Unit 07 TV Activity Worksheets1 PDF

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Sitcom: What do you think of this color?

A. Complete each statement with the correct answer.

1. The first color Cheryl shows in the 4. Cheryl does not like the color Bob picks for the
video is . apartment because .
a. tomato red a. she has too many plants
b. berry red b. it is the color of her sofa
c. deep red c. the room would be too dark
2. Bob wants Cheryl to . 5. Bob tells Cheryl she could .
a. paint the walls white a. buy a new carpet
b. leave the walls just the way they are b. paint the table yellow
c. move to a new apartment c. change the color of the sofa
3. Bob, Marie, and Paul all like . 6. At the end of the video episode, Cheryl .
a. yellow a. decides not to repaint her apartment
b. tomato red b. still has not chosen a color
c. green c. says yellow is a good color

B. Complete the conversations with the gerunds or infinitives you hear.

I dont feel like at Quit . How about

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any more colors. this one?


I cant stand This one? Be sure

at it. Do you plan carefully.
this all night?

C. Complete the conversation with the words from the box.

sad about excited about tired of happy about

Cheryl: Im looking at yellow walls.

Bob: Fine. Can you at least choose a color well all be ?
Cheryl: There is no color you all like. Pauls feeling everything, Maries feeling
everything, and you just seem to hate color, dont you Bob?
Top Notch TV 2, Second Edition Activity Worksheet 7
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Sitcom: What do you think of this color?

A. Complete the sentences. Circle the correct words.

1. Paul got the name Dr. Cheer (at school / from Bob).
2. Paul enjoys (cheering people up / laughing at people).
3. Paul says he laughs at (people / nothing).
4. Marie says its not in her nature to (choose to laugh / be down in the dumps).
5. In the end (laughing / a chocolate bar) helps Marie feel better.

B. Complete the conversation with the words from the box.

feeling out of sorts down in the dumps put my finger on it feeling blue

Cheryl: Marie, youve been so quiet. Are you OK?

Marie: Im just a little .
Cheryl: Oh, Im sorry. Weve been arguing about colors and youre .
Paul: Whats wrong, Marie?
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Marie: Dont know. I cant . Ive just been .

3. 4.

C. Read each statement. Then circle the response you hear.

Dont worry. I can help. Dr. Cheer is a. What now, Dr. Cheer?
here. b. Doctor who?


I practice laughing every day. a. Laughing at what?

b. Its not in my nature.


a. How do you do that?

I just choose to laugh.
b. You just decide to laugh?


Top Notch TV 2, Second Edition Activity Worksheet 7

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Interview: How would you describe your personality?

A. Complete each sentence with the correct name.

Maiko Alvino Cortyan Lorayn

1. smiles a lot, like his mother.
2. has one brother and three sisters.
3. has a brother and a sister.
4. thinks birth order does not have an effect on personality.

B. Check each statement True or False.

True False
1. Alvino and his mother have the same personality.
2. Cortyans sisters are quiet and calm.
3. Cortyan has a different personality from her sisters.
4. Lorayns brother is the oldest child and the only boy in her family.
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5. Lorayns parents treated all their children the same.

C. Complete the sentences. Circle the correct words.

1. Alvino is (an outgoing / a shy) person.
2. Cortyan is (an excited / a calm) person.
3. Lorayns brother was able to go to (concerts / parties) at an earlier age than she and her sister
4. Alvino says that the youngest child in a large family gets a lot of (money / clothes).

Top Notch TV 2, Second Edition Activity Worksheet 7

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