Final Jane

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81781738172381738173817231367236asdajdkajdkjakdIn her novel Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte give the

account of Jane Eyre's life, as narrated by herself. In 38 chapters, Jane Eyre reveals the details of her life
during different phases. The first phase describes her life at Gateshead-Hall where she lived with her
aunt Mrs Reed and faces humiliation from the members of the Reed family.

The second phase of Jane's life begins at Lowood school where she is humiliated by Mr brocklehurst.
Also, she finds comfort in her friendship with Helen Burns who unfortunately dies of consumption
shortly. In the third phase of her life, Jane Eyre goes to Thornfield Hall as a governess to a little girl
named Adele who found Jane so affectionate and understanding in her first meeting. There is
established a life-long friendship of affection between the two.

The next phase of Jane's life begins at Moor House where St John Rivers provide her with food and
shelter and later gives her a job as a teacher in a school. It is at Moor house where Jane comes to know
that Diana and Mary are her cousins and shares her legacy of twenty thousand pounds left behind by
John Rivers with them.

The final phase of her life begins when she goes to find Mr Rochester at Thornfield and comes to know
that Rochester lives a lonely life near the village of Ferndean after losing his arm and eye sight in an
attempt to save his wife. Reaching Ferndean, Jane tells Rochester about herself and soon they get
married. A son is born to them and an expert eye surgeon restores the sight of Mr Rochester's one eye
and he is able to see again.

Charlotte Brontes novel, Jane Eyre is autobiographical in form, and as

such it is inevitably a sprawling narrative concerning ten years in the life of the central character, Jane
Eyre. it covers the different stages in the life of the heroine, and apart from narrating the varied
experiences of Jane Eyre, it contains a large number of characters as the heroine naturally and inevitably
comes into contact

with a large variety of persons in the course of her life. Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester, the heroine and
hero in the novel, are the only two main characters and all other

characters are secondary characters who come and go as the story advances.

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