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Name: ____________________________

Geographic Inquiry Project

For this project, you will be broken into groups where you will be given a geographic
problem or situation that you must investigate, using the steps of Geographic Inquiry.
Using the background, you will research the background behind this issue and share
how you would address this situation, which you will share in a Google Presentation.
Some of these articles are already on Google Classroom to help research. Once complete,
you must present this. For this presentation, you must address the following issues:

A. Ask Geographic Questions ________/5 points

a. What are the main question (s) that need to be addressed about this
problem/situation? Come up with at least 2-3 questions.

B. Acquire and Organize Information ________/10

a. What are some pieces of information/evidence that are needed in order to
answer the question? Work in your groups to find and gather information
that shows why your geographic situation is a problem.
b. Take your evidence and create a map, graph, chart, diagram, or a written
summary to explain why this is a geographic problem or challenge. Make a
summary of the information that is given.
c. Examples include maps, interviews, satellite images, pictures, textbooks,

C. Analyze Information ________/10 points

a. Create a analyses, based on the information that you have researched and
b. Create a prediction of what you think will happens if this issue is not
addressed soon.

D. Answer Questions ________/5 points

a. How do you plan to share your information to the people? Come up with a
list of 3-4 ways of how you plan to share it with that community.

Total: _________________/30 points

Topics for Project Include:

-Coffee Bean Shortage throughout the world

-Overfishing in Chile
-Deforestation in the Amazon
-Brazil Water Challenge
-Banana Shortage in Latin America
-Disappearance in Aral Sea
-Traffic Problems in Hawaii

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