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Contextualized Leadership Development

Sponsored by Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary

CLS 1114 Old Testament Introduction - 3 Hours
Albuquerque School of Theology
Rafael Murillo

Course Description
An introduction to the content, background, and interpretation of the Old Testament.

Course Objectives
This course is designed to provide you with a basic foundation upon which to build fruitful
exegetical, theological, and ministerial practice. It is hoped that you grow in your love and appreciation
for this unique, authoritative, and complex book as God's Word.
Upon successful completion of this course you should have:
1) a basic knowledge of each book of the Old Testament, including, but not limited to, outline
and literary structure, major characters, and authorship,
2) a familiarity with its literary, historical, cultural, and geographic settings,
3) an understanding of its interpretation(s), significance, and message, and
4) an ability to apply the Old Testament to personal Christian growth as well as the individual’s
mission and ministry.

Text Books
Introduccion Al Antiguo Testamento, Clyde T. Francisco.
Atlas Biblico Conciso, Holman.

Evaluation and Grading

Three evaluating instruments will be used to determine grades. All assignments must be
completed in order to pass the class; a student may not simply choose to not complete a particular


A midterm and a final exam will be given. These tests will consist of both objective and
discussion questions, from both class material and the required readings. Each of these tests is worth 35%
of the student’s grade. Students MUST be present for the scheduled exams.


There are 39 books in the Old Testament. Each of these has its own content and literary and
historical context(s), and each contributes to the overall theology of the Old Testament. Since this course
is only about 40 hours long, it is therefore essential that students place a priority upon class attendance.
Only one absence will be excused, two will result in a significant grade deduction, and three will result in
failure of the course.


The student will select one book of the Old Testament and write a report in how the overall message,
theme, author, historicity, cultural context of the book should be relevant to Christian world of the 21st
Grade Percent GPA
A 100-97 4.0
A- 96-93 3.7
B+ 92-91 3.3
A Grading Summary is as Follows: B 90-87 3.0
B- 86-85 2.7
Midterm 35% C+ 84-83 2.3
C 82-79 2.0
Final 35% C- 78-77 1.7
Attendance 15% D+ 76-75 1.3
Reading Reports 15% D 74-72 1.0
TOTAL 100% D- 71-70 0.7
F 69-0 0.0

Course Scheduale

Enero 30 Introduccion/ paginas 7-13(IAAT)

Febrero 6 (IAAT) paginas 29-53
Febrero 13 (IAAT) paginas 57-62
Febrero 20 (IAAT) paginas 71-77
Febrero 27 (IAAT) paginas 80-98
Marzo 6 EXAMEN DE MEDIO MES (AAT) paginas 100-105
Marzo 13 (IAAT) paginas 108-120
Marzo 27 (IAAT) paginas 124-138
Abril 3 REPORTES DE LOS LIBROS (AAT) paginas 144-155
Abril 10 (IAAT) paginas 179-187
Abril 17 (IAAT) paginas 192-226
Abril 24 (IAAT) paginas 235-245
Mayo 1 (IAAT) paginas 249-272
Mayo 8 (IAAT) paginas 298-310


1. Comentario Bíblico Moody - Antiguo Testamento (Moody Bible Commentary - Old Testament)
By: Charles F. Pfeiffer, Kregel Publications, 1996.

2. Caminando Por El Antiguo Testamento, Libro 2 (Walking Through The Old Testament,
Book 2) By: Laverne Rutschman, Kregel Publications, 1999 .

3. La historia de Israel - Primera Parte, (History of Israel Part 1), By: Dianne Bergant,
Liturgical Press,2008.
4. Reseña Crítica de una Introd. al Antiguo Testamento (A Survey of Old Testament
Introduction) By: Gleason L. Archer Kregel Publications, 1987.

5. Guía Práctica para Entender a los Profetas de la Biblia (The Prophets as Preachers) By:
Gary V. Smith B & H Publishing Group , 2007.

6. Diccionario de Bolsillo de Estudios Bíblicos (Pocket Dictionary of Biblical Studies)

By: Arthur G. Patzia, Anthony J. Petrotta Editorial Unilit .

7. Panorama Del Antiguo Testamento (A Broad Picture of the Old Testament) By: Paul N.
Benware Kregel Publications, 1988.

Introducción al Antiguo Testamento (Introduction to the Old Testament) By: Guillermo Ramirez Munoz,
Abingdon Press, 2003.

8. Hacia una Teologia del Antiguo Testamento (Towards A Theology of the Old
Testamanet) By: Walter C. Kaiser Jr. Vida, 2000.

9. El Templo (The Temple) By: Holman Bible Editorial Staff B & H Publishing Group,

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