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PowerCenter Connect for JMS

Integration with Tibco

Enterprise for JMS

Ravi Shankar
Softrware Engineer

May 2004

Java Message Service (JMS) is a Java framework specification for messaging between
applications. This is designed to provide a standard for Message Oriented Middleware (MOM)
based application. This specification provides uniform messaging interface for various enterprise
applications. PowerCenter Connect for JMS provides a facility to extract and load data from/to
various messaging applications, which provide /implement and follow JMS specification.

This document explains how PowerCenter Connect for JMS integrates with Tibco Enterprise
Server and Rendezvous Server. Tibco Enterprise Server implements JMS specification, where as
Rendezvous Server does not. PowerCenter Connect for JMS can directly connect to Tibco
Enterprise Server for message extraction and loading. Tibco Enterprise Server provides a
connection-bridge for Rendezvous Server. Using this connection bridge PowerCenter Connect for
JMS can perform extract/load to Rendezvous Server.

PowerCenter TIBCO - TIBCO-

Connect for Enterprise Rendezvous
JMS Server Server

PowerCenter Connect for JMS Integration with TIBCO Enterprise

The TIBCO Enterprise for JMS Server acts as an intermediary for messages and forwards
messages to the correct destination. When integrating PowerCenter Connect for JMS with TIBCO
Enterprise Server, you need to configure PowerCenter Connect for JMS such that it can read or
write messages from/to the Tibco Enterpriser Server.

In PowerCenter Connect for JMS, the JMS connection information has to be same as other
messaging systems. User can use JNDI naming service provided by TIBCO Enterprise Server.
The JNDI configuration information is as follows:

Initial Context factory: com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory

Provider URL: tibjmsnaming://host:port (host&port: where Enterprise Server is running)

With the above configuration, PowerCenter Connect for JMS can extract/load data from/to TIBCO
Enterprise Server.

PowerCenter Connect for JMS Integration with Tibco

Rendezvous Server:
TIBCO Rendezvous Server does not implement JMS specification; as a result PowerCenter
Connect for JMS cannot directly communicate with a Tibco Rendezvous Server. TIBCO
Enterprise for JMS can exchange messages with Tibco Rendezvous. Messages can be
imported/exported to Enterprise Server for JMS topic. For making connection-bridge between
Rendezvous Server and TIBCO Enterpriser Server you need to set the following configuration:

1. User has to enable the tibrv transport configuration parameter such that Tibco Enterprise
Server can communicate with Tibco Rendezvous messaging systems. (in file: tibjmsd.conf)

tibrv_transports = enabled

2. Transports are defined in the transports.conf configuration file and they specify the
communication protocol between TIBCO Enterprise for JMS and the Rendezvous system.
The import and export properties on a destination can list one or more transports to use to
communicate with the Rendezvous systems. Following settings need to be done.( in file:

type = tibrv // type of external messaging system
topic_import_dm = TIBJMS_RELIABLE // only reliable/certified messages can transfer
daemon = tcp:localhost:7500 // default daemon for Rendezvous Server
3. The export property allows messages published by a JMS client to a topic to be exported to
the external systems with configured transports. Currently you can configure transports for
TIBCO Rendezvous reliable and certified messaging protocols. You can specify the name of
one or more transports of the same type in the export property. (in file: topics.conf).

topicname export="RV"

In this figure, the TIBCO Enterprise for JMS message originates in the JMS client application, and
is sent to a topic. The server translates the message fields to TIBCO Rendezvous fields, and
publishes the TIBCO Rendezvous message.

Note: Above configuration works for the Enterprise Server version 3.1.2 and later.

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