Definitions: Basic Theoryifanaccelerometerismounted

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This Application Note will demon

strate w i t h the aid of several
worked examples, how easy it is to
balance rotating machinery.Straight
forward methods will be presented
that make use of simple portable
B & K instrumentation to measure
on rotating parts running in their
own bearings at normal operating
speeds. B & K machines that accept
rotating parts and display balancing Fig. 1 . Static Balance, Dynamic Unbalance
masses and positions immediately
are described in separate publica
tions on the Balancing Machines
Type 3 9 0 5 and Type 3 9 0 6 .

Standards of balance achieved by

the arrangements shown here com
pare favourably w i t h the results ob Basic T h e o r y If an accelerometer is mounted
tained from far more complicated on the bearing housing, the fluctuat-
and expensive balancing machines. An object that imparts a vibration ing vibration force can be detected,
to its bearings w h e n it rotates is de- and an electrical signal sent to a vi-
Definitions fined as "unbalanced". The bearing bration meter. The indicated vibra-
vibration is produced by the interac- tion level is directly proportional to
Primary Balancing describes the tion of any unbalanced mass compo- the resultant of the unbalanced
process where primary forces nents present w i t h the radial accel- masses. The direction in which this
caused by unbalanced mass compo eration due to rotation which to- resultant acts (i.e. the radius con-
nents in a rotating object may be re gether generate a centrifugal force. taining the centrifugal force) can be
solved into one plane and balanced As the mass components are rotat- determined in an accurate way by
by adding a mass in that plane only. ing, the force rotates too and tries comparing the phase of the fluctuat-
As the object would now be com to move the object in its bearings ing signal leaving the vibration me-
pletely balanced in the static condi along the line of action of the force. ter with a standard periodic signal
tion (but not necessarily in dynamic) Hence any point on the bearing will obtained from some datum position
this is often known as Static Balan experience a fluctuating force. In on the rotating object.
cing. practice the force at a bearing will
be made up from a primary force It is now possible to define the un
Secondary Balancing describes due to unbalanced mass compo- balance at the bearing by means of
the process where primary forces nents in or near to the plane of the a vector, whose length is given by
and secondary force couples caused bearing, and a secondary force due the magnitude of the unbalanced
by unbalanced mass components in to unbalanced couple components force (the measured vibration level),
a rotating object may be resolved from the other planes. and whose angle is given by the di
into two (or more) planes and bal rection of action of the force. Fur
anced by adding mass increments ther, if the resultant unbalanced
in those planes. This balancing pro force at a bearing can be resolved
cess is often known as Dynamic into its primary (first order mo
Balancing because the unbalance ments) and secondary (second order
only becomes apparent w h e n the ob moments) components, it will be
ject is rotating. After being bal Contents: possible to balance the object.
anced dynamically, the object w o u l d
be completely balanced in both Foreword Many rotating parts which have
static and dynamic conditions. Introduction most of their mass concentrated in
General Measurement Methods or very near one plane, such as fly-
The difference between static bal Static Blancing Examples wheels, grindstones, car wheels,
ance and dynamic balance is illus Dynamic Balancing Measure- etc., can be treated purely as static
trated in Fig. 1. It will be observed ment balancing problems. This greatly
that w h e n the rotor is stationary Dynamic Balancing Calculation simplifies the calculations, as only
(static) the end masses may balance Appendix 1 , Calculator Program the primary components need be
each other. However, w h e n rotating for Texas SR-52 taken into consideration. All secon-
(dynamic) a strong unbalance will Appendix 2, Mathematical Analy- dary components can be assumed
be experienced. sis of Two Plane Balancing to be zero.

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