- Unresolved Unresolved Apothecial Hansen and Pfister 2006
/pulvinula Pulvinula archeri Pyrophilous Apothecial Perry et al. 2007
/sarcosphaera- Unresolved Unresolved Unresolved Hansen et al. 2005
/sowerbyella Unresolved Unresolved Unresolved Perry et al. 2007
/sphaerosporella- Anthracobia Pyrophilous Apothecial Perry et al. 2007
/tarzetta Geopyxis, Paurocotylis, Stephensia Unresolved Unresolved Perry et al. 2007
/terfezia-peziza Plicaria Pyrophilous saprobe Apothecial Hansen et al. 2005
/tuber-helvella Unresolved Unresolved Unresolved Hansen and Pfister 2006;
Lsse and Hansen 2007
/wilcoxina Trichophaea, Trichophaeopsis. Humus saprobe Apothecial Perry et al. 2007
/amanita Amanita subg. Lepidella; (Limacella) Humus saprobe Stipitate B.E. Wolfe & A. Pringle
/catathelasma Callistosporium Humus saprobe Stipitate Matheny et al. 2006
/cortinarius Bolbitiaceae Humus saprobe Stipitate Matheny et al. 2006
/descolea Bolbitus, Conocybe, Pholiotina Humus saprobe Stipitate Matheny et al. 2006
/entoloma Entoloma (subg. Nolanea, Leptonia) Humus saprobe Stipitate Matheny et al. 2006
/hebeloma-alnicola Galerina, Psilocybe Humus (wood) Stipitate Matheny et al. 2006;
saprobe Moreau et al. 2006
/hygrophorus Hygrocybe, Chrysomphalina, Humus saprobe Stipitate Matheny et al. 2006
/inocybe Crepidotaceae Wood (humus) Various Matheny et al. 2006
/laccaria Psathyrellaceae Humus saprobe Stipitate Mueller and Pine 1994;
Matheny et al. 2006
/paralyophyllum Calocybe, Lepista, Termitomyces Humus saprobe Stipitate Hofstetter et al. 2002;
Matheny et al. 2006
/tricholoma Clitocybe, Lepista Humus saprobe Stipitate Matheny et al. 2006
/amphinema- Unresolved Unresolved Resupinate Binder and Hibbett 2006

Table 3 (continued)

Ectomycorrhizal Nonmycorrhizal sister taxon Reference

EcM fungal lineage Sister taxon Putative ecology Fruit-body

/byssocorticium Unresolved Unresolved Resupinate Binder and Hibbett 2006

/piloderma Unresolved Unresolved Resupinate Binder and Hibbett 2006
/austropaxillus Serpula Wood (brown-rot) Resupinate Binder and Hibbett 2006
/boletus Chalciporus Unknown Stipitate Kretzer and Bruns 1999;
Binder and Hibbett 2006
/paxillus-gyrodon Hydnomerulius pinastri Wood (brown-rot) Resupinate Binder and Hibbett 2006
/pisolithus- Boletinellus merulioides, Aphid, root Stipitate Binder and Hibbett 2006
scleroderma (Gyrodon rompelii) biotroph (see text)
/suillus- Unresolved Unresolved Stipitate Binder and Hibbett 2006
/cantharellus Sistotrema p. parte Wood saprobe Resupinate Moncalvo et al. 2006;
Nilsson et al. 2006
/ceratobasidium1 Ceratobasidium Unresolved Resupinate Veldre 2009
/ceratobasidium2 Ceratobasidium Unresolved Resupinate Veldre 2009
/clavulina Sistotrema p. parte Wood saprobe Resupinate Moncalvo et al. 2006
/tulasnella Tulasnella p. parte Various Resupinate Moncalvo et al. 2006
/clavariadelphus Lentariaceae, Beenakiaceae, Humus (wood) Stipitate (clavarioid) Hosaka et al. 2006
Ramaria p. parte saprobe
/ramaria-gautieria Lentariaceae, Beenakiaceae, Humus (wood) Stipitate (clavarioid) Hosaka et al. 2006
(Phaeoclavulina, Ramaria p. parte) saprobe
/coltricia Hyphodontia, unresolved Wood saprobe Resupinate Larsson et al. 2006
/hysterangium Phallogastraceae Humus saprobe Sequestrate Hosaka et al. 2006
/albatrellus Gloeocystidiellum, Auriscalpiaceae, Wood saprobe Various Larsson and Larsson 2003;
Hericiaceae (parasite) Miller et al. 2006
/russula-lactarius Boidinia, Gloeocystidiellum Wood saprobe Resupinate Larsson and Larsson 2003;
Miller et al. 2006
/sebacina Efibulobasidium, Craterocolla Wood saprobe Tremelloid Weiss et al. 2004
/serendipita Sebacina vermifera s. lato Unresolved Unresolved L. Tedersoo unpublished
/hydnellum- unresolved Unresolved Unresolved U. Kljalg unpublished
/phellodon-bankera unresolved Unresolved Unresolved U. Kljalg unpublished
/pseudotomentella Thelephorales gen. nov Humus saprobe Resupinate U. Kljalg unpublished
/tomentella- Tomentella p. parte Humus (wood) Resupinate U. Kljalg unpublished
thelephora saprobe
/tomentellopsis Amaurodon Humus saprobe Resupinate U. Kljalg unpublished
/endogone Endogone pisiformis, (Mucorales) Humus saprobe Sequestrate White et al. 2006
/densospora Unresolved Unresolved Unresolved No sequence data

tree roots penetrating soft wood. Depleting nutrient resour- Except for a few ambiguous cases in Helotiales,
ces in decaying wood may exert a strong pressure on decay Sebacinales, and Cantharellales, the paucity of root endo-
fungi to exploit alternative energy sources. Indeed, some phytes among sister groups to EcM fungi indicates that
wood decay fungi can form thin, undifferentiated mantle- endophytic and EcM lifestyles are mostly evolutionarily
like structures and penetrate fine roots intercellularly unrelated and alternative ways of biotrophic root interac-
without obvious disease symptoms (Vasiliauskas et al. tions. The high frequency of the EcM lifestyle in Pezizales
2007). Among the Pezizales, pyrophilous and disturbance- and the root endophytic lifestyle in Helotiales is particularly
adapted saprobes were the sister taxa to EcM lineages with striking. Although many members of Pezizales form a
more or less pyrophilous and disturbance-adapted lifestyles variety of biotrophic interactions with roots (Egger 2006),
(/sphaerosporella and /pulvinula). This suggests that certain they are very seldom recovered during molecular identifi-
ecological affinities may persist in fungal taxa even after cation studies of roots. Except for Meliniomyces bicolor
the development of the EcM habit. (/meliniomyces), EcM lifestyle is phylogenetically distinct

Psilocybe, Galerina
Bolbitius, Conocybe
/genea-humaria /paralyophyllum

Parascutellinia Calocybe, Termitomyces
Lasiobolidium /entoloma
/wilcoxina Entoloma p. parte
Trichophaea Clitopilus, Rhodocybe
Trichophaeopsis Clitocybe p. parte
/sphaerosporella /tricholoma
Anthracobia Clitocybeae
/geopora /catathelasma
Tricharina Callistosporium
Scutellinia, Miladina Mycenaceae
Pyronema /amanita
Aleuria, Melastiza Amanita p. parte
Cheilymenia Pleurotaceae
/otidea Pluteaceae
Acervus /hygrophorus
Unicava, Gelipes,Aleurina Hygrocybe, Chrysomphalina
Smardaea, Jafnea Camarophyllus
/sowerbyella /marasmioid clade
Lamprospora /boletus
/tarzetta Chalciporus
Geopyxis, Stephensia /paxillus-gyrodon


Lazuardia, Pulvinula p. parte /pisolithus-scleroderma
Ascodesmidaceae Phlebopus, Boletinellus
Pseudombrophila /suillus-rhizopogon
Glaziellaceae Hygrophoropsidaceae
Sarcoscyphaceae Coniophorineae
Sarcosomataceae /austropaxillus
Boubovia, Pulvinula p. parte Serpula
Rhizina, Psilopezia Tapinellineae

Russulales Atheliales
/leucangium /piloderma
Morchella, Disciotis, Verpa Athelia
/hydnotrya /amphinema-tylospora
Gyromitra, Discina /byssocorticium
/tuber-helvella Athelopsis
Caloscypha /albatrellus
/terfezia-peziza depressa Auriscalpiaceae
Plicaria Gloeocystidiellaceae
/galactinia Hericiaceae, Bondarzewiaceae
Iodowynnea, Kalaharituber Peniophoraceae
/pachyphloeus-amylascus /russula-lactarius
Peziza p. parte Boidinia, Gloeopeniophorella
/sarcosphaera-hydnotryopsis Stereaceae
Iodophanus /pseudotomentella
Thelephorales gen. nov1

Peziza s. stricto /tomentella-thelephora
/marcelleina-peziza gerardii Tomentella p. parte
Ascobolaceae /tomentellopsis
/acephala macrosclerotiorum Amaurodon
Phialocephala /hydnellum-sarcodon
Phaeomollisia Thelephorales gen. nov2
/meliniomyces /pseudotomentella
Rhizoscyphus ericae Lenzitopsis
/helotiales1 Polyporales
/dermea clade


/helotiales2 Hyphodontia
/sclerotinia clade Hymenochaetaceae
/helotiales3 Trichaptum
/mitrula clade /rickenella clade
/helotiales4 Corticiales
/lachnum clade Trechisporales
Hyster- Gomphales
/oidiodendron clade /clavariadelphus
/helotiales6 Lentariaceae, Beenakiaceae
Eurotiales Sordariales

/leotia-bulgaria clade Ramaria p. parte

Rhytismatales /ramaria-gautieria
/sordariales Ramaria p. parte
Rhamphoria Phallales

Hypocreales /hysterangium
Xylariales Phallogastraceae
Lecanoromycetes Geastrales
/elaphomyces Auriculariales
Trichocoma /ceratobasidium1
Aspergillus Ceratobasidium p. parte
Penicillium /ceratobasidium2

Onygenales Ceratobasidium p. parte

Chaetothyriales Thanatephorus
/cenococcum Botryobasidium
Capnodiales /clavulina
Dothideales Sistotrema p. parte

Orbiliomycetes /cantharellus
A A Sistotrema p. parte
/endogone /tulasnella
Endogone pisiformis Tulasnella p. parte
/densospora /sebacina

Serendipita p. parte
Serendipita p. parte

Fig. 1 Simplified schematic tree demonstrating the phylogenetic ces, Paurocotylis, and Stephensia (Pezizales); Agrogaster,
position of EcM lineages (in purple) based on various studies
(Table 1). Note that known sister taxa to EcM lineages are included,
Barcheria, Cribbea, Endoptychum, Notholepiota, Stepha-
but other intervening non-EcM taxa are usually omitted for simplicity nospora, Tympanella, and Weraroa (Agaricomycetidae);
Claustula, Gelopellis, Kjeldsenia, Kobayasia, Phallobata,
from endophytic and ericoid mycorrhizal habits, despite the Phelbogaster, Protubera, Radiigera, Schenella (syn. Pyr-
fact that the two latter guilds are strongly linked in the enogaster), Sclerogaster, and Trappea (Phallomycetidae);
Helotiales (Tedersoo et al. 2009b). Endogone p. parte, Peridiospora, and Youngiomyces
We found no evidence for the reversal to non-EcM (Zygomycota). In contrast to many sequestrate EcM taxa,
nutrition (Hibbett et al. 2000) in the evolutionary patterns the putatively saprotrophic sequestrate genera are often
of EcM lineages. However, it is highly probable that at least monospecific or species-poor, and their ecology remains
some EcM fungal species have become exploitative on their poorly understood. Many of these non-EcM taxa associate
partners (see discussion on stable isotopes and tripartite with roots of various non-EcM plants (e.g., Yao et al. 1995;
associations) (Egger and Hibbett 2004). Order-level multi- Wu and Lin 1997; Kovcs et al. 2007).
gene phylogenies with inclusive taxon sampling have
strongly improved our understanding of the evolution of Tripartite interactions among EcM fungi
ecological and morphological traits in fungi (e.g., Hansen
et al. 2005; Hosaka et al. 2006; Matheny et al. 2006; Certain fungal taxa within EcM lineages are routinely
Moncalvo et al. 2006) and emphasized the strong evidence observed fruiting in association with other EcM fungi and
for the independent evolution of EcM-forming taxa with no even co-infect EcM roots. Chroogomphus and Gomphidius
clear evidence for reversals. The present-limited taxa spp. are commonly observed with Suillus and Rhizopogon
sampling and knowledge of the phylogeny does not spp. (Miller 2003) and may form EcM in bi- or tripartite
allow to reject the possibility of regains of saprotrophic associations with a host tree. Similarly, Russula pulchella
or other modes of nutrition in Atheliales, Boletales, and always fruits in the presence of Lactarius pubescens, but its
Thelephorales. own EcM have not been found (Beenken 2004). In some
Sequestrate fruit-body forms have arisen in at least 30 tripartite associations, haustoria of one fungus can be seen
lineages (45.5%) of EcM fungi. This has occurred inside the other fungus, suggesting exploitative interactions
independently multiple times in many taxa (e.g., Peintner (Agerer 1990, 1991b).
et al. 2001; Peter et al. 2001; Hansen et al. 2005; Perry et Fruit-bodies of Pseudoboletus (syn. Xerocomus) para-
al. 2007). Respectively in Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, siticus are attached to those of Scleroderma citrinum;
at least 37 and 57 genera of EcM fungi include or are therefore, P. parasiticus has been considered a mycopar-
totally comprised of sequestrate members. Despite their asite. However, Richter and Bruhn (1989) convincingly
wide distribution, sequestrate fruit-bodies prevailed in non- demonstrated EcM formation between P. parasiticus and
EcM sister groups to /hysterangium and /endogone lineages Pinus resinosa in pure culture, with abundant production of
only. Stipitate (including apothecial, clavarioid, and agari- well-developed EcM characteristic of Boletaceae. Fruit-
coid forms) and resupinate fruit-body types were predom- bodies of Chalciporus piperatus display significant spatial
inant in sister species to 24 (36.4%) and 14 (21.2%) affinity towards fruit-bodies of Amanita muscaria
lineages, respectively (Table 4). The fruit-body types of (L. Tedersoo unpublished), further suggesting Chalciporus
sisters to 20 lineages (30.3%) remain uncertain. Interest- may have a biotrophic interaction. A similar association is
ingly, EcM lineages with resupinate-fruiting sister species described between fruit-bodies of A. muscaria and Boletus
have never developed sequestrate fruit-bodies. edulis in New Zealand (Wang and Hall 2004). C. piperatus
The majority of sequestrate fungi form EcM and are has not been identified from EcM in situ or demonstrated
considered mammal-dispersed (Trappe and Claridge 2005). forming EcM in vitro despite relatively rapid mycelial
Although dispersal of spores of sequestrate EcM fungi by growth and numerous synthesis attempts (e.g., Modess
mammals certainly contributes to long-distance dispersal in 1941; Godbout and Fortin 1985; Yamada and Katsuya
some species (e.g., Grubisha et al. 2007), deposition, and 1995; Kasuya and Igarashi 1996). Although Garrido (1988)
persistence of spores directly in the rooting zone may also reported a successful EcM synthesis with C. piperatus and
be an important advantage of hypogeous vs. epigeous Pinus sp., many of his illustrations document endophytic or
fruiting form (Miller et al. 1994). Although the majority of superficial hyphal formations rather than true EcM associa-
taxa with sequestrate fruit-bodies form EcM, there are still tions. Accordingly, his reports on EcM status and host
many species in several genera whose ecology and/or specificity for both plants and fungi should be treated with
phylogenetic placement suggests that they are saprotrophs caution. Chalciporus is phylogenetically a sister taxon to the
or non-EcM root biotrophs. These genera include Carbo- putatively non-EcM fungus Buchwaldoboletus lignicola
myces, Elderia, Eremiomyces, Kalaharituber, Mattirolomy- (Pantidou 1962; Pilat 1965; M. Binder unpublished),

Table 4 Suspected EcM fungi that lack published ITS sequence data and are not treated in phylogenetic studies

Genus Putative affiliation Remarks

Aleurina (syn. Unicava-Gelinipes, Pezizales Aleurina is polyphyletic. A. argentina is common on soil in Chilean
Jafneadelphus) Nothofagus forests and is clustered with EcM species (M.E. Smith &
D.H. Pfister unpublished)
Amogastera Agaricales Found in California under Populus spp. (Castellano 1995)
Austrogastera,b Boletales Found exclusively in Chilean Nothofagus vegetation (Singer 1962)
Boletochaeteb /boletus, Boletales Found in African EcM forests (Singer 1944, 1986)
Chlorogastera /pisolithus-scleroderma, Boletales Found in Asian dipterocarp forests (Watling 2006)
Delastriaa,b Pezizales Found in the Mediterranean region associated with Cistaceae
(Moreno-Arroyo et al. 2000)
Destuntziaa,b Phallomycetidae Found in North American EcM vegetation (Fogel and Trappe 1985)
Fevansiaa,b Boletales Always found in EcM vegetation (Trappe and Castellano 2000)
Gastroleccinuma,b /boletus, Boletales Thiers (1989) suggested it to be a secotioid Leccinum; found in
association with EcM trees
Gelinipes, nom. Pyronemataceae, Pezizales found from Australian EcM vegetation (Perry et al. 2007)
Gigaspermaa,b Agaricales Gigasperma is probably polyphyletic. Found with EcM Cercocarpus
(Kropp and Hutchison 1996) in Utah or with Nothofagus in New
Zealand (Horak 1971)
Gomphogastera,b /suillus-rhizopogon, Boletales Miller (1973) suggested it to be a secotioid Gomphidius
Gummivenaa,b /hysterangium, Hysterangiales Found in Australian EcM vegetation (Trappe and Bougher 2002)
Gymnohydnotryaa,b /tuber-helvella, Pezizales Found in Australian EcM vegetation (Zhang and Minter 1989)
Horakiellaa,b /pisolithus-scleroderma, Found with Australian EcM Myrtaceae (Castellano and Trappe 1992)
Loculotubera,b /tuber-helvella, Pezizales Found with Cistaceae and Fagaceae in the Mediterranean region
(Alvarez and Parlad 1992)
Mayamontanaa,b Agaricales (Larsson 2007) Suggested to associate with EcM Nyctaginaceae in Central America
(Castellano et al. 2007)
Neopaxillus Agaricales (based on ITS sequences in Found with South American EcM trees (Singer 1986)
Paradoxa /tuber-helvella, Pezizales Found with European deciduous trees (Montechi and Sarasini 2000)
Paxillogastera,b /austropaxillus, Boletales Found in South American Nothofagus vegetation (Horak and Moser 1965)
Phyllobolites Agaricomycetes Found with South American EcM trees (Singer 1986)
Protogautieriaa /ramaria-gautieria, Gomphales Found in Californian mixed forests (Thiers 1979)
Psiloboletinusb /suillus-rhizopogon, Boletales Found always in association with Larix and very closely related to
Boletinus (Suillus) according to Smith (1966)
Rhopalogastera,b /suillus-rhizopogon, Boletales Found in coniferous and mixed forests with EcM hosts
(Hosaka et al. 2006)
Setogyroporusb Boletales Found in African EcM vegetation (based on herbarium records)
Singeromycesa Boletales Found in Chilean Nothofagus vegetation (Horak and Moser 1965)
Sinoboletusb /boletus, Boletales Found mostly in forests of Fagaceae in East Asia (based on herbarium records)
Sphaerosomaa,b Pezizales Sphaerosoma is polyphyletic. The type, S. fuscescens is found in EcM
vegetation (Dissing and Korf 1980)
Trichophaeopsis Pyronemataceae, Pezizales T. eguttulispora is found on soil in Chilean Nothofagus forests and its ITS
matches 88% to EcM root sequences (M.E. Smith & D.H. Pfister unpublished)
Tubosaetab Boletales Found in African EcM forests (Singer 1944, 1986)
Unicava nom. Pyronemataceae, Pezizales; Found in Australian EcM vegetation (Perry et al. 2007)
prov.a close to Gelinipes and
Aleurina (Perry et al. 2007)
Veloporphyrellusb /boletus, Boletales Found in Mexican Quercus forests (Singer 1986)
Wakefieldiaa,c Boletales Wakefieldia may be polyphyletic. W. macrospora is found beneath Quercus in
Europe whereas W. striaespora is found in Malaysian forests (Hawker 1954).
Taxa with sequestrate fruit-bodies
Considered EcM in Rinaldi et al. (2008)
Considered saprotrophic in Rinaldi et al. (2008)

providing further suggestion that Chalciporus may be non- correlates with 15N values (Hobbie et al. 2001; Taylor et al.
EcM. High 13C values and %N values also (Taylor et al. 2003) and suggests including %N as a third factor explaining
2003; Zeller et al. 2007) indicate that C. piperatus may be a differences between EcM and saprotrophic fungi. Alterna-
non-EcM fungus. The ecology and potential multitrophic tively, similar 15N values in an EcM fungus and a host may
interactions of Chalciporus warrant further investigation. indicate the presence of different transport molecules or the
Another group of boletes with ambiguous trophic status lack of N transfer from fungi to host trees. These processes
includes the closely related genera Phlebopus and Phyllo- are considered the main sources of isotope discrimination
boletellus. Phylloboletellus is found in South American in EcM symbiosis (Hobbie and Hobbie 2008). In contrast,
anectotrophic forests (Singer 1986) and Phlebopus suda- EcM fungi with very high 15N values include Lyophyl-
nicus fruits in various African habitats that include non- lum fumosum, Hebeloma radicosoides, H. vinosophyllum
EcM vegetation. No EcM structures of P. sudanicus have (Kohzu et al. 1999); Phellodon tomentosa, Hydnellum
been observed in nature, but pure culture synthesis trials ferrugineum, H. peckii (with high %N; Taylor et al. 2003);
with Australian Acacia spp. resulted in the formation of Boletopsis leucomelaena, and Lyophyllum semitale (%N
well-developed EcM (Thoen and Ducousso 1989). On not reported; Trudell et al. 2004). Several members of
Pinus spp., however, only a thin hyphal mantle (with no Hebeloma section Myxocybe are well-known for use of
Hartig net) developed, despite the abundant formation of readily available animal-derived nitrogen forms (Sagara
characteristic sclerotia. Because (1) sclerotia were not 1995). Apart from Hebeloma, these species produce great
observed on Acacia inoculations, (2) the authors did not amounts of extraradical mycelium and rhizomorphs that
include uninoculated controls, and (3) the yellow EcM correlates with high 15N (Trudell et al. 2004; Hobbie and
typical of Scleroderma developed in open containers in a Agerer 2009).
greenhouse, we suspect that the Acacia seedlings may Remarkably high 13C values are described in Entoloma
have been contaminated by a Scleroderma species. sp., Hydnellum caeruleum, Catathelasma ventricosum, L.
Goncalves (1940) demonstrated the tripartite association fumosum (Kohzu et al. 1999); Entoloma nitidum, H.
of Phlebopus tropicus, Pseudococcus aphids, and Citrus ferrugineum, H. peckii, and Phellodon niger (coupled with
species. Singer (1986) and Watling (2006) assumed that high %N; Taylor et al. 2003). The high 13C values of
many other members of Phlebopus form biotrophic these fungi remain unexplained but may be, again,
associations with root aphids. The non-EcM Boletinellus associated with the %N, great amounts of mycelium, or
merulioides (Gruhn et al. 1992) interacts similarly with partial utilization of soil carbon.
root aphids (Brundrett and Kendrick 1987). These obser- While the EcM and saprotrophic Basidiomycota can
vations suggest that Phlebopus, Boletinellus, and Phyllo- mostly be distinguished by their isotope composition,
boletellus are non-EcM but facultatively or obligately Ascomycota pose a greater challenge. Isotope patterns of
biotrophic taxa. several taxa strongly contradict their anticipated lifestyle.
For example, the putatively non-EcM taxa Pseudoplectania
Stable isotopes nigrella (Trudell et al. 2004), Paurocotylis pila, Morchella
sp., Aleuria aurantia, Rhizina undulata (Hobbie et al.
Stable isotopes, expressed as 15N and 13C values, usually 2001), and Leotia lubrica (Zeller et al. 2007) all have
confirm the mycorrhizal status of EcM fungi, particularly in isotope patterns consistent with EcM lifestyle. It appears
relation to humus, wood, and litter saprobes provided that that many Pezizales and Helotiales form other types of root-
samples are collected without spatial and temporal bias associated biotrophic relations with plants that serve to blur
(Taylor et al. 2003). Because multiple factors affect the stable their isotope signals (Egger and Paden 1986; Egger 2006;
isotope composition of plants and fungi (see Introduction), Kovcs et al. 2007; Tedersoo et al. 2009b).
the isotope values of certain EcM fungal taxa differ from the The grouping of plant parasites such as R. undulata
general pattern. These differences may either represent (Hobbie et al. 2001), Bryoglossum gracile, and Canthar-
random deviations or suggest preferential uptake of certain ellopsis prescotii (Clemmensen et al. 2006) with EcM fungi
nitrogen compounds or alternative modes of nutrition. EcM based on 13C values reflects their use of relatively recent
fungi with notably low 15N values include Chroogomphus plant-derived carbon. However, these taxa are usually
tomentosus (Kohzu et al. 1999); C. rutilus (Taylor et al. highly depleted in 15N or their 15N signatures are
2003; Trudell et al. 2004); Hygrophorus olivaceo-albus highly variable intraspecifically, suggesting that their N is
(Taylor et al. 2003, but see Trudell et al. 2004); Gomphidius probably derived from plants and further fractionated
subroseus, Clavulina cristata, Phylloporus rhodoxanthus during this process. Members of Phaeocollybia (Trudell et
(Trudell et al. 2004); and Helvella spp. (Tedersoo et al. al. 2004), Hygrocybe, Clavulinopsis, Clavaria, Trichoglos-
2007a). Except for Helvella spp., most aforementioned taxa sum, and Geoglossum (Griffith et al. 2002) have extremely
have a relatively low N concentration that often positively high 15N values. Unculturability, extreme isotope values,

and association with other organisms (e.g., Hygrocybe spp. finlandica, M. bicolor and one of the two strains of M.
with mossesGriffith et al. 2002) suggest the possibility of vraolstadiae (INSD accession AJ292200Vrlstad et al.
unknown biotrophic lifestyles in many of these fungi. 2002a, b; Hambleton and Sigler 2005). These taxa
Accumulation of heavy isotopes is characteristic of higher constitute the /meliniomyces lineage. Hambleton and Sigler
levels in food webs (Vanderklift and Ponsard 2003). (2005) recognized three additional species of Meliniomyces
Extremely low 13C values, however, may indicate strong (species 24) that were nested within a clade including C.
discrimination during parasitic C acquisition from hosts finlandica, M. bicolor, and M. vraolstadiae, but their EcM
rather than use of energy sources inaccessible to other status remains to be verified. INSD included only EcM-
saprobes. derived sequences with >96% ITS sequence similarity to
M. vraolstadiae (Menkis et al. 2006; INSD unpublished),
Notes on EcM lineages and related nonmycorrhizal taxa supporting an EcM lifestyle of this taxon. Other sister taxa
such as M. variabilis are saprotrophic, ericoid mycorrhizal
Dothideomycetes incertae sedis with the Ericaceae or endophytic in the roots of trees and
herbs (Vrlstad et al. 2002a, b; Hambleton and Sigler
Sister relations of the /cenococcum lineage among the 2005). However, the monophyly of M. bicolor, M.
Dothideomycetes remain undescribed. Based on INSD vraolstadiae, and other putatively EcM taxa remains to be
searches, several foliar endophytes and isolates from ericoid proven. Haug et al. (2004) suggested that certain members
mycorrhiza displayed high ITS sequence similarity (95% to of the MeliniomycesRhizoscyphus complex form EcM
96% full-length sequence similarity) to Cenococcum iso- with arbuscular mycorrhizal Graffenrieda emarginata
lates. This suggests that the ubiquitous, asexual Cenococ- (Melastomataceae). However, in our opinion this interac-
cum may be ecologically more variable as compared to tion clearly lacks a Hartig net and root epidermal cells
other EcM fungi. For reasons that are unclear, Cenococcum including junctions are covered with a single layer of
is uncommon in tropical regions. hyphae (Haug et al. 2004:343345; L. Tedersoo pers. obs.)
that is typical of dark septate root endophytes (Jumpponen
Eurotiales 2001; Peterson et al. 2008).
Based on consistent molecular identification of an
Elaphomyces and Pseudotulostoma form a monophyletic identical phylotype from black EcM morphotypes of Pinus
/elaphomyces lineage (Henkel et al. 2006) that has a nearly sylvestris (INSD accession AJ430411 and AJ292197),
cosmopolitan distribution. Based on some morphological Vrlstad et al. (2002a) suggested the presence of another,
structural resemblance in the fungal mantle of Cenococcum unrelated EcM taxon (treated here as /helotiales1). This
geophilum and ascocarp peridium of Elaphomyces spp., suggestion is supported by the detection of /helotiales1
Trappe (1971b: 22, 31) suggested that C. graniforme is DNA sequences from arbutoid mycorrhizal roots of
unquestionably related to the genus Elaphomyces.It is Pyroleae (Tedersoo et al. 2007a). Tedersoo et al. (2008b)
anatomically analogous to several Elaphomyces species and found a distinct yellowish EcM morphotype with ascomy-
possibly is the vegetative stage of E. anthracinus. cete mantle anatomy on Picea abies that was consistently
Surprisingly, this hypothesis is still cited in EcM identified as a member of Helotiales from several samples
literature, despite a clear demonstration by use of (UNITE accession UDB002570) and is designated as
molecular data that Elaphomyces and Cenococcum /helotiales2. Tedersoo et al. (2008a, 2009a) also recovered
belong to phylogenetically distinct classes of ascomycetes eight species of Helotiales that form EcM with Australian
(LoBuglio et al. 1996). hosts. These species are grouped into four well-supported
Members of Cladophialophora, Capronia, and Exo- lineages (/helotiales36) which are distantly related to the
phiala (Chaetothyriomycetidae) are often identified from EcM taxa in the Northern Hemisphere and to any root
EcM root tips. Because they are more commonly described endophytes (Tedersoo et al. 2009b).
as root endophytes and occasionally detected as ericoid Early studies of Elias Melin revealed frequent root
mycorrhizal fungi, they probably represent secondary colonization by black ascomycete mycelium that was easily
colonizers of EcM root tips (Tedersoo et al. 2009b). This cultured and usually inhibited seedling growth (Melin 1923b).
is similar to many taxa within Helotiales (see below). These isolates were named Mycelium radicis atrovirens
(MRA) and considered pseudomycorrhizal due to their
Helotiales biotrophic habit. The isolates of MRA mostly belong to the
PhialocephalaAcephala and MeliniomycesRhizoscyphus
So far, only three species of EcM-forming Helotiales from complexes (Peterson et al. 2008). These taxa are frequently
the MeliniomycesRhizoscyphus complex have been con- identified as secondary colonizers of EcM root tips by use of
firmed in pure culture synthesis trials, viz. Cadophora molecular tools (Rosling et al. 2003). The EcM-like

structures of P. fortinii have been synthesized and described ochroleuca seems to be EcM (Trocha et al. 2006); this
on Salix sp. (Fernando and Currah 1996) and Pinus sp. species is nested within Geopora species in the /geopora
(Peterson et al. 2008). Because both the mantle and Hartig lineage (Hansen et al. 2005). Several other INSD reports
net are poorly developed and P. fortinii forms endophytic of Tricharina EcM actually match closest to Geopora.
associations with many non-EcM plants, we consider this The /geopora lineage is known only from the Holarctic
taxon non-EcM (Jumpponen 2001). In studies on Phialoce- realm.
phalaAcephala complex in various habitats, Menkis et al. The /hydnotrya and /leucangium lineages comprise a few
(2004) identified a monophyletic clade of mycobionts sequestrate taxa. Both lineages are found solely in the
exclusively from conifer EcM. Recently, Mnzenberger et Holarctic realm. Based on some phylogenies, Fischerula is
al. (2009) demonstrated that phylogenetically closely related non-monophyletic with Leucangium and Imaia (Kovcs et
mycobionts form Pinirhiza sclerotia anatomotypes are al. 2008) and may represent an independent EcM lineage.
able to form normally developed EcM in axenic conditions The /marcelleina-peziza gerardii lineage includes both
and named. This taxon was named Acephala macroscler- apothecial and sequestrate taxa. This group is known from
otiorum, and it is the only EcM taxon in the Phialocephala the Holarctic realm and New Zealand, where it may be
Acephala complex (Mnzenberger et al. 2009). In contrast to introduced with roots of exotic trees.
the interpretation of Rinaldi et al. (2008), we found no The predominately apothecial /otidea lineage includes a
evidence for EcM formation in the interaction between single sequestrate taxon (Smith and Healy 2009). The lineage
Leptodontidium orchidicola and species of Betula and Picea is reliably known only from the Holarctic realm with a few
(Fernando and Currah 1995). Rinaldi et al. (2008) also additional records from Malaysia (Perry et al. 2007).
suggested that Neocudoniella forms EcM. Neocudoniella The /pachyphloeus-amylascus lineage includes both
albiceps fruits on dead wood, whereas N. radicella forms apothecial and sequestrate taxa. Several species form
apothecia on long roots of Picea mariana (Kohn et al. 1986). Glischroderma and Chromelosporium anamorphs (Hansen
A very thin and patchy mantle-like structure comprised of et al. 2005). This lineage is relatively species-rich and is
inter- and intracellular hyphae penetrating the cortical distributed in both the Holarctic and Austral realms, but
cells and extending to the outer wall of endodermis are reports are lacking from New Zealand.
characteristic of the axenically synthesized biotrophic The /pulvinula lineage includes a few pyrophilous taxa
interaction (Kohn et al. 1986). This nonmycorrhizal with epigeous fruit-bodies. Pulvinula archeri does not form
association resembles other incompatible in vitro inter- EcM-like structures (Warcup 1990a), but P. constellatio is a
actions between ascomycetes and EcM trees. Stable common EcM contaminant in greenhouse studies of
isotope values suggest that L. lubrica has an EcM lifestyle Tuber EcM (Amicucci et al. 2001). P. archeri forms a
(Zeller et al. 2007). Leotia aff. lubrica was sometimes sister taxon to the /pulvinula lineage, but only a few species
identified from EcM roots formed by Basidiomycota and of this heterogeneous genus are included in the phylograms
Australian trees, suggesting that Leotia species may (Perry et al. 2007). The distribution and systematics of the
secondarily colonize roots (Tedersoo et al. 2009b). /pulvinula lineage are poorly understood, but species are
reported from the Holarctic realm and Australia.
Pezizales The /sarcosphaera-hydnotryopsis lineage comprises both
semihypogeous and fully hypogeous sequestrate taxa that
The /galactinia lineage comprises a group of Peziza species are known only from the Holarctic realm.
that contain a whitish or yellowish milky substance that is The /sowerbyella lineage has only circumstantial isotope
exuded from cut fruit-bodies (Peziza succosa clade evidence for being EcM (Hobbie et al. 2001). Sowerbyella
Hansen et al. 2005). Peziza infossa and several undescribed includes rare species fruiting predominately in the forest
hypogeous species (M.E. Smith et al. unpublished) are floor of undisturbed, mature coniferous, and mixed forests
nested within an otherwise epigeous clade. A few morpho- of the Holarctic realm and Nothofagus-dominated forests in
logical species of /galactinia are known from the Holarctic Southern South America (M.E. Smith and D.H. Pfister
and Southern South America. unpublished). The growth habit of Sowerbyella in conjunc-
The /genea-humaria lineage comprises mostly seques- tion with the fact that this genus cannot be grown in axenic
trate taxa. This lineage has been reliably identified only culture supports the putative consideration as an EcM
from the Holarctic realm and Southern South America lineage.
(Perry et al. 2007). Genea eucalyptorum is described from The /sphaerosporella lineage includes the mostly pyro-
Australia but probably represents an Amylascus species. philous Sphaerosporella and non-pyrophilous Trichophaea
The /geopora lineage comprises several sequestrate woolhopeia. Their putative ecology and EcM anatomy
genera in addition to the predominately epigeous Geo- differs strongly, suggesting that the close relationship of
pora. Of the large, polyphyletic genus Tricharina, only T. these taxa may be an artifact of incomplete taxon sampling

and long branch attraction (Perry et al. 2007). Both species Elderia are probably nested within Peziza s. stricto, a clade
are known only from the Holarctic realm. with no known EcM species (Lsse and Hansen 2007;
The /tarzetta lineage comprises apothecial taxa. The Trappe et al. 2009a).
/tarzetta lineage is reliably known from the Holarctic realm, Geopyxis is probably a facultatively parasitic genus.
New Zealand and Southern South America (M.E. Smith Geopyxis carbonaria weakly parasitizes Pinus sp. in axenic
and D.H. Pfister unpublished); the reports from Australia synthesis trials (Egger and Paden 1986) and often fruits on
require confirmation. elevated pieces of burnt wood with no close connection to
The /terfezia-peziza depressa lineage includes both roots. Warcup (1990a) observed no EcM-like features when
epigeous and sequestrate taxa as well as the anamorphic species of Eucalyptus and Melanoleuca were inoculated with
genus Chromelosporium (p. parte). Several members of the G. carbonaria. Vrlstad et al. (1998) observed an abundant
/terfezia-peziza depressa lineage are pyrophilous. This fruiting of G. carbonaria on root mounds of fallen Picea and
species-rich group is distributed both in Holarctic and identified the fungus from moribound root tips, characterized
Austral realms, although its presence in New Zealand by a thin mantle-like structure. Geopyxis sp. formed a thin
remains uncertain. mantle, but no Hartig net on nonmycorrhizal roots of Alnus
The /tuber-helvella lineage includes a large number of spp. and secondarily colonized EcM formed by species of
sequestrate taxa. While Tuber is known only from the Basidiomycota (Tedersoo et al. 2009c). An unidentified
Holarctic realm, other members of the /tuber-helvella Geopyxis sp. has also been isolated from surface-sterilized
lineage are widely distributed in the Austral regions. seeds of Pinus (Ganley and Newcombe 2007). The closely
The /wilcoxina lineage comprises a few epigeous taxa, related genus Paurocotylis is suggested to be EcM based on
Wilcoxina spp. and Trichophaea hybrida that form ecten- stable isotope signatures (Hobbie et al. 2001). However,
domycorrhiza on Pinus and Larix, and EcM with other host Paurocotylis produces sequestrate hypogeous fruit-bodies in
trees (Yu et al. 2001). These pioneer fungi are known only flowerbeds and greenhouses associated with arbuscular
from the Holarctic realm. mycorrhizal herbs or trees, suggesting a non-EcM but
Warcup (1990a) obtained typical EcM in pure culture potentially biotrophic lifestyle (Dennis 1974; Lsse and
synthesis with Nothojafnea cryptotricha, Lachnea vinoso- Hansen 2007). Stephensia is a closely related truffle genus
brunnea, and the host plants Eucalyptus sp. and Melaleuca that is also probably non-EcM. Ascospores of S. shanorii
sp. Unfortunately, the phylogenetic position of these taxa is readily germinate on various media (Uecker 1967), a feature
unknown. uncharacteristic of most EcM fungi. Fontana and Giovanetti
Tedersoo et al. (2006a) suggested that EcM symbiosis is (1980) failed to establish EcM symbiosis between S. bomb-
a precondition for the development of sequestrate hypoge- ycina and Quercus. It should be noted, however, that
ous fruiting in Pezizales. A more thorough literature review, Stephensia encompasses species from several continents
however, suggests that this may not be true for all lineages. and it may be polyphyletic with some EcM and some non-
Nevertheless, many of the nonmycorrhizal sequestrate EcM taxa.
Pezizales taxa form a biotrophic interaction with arbuscular Several other species of Pezizales that were suggested as
mycorrhizal plants that is distinct from the endophytic EcM based on isotope signatures are instead probably
interactions displayed by members of the Helotiales. For facultative biotrophs or pathogens (e.g., Morchella sp., A.
example, the putatively nonmycorrhizal genus Carbomyces, aurantia, and R. undulataHobbie et al. 2001). R.
a hypogeous taxon found in deserts of New Mexico, is undulata is a root pathogen of conifers and inhibits seedling
suggested to be EcM but no EcM hosts have been identified growth in vitro (Egger and Paden 1986). A. aurantia
in its natural habitat (Trappe 1971a). Similarly, Eremiomy- usually fruits on disturbed, sandy, or bare clayey soil and
ces echinulatus, a hypogeous member of Pezizales, fruits in has not been identified from EcM roots. The paraphyletic
the South African Republic where no EcM hosts are Gyromitra and Discina sometimes act as weak parasites and
known. Kalaharituber is suggested to form EcM with fail to form EcM in synthesis trials (Godbout and Fortin
African plants including Acacia spp. However, none of the 1985; Egger and Paden 1986). Similarly, Pseudaleuria did
studied African Acacia spp. form EcM and the fungus was not form EcM in synthesis trials involving several potential
found infecting root systems of Citrullus vulgaris, a non- host trees (Lusk 1987). Morchella spp. may associate with
EcM plant. Moreover, there are no known EcM plants plant roots as weak, probably facultative biotrophs. For
found in the natural habitat of Kalaharituber in Namibia, example, M. rotunda co-occurs with an unknown basidio-
Botswana and the South African Republic (Trappe et al. mycete EcM fungus on suberized long roots of P. abies
2008a). Mattirolomyces terfezioides forms a biotrophic (Buscot and Kottke 1990), the arbuscular mycorrhizal
association with Robinia pseudoacacia and several other Fraxinus excelsior and various other plants (Wipf 1997 as
arbuscular mycorrhizal plants (Bratek et al. 1996; Kovcs et cited in Dahlstrm et al. 2000). Dahlstrm et al. (2000)
al. 2007). Mattirolomyces and an Australian desert truffle observed an ectendomycorrhiza-like structure with a patchy

mantle, poorly developed Hartig net and some intracellular net in pure culture synthesis trials with Pinus sp. Incomplete
colonization in pure culture synthesis trials between and slow development of EcM is attributed to the apparent
Morchella spp. and Pinaceae. In contrast, there was no late-successional ecological strategy (Hutchison 1992).
evidence for EcM relationships in synthesis experiments The globally distributed /cortinarius lineage compises
involving M. conica (Godbout and Fortin 1985), M. elata multiple mono- or paraphyletic stipitate and sequestrate
(Warcup 1990a), or M. esculenta (Yamada and Katsuya genera nested within Cortinarius (Peintner et al. 2001,
1995). 2002). While /cortinarius is one of the most species-rich
Boudiera tracheia (sensu Warcup 1990a) forms a thin taxa in Holarctic and Austral realms, only a few species are
and patchy mantle on Melaleuca uncinata. Since B. known from tropical forests dominated by Caesalpiniaceae
tracheia was originally described as a European species and Dipterocarpaceae.
that fruits on damp soil, it is likely that Warcups specimens The /descolea lineage is most common in the Austral
of B. tracheia actually represent a morphologically Nothofagus area (Australia, Southern South America, New
similar Ruhlandiella species. Similarly, Muciturbo reticula- Zealand, New Guinea), with a single species found in
tus and Plicaria alveolata probably represent Ruhlandiella temperate Asia. The sequestrate Descomyces, Setchel-
spp. (Dissing and Korf 1980; Hansen et al. 2005). Species liogaster, and Timgrovea have evolved from stipitate taxa.
retained in Plicaria (s. stricto) did not form EcM in aseptic Entoloma s. lato is a huge panglobal genus. EcM members,
synthesis trials (Warcup 1990a). i.e., the /entoloma lineage, comprise a minor part of the genus,
viz. sections Entoloma and Rhodopolia. Sequestrate taxa,
Sordariales Richoniella, and Rhodogaster are most probably members of
the EcM lineage, although their exact phylogenetic position
The ITS sequences of the /sordariales lineage from Salix and EcM habit is unconfirmed (D. L. V. Co, pers. comm.
spp. in USA, Japan, and Slovenia (Trowbridge and 2007). The Rosaceae-associated members of Entoloma
Jumpponen 2004; Nara 2006; INSD unpublished) are (section Nolanidea) are considered weak, obligate parasites
closely related to each other. More distant members of the because of abnormal Hartig net-like structures and the
/sordariales lineage are found from Vateriopsis (Diptero- destruction of the root cap region in arbuscular mycorrhizal
carpaceae) in Seychelles (Tedersoo et al. 2007b) and species of Rosaceae (Agerer and Waller 1993).
Nothofagus in Australia (Tedersoo et al. 2009a). The /hebeloma-alnicola lineage is distributed in all
Brundrett et al. (2005) reported EcM formation of regions except Northern South America. The sequestrate
ascomycetes producing either tiny cleistothecia or muriform Hymenogaster has probably evolved several times from
conidia that are unknown in Helotiales and Pezizales but epigeous ancestors within this group (Peintner et al. 2001).
common in other ascomycetes such as Sordariomycetes. The /hygrophorus lineage corresponds to the genus
Based on the illustrations, it is impossible to judge the Hygrophorus s. stricto and is found in both Holarctic and
taxonomic similarity between these taxa, but these reports Austral regions. Phylogenetic relationships and EcM status
suggest that the importance and diversity of ascomycete of the Austral species remain unknown. No sequestrate taxa
EcM may be currently underestimated. Integration of are described in the /hygrophorus lineage.
molecular and morphologicalanatomical techniques in The globally distributed /inocybe lineage comprises
studies of EcM roots will likely detect more of these Inocybe and Auritella and includes a few sequestrate
divergent EcM Ascomycota and reduce the possibility of species (Matheny and Bougher 2006).
misinterpretation of the secondary root endophytic fungi The /laccaria lineage is widespread in the Holarctic
that is common in EcM literature. realm and Austral Nothofagus area. Hydnangium and
Podohydnangium are nested within Laccaria and form
Agaricales sequestrate fruit-bodies (Mueller and Pine 1994).
The /paralyophyllum lineage (Moncalvo et al. 2002)
The panglobal /amanita lineage is only partly EcM. Its comprises EcM members of the polyphyletic genus Lyo-
basal members of section Lepidella are saprobes in various phyllum. The saprotrophic clades of Lyophyllum appear
ecosystems (B.E. Wolfe and A. Pringle unpublished). closely related to Calocybe, Termitomyces, and other genera
Amarrendia s. stricto and Torrendia are small more or less (Hofstetter et al. 2002). The EcM status of Lyophyllum spp.
hypogeous and sequestrate taxa nested within Amanita. has been debated due to polyphyly, the habitat similar to
Catathelasma is a genus with just a few rare species humus and litter saprobes, somewhat deviating stable isotope
restricted to coniferous forests of the Northern Hemisphere. signatures (see above), formation of fruit-bodies in pure
Its rarity may account for the apparent lack of molecular culture (Kawai 1997) and cellulase activities (Norkrans
detection below ground. Catathelasma imperiale forms 1950). Nevertheless, Lyophyllum shimeji and L. semitale
poorly developed EcM-like structures with a bi-seriate Hartig form EcM in pure culture (Yamada et al. 2001). In the same

study, L. fumosum failed to form EcM because of poor 2004). Phaeocollybia spp. form pseudorhizas that extend
mycelium growth, whereas L. decastes formed a thin mantle- deep into mineral soil but are attached directly to suberized
like structure but no Hartig net. However, synthesis of long roots, suggesting a root parasitic lifestyle (Redhead and
typical EcM between L. decastes and Pinus sp. was reported Malloch 1985). By use of PCR-RFLP, Rhodocollybia
in Pera and Alvarez (1995). Similarly, L. fumosum formed butyracea EcM were identified and characterized in the field
well-developed EcM in pure culture synthesis trials (Mleczko 2004). This supports the EcM synthesis report
(Norkrans 1950). The enzymatic properties and 15N values involving R. maculata and Pinus sp. in vitro (Pera and
suggest that the EcM habit in the /paralyophyllum lineage Alvarez 1995). However, despite rapid mycelial growth,
may be exploitative. other attempts to synthesize EcM with Rhodocollybia spp.
The /tricholoma lineage is a globally distributed EcM have failed (Yamada and Katsuya 1995), and stable isotope
taxon with no known sequestrate forms. data suggest the saprotrophic nature of R. butyracea
Saprotrophic or other biotrophic taxa are commonly treated (Gebauer and Dietrich 1993; Zeller et al. 2007) and R.
as EcM in the Agaricales (Trappe 1962). Of these non- maculata (Trudell et al. 2004). Molecular tools sometimes
mycorrhizal taxa, Chlorophyllum (syn. Macrolepiota) rhac- detect Rhodocollybia spp. as secondary colonizers of mori-
odes forms well-developed pale EcM and numerous stringy bound EcM root tips (L. Tedersoo unpublished). Despite
rhizomorphs in pure culture synthesis with Pinus virginiana contradictory evidence, we consider Rhodocollybia as a non-
(Hacskaylo 1953). However, Modess (1941) was unable to EcM, facultatively biotrophic saprobe. The sequestrate
establish an EcM symbiosis between C. rhacodes and three genera Mayamontana and Stephanospora are related to
conifer species. Since the origin of the Hacskaylo (1953) the resupinate Lindtneria, forming the family Stephano-
culture is unknown, it is possible that he used a culture of sporaceae (Agaricales) (Castellano et al. 2007; Larsson
another species from E. Melins laboratory. Despite this 2007). There is no evidence for EcM formation in these
anomalous report, species of Chlorophyllum, Macrolepiota, taxa, despite searching EcM root tips below the fruit-
and related genera are widely accepted as humus saprobes; bodies of Lindtneria and Stephanospora (L. Tedersoo and
they often grow far from EcM hosts and resemble sapro- M.E. Smith unpublished). The monotypic semi-hypogeous
trophs in their stable isotope values (Kohzu et al. 1999; Mayamontana, however, is found consistently with neo-
Trudell et al. 2004; Hart et al. 2006). Clitopilus prunulus tropical EcM trees Coccoloba and Neea in Belize
forms a poorly developed EcM-like association with Pinus (Castellano et al. 2007). Stephanospora sometimes fruits
sp. in pure culture synthesis trials (Modess 1941) that was not in non-EcM vegetation and produces abundant mycelium
supported based on other hosts (Modess 1941; Pera and in agricultural soil (Lynch and Thorn 2006).
Alvarez 1995) or stable isotopes (Zeller et al. 2007).
Cribbea forms sequestrate fruit-bodies often on dead Atheliales
wood and rDNA sequences (Lebel and Catcheside 2009)
and place it in the Physalacriaceae alongside Xerula and Published phylogenies addressing the Atheliales are currently
Oudemansiella, which are saprobes or root parasites. lacking, and the affinities of many saprotrophic and parasitic
Lepista nuda EcM is described from natural conditions by taxa remain uncertain. Amphinema and Tylospora are closely
Fontana (1961), and EcM of L. nuda and L. graveolens related based on morphological and molecular characters
were synthesized with Picea (Kasuya and Igarashi 1996). but distantly related to Piloderma and Byssocorticium
However, the yellow EcM and hyphae described by Kasuya (Binder and Hibbett 2006). The /amphinema-tylospora and
and Igarashi (1996) were probably formed by a contami- /byssocorticium lineages are known only from the Holarctic
nant because Lepista species are characterized by whitish or realm, whereas /piloderma is distributed also in Australia
bluish mycelium. Norkrans (1950) found no EcM forma- and Africa. Atheliales lineages produce only resupinate
tion by L. nuda or L. inversa, and both taxa had high fruit-bodies.
decomposing abilities characteristic of saprobes. Stable
isotopes suggest saprotrophic nutrition for Lepista sp. Boletales
(Tedersoo et al. 2007a). Bryan and Zak (1961) reported
on EcM synthesis between Leucopaxillus albissimus var. Boletales is a rich order in terms of genera and ecological
piceina and Pinus sp. but with poorly developed mantle and functions. Inclusive phylogenies have been constructed based
Hartig net. This taxon probably represents a Tricholoma sp. on 28S rDNA and to a lesser extent the atp6 locus (Kretzer
(Matheny et al. 2006). Stable isotopes (Kohzu et al. 1999; and Bruns 1999; Binder and Hibbett 2006; M. Binder, pers.
Hart et al. 2006) and synthesis experiments (Yamada et al. comm. 2008). Representative ITS sequences are not
2001) suggest that Leucopaxillus spp. are nonmycorrhizal. publicly unavailable for many genera of Boletales. Thus,
Phaeocollybia spp. fruit in EcM vegetation and group with the phylogeny of Boletales is largely unresolved and only
EcM fungi based on stable isotope values (Trudell et al. the /austropaxillus lineage is well defined. The segregation

of the crown group of Boletales into four lineages is The globally distributed /ramaria-gautieria lineage com-
somewhat tentative, but multigene phylogenies generally prises taxa with ramarioid, clavarioid, and sequestrate fruit-
support a monophyletic Boletineae, Sclerodermatineae, and bodies, but the latter form a minority.
Suillineae (Binder and Hibbett 2006). Despite the lack of
resolution provided by the LSU, the distinction between the Hymenochaetales
/boletus and /paxillus-gyrodon lineages is also strongly
supported by atp6 sequence data (Kretzer and Bruns 1999; The core Hymenochaetales comprises a diverse group of
Yang et al. 2006), and all five Boletales lineages are white rot polypores. The globally distributed /coltricia
morphologically, ecologically, and biogeographically well- lineage has been long considered saprotrophic despite some
defined groups (Agerer 2006; Binder and Hibbett 2006). early reports on EcM formation in Coltricia perennis and
The /austropaxillus lineage is known only from the Austral Coltricia cinnamomea, but is confirmed as EcM (Table 1).
realm, while /paxillus-gyrodon and /suillus-rhizopogon have There is no evidence for EcM formation in Tubulicrinis
Holarctic distribution. Neglecting ambiguous or anamalous (Hymenochaetales) and Trechispora (Trechisporales). ITS
reports, the entire /suillus-rhizopogon lineage appears sequences from the latter are available in INSD, but these
specific to Pinaceae and individual species to different are recovered from mycelial mats rather than EcM root tips.
genera of Pinaceae (Molina et al. 1992). The /boletus and
/pisolithus-scleroderma lineages have panglobal distribution Hysterangiales
with a likely center of diversity in tropical areas.
The globally distributed /hysterangium lineage comprises
Cantharellales only sequestrate taxa. Many of the subclades and genera
have Australian or Austral distribution (Hosaka et al.
Cantharellales includes at least five EcM lineages, all 2008) and lack available ITS sequences in INSD. Hyster-
except /cantharellus being recently discovered by use of angiales and Gomphales are closely related to non-EcM
molecular tools. Fruit-bodies of the /ceratobasidium1, Phallales and Geastrales, forming a subclass Phallomyce-
/ceratobasidium2, and /tulasnella lineages have not yet tidae (Hosaka et al. 2006). The genus Geastrum has often
been discovered or taxonomically characterized. This is been suggested to be EcM. In particular, Geastrum
probably due to their rarity or to a cryptic fruiting habit. fimbriatum is suggested to form a thin mantle and a poorly
Alternatively, some of these lineages may reproduce developed Hartig net (Agerer and Beenken 1998a). Noack
exclusively via conidia (asexual spores) because anamorphs (1889) established mycelial connection between fruit-
are abundant in the closely related saprotrophic and orchid bodies of G. fimbriatum and G. coronatum with EcM root
mycorrhizal taxa. The distribution of the /ceratobasidium1, tips of Pinus and Abies sp., but the illustrated mycorrhiza
/ceratobasidium2, and /tulasnella lineages remains poorly belongs to Tuber based on the characteristic cystidia. There
known, but the larger /cantharellus and /clavulina lineages are no such cystidia in the description of a biotrophic
are globally distributed. Phylogenetic analyses suggest that interaction in Agerer and Beenken (1998a). Kasuya and
the Japanese /ceratobasidium1 isolates are phylogenetically Igarashi (1996) synthesized a morphologically similar
closely related to isolates from SE Asia, Africa, and association between G. mirabile and Picea with no Hartig
Australia but distant from the European and North net, whereas Modess (1941) failed to synthesize EcM of G.
American /ceratobasidium2 lineage (Veldre 2009, V. Veldre minimus with Picea and Pinus. Geastrum spp. are
unpublished). The same may be true for the European and sometimes reported in tropical forests where no EcM trees
Australian members of the /tulasnella lineage. or other EcM fungi are found. Mycelium of Geastrum sp.
is abundant in agricultural soil (Lynch and Thorn 2006),
Gomphales suggesting a facultatively biotrophic lifestyle.

The genus Clavariadelphus is nonmonophyletic (Hosaka et Russulales

al. 2006) comprising both EcM and saprotrophic members.
EcM have been identified in the monophyletic Clavaria- The /albatrellus lineage is widely distributed predominate-
delphus s. stricto that comprises species that produce large ly with coniferous hosts in the Holarctic realm, with a few
fruit-bodies (C. subfastigiatus, C. truncatus, C. pistillaris, additional reports from Africa and Australia. The lineage
and C. occidentalis). Other taxa such as C. sachalinensis contains stipitate, sequestrate, and resupinate fruit-body
are probably non-EcM, because they fruit abundantly on types. A few distantly related, saprotrophic Albatrellus
dead wood and are phylogenetically more closely related to spp. are placed in the Polyporales but should be transferred
the basal, non-EcM Ramaria spp. (Hosaka et al. 2006; L. to a new genus in the Polyporales (Binder and Hibbett
Tedersoo, unpublished). 2002).

The /russula-lactarius lineage is globally distributed and in living tree canopies (e.g., Lenzitopsis) or decaying wood
includes numerous sequestrate taxa that have independently in tropical forests with no EcM hosts nearby. Attempts to
evolved from epigeous ancestors (Peter et al. 2001). find EcM of the putatively nonmycorrhizal Amaurodon
have consistently failed (L. Tedersoo unpublished) and
Sebacinales some specimens fruit on tree trunks ca. 2 m above the forest
floor (U. Kljalg, pers. comm.).
Based on fruit-body taxonomy, Sebacinales has been
considered a taxon of low species richness and marginal Endogonales
importance. Although the EcM status of Serendipita (syn.
Sebacina) vermifera was confirmed more than 20 years ago Because no published phylogenies of Endogonales are
(Warcup 1988), recent molecular studies have highlighted available, the taxonomic affiliations of the EcM lineages
the diversity of Sebacinales and its mycorrhizal associations /endogone and /densospora remain unknown. Both Endo-
(Wei et al. 2004). The EcM-forming, globally distributed, gone and Densospora include non-EcM taxa and the
yet unculturable /sebacina lineage forms only a part of the recently described genera Youngiomyces and Peridiospora
Sebacinales clade A (sensu Wei et al. 2004). The genus are putative non-EcM biotrophs (Yao et al. 1995; Wu and
Tremelloscypha is also probably EcM since many root tip Lin 1997).
DNA sequences fall close to T. gelatinosa (Wei et al.
2004). Here, we consider Craterocolla and Efibulobasi- Global distribution of EcM fungi
dium, the sister taxa of /sebacina, saprotrophic because they
produce tremelloid fruit-bodies on herbaceous stems or Biogeographic regions
standing sound wood. The range of Efibulobasidium
includes Pacific coral islands (Wells 1975) that host no On a global scale, the distribution of fungal lineages
EcM trees besides Pisonia grandis. The /sebacina lineage is revealed three main clusters of geographic regions
phylogenetically unrelated to the readily culturable Seren- (Fig. 2). The northern temperate regions in Europe,
dipita vermifera (clade BWei et al. 2004). Recent America, and Asia are strongly related and support the
molecular sequence data from EcM, orchid, and arbutoid greatest richness of fungal lineages, with all but /austro-
mycorrhizal roots revealed members of Sebacinales clade paxillus and /descolea present in all regions. In the
B. These isolates form a monophyletic /serendipita lineage Northern Hemisphere, the /descolea lineage occurs only in
that is a sister group to the root endophytic, saprotrophic, Temperate Asia, where it has probably recently extended its
ericoid, and orchid mycorrhizal clades (Ryberg et al. 2009; range from Australia via the Sunda Islands of Indonesia
L. Tedersoo unpublished). We believe that the EcM- (Wallacea; Horak 1983). All Holarctic regions harbor
forming isolates of Warcup (1988) belong to this lineage. Pinaceae, probably the oldest extant EcM host (LePage
2003), as well as Arbutoideae, Betulaceae, Fagaceae,
Thelephorales Salicaceae, and Cistaceae (Table 5). Most of these plant
groups also occur in SE Asia.
Based on 28S rDNA sequence data, the paraphyletic The three Austral regions (Australia, New Zealand, and
Tomentella and Thelephora form a distinct, well-supported Southern South America) formed a second cluster, sharing the
/tomentella-thelephora lineage that is globally distributed /descolea and /austropaxillus lineages but entirely lacking 11
(U. Kljalg, unpublished). It includes also Riessia radici- lineages and having representation of 18 other lineages only in
cola and probably Riessiella spp. (see discussion in some regions (Fig. 2). Nothofagus is the only EcM host in
Tedersoo et al. 2007b). These taxa were erroneously Southern South America and occurs in other Austral regions
concluded to be anamorphs of Tomentella (Rinaldi et al. as well. Hosts characteristic of Australia, such as Casuarina-
2008:33), but in fact represent capitate cystidia on the ceae, Leptospermoideae (incl. Eucalyptus), Bossiae, Poma-
surface of EcM mantle. Other species of Riessia are derreae, and Acacia are absent from or recently migrated to
probably phylogenetically distantly related anamorphic other Austral or tropical regions. Similarly, the dominant EcM
states of saprobes (e.g., Noetzli et al. 2008). The families of the Holacrtic (Pinaceae, Betulaceae, Fagaceae) and
/hydnellum-sarcodon, /tomentellopsis, and /phellodon- tropical (Caesalpiniaceae and Dipterocarpaceae) realms are
bankera lineages are widely distributed, whereas the lacking in the Austral regions (except the genus Intsia of the
/pseudotomentella lineage is found only in the Holarctic Caesalpiniaceae in Queensland). Despite the very low overlap
realm, predominately with Pinaceae. The phylogenetic in EcM plant hosts, all the Austral fungal lineages with the
placement of Boletopsis remains unclear. The thelephor- two exceptions occur widely in the Northern Hemisphere.
alean EcM lineages are interspersed with rare and species- The neo- and paleotropical regions formed the third
poor non-EcM genera that are occassionally found fruiting cluster. These regions differ widely in the occurrence of

NE America 100

NW America
Temperate Asia
SE Asia 79
Aust Trop

India, Sri Lanka 88

Africa 84
NS America 82
Australia 70
New Zealand
SS America




/marcelleina-peziza gerardii
/terfezia-peziza depressa



Fig. 2 Reciprocal cluster analysis of EcM fungal lineages and the 11 fungal lineages in particular regions. Hol Holarctic realm; Trop
biogeographic regions. UPGMA-based bootstrap values are shown for tropical realm; Aust Austral realm
clusters of regions. Closed squares indicate the presence of EcM

Table 5 Distribution of major host taxa in biogeographic realms

Holarctic Tropical Austral

Host taxon Europe NE NW Tempe-rate SE India & Sri Africa Northern South Southern South Australia New
America America Asia Asia Lanka America America Zealand

Arbutoideae x x x x x (x)*
Betulaceae x x x x x (x)*
Fagaceae x x x x x (x)*
Pinaceae x x x x x (x)*
Salicaceae x x x x x (x)* (x)*
Cistaceae x x x x
Caesalpinioideae (x) (x) x x (x)
Dipterocarpaceae x x x x
Uapacaceae x
Pisoniae x (x)
Coccoloba x
Nothofagaceae x x x
Acacia (s. stricto) x
Bossiaeeae x
Casuarinaceae (x) x
Leptospermoideae (x) x x
Pomaderreae x (x)

X indicates presence of a taxon. Parentheses denote recent spread or low abundance. Asterisks indicate taxa that are not considered in
comparisons of fungal lineage distribution

EcM fungal and plant lineages. In all tropical regions, the ic regions, and associated host plants. The main reason for
plant families Dipterocarpaceae and Caesalpiniaceae are this is that data are limited about the vegetation where most
present. Southeast Asia has the highest diversity of EcM fungal specimens were collected. Even in cases where the
host lineages because this region shares the Arbutoideae, plants and habitat are well documented, it is often
Betulaceae, Fagaceae, Pinaceae, and Salicaceae with the impossible to accurately determine which EcM plant is
north temperate regions and Leptospermoideae with Aus- the host of a given EcM fungus without use of molecular
tralia. The Austral and tropical regions were linked due to tools (but see den Bakker et al. 2004). Missing distribution
the shared absence of many fungal lineages that were data (particularly false negatives) may further bias the
present in the Holarctic realm. results, although ongoing below ground EcM community
The grouping of the austral regions (Australia, Southern surveys (L. Tedersoo and coworkers unpublished data from
South America, and New Zealand) on the basis of their three tropical regions) generally agree with the present data
EcM lineages is in agreement with geological, plant, and on fruit-body distribution. Nevertheless, the broad pattern
animal area cladograms that link Gondwanan regions of distribution of the main EcM fungal lineages demon-
(Sanmartin and Ronquist 2004). However, methodological strates certain biogeographic trends among the lineages and
differences and simplicity of the present analysis, which regions that can be further tested by use of phylogeographic
involved no phylogenetic data, caution against further analyses. Our data also highlight areas where further
interpretation of biogeographic relationships. collection of distributional data on EcM lineages is needed,
such as to confirm the absence of /hebeloma-alnicola in
Distribution of fungal lineages Northern South America and /coltricia and /sebacina from
Southern South America. Macrofungal surveys should
Based on specimen records in the 11 biogeographic include various fruit-body types. Unfortunately, epigeous,
regions, the EcM fungal lineages were clustered into hypogeous, and resupinate taxa are rarely collected at the
three broad groups. The /descolea and /austropaxillus same site (Tedersoo et al. 2006b), thus biasing the
lineages formed a cluster characterized by distribution biogeographical datasets and contributing to the myth of
and highest diversity in Austral regions. Austral realm contrasting above- and belowground views at the fungal
was suggested as a center of origin for the /descolea community level (Smith et al. 2007).
lineage (Horak 1983). The second cluster was formed by Substantial biogeographic information of EcM fungi is
16 lineages of globally distributed EcM fungi that have contained within EcM lineages (Martin et al. 2002; Hosaka
been reported from at least 10 out of 11 regions. These et al. 2008; Jeandroz et al. 2008; Matheny et al. 2009).
panglobal lineages, such as /tomentella-thelephora and However, caution is needed when interpreting distribution
/russula-lactarius, are the most species-rich and abundant patterns on a species or genus level, because several
and also associate with all major plant host taxa in a morphologically well-defined species or genera, such as
variety of ecosystems (Buyck et al. 2008; U. Kljalg et al. Rozites, are polyphyletic based on molecular data (Peintner
unpublished). Interestingly, none of the EcM fungal et al. 2002). Thus, selection of a suitable monophyletic group
lineages are restricted to tropical regions, a pattern that is (i.e., the entire /cortinarius lineage in this case) is critical for
common in many animal and plant taxa, including EcM addressing biogeographic and phylogenetic hypotheses.
plant hosts (Sanmartin and Ronquist 2004).
The third cluster of fungal lineages consists of a subcluster
of /piloderma and /albatrellus (linked by their co-occurrence Conclusions
in Australia and Africa) and also two main subclusters
comprising taxa with either Holarctic distribution (many EcM lifestyle has evolved multiple times independently from
pezizalean lineages) or disjunct HolarcticAustral distribution humus and wood saprotrophic ancestors in 16 orders of
(e.g., /cenococcum, /laccaria). The Holarctic lineages occur in fungi. Several monophyletic EcM lineages cannot be, thus
regions that coincide with the natural habitat of Pinaceae. far related to any fruit-bodies due to the lack of sequenced
Some lineages, such as /suillus-rhizopogon, are restricted to collections (Brock et al. 2009). The presence of many
this host family, hence, explaining their geographic distribu- uncharacterized lineages suggests that Ascomycota and basal
tion, but most Holarctic lineages have a broad host range. The groups of Agaricomycetes may reveal additional EcM taxa
disjunct HolarcticAustral distribution matches the distribu- solely based on DNA sequence data. However, morpholog-
tion of Fagales, which comprises EcM Fagaceae, Betulaceae, ical studies and physiological experiments should also be
and Corylaceae in the Holarctic realm, Nothofagaceae in the performed to avoid considering ubiquitous root endophytes
Austral realm, and Casuarinaceae in Australia. and saprobes as mycorrhizal (Brundrett 2009).
A major shortfall of our analysis is lack of fine detail The Holarctic realm provides a habitat for the largest
about the correlation between fungal lineages, biogeograph- number of EcM lineages, but this can only be partly

ascribed to the high intensity of mycological exploration Agerer R (2006) Fungal relationships and structural identity of their
ectomycorrhizae. Mycol Progr 5:67107
relative to the Austral and tropical regions. While tropical
Agerer R, Beenken L (1998a) Geastrum fimbriatum Fr. + Fagus
regions have low lineage-level diversity, they are of great sylvatica L. Descr Ectomyc 3:1318
importance in the evolution of EcM symbiosis for some key Agerer R, Beenken L (1998b) Lyophyllum decastes (Fr.) Sing. +
fungal lineages (Buyck et al. 2008; Matheny et al. 2009). Quercus robur L. Descr Ectomyc 3:4347
Agerer R, Otto P (1997) Bankera fuligineo-alba (J. C. Schmidt: Fr.)
Further taxonomic and belowground biodiversity studies Pouzar + Pinus sylvestris L. Descr Ectomyc 2:16
should focus on recording host data and providing sequence Agerer R, Waller K (1993) Mycorrhizae of Entoloma saepium:
data from at least the ITS region and partial 28S rDNA parasitism or symbiosis? Mycorrhiza 3:145154
(Smith et al. 2007). Lineage-level phylogenetic analyses Agerer R, Kraigher H, Javornik B (1996) Identification of ectomycor-
rhizae of Hydnum rufescens on Norway spruce and the variability
coupled with molecular clock dating (Matheny et al. 2009)
of the ITS region of H. rufescens and H. repandum (Basidiomy-
and community-level belowground studies offer promising cetes). Nova Hedwig 63:183194
opportunities to improve our understanding on the bioge- Agerer R, Beenken L, Ammirati J (1998a) Polyporoletus sublividus
ography and evolution of EcM fungi. Snell + Abies amabilis Forb. Descr Ectomyc 3:8591
Agerer R, Beenken L, Christan J (1998b) Gomphus clavatus (Pers.:
Fr.) S. F. Gray + Picea abies (L.) Karst. Descr Ectomyc 3:2529
Agerer R, Beenken L, Bougher NL (2001) Descomyces albus +
Acknowledgements We thank D.S. Hibbett, J.M. Trappe, E.A. Eucalyptus sp. Descr Ectomyc 5:4147
Hobbie, and G.M. Kovcs for constructive comments on an earlier Albee-Scott S (2007) The phylogenetic placement of Leucogastrales,
version of the manuscript; U. Kljalg and K.-H. Larsson for general including Mycolevis siccigleba (Cribbeaceae), in the Albatrellacae
taxonomic advice; M. Vaasma for technical assistance; and M. Binder, using morphological and molecular data. Mycol Res 111:653
K. Hansen, U. Kljalg, K.-H. Larsson, D.H. Pfister, A.F.S. Taylor, and 662
J.M. Trappe for invaluable information on Boletales, Pezizales, Alvarez IF, Parlad J (1992) Loculotuber gennadii gen. et comb. nov.
Atheliales, Pezizales, stable isotopes, and sequestrate fungi, respec- and Tuber multimaculatum sp. nov. Mycologia 84:926929
tively. Funding was provided from grants ETF6606, 7434, JD0092J, Amicucci A, Zambonelli A, Guidi C, Stocchi V (2001) Morphological
and FIBIR (L.T.). Financial support for M. Smith was provided by the and molecular characterisation of Pulvinula constellatio ectomy-
Harvard University Herbaria. corrhizae. FEMS Microbiol Lett 194:121125
Ammarellou A, Saremi H, Fucin F (2007) Evaluation of morphology,
cytology and mycorrhizal relationships of desert truffles (Terfezia
boudieri) in Iran. Pak J Biol Sci 10:14861490
Antibus RK, Croxdale JG, Miller OK, Linkins AE (1981) Ectomycor-
References rhizal fungi of Salix rotundifolia. III. Resynthesized mycorrhizal
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