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14 | December 08
GTZ Public Finance Reform | Public Finance, Administrative Reform and Decentralisation page 1

Result Based Public Management -

MfDR through technical cooperation

Feature: Results Based Public News from partner countries : Public Finance issues: Preview of our next issue:
Management - MfDR through technical Interview with Gabriel Negatu from the Latin American social policy needs a After Doha - Development policy
cooperation| 2 African Development Bank (AfdB) | 6 tax reform| 9 discussion focuses on taxation | 12

01 | Introduction Dear Readers,

02 | Feature: Results Based Public At the beginning of December the UN Conference on Financing for De-
velopment was held in Doha. German minister Wieczorek-Zeul held the
Management - MfDR through
task of a special envoy of the UN secretary-general. Against a backdrop
technical cooperation of financial crisis and the G20 summit most contributions were devoted
to the return of the state as an active player - motto "the state is back".
06 | News from partner countries
Even if this reflex attempt of politicians to steer a course through stormy
09 | Public Finance issues
weather calls for scepticism, the questions raised with regard to the qual-
12 | Current events ity and scope of state activity are bound to hold our attention for some
time to come.
Staff news
In this, the quality of public administration, meaning its capacity to per-
Preview of our next issue
form its functions with credibility and citizen-orientation, will be pivotal. A
closer look at this balancing act of public administration between political
objectives and fulfilment of tasks is the focus of this issue.

For this year, however, it only remains for me to wish you and your loved
ones a very happy Christmas. On behalf of the Public Finance Team
I thank you for the lively interest you have shown and for your participa-
tion in our work. I look forward to continuing our cooperation in 2009.

I hope you enjoy your reading!

Yours sincerely,

Matthias Witt
No. 14 | December 08 | GTZ Public Finance, Administrative Reform and Decentralisation | Feature | page 2

Public Finance Reform

Feature: Results Based Public Management Accra Agenda for Action

and Managing for Devel-
MfDR through technical cooperation opment Results

Under the principle of

The implementation of political procedures. In most cases we find a
Managing for Development
strategies and the realisation of such combination of the two approaches.
major development cooperation goals The contributions in this feature throw Results (MDR) the Accra
as good governance, poverty light on the strengths and challenges Agenda for Action (AAA)
reduction and the Millenium of such reform processes in both calls on donors and devel-
Development Goals is largely Germany and GTZ partner countries. oping countries to focus on
dependent on the performance of
Discussion of reforms in Peru (see delivering results, including
public administration. The
p.5) shows that, besides technical being more accountable
administration acts both as an
change, above all else a change in the and transparent to the pub-
executive organ and as the interface
culture and self-perception of admini-
between government and society. Any lic. This is based on having
stration and politics is required for re-
reforms designed to establish an shared goals and strate-
sults-orientation to be feasible. Politi-
efficient, transparent, predictable and gies, allocating resources
cal factors play a decisive role in de-
citizen-oriented state must therefore
termining whether full advantage can in a way that will achieve
begin with the public administration.
be taken of the possibilities for results- desired results, monitoring
In the Paris Declaration, as in the orientation. The steering and coordina- whether the resources are
Accra Agenda for Action, the tion of administrative reforms, through
having the intended effect,
community of donors undertakes to central government departments for
example, is therefore a pivotal factor in feeding the results of moni-
pursue a more pronounced orientation
towards common goals under the the success of technical cooperation. toring exercises back into
slogan Managing for Development the decision making proc-
Monitoring and evaluation mecha-
Results (MfDR). Capacity esses and being account-
nisms are another factor which above
development is a direct and vital able publicly.
all calls for pragmatism and adapted
contribution by technical cooperation
solutions in order to establish a sound
to the implementation of MfDR. It This entails using sound
foundation for decision-making. GTZ
provides public managers with the information for policy mak-
expert Chris Pain uses the example of
scope required to realize objectives. ing with a focus on out-
reforms in Zambia (see p.3) to show
Political goals must be translated into
that adaptation to results-orientation in comes and impacts, rather
structures and processes,
the operational logic and processes of than inputs and outputs. It
administrative action oriented towards
authorities as well as in the administra- also entails leaving the
results and in its implementation scope
tions self perception must be founded
for independent public management space for managers to
on reliable information with regard to
and decison-making must be created make decisions on imple-
cause and effect.
without depending on politicians, mentation of delivery of
donors or scientists. This is the way to At this interface between political
services. To do this there
shift technical cooperation towards counselling and advising on specific
process and technical issues the GTZ is a need for reliable and
enhanced development-effectiveness,
ownership and sustainability. and in particular the public policy team accurate information for
operate efficiently in the implementa- management decisions
Results-orientation as we understand
tion of MfDR. and a culture of evidence
it may imply the reform of budget
processes as well as of administrative Michael Rsch, GTZ based policy making.
No. 14 | December 08 | GTZ Public Finance, Administrative Reform and Decentralisation | Feature | page 3

Public Finance Reform

Zambia: Developing Capacities to Zambias FNDP and the

Recognising this problem, the Plan-
Manage for Development Results Results Based Focus
ning and Economic Management De-
Prior to the adoption of the Poverty partment (PEMD) in the Ministry of
Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) in Finance and National Planning
2002, reporting on performance in (MoFNP) requested the assistance of
Zambia was predominantly qualitative GTZ to help them address these is-
and descriptive. At the same time, sues, and to support them in linking
occasional surveys were carried out the FNDP and Budget Process.
After a long period without
that gave data on indicators at the
What have we done to address the a national development
impact level, such as the proportion
weak capacities issue
of the population below the poverty plan, the Government of
line. However, in the PRSP period The first step to addressing this was the Republic of Zambia
there was an increased understand- to build the capacities within the made the first step towards
ing that this was inadequate. Buoyed planning department to interact with
reintroducing this with the
by the experiences in the Health and other arms of government. This in-
Poverty Reduction Strat-
Education Sectors and supported cluded training sessions on how to
through PBAs, a commitment to fo- select indicators and set targets. This egy (for the years 2002
cusing on results in the implementa- training was used subsequently in the 05). Rather than adopting
tion of policies was generated. identification of Key Performance In- a second PRS, the gov-
dicators for each sector and setting ernment developed a more
During the formulation of the second
targets for these for each year of
PRS, called the Fifth National Devel- comprehensive National
FNDP implementation.
opment Plan (FNDP), this was reiter- Development Plan (FNDP),
ated by the coordinating Ministry of During these consultations, it became for the years 2006 10.
Finance and National Planning. It be- apparent that more work would be
came apparent however that many of required in strengthening the capacity After consultation process,
the pre-requisites to such a system of different sectors to develop their which saw teams from the
did not exist at other levels of Gov- information systems if these were to MoFNP visiting all 72 dis-
ernment. Among the problems were provide the necessary inputs for deci-
tricts, as well as sector
sion-making. To assist, a series of
weak and fragmented information level discussions between
workshops were held and a self
systems, Government, Cooperating
learning course on M and E was de-
no link between planning and veloped. Sector specific trainings in Partners and Civil Society
budgeting, which was still driven social protection, water, agriculture Organisations, the FNDP
by an incremental approach and governance were organized (in was launched in 2007.
(even in activity based budget- collaboration with InWEnt and other
ing), GTZ projects in Zambia). This training Each of the 33 chapters of
will be extended to other sectors such the FNDP included Key
a reluctance to set performance
as Gender and Environment in the Performance Indicators.
targets and a hesitancy to report
coming year.
on performance to a wider audi- These indicators have an-
ence, compounded by a poor At the same time, support has been nual targets for each year
demand for this, and given to the Central Statistical Office of implementation. The
to develop a National Statistical
a perception that plans were to means of achieving these
Strategy to coordinate and link the
guide donors in providing re- targets is left up to the lead
various sources of data and to ensure
sources, rather than improve the agencies in the sector, un-
that one institution is capacitated to
delivery of services using gov- der advice from the Sector
maintain the quality of statistics.
ernments own resources.
Advisory Groups (SAGs).
No. 14 | December 08 | GTZ Public Finance, Administrative Reform and Decentralisation | Feature | page 4

Public Finance Reform

This support also focuses on building The Way Forward

the capacities of the users to under- Before the Government started with a
stand statistics and their application. results focus in the FNDP, the extent
Recognising that there is more re- of the difficulties in this approach was
quired than collecting data, the pro- not apparent. However, there are
ject also focuses on building analyti- positives that can be built on, not
cal capacities, through training least a growing performance culture
courses on Poverty and Social Impact seeping into government, brought
Analysis, and supporting the re- about by demands for information on
establishment of the study fund in the performance against set targets. Chris Pain has worked
MoFNP, which will provide resources with the Ministry of Finance
The weak information systems that
for analytical work on a demand ba- exist in many sectors will need to be and National Planning in
sis. strengthened if there is to be any im- Zambia for the past three
The focus of these trainings has not provement in managing for develop- years on issues of monitor-
solely been on the ministries in ques- ment results. Once the flow of data ing, and the development
tion, but a wider body, known as the improves, attention can be given to of a national M and E sys-
Sector Advisory Group (SAG) that improving basic analytical skills, and
tem. Prior to that he has
include membership from civil society institutionalizing tools like PSIA.
worked on issues of moni-
organizations and the donor commu- The next major challenge is to
nity. These bodies are responsible for toring, participation, decen-
strengthen the links between planning
the oversight of the implementation of tralization and budgeting
and budgeting. There is some evi-
the FNDP, ensuring the budget is in dence to suggest that in sectors like on both short and long
line with plan, and that performance health and education, data is influ- term perspectives in Ma-
is assessed on a regular basis. encing the targeting of resources to lawi, Kenya, Mozambique,
Improving Domestic Accountability specific geographic areas were per- Tanzania and Yemen.
and Reporting formance has been poor. The produc-
tion of some basic budget analysis by
In addition to focusing on the capaci- the M & E department, and the sub-
ties to collect and use data, the GTZ sequent follow-up on issues raised
support project to the MoFNP has through budget hearings, will also
also focused on improving domestic contribute to ensuring resources are
reporting and accountability. This in- allocated to activities that will contrib-
cludes supporting the MoFNP in the ute to the achievement of the desired
production of local language versions results as outlined in the FNDP.
of the development plan and long-
term vision, the production of Annual To facilitate all of this, and to ensure
Progress Reports and the holding of the participation of different stake-
national conferences where members holders, the SAGs as a consultative Michael Rsch, political
of the SAGs are invited to participate forum to discuss budgets, plans and scientist, has worked for
and discuss issues connected to the performance in implementation need
GTZ in Colombia and in
implementation of the FNDP. The to be strengthened. By this the gov-
Germany. Currently he is
project also supports the MoFNP in ernment of Zambia will be able to re-
improving the quality of their interac- duce the transaction costs associated working as a planning ex-
tion with the sector level, as well as with multiple bilateral consultations pert for administrative re-
the quality of discussions in the between donors and the Central Sta- form and anti-corruption in
SAGs. tistics Office. the Public Finance Team.
Chris Pain, GTZ
No. 14 | December 08 | GTZ Public Finance, Administrative Reform and Decentralisation | Feature | page 5

Public Finance Reform

Performance based budgets both industrial and developing coun-

tries are currently engaged in the im-
A stronger performance orientation is German experience
plementation of reforms that in one
currently to be observed not only in the
way or another will result in a stronger
area of public administration but also At municipal level Nordr-
performance orientation. These re-
in the preparation, implementation and hein-Westfalen, for exam-
forms are being pursued at both na-
control of public budgets. The objec- ple, has made progress
tional and sub-national levels.
tive of this adjustment is to allocate
with the introduction of per-
public funds not merely according to At the German Federal Budget Mod-
formance orientation
availability and reported needs (input ernisation Congress held in Berlin on
orientation) but rather in accordance October 14 2008 current develop- www.neues-kommunales-
with the established political goals to ments in Germany at both national and
be achieved with these funds (output sub-national levels were presented as has Hesse at Lnder
orientation). In order to verify that this and discussed. It was evident that level (in German)
is in fact happening, indicators are de- changes at municipal level leading to
fined that must be observed. Thanks stronger performance orientation are
Further information on this
to these modifications to the system, now also becoming increasingly evi-
the budgets steering function is en- dent at the Lnder level. Parts these issue at the national level
hanced. This is often associated with a developments can be attributed to is available in the monthly
switch from a cash based cameralistic changes in the system of accounting. report of the Federal Minis-
accounting, to an accrual based dou- At national level the pace of reform is try of Finance for October
ble-entry bookkeeping. The main aim slower, because the advantages of
2008 (in German):
is to enable a comprehensive assess- switching to double-entry bookkeeping
'Auf dem Weg zu einem
ment of a countrys budget situation. are still under examination.
neuen Haushalts- und
A whole range of countries comprising Kristin Snger, GTZ
Rechnungswesen im Bund'

Expert talk at GTZ

Expert talk on the theme "Backbone program budgets Roger Salhuana
of state modernisation and public supposed that the application of a sin-
policy performance based budg- gle instrument, namely program budg-
ets in Peru" ets, would not in itself inevitably lead
directly to changes in behaviour. As
On November 24th 2008, in coopera-
GTZ representatives did, he in particu-
tion with the regional group for the An-
lar regarded changes in mindset as a
des countries and Paraguay, the GTZ
key factor contributing to the success
Public Policy Section arranged an ex- Roger Salhuana, expert
of reforms. The importance of this is-
pert talk at which Roger Salhuana, an from the Peruvian Ministry
sue for the field of development coop-
expert from the Peruvian Ministry of of Finance, Josef Ising,
eration was underlined by the lively
Finance, outlined reforms of the
discussion between experts from the GTZ manager for the
budget system. These are character-
Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Andes countries and Dr.
ised in particular by the introduction of
Development (BMZ), the Reconstruc- Matthias Witt, head of the
performance based budgets, designed
tion Loan Corporation (KfW), GTZ and
to facilitate the implementation of po- GTZ Public Policy Section
Capacity Building International
litical and strategic programs. (from left to right) at the
Germany (InWEnt).
Making a clear distinction between Expert talk on performance
Kristin Snger, GTZ
performance based budgets and based budgets.
No. 14 | December 08 | GTZ Public Finance, Administrative Reform and Decentralisation | News from partner countries | page 6

Public Finance Reform

News from partner countries

Interview with Gabriel Negatu, Director of the Governance, Economic and
Financial Management Department of the African Development Bank (AfDB)

Mr Negatu, in 2006 the African What are the main instruments for Gabriel Negatu is the
Development Bank decided to cre- the African Development Bank to
Director of Governance,
ate the Department for Governance, improve Financial Governance in
Economic and Financial Manage- Africa? Economic & Financial
ment. Recently the Bank approved Management Department
The Bank deploys a range of instru-
new Strategic Directions for Gov- at the African Development
ments for its economic and financial
ernance, including an Action Plan Bank (AfDB). In this capac-
governance operations in the Regional
for 2008 2012. These directions ity he oversees the ADBs
Member Countries. We use a combi-
set a strong focus on Financial
nation of policy-based lending and in- work on promoting good
Governance. What were the reasons
stitutional support projects, improving economic and financial
for this specific orientation?
the capacity in Public Financial Man- governance and the Banks
The Governance Strategic Directions agement. The choice of aid instru-
lending operations includ-
and Action Plan for 2008-12 takes ac- ments is tailored to the countries gov-
count of recent developments in aid ernance challenges and environment. ing Budget Support Opera-
policies like the Paris Agenda. It re- For example institutional support pro- tions, Balance of Payment
flects the recommendations of the in- jects may be combined with budget Operations and Institu-
dependent High Level Panel of Janu- support operations. tional Support Programs.
ary 2008 and represents the guidance
We are also very active in non-lending Among his portfolio is the
provided by Banks Regional Member
activities and analytical work, including
Countries, most notably through the Banks work on Extractive
an active policy dialogue. Our continu-
Eleventh Replenishment of the African Sector Transparency in
ous support to the elaboration and im-
Development Fund (ADF-11) in 2008). resource rich African coun-
provement of the African Peer Review
As governance in itself is a very broad Mechanism (APRM) is another exam- tries. Mr. Negatu also
topic, it was necessary that the Bank ple for our activities in this field. Last leads the ADBs work in
sharpened its strategic focus and but not least the Bank acts as catalyst the context of the Africa
carved out a distinctive role for itself in to anchor regional standards and
Peer Review Mechanism
the global aid architecture in the area codes of good financial governance.
of governance and anti-corruption. (APRM) where the Bank is
Presently the Bank is working with playing a lead role in the
Those who work in, or with govern- UNECA and the AU on taking forward
areas of Economic and
ments, know that economic and finan- the Abuja Commitment to Action which
cial management is at the core of what African Ministers of Finance endorsed Corporate Governance.
a capable state does. It provides the in 2006 to develop transparent, ac- Prior to his current as-
foundations upon which to build capa- countable and reliable budgetary sys- signment, Mr. Negatu
ble states, able to fulfil their responsi- tems, and transforming it into an Afri- worked in the Banks Pol-
bilities and deliver basic services to can Agenda on Good Financial Gov- icy & Review Department,
the poor. The Banks central objective ernance. In all these operations the
where he managed the
in governance is to assist African Bank has a key role to play in crystal-
countries to build those capable and lizing and advocating for an African Banks work on harmoniza-
responsive states by strengthening perspective on governance. tion & Alignment around
transparency and accountability in the the Paris Declaration.
management of public resources.
No. 14 | December 08 | GTZ Public Finance, Administrative Reform and Decentralisation | News from partner countries | page 7

Public Finance Reform

Does the AfDB link its operations more openly and effectively addressed
on Financial Governance to its by the AfDB than by other develop-
Budget support operations? ment partners.

The Bank views budget support as an How will the Accra Agenda for
instrument, not as an end in itself. It Action influence the Banks activi-
uses budget support as an instrument ties on Financial Governance?
to encourage institutional reform and
The Accra Agenda for Action mentions
deepen policy dialogue on govern-
many key issues that the Bank is al-
ance, only when conditions are appro-
ready implementing in its governance
priate and fiduciary conditions have
operations. Nevertheless, we will
been met. This includes budget sup-
broaden and deepen our focus on
port operations whose main purpose is
strengthening country systems in our Dr. Jochen Hoettcke,
to improve financial governance and
operations. In this regard, we are, for
the governance components of multi- Political Scientist, has
example, providing assistance to im-
sector budget support operations. been seconded by GTZ as
prove procurement systems at the
We should not forget that the use of country and regional levels. We are Governance Expert to the
budget support to promote govern- also enhancing our support to fragile African Development Bank
ance is consistent with the Paris Dec- states by building institutions and (AfDB) in Tunis since May
laration targets on program-based ap- strengthening capacity in financial 2008.
proaches and use of country systems. governance and, where relevant, in
natural resources management. His work is focused on the
What are the main problems the
Bank encounters with this new fo- The AfDB has long cooperated with Banks support to Eco-
cus on financial governance? What institutions. Where do you see pos- nomic and Financial Gov-
are the advantages has the Bank? sibilities for cooperation in the field ernance in Africa, which
of Financial Governance? includes the Banks coop-
The problems we encounter have less
to do with the focus on Financial The Bank is already cooperating with eration with Pan-African
Governance but more with main- other development partners on sup- Public Finance Institutions
streaming Financial Governance in porting governance reforms in Africa. It as well as the direct man-
sector operations and in country pro- is part of various donor coordination agement of Institutional
grams - at the same time delineating and harmonization efforts on govern-
Support Projects in various
the roles and responsibilities of the ance and Public Financial Manage-
Banks departments for the activities in ment including the OECD-DAC or the African countries.
Regional Member Countries. However, Strategic Partnership for Africa (SPA).
in the medium-term we are moving
Our work on governance is promoted
towards placing governance experts at
through Coordination Platforms such
the regional level in country offices
as the APF and the joint African-EU
and also in sector departments.
Strategy. Furthermore we are concen-
Concerning the advantages I see trating on strategic partnerships to
those in the Banks African Identity. As complement our focus areas - while
a recognized African Institution, the bearing an African perspective. Key
Bank is well placed to enter into a pol- strategic partners for the Bank include
icy dialogue with one of its Member the World Bank, the IMF, the EC, and
Countries about sensitive issues. key bilateral partners like GTZ.

Let me be frank: the issues of trans- Gabriel Negatu from the AfDB was
parency or corruption, for example, are interviewed by Jochen Hoettcke
No. 14 | December 08 | GTZ Public Finance, Administrative Reform and Decentralisation | Public Finance issues | page 8

Public Finance Reform

Afghanistan - financing for security If the efficiency of LOFTA is measured GTZ cooperation with the
GTZ analysis underlines the by the achievement of such bench- German Federal For-
relevance of governance aspects marks as the introduction of identity
eign Office
cards for police officers and the ex-
In situations of fragile statehood the
pansion of electronic salary transfers,
paradigm 'financing for security' ap-
this does not alter the fact that there
pears to prevail side by side with or
can be no guarantee that everyone
even in place of 'financing for devel-
who receives a salary payment is also
opment'. However, approaches whose
a police officer or alternatively that
objective is to finance the creation of a
every police officer does actually re-
secure environment must at the same
ceive his salary. GTZ cooperation with the
time also take into consideration the
principles of good (financial) govern- Electronic payment systems alone German Federal Foreign
ance. With regard to development pol- cannot resolve this problem and must Office arose in 2007 as
icy, this is the central conclusion be supplemented by institutional re- result of the granting of
drawn by a recent study of police fi- forms and capacity development in the
additional ODA budget
nancing commissioned by the German Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry
funds for the 2008-2011.
Federal Foreign Office. of Finance. Only a holistic develop-
ment- policy approach can ensure or- The relationship with the
The financing and payment of police
derly payment of police salaries. It is
salaries plays a vital role in the en- Federal Foreign Office has
questionable whether this can be
hancement of security. In Afghanistan developed very positively.
achieved by a trust fund that in situa-
this has been achieved since 2002 This is reflected not only in
tions of poor governance attempts to
through the Law and Order Trust Fund the good relationship with
put a stop to the instrumentalisation of
for Afghanistan (LOTFA).
financial resources, but which also lim- departments awarding con-
LOTFA is a trust fund set up on the its the partners ownership and joint tracts, but also in the fact
basis of an overall agreement between responsibility.
that the original goal of an
the UNDP and the Afghan government
At least from the standpoint of sus- inflow of contracts worth
and governed by UNDP rules. Alone
tainability the Afghan Ministry of Fi- EUR 70 million was ex-
in 2008 contributions by the German
nance should play a greater role in de-
Federal Foreign Office totalled $US10 ceeded by EUR 15 million.
cision-making on such matters as the
level of police salaries or the number Department 42 has pro-
Evaluation of procedures that have of police officers. vided substantial support
been followed to date and the new for many offers. GTZ must
By stressing the good financial
overall agreement (LOTFA V) have
governance aspects in the financing of continue to apply its know-
made it quite clear that the trust fund
security the studys contribution has how and flexibility to posi-
cannot be regarded in isolation from
been to focus attention on an issue
the governance situation in Afghani- tion itself against its com-
that must be dealt with in greater
stan, the provision of necessary sup- petitors and provide proof
depth. In more general terms, the key
port for capacity development and of its strength in the shape
question is how the promotion of
practical difficulties encountered in the of transparent and reliable
security can be supplemented with
financing of police activities.
development perspectives. implementation.

Barbara Dutzler, GTZ Anne-Katrin Niemeier, GTZ

Contact: Contact: Anne-
No. 14 | December 08 | GTZ Public Finance, Administrative Reform and Decentralisation | Public Finance issues | page 9

Public Finance Reform

Public Finance are covered by the Bolsa Familia pro-

gram, whereas only 3.6 million were
issues covered by the previous version Bolsa
Latin American social policy needs Escola. Suspicion should have been
a tax reform aroused by the fact that this rise in ex-
penditure was not accompanied by an
Latin America is currently in the throes increased share of total government
of changing its political paradigm. The expenditure i.e. there was no or only Photomontage: Fabiana di
neo-liberal reforms of the 80s and 90s little redistribution in expenditures. Matteo (c) Nueva Sociedad
are generally considered to have failed Where does the money come from?
The Journal online at:
and most countries are now ruled by
presidents who are left-wing to various Between 2002 and 2008 Latin Amer-
degrees. Despite their differences ica experienced an export boom (to-
their approaches share some common gether with an increase in foreign
features: (1) a leading economic role transfers) that turned a chronic gov-
for the government, (2) priority for so- ernment deficit into a solid budget sur-
cial policy and poverty reduction and plus. Now the question to be asked is:
(3) politically and economically differ- Have the new governments made pro-
entiated foreign relations. visions for the future? Are they invest-
ing for the future? The answer is brief:
The swing to the left in Latin America Latin America is still investing too little
has been welcomed beyond the in its public infrastructure and in its Joachim Knoop works for
shores of the sub-continent as a step public enterprises. Public goods are the Friedrich Ebert Foun-
into a future with more democracy and still heavily subsidised, even for the dation (FES) and is direc-
enhanced social justice. Evo Morales, middle and upper classes. The overall tor of the journal Nueva
Luis Incio Lula da Silva are stars that tax ratio is still too low and the tax sys-
Sociedad in Buenos Aires
are not only popular but almost loved tem too regressive.
by the European left. However, as we in Argentina.
know, love blinds. The figures appear Although the average tax ratio has
impressive and in part they are. The risen from 16% at the beginning of the
Data in the article from:
average proportion of the poor in Latin 90s to over 20% and thus contributed
Ricardo Ffrench Davis:
America has fallen from 48.5% in 1990 to the financing of social security pay-
ments, the tax structure has resulted in El contexto de las
to 38.5% in 2006. The absolute num-
ber, however, has risen from 200 to a perverse effect. Brazil is a good privatizaciones y la

205 million. Equality in the sense of example: here the tax burden of the situacin actual: entre el
the ratio between the incomes of the poorest 10% of households is esti- Consenso de Washington
poorest elements in society and those mated at 48.8%, that of the richest
y el crecimiento con
of the richest has also improved 10% at only 26.3%. A sustainable so-
equidad; Nueva Sociedad
slightly. Nevertheless, Latin America is cial policy must therefore be linked to
the tax system. Reform of the tax sys- 207 (2007) and
the continent with the poorest income
distribution worldwide. tem for example, less indirect and Carlos Mussi, Jos
more direct taxation is a sine qua Roberto R. Afonso
In almost all Latin American countries non, as is reform of subsidisation and Cmo conciliar desarrollo
the social situation of the poorest ele- the introduction of an economic policy
ments in the population has been im- econmico con bienestar
that promotes investment and provides
proved by an increase in government social? Algunas reflexiones
a long-term guarantee of social equal-
social security payments. In Brazil, for ity. But more of that on another day. sobre los nuevos desafos
example, more than 11 million families latinoamericanos; Nueva
Joachim Knoop, FES
Sociedad 215 (2008)
No. 14 | December 08 | GTZ Public Finance, Administrative Reform and Decentralisation | Public Finance issues | page 10

Public Finance Reform

'Human Resource Management in background of increasingly complex

Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) challenges. Secondly, the impact of
regional seminar organised by the personnel management on the role of
DRI and GTZ in Montenegro SAIs within the framework of the state
structure. Mr. Lage Olofsson from the
Personnel qualification is of vital im- The establishment of the
Swedish National Audit Office (Riksre-
portance in external financial control. Dravna Revizorska Insti-
visionen) examined personnel man-
The impact of SAIs is linked to the tucija (DRI) as the inde-
agement in the context of the organ-
quality of their audits and recommen-
isational and governance objectives pendent SAI of Montene-
dations, as well as of the structure of
established by the Lima Declaration in gro was supported from
their strategy within the architecture of
1977. And thirdly, the context-related the beginning by the GTZ.
state institutions and organs.
challenges facing SAIs in their work in
Further information is
In the knowledge that the quality of the changing environment of reform-
oriented states and governments. available online under:
personnel is of vital importance in
SAIs, experts and senior staff from su- "Creation and Establish-
Learning and teaching in networks
preme audit institutions in south-east ment of the Supreme Audit
for effective financial control
Europe, the south Caucasus and cen- Institution - Montenegro"
tral Asia came together at a seminar in The personnel management debate
Prno in Montenegro between October and the associated complex chal-
22 and October 24. At the invitation of lenges for SAIs to improve the per-
the Dravna Revizorska Institucija formance of their functions within the
(DRI) in Montenegro the GTZ con- state structure offered a sound basis
ceived and organised this 2-day re- for an enhanced exchange of experts
gional seminar on 'Personnel man- and practitioners from the field of ex-
agement in SAIs', at which discussion ternal financial control within the re-
focused on the most important issues gion. In his opening speech the DRI
and challenges in the field of person- president, Miroslav Ivanisevic, In Przno GTZ senior
nel management and training in SAIs stressed the importance of bringing planning expert Roland
against the backdrop of the ever- together and concentrating know-how von Frankenhorst (left) and
changing tasks facing external finan- and expertise by structuring effective the president of the
cial control in the context of good gov- and independent regional financial
Slovenian SAI, Dr. Igor
ernance in transition countries. control. The reflection of GTZ experi-
Soltes, debated the role of
ence with regional counselling ap-
Financial control and the structur- human resources in
proaches has played a vital role here.
ing of development processes
In view of the complex challenges fac- Supreme Audit Institutions.
In Prno attention was focused on ing SAIs, an open exchange of techni-
three aspects. Firstly, the special and cal information on the basis of stable
very varied challenges facing auditors regional networks offers encouraging
in their external financial control. Dr. possibilities that a vital contribution
Friege from the German Federal Court can be made to developing the capaci-
of Audit (BRH) and representatives ties of external financial control in the
from regional SAIs delivered presenta- years to come.
tions on approaches to recruiting,
Sebastian Gehart, GTZ
training and further qualification of Sebastian Gehart, political
auditing personnel against a scientist, is working in the
Public Policy team on
external audit and PEFA.
No. 14 | December 08 | GTZ Public Finance, Administrative Reform and Decentralisation | Miscellaneous | page 11

Public Finance Reform

UN passes EITI resolution Cooperation between the Court of Cooperation agreement

Audit of Berlin and COCA in Yemen signed in Sana'a, Yemen
Much attention has been focused
worldwide on endeavours of the Ex- Yemen is a priority partner for German
tractive Industries Transparency Initia- development cooperation and a pilot
tive (EITI) to enhance transparency of country in the Program of Action 2015.
state revenues from natural resources. As the body responsible for controlling
This can be explained by the high the public finances, the Yemeni su-
prices of commodities and the embed- preme audit institution, the Central Or-
ganisation for Control and Auditing The COCA president, Dr.
ding of the issue in the G8 process.
(COCA), is pivotal: COCAs audit re- Abdullah A. Al-Sanafi (on
The EITI provides support for coun-
ports provide the government, parlia- the right), and the presi-
tries that are rich in natural resources
ment and the public with the data they dent of the LRH Berlin,
in order to enable them to use the
need to control the use of public funds.
revenues from their commodities re- Prof. Dr. Jens Harms (3rd
sponsibly. The transparency of public The support provided for financial con- from left.), signed the co-
revenues is enhanced by disclosure of trol is one element in a whole range of operation agreement in the
commodity-induced money flows. To comprehensive political programs:
presence of the German
this end payments from the extractive among others, the Public Service Re-
ambassador. The head of
industries are compared with the gov- form Project(CSMP), the Public Fi-
nance Management Reform Action the GTZ office in Yemen,
ernments declared revenues.
Plan (PFM-R), which defines the Dr. Thomas Engelhardt (on
On September 11 2008 the 62nd Gen-
framework for reform measures in the the left), signed the
eral Assembly of the United Nations in
field of public finance in years to come, agreement for the GTZ.
New York passed a UN resolution on
as well as the Good-Governance Re-
the Extractive Industries Transparency
form Program (GGRP). COCAs ex-
Initiative (EITI). The resolution was
perience has shown that corruption
adopted after much heated discussion
and wasteful use of funds are the ma-
and aimed both to enhance the EITIs
jor obstacles to implementation of
legitimacy and to win over new sup- Dr. Jens Harms
these reform programs.
porters and candidates. It is entitled
President of the
Strengthening Transparency in Indus- With the mediation of the German
LRH in Berlin,
tries and underlines the importance of project Support for the Central Or-
both the EITI and the transparency of ganisation for Control and Auditing an graduated in economics
revenues from natural resources. agreement was signed in Sanaa on and has taught economic
November 16, 2008 between the Court theory and political econ-
With the adoption of this resolution the
of Audit (CoA) of the City-State of Ber- omy in several universities
EITI was referred to in an official UN
lin and COCA.
document for the first time. This step since 1974.
was a sine qua non if the EITI is to This twinning arrangement aims to
In collaboration with the
gain more support. The GTZ Public promote a practice-oriented exchange
Policy Team advised the Federal Min- of experience between the CoA of GTZ between 1997 and
istry for Economic Cooperation (BMZ) Berlin and COCA in the field of per- 2007 he advised Mongolia
throughout the negotiations and made formance audits, as well as in anti- in the establishment of an
a significant contribution to furthering corruption activities. The Agreement independent financial con-
the German position. includes a series of joint workshops
trol and since 2008 he has
and a return visit to Berlin by COCA
Katharina Gunselmann, GTZ been supporting a project
representatives planned for 2009.
Contact: designed to enhance fi-
Roland von Frankenhorst, GTZ
Susanne Thiel, GTZ nancial control in Yemen.
No. 14 | December 08 | GTZ Public Finance, Administrative Reform and Decentralisation | Miscellaneous | page 12

Public Finance Reform

Upcoming events Preview of our next New arrivals:

Annual Congress of the Interna- issue

tional Institute of Public Finance
Sustainable financing for develop-
The 65th Annual Congress of the In- ment development policy discus-
ternational Institute of Public Finance sion focuses on taxation
on the theme "Public Policy and De-
velopment" will be held in Cape Town, The second UN Conference on Fi-
South Africa August 13th to 16th nancing for Development was held in
2009. The congress will be hosted by Doha, Qatar from November 28 until Anja Gaentzsch studied
the University of Pretoria and sup- December 2nd 2008. At the confer-
Public and Economic Pol-
ported by the GTZ. It will be open to ence, which was prepared with the ac-
icy at the London School of
both practitioners and academics. The tive support of the Project Public Fi-
nance and Administrative Reform, at- Economics (LSE) and the
deadline for contributions is January
31st 2009. Further information can be tention was focused on national tax National University of Sin-

obtained in the internet under: potentials and the contradiction be- gapore (NUS).
tween tax law and tax reality. Before studying for
Top of the agenda at the request of
her MPA she worked in the
the Federal Ministry for Economic Co-
Vacancy operation and Development (BMZ) area of promoting local

was the issue of how to combat tax democracy as coordinator

BTC institutional development ex-
pert for Vietnam evasion and tax avoidance. In the po- on the GTZ project Ad-
dium discussion the German minister ministration Reform and
The Belgian Technical Cooperation Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul stressed Decentralisation in Phnom
(BTC) wishes to engage the services the importance of domestic tax reve-
of an expert with experience in the ar- Penh, Cambodia.
nues for financing long-term develop-
eas of institutional development, ment. Here the international commu- Since November she is
administrative reform, monitoring and nity must become more active. Putting working as a net-
evaluation in support of the public ad- the policy priorities in a nutshell, the
ministration reform (PAR) within the work assistant in the Public
minister noted The state is back.
context of the Vietnamese govern- Finance Team on the
ments 10-year plan. Germany will seize the initiative by establishment of the
staging a workshop in Berlin at the be-
Further information from: public policy network.
ginning of 2009 to examine the possi-
Michael Rsch, GTZ bilities of cooperation in these areas.
Contact: The next issue of our newsletter will
deal with these developments in detail.

Birger Nerr, GTZ



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Editorial | Publisher: Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, Public Finance, Administrative Reform and De-
centralisation, Dag-Hammarskjld-Weg 1-5, 65760 Eschborn, Press responsibility: Dr. Matthias Witt, Internet:
Editor: Sebastian Gehart, Tel.: +49 61 96 79-1656, E-Mail:

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