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Holiday Jogja

One week after the division final exam result, mother offering vacation to Jogja with
cousin revelation. Originally father would offer to Bandung or Yogyakarta but more
like my mother and cousin to Yogyakarta because I had a brother who lived in Jogja
Sleman, so it would be safe. because have long not to Jogja I immediately accepted.
It seems there is no more place for a holiday in Blitar which we have not visited so
had to get out of town. The next morning we set off both by bus to Jogja.
Exactly five hours of dawn we arrived at the bus terminal Sleman, Jogjakarta. While
waiting uncle picked, we drank coffee at a restaurant near the terminal. All around a
lot of people who are on vacation like us. Most of them are Javanese people who
have long settled in blitar but still had relatives in Jogjakarta just like us. We were
picked up around 6 am when the sun was rising. The journey to the uncle's house
through rice fields and sugar plantations. Not so different from those in Blitar only
people of Yogyakarta is famous with friendliness. The first thing we did in the village
uncle was visiting some relatives there. Some of you look old father who had been
waiting for our arrival.
The first thing we wanted to visit in Jogja Jogja certainly historic site which is known
as one of the wonders of the world, Borobudur. With the car we were ushered into
Borobudur with female cousins, Umi. Only about 45 minutes from our uncle's house
until at Borobudur. There we saw many statues of Buddhist gods shaped. Turns
Borobudur is not only visited by visitors from Indonesia alone. In fact, many visitors
from Germany, Australia, France and any more. After of Borobudur, we Prambanan
Temple, one of the historic sites are also used as a place of worship of the Hindu. In
contrast to Borobudur, Prambanan temple is Hindu nation. Many statues of hindu
gods shaped there. Who does not know prambanan? According to myth, Prambanan
made by ghost.
A lot of which we are the clay there. The beauty of Borobudur and Prambanan we
will never forget. Despite the long journey and tiring but it does not mean anything
to the beauty that we see in Jogja. If the opportunity arises again definitely a place
we want to visit again is Jogja.

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