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Study of the Relationship Between Glucose and

Insulin Responses to an Oral Glucose Load in Man

Gerald Reaven, M.D., and Rupert Miller, Ph.D.,
with the technical assistance of Nancy Ballot and Judith Grindle,
Palo Alto
Glucose tolerance tests were performed on 125 pa-
Oral glucose tolerance tests have been performed on 125 tients selected from the Medical Outpatient Clinic
patients, and the ensuing changes in plasma glucose and
insulin concentrations have been measured. The possible Patients with a previous history of insulin administra-
effects of factors which could modify the nature of these tion or diabetic ketoacidosis were not tested. Also ex-
responses (obesity, age, sex, family history of diabetes, cluded were patients receiving therapy for diabetes, those
and indications for performing the tolerance test) have greater than 50 per cent overweight, and any individual
been extensively evaluated. None of these variables were
suspected of having a disease which might affect carbo-
found to have a statistically significant effect on the plasma
glucose and insulin responses. Two general relationships hydrate metabolism. Age and sex characteristics of the
between glucose and insulin responses have been defined patient population are given in table 1, and indica-
within the population studied. One, based on the quantita- tions for performing the tolerance test are listed in
tive aspects of the glucose and insulin responses, indicated table 2. All subjects received 7 oz. of a synthetic carbo-
that there was at first an increase, and then, a decrease
in the insulin response to progressive degrees of hyper- hydrate beverage (Glucola), which has been shown to
glycemia. The second relationship was independent of the produce a blood glucose response very similar to that
absolute concentrations of either glucose and insulin, and following a 100 gm. oral glucose load. Although Wilker-
states that the pattern of glucose response during the three son and associates3 have indicated that there is no need
hours of the tolerance test determines the pattern of the in- for a high carbohydrate diet before a glucose tolerance
sulin response during this same time interval. DIABETES
17:560-69, September, 1968.
Age and sex distribution of patient population
The introduction of a specific immunoassay for
Age Number of patients
measurement of insulin1 has resulted in considerable (yrs.) Male Female
knowledge concerning plasma insulin concentrations of 10-19 2 2
patients with various disorders of carbohydrate metabol- 20-29 5 4
30-39 11 18
ism. However, since these studies were primarily aimed 40-49 17 15
at elucidating mechanisms of disease, a glucose-insulin 50-59 15 18
60-69 7 7
relationship with general physiological applicability has 70-79 2 2
not emerged. The primary objective of the current study Total 59 66
was to determine whether or not such a relationship
existed. In order to examine this question it was neces-
Indications for which tolerance test performed*
sary to establish the plasma glucose and insulin responses
to a glucose load in a heterologous population and to Number
evaluate the possible factors that affected these responses. Indications of patients
Subsequent analysis of these data resulted in the defini- History of hyperglycemia and/or
glycosuria 55
tion of two general relationships between glucose and Family history of diabetes mellitus 24
insulin responses within the population studied. History of "hyperlipemia" and/or
coronary artery disease 23
History of possible reactive hypoglycemia 17
From the Departments of Medicine, Preventive Medicine Obesity 15
and Statistics, Stanford University School of Medicine and History of big babies 5
Stanford University, Palo Alto, California. *In some cases more than one indication was present.

560 DIABETES, VOL. 17, NO. 9-


test in patients without a history of restricted food in- four major groups were each further divided into three
take, detailed dietary histories were used to exclude all sub-groups on the basis of degree of obesity, i.e., patients
patients whose average daily carbohydrate intake was who were less than 10 per cent overweight; those who
less than 200 grams. were between .10 and 30 per cent overweight; and
Blood was drawn free-flowing into tubes containing finally patients who were between 30 and 50 per cent
EDTA before the administration of glucose, and one, overweight. This classification was based upon the use
two, and three hours later. Plasma was obtained after of standard life insurance tables for height and weight.
separation in a refrigerated centrifuge, and two aliquots
were immediately quick frozen in acetone-dry ice. One
aliquot was used for measurement of glucose concentra- A. Determination of glucose and insulin responses
tion4; the other used to determine immunoreactive in- 1. Plasma glucose and insulin concentrations and
sulin by a modification of the method of Hales and "total" insulin response. Mean glucose and insulin con-
Randle,5 using insulin I-125 and insulin binding reagent centrations at all time intervals appear in table 4 and
obtained from the Radiochemical Center at Amersham, are illustrated in figure 1. There were only minor
England. differences between insulin concentrations of the four
In order to compare our data with those recently re- groups of patients fasting or three hours after the glu-
ported by Berson and Yalow,6 the patient population cose load. Patients with impaired tolerance had the
was divided into four groups based on their degree of highest mean insulin concentrations one and two hours
hyperglycemia (table 3). Since we measured plasma after receiving glucose, while those with severe diabetes
glucose, which is approximately 15 per cent higher than
blood glucose,7 the upper limits of our divisions have
been proportionately increased. The four groups are
designated as (1) normoglycemic; (2) patients with
impaired glucose tolerance; (3) patients with mild
diabetes; and (4) patients with severe diabetes. These

Criteria for classification
Plasma glucose
) concentration
Number of (mg./lOOml.)
Group patients Fasting 1-hr. 2-hr.
Normoglycemic 44 <100 <185 <130
Impaired tolerance 40 One or more points
between normo-
glycemic and mild
Mild diabetes 21 . >100 >210 >130 FIG. I. Plasma glucose and insulin concentrations of the four
Severe diabetes 20 >150 patient groups (mean SE).

Plasma glucose and insulin concentrations (mean SE) before and after an oral glucose load

Glucose concentration (mg./lOOml.) Insulin concentration

Group No. Fasting 1-hr. 2-hr. 3-hr.
Normo- Fasting 1-hr. 2-hr. 3-hr.
glycemic 44 87 1 129 4 98 3 83 3
Impaired 263 9611 63 6 42 6
tolerance 40 99 2 186 5 140 6 95 5
Mild 334 133 + 15 11317 5812
diabetes 21 115 4 258 8 22115 14014
Severe 234 9413 10123 35 6
diabetes 20 21713 39025 41122 33021
243 44 6 49 7 36 5
SEPTEMBER, 1 9 6 8

had the lowest levels at these times. In general there TABLE 5

was great variability in the magnitude of the in- Comparisons* of insulin concentrations for the four patient
dividual insulin responses, and this is exemplified by groups at each hour
the relatively large standard errors. This wide spectrum
of individual insulin response has been previously com- Impaired Mild Severe
tolerance diabetes diabetes
mented upon by Berson and Yalow,6 who demonstrated Normo- 0 hr. NS 0 hr. NS Ohr. NS
that this was due to biological variation rather than glycemic lhr. I, .05 1 hr. NS lhr. | , . 01
to imprecision in the measurement of immunoreactive 2hr. j,.01 2 hr. NS 2 hr. NS
insulin. However, the variability of the insulin responses 3 hr. NS 3 hr. NS 3 hr. NS
makes it difficult to assess the significance of differences Impaired 0 hr. f, .05 0 hr. NS
between groups. tolerance lhr. j , . 10 1 hr. | , .01
Examination of the insulin and glucose concentrations 2 hr. NS 2 hr. f, .01
3 hr. f, .05 3 hr. NS
revealed that their distributions (at any time, within
any group, etc.) were skewed to the right; that is, there Mild 0 hr. NS
diabetes 1 hr. f, .01
was scattering of a few very high values relative to
2hr. f, .10
the bulk of the measurements. (This observation was 3hr. NS
unrelated to age, sex, obesity, or family history of
*Arrows indicate whether insulin concentrations of pa-
diabetes.) Converting to the logarithms of the con-
tient groups on the left of the table are increased (j-) or
centrations compensated for these very large values and decreased ( | ) when compared to concentrations of groups
created a more "normal" looking distribution. Also, the on the top. Numbers, .10, .05, .01, represent significance
log transformation stabilized the variances. Groups of levels (P-value) by a (two-tailed) /-test for the difference
patients with higher concentrations had higher standard between the two groups. NS is used when differences were
considered nonsignificant (P > .10).
deviations; after taking logarithms all groups had ap-
proximately similar standard deviations. Since both these
properties (normality and stable variances) are desirable thereby enhanced.
for statistical analysis, all statistical comparisons and Another way to evaluate insulin response to glucose
analyses were performed using the logarithms of the is to estimate the area under the insulin concentration
observed concentrations. curve for the three hours of the glucose tolerance test.
Results of applying twenty-four individual (two- The insulin and glucose areas are estimated from the
tailed) /-tests to the six possible comparisons between formulas
the four patient groups at each of the time intervals (!) ^rea = VS Io + ^0 + hzo + -^ liS0
are summarized in table 5. Insulin concentrations of area = X/2 Go + G60 + G120 -j- V2 G180,
normal patients and those with mild diabetes were not where Io, I6o, I120, Iiso and Go, G60, G120, G18o are the
significantly different at any time interval. The highest insulin and glucose levels at times o, 60, 120, 180 min.
concentrations were observed in patients with impaired This estimate of "total" insulin response for the four
tolerance, the lowest in patients with severe diabetes. groups of patients is illustrated in figure 2, and the
However, it is of interest that insulin concentrations of significance of the results appears in table 6. In gen-
normal patients were significantly higher than patients eral the results were similar to those described when
with severe diabetes only at the one-hour interval. insulin concentrations were compared at each time
With so many /-tests in table 5, namely twenty-four, interval. Patients with impaired tolerance had the great-
there is a slight danger that one or two had significant est insulin response, patients with mild diabetes had
P-values ( < .05) by chance. The P-values were re- an insulin response which was not statistically different
ported as measures of the disparity between patient from normal individuals, and patients with severe dia-
groups and not as absolute criteria of significance for betes had a depressed insulin response.
each comparison. A number of the differences were sig- 2. Plasma glucose and insulin concentration and
nificant beyond question (P < .01). Since the dif- "total" responses of the patient groups subdivided by
ferences which were significant at the 5 per cent and weight. Mean glucose and insulin concentrations are
10 per cent levels were consistent with the 1 per cent seen in table 7, and "total" insulin responses are illus-
level significant differences, the validity of the 5 per trated in figure 3. The degree of obesity did not appear
cent and 10 per cent level significant differences is to have a consistent effect on the magnitude of either

562 DIABETES, VOL. 17, NO. 9



Comparisons* of insulin areas for the four patient groups

Impaired Mild Severe

tolerance diabetes diabetes
glycemic |,.oi NS t.-io 300
tolerance f, .01
diabetes f,.10
*Arrows indicate whether insulin areas of patient groups 200
on the left of the table are increased (^ ) or decreased (J^)
when compared to areas of groups on the top. Numbers
.10, .05, .01 represent significance levels (P-value) by a
two-tailed Mest for the difference between the two groups.
NS is used when differences were considered nonsignificant
(P > .10). 100

the insulin or the glucose response. Within each patient

group, the insulin concentrations of the three obesity
groups were compared at each time interval by (two-
tailed) /-tests. Only two of the forty-eight comparisons N0RM0- IMRWRED MLD SEVERE
were statistically significant. Since so many comparisons
were made, these two were attributed to random varia- FIG. 2. " T o t a l " plasma insulin response (area under the i n -
sulin concentration curve) of the four patient groups
tions. Not only were all the other comparisons statis- (mean SE). Numbers of patients in each group are
tically nonsignificant, but there was no consistent direc- in parentheses.
tion to the differences between the obesity groups. The
effect of obesity on the "total" insulin response was cose load. Similar analyses were made of the glucose
analyzed by carrying out twelve individual (two-tailed) responses, and no significant correlation between obesity
/-tests. Only one of the comparisons was barely signi- and hyperglycemia emerged.
ficant at the io per cent level, and this was also 3. Effect of other factors on plasma glucose and in-
attributed to random variation. Consequently, we can sulin responses. Extensive statistical analyses were car-
establish no statistically significant effect of obesity on ried out to determine whether other variables (age, sex,
the magnitude of the insulin response to an oral glu- family history of diabetes, or indications for performing

Plasma glucose and insulin concentrations (mean SE) before and after an oral glucose load

Patients Glucose concentration Insulin concentration

S..T1 /ivil %
UHg./ iuu 1111.7
Group Degree of obesity No. Fasting 1-hr. 2-hr. 3-hr. Fasting 1-hr. " 2-hr. 3-hr.
Normo- <10 per cent 25 86+ 2 129+ 5 96 5 84 5 26+ 4 8214 58+ 9 44+10
glycemic >10 per cent <30 per cent 7 89+ 4 139+16 99+ 7 71 8 30+ 5 118+29 80+17 39+11
>30 per cent <50 per cent 12 87 2 123 8 100 6 87 6 24 4 114+24 62+ 8 38+ 6
Impaired < 10 per cent 13 94+ 4 178 4 14311 90 9 30+ 4 113+26 100+30 50+ 9
tolerance > 10 per cent <30 per cent 17 99 3 190+10 131 7 89+ 5 30+ 6 135+17 102+23 48+ 8
>30 per cent <50 per cent 10 104 4 19212 15213 10913 4312 154+45 147+44 88+46
Mild <10 per cent 6 97 8 25610 21036 134+36 2510 94+14 106+21 52+15
diabetes > 10 per cent <30 per cent 10 120+ 5 25715 21922 13817 23 7 85+22 102+46 28+ 6
>30 per cent <50 per cent 5 127 9 26212 228+23 149+32 20r 5 112+33 95+34 27+12
Severe <10 per cent 11 21419 38533 421+33 358+29 23 4 41 + 10 44+10 38+ 8
diabetes > 10 per cent <30 per cent 4 19212 334+12 336+26 272+33 28 7 58+ 7 65+16 39+ 8
>30 per cent <50 per cent 5 24430 44667 450+34 31641 24 8 41+ 8 47+12 30+ 8

SEPTEMBER, 1968 563


PLASMA INSULIN RESPONSE (TOTAL AREA->uU/ml. ) the quantitative relationship between "total" glucose
and insulin responses in our patient population had a
"horseshoe" shape. In addition to this quantitative rela-

tionship, there emerged an independent qualitative rela-
tionship between patterns of insulin and glucose re-
sponse. When glucose concentration fell rapidly between
one and two hours, insulin concentration also fell at a
similar rate. Conversely, when hyperglycemia persisted,
insulin concentrations remained elevated, and in pa-
tients with mild and severe diabetes there was actually
a rise in insulin between one and two hours. In this
section we will attempt to quantify and validate these
1. Quantitative relationship between glucose and in-
sulin responses. The areas of the glucose and insulin
( 2 0 (7) (12) (13) (17) (10) (6) (10) (5) (II) (4) (5) concentration curves (derived from the logs of the
concentrations) were used as measures for glucose and
FIG. 3. "Total" plasma insulin response (area under the in-
sulin concentration curve) of the four patient groups insulin responses, and these are plotted for the 125
subdivided by weight (mean SE). Number of pa- patients in figure 5. The "horseshoe" effect is exhibited
tients in each group are in parentheses.
in the higher insulin areas for patients with glucose
areas (in logs) in the range 6.25 to 6.75 as compared
the tolerance test) had any effect on the nature of the with lower insulin areas outside this range.
glucose and/or insulin responses described to this point. Better graphically to depict the rise and fall in in-
In no case were these factors of any significance, and sulin areas with increasing glucose areas, a smoothed
the details have been omitted for the sake of brevity. nonparametric regression analysis is plotted in figure 6.
Consequently, there did not appear to be any variables Figure 6 was constructed as follows: For each patient
known to modify carbohydrate metabolism which in the sample of 125. the five other patients with the
uniquely influenced the glucose and insulin responses of closest higher glucose areas and the five other patients
any portion of this heterologous population. with the nearest lower glucose areas were grouped to-
B. Relationship between glucose and insulin responses. gether to form a group of eleven patients. The eleven
In the previous section patients have been discussed insulin areas for this group were averaged, and this
in terms of conventional clinical classifications. How- average value was plotted over the middle glucose area
ever, these distinctions are somewhat arbitrary. Figure for the group. This yields 115 points in figure 6. The
4 depicts the frequency distribution of glucose responses. five patients with the absolute lowest glucose areas
It is apparent that no clear separation between two could not be included as they would not have five neigh-
populations, normal and diabetic, emerges. Instead, a bors with lower glucose areas; similarly, for the five
relatively continuous spectrum of glucose responses is absolute highest. This smoothing reduces the excessive
seen. Therefore, on the basis of these results, and in randomness in the data so that the shape of the re-
view of the previously demonstrated lack of effect of gression curve becomes more apparent. The average of
other variables on the glucose response, the 125 pa- eleven values was selected because with 125 patients
tients were considered as one group in our further this provides an adequate amount of smoothing without
attempts to establish meaningful glucose-insulin rela- too much distortion of the data and regression curve.
tionships. The "horseshoe" effect is exhibited in the higher in-
Inspection and analysis of the glucose and insulin sulin areas for patients with glucose areas (in logs) in
responses of the patient groups suggested two possible the range 6.25-6.75 as compared with lower insulin
relationships between these variables. In the first place, areas outside this range. Whether the "horseshoe" is a
the magnitude of the insulin responses seemed to rise quadratic function or some general nonlinear curve is
maximally above normal with moderate hyperglycemia impossible to answer with only 125 patients. It is clear,
("impaired tolerance") but thereafter to fall with in- however, that for glucose areas in the midrange the
creasing degrees of hyperglycemia. This suggested that insulin areas are higher than those at either end.

564 DIABETES, VOL. 17, NO. 9


FIG. 4. Histogram (frequency plot) of "total" glucose re-

sponse (area under glucose concentration curve) for
all 125 patients.

o 8 o .m .o ,
* A* Am Am A> A> 82 .g ig 18 '2 '8 '8 mmm m
2 g 8= Si 8? ge 8e
Glucose Response ( A r e a )

8.0 7.0

6.0 7.0 8.0

Glucose Response (Area for Glucose logs)

FIG. 6. Smoothed regression plot of "total" glucose response

(area under glucose concentration curve in logs) and
"total" insulin response (area under insulin concentra-
tion curve in logs). For each glucose value on the
abscissa the ordinate value is the average of eleven
insulin values.

3.0 2. Qualitative relationship betiveen patterns of glu-

cose and insulin response. In order to investigate the
6.0 7.0 8.0
possibility that there was an association between glucose
Glucose Response (Area for Glucose logs) and insulin responses independent of the "horseshoe"
FIG. 5. "Total" glucose response (area under glucose con- relationship, we have used a statistical technic called
centration curve in logs) and "total" insulin response "canonical correlations."8 The idea behind canonical cor-
(area under insulin concentration curve in logs) for
each of the 125 patients. relations is the following. We have four measurements

SEPTEMBER, 1968 565


of glucose concentration Go, G60, G120, Giso, and four responses observed in our patient population. Addition
measurements of insulin concentration Io, Ieo, I120J Iiso, or subtraction of a constant at each glucose (or insulin)
for each patient. Suppose the four glucose measurements level in equation 5 does not change the value of G
are combined (linearly) to obtain one value for glucose (or I ) . Thus the relation of G to I is one of patterns
(2) G = a0G0 + axG60 + a2G120 + a3G180. of response over time, and knowledge of the pattern of
either response enables prediction of the response of the
The numbers a0, ai, a2, a3 are arbitrary. The same thing other variable. Three idealized patterns are illustrated
can be done for insulin with possibly different coeffi- in figure 7, in which the relationship of the insulin re-
cients b0, b l5 b2, b.3: sponse to three different glucose responses is indicated.
(3) I = bolo + bJeo + b2l12o + b8I180. High positive values for G, i.e., situations in which
glucose concentration at one hour is much higher than
The question posed and answered by canonical cor-
at two hours, must be accompanied by high positive
relations is what choice of a0, ai5 a2, a3 and b 0 , b l5 b 2 , b 3
values for I (pattern A in figure 7 ) . Pattern A is very
will yield the maximum correlation between G and I?
similar to the observed relationship between insulin
In other words, what two combinations give the maxi-
and glucose responses in normoglycemic patients, and
mum (linear) relationship between glucose (G) and
is characterized by a rapid fall in both glucose and
insulin (I)?
insulin concentrations between one and two hours. Sec-
This question can be answered with the aid of a
computer, and for the data of the 125 patients the
optimal combinations (for the logarithms) are: Glucose and Insulin Patterns
a 0 = 0.08 bn = 0.28 from Canonical Correlations
&1= +1.28
(4) a2 = 2.79 b>2=1.48
a , = +1.28 b 3 = 0.47

The maximal canonical correlation (i.e., the correla-

tion coefficient between the two combinations with these Glucose Insulin

coefficients) is -\- .62, which is highly significant (P

< 0.01).
Although these coefficients provide a statistically sig- I 2 3

nificant mathematical correlation between glucose and Tune (hrs.)

Pattern A
insulin responses, the biological meaning of this rela-
tionship is not immediately apparent. Our approach to
this question is as follows: the absolute size of the
coefficients a0, ai, etc. and b0, bi, etc. are not important, Glucose Insulin
only their relative sizes, since a scale factor doesn't
change the correlation coefficient. Consequently we can
say that the relative magnitude of coefficients a0, b 0 and I 2 3 I 2 3
b.3 are small when compared to the other coefficients, Time (hrs.) Time (hrs.)
and their effects can be ignored for purposes of sim- Pattern B
plicity. Considering the relative sizes of the remaining
coefficients, we can further simplify our combinations to
the following: Glucose Insulin

G G 2G
= 60 ll!O

I 2 3 I 2 3
In replacing the coefficients in (4) with the coeffi-
cients in ( 5 ) , very little is lost in the correlation be- Time (hrs.) Time (hrs.)

tween G and I; the correlation drops from .62 to .58. Pattern C

In view of the positive linear correlation between FIG. 7. Three idealized examples demonstrating the character-
glucose (G) and insulin ( I ) , equation 5 defines the istics of the relationship between patterns of glucose
and insulin responses defined by the use of canonical
physiological relationship between glucose and insulin correlations.

566 DIABETES, VOL. 17, NO. 9


ondly, small positive or negative values of G (situations variables produces three other correlations besides the
in which blood glucose at two hours is relatively high) maximal correlation .62. These correspond to linear
will be related to small positive or negative values of combinations other than (4) which are independent
I (figure 7, pattern B). This states that a slower rate of of (4). The three other correlations in this case were
fall in glucose concentration between one and two hours .46, .33, and .015, the first of which has P < .01. How-
is associated with a constant insulin level, and pattern ever, the coefficients in the linear combinations re-
B resembles the relationship observed between these two lated to these correlations had no conceivable physio-
variables in patients with either impaired tolerance or logical interpretation.
with mild diabetes. Finally, when glucose concentration
falls at an even slower rate, large negative values for G DISCUSSION
exist, and these will be associated with large negative Two general relationships between plasma glucose
values for I (figure 7, pattern C). This relationship is and insulin responses to an oral glucose load have been
a good representation of the situation in patients with defined, quantified, and statistically validated. However,
severe diabetes. In this instance, a sluggishly falling the biological validation of these relationships requires
glucose concentration curve is associated with a con- that certain criteria be satisfied. In the first place, it is
tinuing rise in insulin concentration. essential that the patient population from which these
It must be emphasized that this linear relationship relationships were derived be a representative one. The
is dependent upon the pattern of change, and not on relatively large size of the study group offers some
the absolute magnitude of plasma levels of glucose and assurance in this regard. Furthermore, the general re-
insulin. Furthermore, the linear relationship that emerges sults of the glucose tolerance tests, which represent the
does not identify which of the two variables is the basis for all subsequent analyses, were very similar to
determinant of the other. However, it seems unlikely those recently reported by Berson and Yalow6 from an
that the pattern of insulin response determines the glu- even larger patient population. Consequently, there ap-
cose response, i.e., there is no reason why (pattern C) pears to be some support for the notion that the basic
a continuous rise in insulin concentration should result data were derived from a representative population.
in a slow fall in glucose concentration. On the other Secondly, since we are trying to establish a relation-
hand, it does seem reasonable that prolonged hyper- ship between only two variables, glucose and insulin
glycemia might elicit a continuous insulin response. responses, the possible effects of other factors on these
Consequently, it is suggested that the pattern of glucose two variables must be excluded. In this regard, our
response determines the pattern of insulin response, and inability to demonstrate a significant effect of obesity
that the patterns of change result in a strong relation- on the magnitude of insulin response is in marked
ship between glucose and insulin responses. However, contrast to the recent suggestion of Karam and associ-
it is clear that these two variables are continuously ates9 that only obese diabetics have exaggerated insulin
interacting with each other, and what appears to be responses. However, these investigators did not take into
the simplest relationship needn't be the only one, nor account the effect of severity of diabetes on insulin
even the most correct one. response, and their nonobese patients with diabetes were
In order to evaluate further the effect of obesity, the considerably more hyperglycemic than their obese dia-
ponderal index ( = height in inches /^weight in betic group. Our results are similar to those of Berson
pounds) was included as a variable in the canonical and Yalow6 and of Perley and Kipnis10 in that they
correlation analysis. This provides a further check on indicate that nonobese patients with diabetes may have
whether obesity is related to glucose or insulin levels. an insulin response to an oral glucose load which is
The result was no change in the maximal correlation greater than that seen in normoglycemic subjects. How-
coefficient whether the ponderal index was included ever, Perley and Kipnis found that obese patients, when
with the glucose values or the insulin values. The cor- matched for glucose levels, had significantly greater in-
relation coefficient remained at .62 (there was a slight sulin responses than did nonobese individuals. Although
increase in the third decimal) and the coefficients in obesity did seem to result in somewhat increased in-
(4) remained essentially undisturbed. In other words, sulin response in our patient population, the differences
obesity (as measured by the ponderal index) has no were not statistically significant. It is possible that this
relation to either glucose or insulin levels. discrepancy results from our exclusion of the extremely
A canonical correlation analysis on two sets of four obese patient. In any case, within our patient popula-

SEPTEMBER, 1 9 6 8 567

tion, neither obesity, nor any other factor, had a signifi- tions10-12 this approach has been used to compare the
cant effect on either the glucose or insulin response to insulin response of diabetic patients with that of nor-
an oral glucose load. The lack of any apparent influences mal subjects. Seltzer et al.12 have determined their "in-
on these responses led us to feel that we could justi- sulinogenic index" by dividing the increment of insulin
fiably isolate the two variables of plasma glucose and concentration over fasting by the increment in glucose
insulin response and consider their relationship within concentration ( A I / A G ) . Perley and Kipnis10 simply
the entire patient population. divide the insulin concentration by the glucose concen-
When this was done, a strong linear relationship be- tration ( I / G ) . In both studies patients with diabetes
tween patterns of glucose and insulin response emerged had a lower mean "insulinogenic index," and the authors
which indicated that these two variables were associ- conclude that these patients did not put out "appropri-
ated, and suggested that the pattern of glucose response ate" amounts of insulin in response to the glycemic
determined the pattern of insulin response. This rela- stimulus. Using the criteria of Seltzer and associates,
tionship was independent of the degree of glucose in- the "insulinogenic index" of our patients fell directly
tolerance and of the quantitative nature of the glucose in proportion to their degree of hyperglycemia. On the
and insulin responses. If absolute concentrations of other hand, if we used the method of Perley and
plasma glucose and insulin are considered to be impor- Kipnis, patients with impaired tolerance had a mean
tant physiological characteristics, the relationship be- "insulinogenic index" equal to or greater than that of
tween the magnitude of the glucose and insulin re- normal subjects. However, in spite of the "appropriate-
sponses must also be examined. When this was done, ness" of their insulin response, they had significantly
the relationship observed had a "horseshoe" shape. A higher glucose concentrations. Therefore, depending upon
similar relationship has recently been observed in an which "index" we used, different conclusions as to
entirely different patient population.11 Patients with the the relationships between glucose and insulin responses
best glucose tolerance had the lowest insulin levels. emerged. Furthermore, although attempts to relate in-
As glucose tolerance deteriorated, higher insulin con- sulin response to glucose concentration may seem rea-
centrations were associated with higher glucose con- sonable, implicit in these particular transformations of
centrations, suggesting that glucose removal was im- the basic data are many assumptions concerning the
paired in these patients; and that greater amounts of physiological relationship between these two variables
insulin were called forth in an effort to maintain glu- for which no evidence is presented. Finally, the use of
cose homeostasis. With further impairment of glucose these transformations tends to result in a circular argu-
removal, hyperglycemia did not appear capable of elicit- ment. Diabetic patients are hyperglycemic by definition.
ing a significant increase in absolute insulin response. The degree to which they are hyperglycemic appears in
Finally, in patients with the most severe hyperglycemia, the denominator of the equations, and a priori makes
insulin concentrations were absolutely low, suggesting very likely the thesis that patients with diabetes (hyper-
a primary impairment of insulin secretion. The simplest, glycemia) will have a lower "insulinogenic index." For
but not exclusive, interpretation of this complex rela- example, the patients we studied with mild diabetes
tionship is that hyperglycemia might be related to at would have to achieve absolute mean insulin concen-
least two causes, e.g., decreased insulin secretion and trations greater than 265 fiU./pet ml. and 379 ju,U./per
impaired biologic activity of immunoreactive insulin. ml. at the one and two-hour intervals in order not to
Similar conclusions have recently been reached by Ber- be considered insulin deficient by the method of Seltzer
son and Yalow.6 Meaningful attempts to assess the rela- et al.
tive importance of these two factors in regulation of Our concern about the use of "insulinogenic indices"
blood glucose homeostasis are more likely to result from does not imply that the two relationships between glu-
study of glucose and insulin responses under steady cose and insulin responses we described are any more
state conditions. Such investigations are currently un- useful. We can make no claim as to the biological
derway in our laboratory. significance of these relationships, nor are they neces-
Another way to quantitate the insulin response to a sarily relevant to the question of whether or not all
glucose load is to relate the insulin concentration at any hyperglycemia is related to insulin deficiency. Further-
given time to the concomitantly existing glucose con- more, it is unlikely that they are the only possible re-
centration. This relationship can be thought of as an lationships that exist between glucose and insulin re-
"insulinogenic index," and in two recent publica- sponses to glucose loads, and they are certainly limited

568 DIABETES, VOL. 17, NO. 9

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Plasma glucose procedure N-9 in AutoAnalyzer Manual,
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This study was supported in part by U.S. Public
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Health Service Research Grant HE 08506 from the p. 323.
National Institutes of Health, FR-70 from the General 9
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Facilities and Resources, and a research grant from sponse to glucose. Lancet 1:286-89, 1965.
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SEPTEMBER, 1968 569

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