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Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

(Exercise Short Questions & Answers)

12.1 The potential is constant throughout a given region of space. Is

the electrical field zero or non-zero in this region? Explain
The potential is constant throughout a given region of space, the electrical field is zero in
this region as we know Electric field is defined as the negative of the potential


If electric potential is constant then potential difference is zero.
V = 0
Putting the value:


So electric field is zero in that region.

12.2 Suppose that you follow an electric field line due to positive point
charge. Do electric field and the potential increase or decrease?
If you follow an electric field line due to positive point charge then both electric field and
the potential will decrease because electric field lines due to positive charge is always
directed outward from the charge and distance increases.
As we know:






These relations shows that both electric field and potential is inversely proportional to the
radius (distance). If the distance increases then both electric field and potential will

12.3 How can you identify that which plate of a capacitor is

positively charged?
The presence of charge is detected by a device called Gold leaf Electroscope. When Gold
leaf Electroscope bringing close to the charged plate or disc then the plate of gold leaf
electroscope show divergence.
If divergence of plates increases then the plate is positively charged.
If divergence of plates decreases then the plate is negatively charged.
Place a unit positive charge between two plates of capacitors if charge moves towards any
of the plates then other plate will be positively charged which repels the positive charge
towards negative plates which attracts the positive charge.

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

12.4 Describe the force or forces on a positive point charge when

placed between parallel plates.
a) With similar and equal changes.
b) With opposite and equal charge.
a) When a positive charge is placed between two parallel plates
having similar and equal charges, the net force acting on the
charge will be zero both similar and equal charges cancel +
each other effect and no electric field exist between similar
charges. E=0 F=qE
F=q(0) +

So net force on charge is zero.

b) When the charge is placed between the plates having equal
but opposite charge, then the charge experience two equal
forces directed towards positively charged plate to
negatively charged pate. So the charge move towards
negatively charged plate with double force.

12.5 Electric lines of force never cross. Why?

Electric lines of force never cross because Electric lines has only one direction. To cross
the electric line it should have more than one direction which intersect each other which is
not possible.

12.6 If a point charge q of mass m is released in a non-uniform

electric field with field lines pointing in the same direction, will it make
a rectilinear motion?
If a point charge q of mass m is released in a non-uniform electric field with field lines
pointing in the same direction, then there are two possible situations for motion:
When electric field is due to a single isolated charge, the charge q of mass m
will make rectilinear motion.
When the field is due to two oppositely charged particles then q will not make
rectilinear motion and make curved path.

12.7 Is E necessarily zero inside a charged rubber balloon if balloon

is spherical? Assume that charge is distributed uniformly over the
Yes, E is necessarily zero inside a rubber balloon if balloon is spherical and charge is
distributed uniformly over the surface.

According to Gausss Law =

Inside the balloon q=o =

As =EA
Since A0 E=0
So E is zero inside the charged rubber balloon.

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

12.8 Is it true that Gausss law states that the total number of lines of
force crossing any closed surface in the outward direction is
proportional to the net positive charge enclosed within surface?
Yes, it is true. The total number of lines of force crossing any closed surface in the outward
direction is proportional to the net positive charge enclosed within the surface.



So the total number of lines of force crossing any closed surface in the outward direction
is proportional to the net positive charge.

12.9 Do electrons tend to go to region of high potential or of low

Electron tend to move region of high potential. As electrons are negatively charged
particles, it will move from a point at lower electric potential to a point at higher potential
in an electric field.

+ -

+ - -

+ -

Malik Shahid Imran Anjum

Teacher of Physics

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

Current Electricity
(Exercise Short Questions & Answers)

13.1 A potential difference is applied across the ends of a copper wire.

What is the effect on the drift velocity of free electrons by:
i. Increasing the potential difference.
ii. Decreasing the length and the temperature of the wire.
i. A potential difference is applied across the ends of a copper wire. The drift velocity
of free electrons increases with the increase in potential difference because with
the increase in potential difference the force acting on electron also increases.
ii. A potential difference is applied across the ends of a copper wire. The drift velocity
of free electron increases with decrease in length and temperature of the wire
because when length and temperature of the wire is decreased, resistance also
decreases, thus drift velocity of free electrons increases.

13.2 Do bends in a wire affect its electrical resistance? Explain.

No, bends in a wire do not affect its electrical resistance because according to formulae
R = L/A
It shows that resistance depends upon length and area of wire. There is no relationship b/w
resistance and the bends of a wire.

13.3 What are the resistances of the resistors given in the fig A and B?
What is the tolerance of each? Explain what is meant by the tolerance?
(For Fig. see book)
The possible variation from marked value is called tolerance. Its color is either silver or
Fig. A: 1500 with 5% tolerance.
(Brown 1 Green 5 Red 00 Gold 5% tolerance)
Fig. B: 49000 with 10% tolerance.
(Yellow 4 White 9 Orange 000 Silver 10% tolerances)

13.4 Why does the resistance of a conductor rise with temperature?

The resistance of a conductor rise with temperature because with the increase in
temperature K.E and vibration motion of atoms of electrons increases, they starts moving
fast and increase the collision b/w electrons which creates hindrance in flow of current. So
resistance increases with increase in temperature.

13.5 What are the difficulties in testing whether the filament of a lighted
bulb obeys Ohms Law?
According to Ohm Law
Current is directly proportional to the potential difference applied across the conductor
provided that the physical state of the conductor remains constant
The graph between V and I must be straight line.

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

The difficulties in testing whether the filament of a lighted bulb obeys Ohms Law because
the resistance of a lighted electric bulb does not remains constant but gradually increases
with increase in temperature and graph between V and I does not remains straight line.

13.6 Is the filament resistance lower or higher in a 500W, 220V light

bulb than in a 100W, 220V bulb?
As we know,

P= P=

R= R=

() ()
R= R=

R=96.8 R=484
It is clear that filament resistance in 500W and 220V bulb is lower than in 100W, 220V

13.7 Describe a circuit which will give a continuously varying potential.

Potentiometer is a circuit that can give
a continuously varying potential as
shown in figure:

As we know I= V= r

Let the battery of EMF E is

connected across the potentiometer
wire of resistance R between A and B
As C moves from A to B r varies from 0 to R. Hence a circuit is described which gives a
continuously varying potential 0 to V.

13.8 Explain why the terminal potential difference of a battery

decreases when the current drawn from it is increased?
The terminal potential difference of a battery decreases when the current drawn from it is
increased because by the increasing the value of current from battery the potential energy
dissipate in the form of heat and reduces the terminal potential difference.
As we know that
According to equation when current I drawn from the circuit it is increased by factor Ir
is also increased. Thus ultimately decreased the terminal potential difference.

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

13.9 What is Wheatstone bridge? How can it be used to determine an

unknown resistance?
Wheatstone Bridge:
That device is used to find the unknown resistance is
known as Wheatstone bridge.
Wheatstone bridge consist of four different resistance
R1, R2, R3 and R4 respectively. If you know the value
of three resistance, and one of the resistance is unknown
we can find the unknown resistance by using


Malik Shahid Imran Anjum

Teacher of Physics

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

(Exercise Short Questions & Answers)

14.1 A plane conducting loop is located in a uniform magnetic field that

is directed along the x-axis. For what orientation of the loop is the flux a
maximum? For what orientation is the flux a minimum?
Maximum Flux:
Magnetic flux will be maximum when the surface of the loop is perpendicular to the
direction of magnetic field, the flux will be:
= BA cos
= BA cos (0)
= BA (maximum)
So magnetic flux is maximum.

Minimum Flux:
Flux will be minimum when the surface of the loop is parallel to the direction of magnetic
field and it is given by:
= BA cos
= BA cos (90)
= 0 (minimum)
So magnetic flux is minimum.

14.2 A current in a conductor produces a magnetic field, which can be

calculated using Amperes law. Since current is defined as the rate of flow
of charge, what can you conclude about the magnetic field due to
stationary charges? What about moving charges?
Stationery charge cannot produced magnetic field because rate of flow of charge is called
current when charge is stationery then current is zero. But a moving charge produced
magnetic field around the conductor.
As we know: F=qvB Sin
For stationary charge:
The magnitude of the force is F = qvB sin where is the angle < 180 degrees between
the velocity and the magnetic field. This implies that the magnetic force on a stationary
charge or a charge moving parallel to the magnetic field is zero.
For moving charge:
For moving charge produced magnetic field around the conductor.

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

14.3 Describe the change in the magnetic field inside a solenoid carrying
a steady current I, if (a) the length of the solenoid id doubled but the
number of turns remains same and (b) the number of turns is doubled,
but the length remains same.
a) If the length of the solenoid id doubled but the number of turns remains same then
magnetic field will be half.
B= nI

n= B= I

Let L=2L B= I

B= ( I)

B= (B)

So by making the length double field reduced to one half.
b) If the number of turns is doubled, but the length remains same then magnetic field
will be doubled.

B= nI

n= B= I

Let N=2N B= I

B= 2 ( I)

B= 2 (B)
On doubling the number of turns magnetic field will be doubled.

14.4 At a given instant, proton moves in the positive x-direction in the

region where there is a magnetic field in the negative z-direction. What is
the direction of magnetic force? Will the electron continue to move in the
positive x-direction? Explain.
The direction of magnetic force along positive Y-axis. The magnetic force of proton is
given by
F = qvB Sin
According to Right Hand Rule the direction of magnetic force is along positive y-axis.
No, it will not continue to move in the positive x-direction because magnetic force deflects
it toward positive y-axis. The proton will be deflected in the circular path.

14.5 Two charged particles are projected into a region where there is a
magnetic field perpendicular to their velocities. If the chargers are
deflected in opposite directions, what can you say about them?
If two charged particles are projected into a region, where magnetic field is perpendicular
to their velocities the charges are deflected in opposite directions due to deflecting force.
It means that particles are oppositely charged i.e. one is positively charged and other is
negatively charged. If one is proton then other is electron.

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

14.6 Suppose that a charge q is moving in a uniform magnetic field with

a velocity v. Why is there no work done by the magnetic force that acts
on the charge q?
A charge q is moving in a uniform magnetic field with a velocity v there no work done by
the magnetic force that acts on the charge q because magnetic force is always perpendicular
to the velocity.
Thus force will deflect the charge particle in circular path. The work done by the force.
W = F.d
W = F.d Cos (90)
So work done is zero.

14.7 If a charged particle moves in a straight line through some region

of space, can you say that the magnetic field in the region is zero?
No, If a charged particle moves in a straight line through some region of space, the
magnetic field in the region is not zero because charge particle can move in a straight line
when the force on it zero.
This may be possible under two situations.
a) The direction of B and v are same i.e. = 0
F = qvB Sin
F = qvB Sin (0)
b) When v and B are in opposite direction i.e. = 180
F = qvB Sin
F = qvB Sin(180)

14.8 Why does the picture on a TV screen become distorted when a

magnet is brought near the screen?
The picture on a TV screen become distorted when a magnet is brought near the screen
because the picture on T.V screen is formed by the electron beam. When a magnet is placed
near the screen then the presence of the magnetic field of bar magnet the motion of charged
particles is effected due to the magnetic force.
F = qvB Sin
That force will disturbs the target of electron and cause the image produced will be

14.9 Is it possible to orient a current loop in a uniform magnetic field

such that the loop will not tend to rotate?
Yes, it is possible to orient a current loop in a uniform magnetic field such that the loop
will not tend to rotate in such way when loop will placed perpendicular to magnetic field.
As = 90
= IBA cos
= IBA cos (90)
Hence loop will not rotate when its plane is perpendicular to the magnetic field.

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

14.10 How can a current loop be used to determine the presence of

magnetic field in a given region of space?
As we know current loop experience a torque in magnetic field. A current loop be used to
determine the presence of magnetic field in a given region of space is such a way that by
installing a current loop in a given region, if a suspended loop of current experiences torque
(rotation) in the given region, then in that region magnetic field is present, and if loop will
rotate magnetic field is not present.

14.11 How can you use a magnetic field to separate isotopes of chemical
When Isotopes of the chemical element after ionization projected perpendicular to uniform
magnetic field they are deflected in circular path. The radius of circular path is given by:



Therefore the heavier isotopes are deflected into circular path of larger radius as compared
to lighter isotopes. Thus isotopes are differentiated on the basis of their radii in the magnetic
field with the help of Mass spectrometer.

14.12 What should be the orientation of a current carrying coil in a

magnetic field so that torque acting upon the coil is (a) maximum (b)
Maximum Torque:
For maximum torque the plane of the coil is held parallel to the magnetic field i.e.
= BINA cos0
= BINA cos (0)
= BINA (Maxmium)
Minimum Torque:
For minimum torque the plane of the coil is held perpendicular to the magnetic field i.e.
= 90
= BINA cos0
= BINA cos (90)
= 0 (Minimum)

14.13 A loop of wire is suspended between the poles of a magnet with its
plane parallel to the pole faces. What happened if a direct current is put
through the coil? What happens if an alternating current is used instead?
A loop of wire is suspended between the poles of a magnet with its plane parallel to the
pole faces. If a direct current or alternating current is put through the coil in both the cases
the loop of will not rend to rotate because plane of the pole is perpendicular to the magnetic
field. So ( = 90)
= BINA cos
= BINA cos (90)
= 0 (Minimum)
So coil will not rotate.

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

14.14 Why the resistance of an ammeter should be very low?

The resistance of an ammeter should be very low because ammeter is current measuring
device and always connected in series. If an ammeter has high resistance then it will alter
the current of the circuit and thus ammeter show less value of current. It should have very
small resistance so maximum current will pass so that ammeter measure maximum of

14.15 Why the voltmeter should have a very high resistance?

The voltmeter should have a very high resistance because if resistance of voltmeter is low
the maximum current drawn it from the circuit and effect the measurement. The resistance
of voltmeter should be very large so that it should not draw any amount of current from the
circuit to measure potential difference accurately.

Malik Shahid Imran Anjum

Teacher of Physics

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

Electromagnetic Induction
(Exercise Short Questions & Answers)

15.1 Does the induced emf in a circuit depend on the resistance of the
circuit? Does the induced current depend on the resistance of the circuit?
No, the induced emf in a circuit does not depend on the resistance of the circuit.
As = -N /t
According to formula induced emf depends upon rate of change of flux and number of
turns and does not depend upon the resistance.
Yes, the induced current depend on the resistance of the circuit.
As I=/R
According to formula induced current depends upon the resistance of the circuit.

15.2 A square loop of wire is moving through a uniform magnetic field.

The normal to the loop is oriented parallel to magnetic field. Is an emf
induced in the loop? Give reasons for your answer?
No, the induced emf will not be produced in the loop because the loop is moving in the
uniform magnetic field therefore there is no change in magnetic flux.
= -N /t
As /t = 0 = -N (0)
So no induced emf produced.

15.3 A light metallic ring is released from above in to a vertical bar

magnet (in the fig). Viewed for above, does the current flow clockwise or
anticlockwise in the ring?
A light metallic ring is released from above in to a vertical bar magnet. The current flow
clockwise in the ring because the emf will be induced in the ring due to change in magnetic
flux. According to Lenz's law The current will flow in such a direction that it will oppose
the motion of the ring. This is possible, only if the magnetic field is produced due to the
induced current. In the ring will have its lower side North Pole and upper side is South
Pole. Hence by the right hand rule current should be clockwise.

15.4 What is the direction of the current through resistor R in the fig?
When switch S is; (a) closed (b) opened.
a. When switch S is closed current will move left to right because when the switch
is closed the current rises from its zero value to maximum value in the primary
coil. Magnetic flux through the secondary coil increases. According to Lenz's
Law direction of induced current in the secondary coil should be such that it will
oppose the cause, which produce it. Therefore the direction of the induced current
is opposite to the direction of current in primary coil. Thus, current through the
resistance R is from left to right.
b. When switch S is opened current will move right to left because when switch is
re-opened the magnetic flux through the secondary coil reduces to zero. Therefore
by Faraday Law emf induced current in secondary will cause the current in it in
same direction as that of the decreasing current in primary coil. Hence the current
is from right to left.
Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

15.5 Does the induced emf always act to decrease the magnetic flux
through a circuit?
No, the induced emf does not always act to decrease the magnetic flux through a circuit.
According to Faraday Law emf induced emf always oppose the change in magnetic flux
passing through the circuit. So when flux in the circuit increase the induced emf tend to
decreases it and when flux in the circuit decrease the induced emf tend to increases it.

15.6 When the switch in the circuit is closed a current established in the
coil and the metal ring jumps upward (see the fig) why? Describe what
would happen to the ring if battery polarity were reversed?
When the switch is closed, the current rises from zero to maximum value instantaneously
and change of magnetic flux induces a current in a ring. The induced current, produced in
the metallic ring creates its own magnetic field. This magnetic field opposes the magnetic
field due to battery current. Thus metal ring is repelled and it will jump upward. When the
polarity of the battery is reversed, the north pole of coil and metal ring are formed in front
of each other again both poles repels and the ring will jump upward.

15.7 The Fig. Shows a coil of wire in the xy-plane with a magnetic field
directed along the y- axis. Around which of the three coordinate axes the
coil should be rotated in order to generate an emf and a current in the
The coil should be rotated in x-axis in order to generate an emf and a current in the coil
because if the coil is rotated about x-axis then the magnetic flux through the coil is changed,
hence EMF will be induced. Whereas, its rotation about y and z axis the magnetic flux
remain zero and there is no change in magnetic flux, hence EMF is not induced.

15.8 How would you position a flat loop of wire in a changing magnetic
field so that there is no emf induced in the loop?
When the plane of the flat loop of wire is held parallel to the direction of magnetic field,
no emf is induced in the loop and the flux will not change and will remain zero.
= -N /t
As = 0 = -N (0) /t
So no induce emf produced.

15.9 In a certain region the earths magnetic field point vertically down.
When a plane flies due north, which wingtip is positively charged?
Wing of the plane is a metallic and act as a conductor moving through the earth magnetic
field. The electrons in the wing are moving with the same velocity as that of plane.
Therefore, they will experience force given by:
F = - e (v x B)
The direction of the force by right hand rule is along the direction from A to B. Therefore
by looking behind from the plane the left wing tip will be positively charged and right wing
will have negative polarity.

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

15.10 Shoe that and / t have the same units.

Units of emf () and / t are measured as follow:

/ t emf ()


The units of =Weber & t=sec The units of W=J & q=C
So So



So both have same units


15.11 When an electric motor, such as an electric drill, is being used,

does it also act as a generator? If so what is the consequences of this?
Yes, an electric motor like electric drill, is also act as a generator. When a motor is used an
armature coil is rotating in the magnetic field. Due to change in the magnetic flux the emf
is induced in the coil which produced back motor effect. Therefore it will act as a generator.
The current drawn by the motor is given by:
I = (V- ) / R
Where is the EMF induced across the ends of the coil and V is the voltage of the source.
Therefore the motor will draw smaller current when it is running at its normal speed.

15.12 Can a D.C. motor be turned into a D.C. generator? What

changes required to be done?
Yes, a D.C. motor be turned into a D.C. generator.
For the construction of D.C motor into D.C generator changes are following:
The current source of the D.C motor is replaced by the load.
Make a mechanical arrangement to rotate the armature coil.
The coil of the motor is to be coupled with a source of mechanical energy, shaft of
turbine or engine.
The magnetic field must be supplied by permanent magnet and not by

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

15.13 Is it possible to change both the area of the loop and the
magnetic field passing through the loop and still not have an induced emf
in the loop?
Yes, it is possible to change both the area of the loop and the magnetic field passing through
the loop and still not have an induced emf in the loop.
= B.A
Make an arrangement when increasing B, A Should decrease and vice versa. On increasing
B the area A of the loop should be decreased and the product
= B.A flux remains constant.
= B.A = constant

According to Faraday's Law the induced emf is given by when = 0

= -N /t
= -N (0)/t
So emf is zero.

15.14 Can an electric motor be used to drive an electric generator

with the output from the generator being used to operate the motor?
No, an electric motor cannot be used to drive an electric generator with the output from the
generator being used to operate the motor because there is no system present which have
100% efficiency. So the available mechanical energy initially supplied by the motor
decreases in overcoming the frictional losses. A time will reach when no mechanical
energy will be available which can be converted into electrical energy, which can drive the
motor. It is possible when self-operating system is present which is against the law of

15.15 A suspended magnet is oscillating freely in horizontal plane.

Oscillations are strongly damped when a metal plate is placed under the
magnet. Explain why this occurs?
By placing a metal plate under the vibrating magnet, the magnetic flux through the plate
will change. This will induce a current on the surface of plate, known as Eddy current.
According to Lenz's Law the direction of the current will oppose the cause, which produces
it. So, the oscillations of the magnet will be strongly damped.

15.16 Four unmarked wires emerge from a transformer. What steps

would you take to determine the turns ratio?
Steps to determine turn ratio in a transformer are as follow:
Identifying the ends of primary and secondary coil by using the continuity test be
using AVO meter.
Measuring the electric resistance of primary coil and secondary coils. If it is step
down transfer the coil having greater resistance would be secondary and the other
one is primary.
By applying known voltage to the primary coil voltage at the secondary coil is
Using formula we can find turn ratio that is NS / NP.

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

15.17 a) Can a step-up transformer increase the power level? b) In a

transformer, there is no transfer of charge from the primary to the
secondary. How is, then the power transferred?
a) No, a step-up transformer cannot increase the power level because at most in case
of ideal transformer:
P input = P output
Vp Ip = Vs Is
The transformer increases or decrease alternating voltage. The product VI power remain
b) In a transformer power primary and secondary coils are magnetically coupled i.e.
the change of magnetic flux is linked with the other coil and hence emf is produced.

15.18 When the primary of a transformer is connected to A.C mains

the current in it a) is very small if the secondary circuit is open, but b)
increases when the secondary circuit is closed. Explain these facts.

a) When secondary of the transformer is open, no power is delivered to the load.
Therefore the power drawn by the primary coil from is negligible. Therefore the
current I flowing through primary coil is negligible or very small.
P input = P output
Vp Ip = Vs Is
Vp Ip = Vs (0)
Vp Ip = (0)
Vp0 so Ip = (0)
Therefore the current I flowing through primary coil is negligible or very small.
b) When the secondary circuit is closed the load will consume the power. Therefore a
large current will flow through the primary coil.

P input = P output
Vp Ip = Vs Is
Vp remains constant.

Malik Shahid Imran Anjum

Teacher of Physics

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

Alternating Current
(Exercise Short Questions & Answers)

16.1 A sinusoidal current has rms value of 10A. What is the maximum
or peak value?
I rms = 10 A
Io =?
I rms =

Io = I rms
Io = 10 (. )
Io = 14.14A

16.2 Name the device that will

a) Permit flow of direct current but oppose the flow of alternating
b) Permit flow of alternating current but not the direct current
a) An inductor is a device which permits the flow of D.C and opposes the flow of
b) A capacitor is a device which permits the flow of A.C but oppose the flow of D.C.

16.3 How many times per second will an incandescent lamp reach
maximum brilliance when connected to a 50 Hz source?
In one A.C cycle the current becomes maximum two times and lamp reach maximum
brilliance of 100 when connected to a 50 Hz source.
Brilliance = 2f
Brilliance = 250Hz
Brilliance = 100

16.4 A circuit contains an iron-cored inductor, a switch and a D.C.

source arranged in series. The switch is closed and after an interval
reopened. Explain why a spark jumps across the switch contacts?
Let us consider a series circuit an iron core inductor a switch and a D.C source. a spark
jumps across the switch contacts because when the circuit closed, then current increases
from zero to maximum value, this changing current produces change of magnetic flux and
produced induced emf. When the switch is reopened, then again current value change from
its maximum value to zero. Again induced emf is developed across the chock coil in the
form of back emf. This back emf produced spark at the ends of switch contacts.

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

16.5 How does doubling the frequency affect the reactance of (a) an
inductor (b) a capacitor?
The reactance of inductor The reactance of Capacitor
XL = 2 f L XC = 1 / 2 f C

XL = 2 f L

Let f=2f XL= 2 (2f) L Let f=2f XC=

XL = 2(2 f L)
XL = 2(XL) XC =
( )

XC =

Thus on doubling the f the inductance is

Thus on doubling the f the capacitance
will become one half.

16.6 In a R-L circuit, will the current lag or lead the voltage?
Illustrate your answer by a vector diagram.
In R-L circuit, the current lag behind the voltage.

tan = L / R
= tan-1(L / R)

From vector diagram, it can be seen, that applied V lag

behind the current by an angle .

16.7 A choke coil placed in series with an electric lamp in an A.C. circuit
causes the lamp to become dim. Why is it so? A variable capacitor added
in series in this circuit may be adjusted until the lamp glows with normal
brilliance. Explain, how this is possible?
When a circuit contains only choke connected to series with the bulb it make the lamp to
become dim due to inductance because the inductive reactance will be very high, this will
allow very small current through the circuit. Therefore the bulb will shine dimmer.
On connecting a variable capacitor in series, it will become R-L-C series resonance circuit.
By adjusting the value of C resonance frequency can be made equal to the frequency of
A.C source. At this stage resonance takes place and the impedance of circuit become
minimum. This will allow a very large current through the circuit and the bulb will shine
to its normal brilliance.

16.8 Explain the conditions under which electromagnetic waves are

produced from a source?
Electromagnetic waves are produced from a source when electric or magnetic flux
changing through a certain region of space. When antenna is connected to A.C source it
accelerates electrons up and down along the wire. This will change the polarity of the ends
of the antenna and will produce a changing electric field which in turn produce a changing
magnetic field. This will result in propagation of electromagnetic waves.

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

16.9 How the reception of a particular radio station is selected on your

radio set?
A particular radio station can be tuned by adjusting the value of C such that the frequency
of LC circuit is same as that of transmitted signal. The circuit will resonate under driving
action of antenna. Consequently, the L.C. circuit will build up large response to the
incoming signal, which is to be tuned.

16.10 What is meant by A.M. and F.M.?

A.M stands for amplitude modulation. In F.M means frequency modulation. In this
this mode of transmission the amplitude of mode of transmission frequency of carrier
carrier wave is made to change by variation wave is made to change with variation of
of amplitude of modulating signal. amplitude of modulating signal.
Its frequency range is 540KHz to 1600KHz Its frequency range of transmission is
88MHz to 108MHz.

Malik Shahid Imran Anjum

Teacher of Physics

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

Physics of Solids
(Exercise Short Questions & Answers)

17.1 Distinguish between crystalline, amorphous and polymeric solids?

Crystalline Solid:
Such solids in which atoms, ions or molecules are arranged in regular three dimensional
pattern are called crystalline solid. They have definite space.
Sodium Chloride, Copper, Iron etc.
Amorphous Solid:
Solids which have no regular arrangement of their atoms, ions or molecules are called
amorphous solid. As there is no regular arrangement of atoms, therefore amorphous solids
are more like liquid with the disorder frozen structure.
Ordinary Glass, Glue, Wax etc.
Polymeric Solid:
The solids which have structures intermediate between order and disorder are called
polymers or polymeric Solid. They can be classified as partially or poorly crystalline solids.
Plastic, Rubber, Polythene nylon, Synthetic rubber etc.

17.2 Define stress and strain. What are their units? Differentiate
between tensile, compressional and shear modes of stress and strain.

Stress: Strain:
The Force acting per unit area to produce Any change occurs in length, volume,
any change in shape, volume, and length of shape of solid due to stress is called strain.
a body is called stress.
= =
Unit Nm -2 Unit No unit
Tensile Stress: Tensile Strain:
Force acting per unit area to produce The deformation produce in the length of
deformation in the length of solid is called solid due to tensile stress is called tensile
tensile stress. strain.


Volumetric or Compressional Stress: Volumetric Strain:
Force acting per unit area to produce The deformation produce in the volume of
deformation in the volume of solid is called solid due to Volumetric or Compressional
Volumetric or Compressional Stress. Stress is called Volumetric or
Compressional strain.

Volumetric Strain=

Shear Stress: Shear Strain:
Force acting per unit area to produce The deformation produce in the shape of
deformation in the shape of solid is called solid due to shear stress is called Shear
shear stress. Strain.

Shear Strain= = =

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

17.3 Define Modulus of Elasticity? Show the units of modulus elasticity

and stress are same? Also discuss its three kinds.
Modulus of Elasticity:
It is defined as the ratio of stress and strain is constant for given material, provided the
external applied force is not too great.
Modulus of Elasticity= Stress/Strain
Units of Elasticity:
Units of E = units of stress / units of strain
Units of E = Nm2 / No unit
Units of E = Nm2
Since strain has no units, so modulus of elasticity and stress has same units.
Youngs Modulus:
The ratio of tensile stress to tensile strain is called Youngs Modulus
Young's Modulus = Tensile Stress / Tensile Strain


Bulk Modulus:
It is the ratio of volumetric stress and volumetric strain is called Bulk Modulus.
Bulk Modulus = Comprehensive Stress / Volume Strain


Shear Modulus:
It is the ratio of shear stress and shear strain is called shear modulus.
Shear Modulus = Shear Stress / Shear Strain


17.4 Draw Stress-strain curve for ductile material, and define terms
Elastic limit, Yield material Ultimate tensile stress.
Elastic limit:
The greatest stress that a material can
endure or tolerate without any permanent
changing in shape is called elastic limit.
Yield point:
The point on the stress-strain curve
beyond which if stressed is increased,
permanent deformation occurs in the
material is called yield point.
Ultimate tensile stress:
It is the maximum stress that a material
can with stand plastic deformation is
called ultimate tensile stress. It
corresponds to point C on curve.

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

17.5 What is meant by strain energy? How can it be determined from

the force extension graph?
Strain Energy:
Energy stored in deformed materials in the
form of Potential Energy, when stress is applied
is called strain energy.
According to Hook's Law, the force-extension
graph with in elastic limit is straight line. The
energy stored in the solid when it is extended.
Area under force-extension graph gives strain

Strain Energy= (Extension) (Force)


17.6 Describe the of energy bands in solids. Explain the difference

amongst electrical behavior of conductors, insulators and semi-
conductors in terms of energy band theory.
Energy Band Theory:
Electrons of an isolated atom are bound to the nucleus and can have energy levels which
are distinct. However when a large number of atoms say N are brought close to one another
to form a solid each energy level of the isolated atom splits into N- sub-levels, called states,
under the action of the forces exerted by other atoms in the solid. These permissible energy
states are discrete but so closely spaced that they appear to form a continuous energy band.
In between two permissible energy bands, there is range of energy states which cannot be
occupied by electrons. These are called forbidden energy states and its range is said to be
forbidden energy gap. Those sub energy levels are so closely spaced that we cannot
distinguish them and forms continuous energy band.
Valence Energy Band
Conduction Energy Band
Filled Energy Band
The difference amongst electrical behavior of conductors, insulators and semi-conductors
in terms of energy band theory are:

Conductors are those substances which have plenty of free electrons for electrical
conduction and valence and conduction bands largely overlap each other.
Valance band is partially filled.
Conduction band is partially filled.
There is no physical distinction between the two bands.

Insulators are those substances in which valence electrons are bound very tightly to their
atoms and are not free to moves and theres a large energy gap between the valence and
conduction bands.
Valance band is full.
Conduction band is empty.
A large energy gap between the two bands.

In semi-conductors a very narrow forbidden energy gap is present between the valence and
conduction bands.
Valance band is partially filled.
Conduction band is partially filled.
Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

A very narrow forbidden energy gap between the two bands.

17.7 Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic semi-conductors how

would you obtain n-type and p-type material from pure silicon? Illustrate
it by schematic diagram
Intrinsic semi-conductor:
Semi-conductor in its extremely pure form is called intrinsic semi-conductor.
Pure silicon or pure germanium etc.

Extrinsic semi-conductor:
Those semi-conductors to which some impurities are added to increase their conductivity
are called extrinsic semi-conductor.

The process of adding impurity in the semi-conductor to convert into a conducting position
is called dopping. The impurity is added in the ratio of 1-106. Due to doping two types of
semi-conductor are formed.
N-type semi-conductor:
P-type semi-conductor:

N-type semi-conductor:
If we add pentavalent impurity (From Group V e.g.
Phosphoric, arsenic, etc.) to pure semiconductor, then N-
type semiconductor is formed. In this case impurity atom
forms covalent bond with four neighboring silicon atoms
but fifth electrons becomes free. This free electron cause
the current to flow and made a semiconductor into a
conducting position.

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

P-type semi-conductor:
If we add trivalent impurity (From Group III e.g. Al,
Boron) to pure semiconductor, then P-type
semiconductor is formed. In this case impurity atom has
three electrons in valence shell. It can form covalent bond
with three Si atoms, but Al atom has no electron to make
covalent bond with fourth Si atom. So a deficiency of
electron or hole is developed. This hole cause the current
to flow and made a semiconductor into a conducting

17.8 Discuss the mechanism of electrical conduction by holes and

electrons in a pure semi-conductor element.
In semi-conductors, there are two kinds of
charge carriers, electrons and holes. The pure
semi-conductors have equal number of holes
and free electrons. When a battery is connected
to a semi-conductor, it establishes an electric
field due to which a directed flow of electrons
and holes takes place. Due to electric field
electrons get drift velocity opposite and to field and holes in the direction of filed. In this
way the current is conducted in the pure-semiconductor. Thus, the total current flowing
through the semi-conductor is due to flow of electrons and holes.

17.9 Write a note in superconductor?

The first superconductor was discovered in 1911 by Kmaerlingh Ornes. He observed that
electrical resistance of mercury disappears at 4.2 K. Some other metals such as Al, Sn and
Pb also become superconductor at very low temperatures. In 1986 a new class of ceramic
materials was discovered that become superconductors at 125 K.
Superconductor are those conductors whose resistance reduces to zero below the certain
temperature (Critical temperature) called superconductor
Critical Temperature
The temperature at which resistivity becomes zero is called critical temperature.
Once the resistance of a material drops to zero, no energy is dissipated and the current
continues to exist indefinitely without the source of emf.
Helium become superconductor at 4.2K and
Aluminum become superconductor at 1.2K
Mercury (Hg) become superconductor at 4.2K
Yttrium barium copper oxide (Yba2 Cu3 O7) become superconductor at 163 K
Uses of superconductor:
Superconductors have many applications.
Superconductors are used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Superconductors are used in magnetic levitation trains.
Superconductors are used in faster computer chips.

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

17.10 What are Para, dia and ferromagnetic substances? Give examples
for each.
Paramagnetic Substances:
Substances in which magnetic fields produced by orbital and spin motion of electrons
support each other and the atom behaves like a tiny magnet called Paramagnetic
Examples: Aluminum, Platinum, Manganese etc.

Diamagnetic Substances:
Substances in which magnetic fields produced by orbital and spin motion of electrons
cancel each other effect are called Diamagnetic Substances.
Examples: Copper, bismuth, Phosphorous, etc.
Ferromagnetic substances:
Substances in which atoms are cooperate with each other and produce a strong magnetic
effect are called Ferromagnetic substances.
Examples: Iron (Fe) , Cobalt (Co), Nickel (Ni), Alnico (Aluminum nickel cobalt
alloy) etc.

17.11 What is meant by hysteresis loss? How is it used in the

construction of a Transformer?
Hysteresis loss:
Energy lost in magnetizing and demagnetizing a magnetic material when external field is
applied is called Hysteresis loss. The area of hysteresis loop is measure of energy
required to magnetize and demagnetized the substance. Area of hysteresis loop can be used
to measure hysteresis loss. Greater the area, greater will be hysteresis loss.

It used in the construction of a Transformer because those magnetic materials for which
area of hysteresis loop is small dissipate less energy and suitable for construction of core
of transformer. A core of soft iron is used in the construction of transformer because it has
less hysteresis loss. So material for which this loss is small is used to form core of

Malik Shahid Imran Anjum

Teacher of Physics

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

(Exercise Short Questions & Answers)

18.1 How does the motion of an electron in n-type substance differ from
the motion of holes in a p-type substance?
The majority carriers in n-type substance are the free electrons and majority carriers in p-
type substances are holes. The difference of motion of an electron in n-type substance from
the motion of holes in a p-type substance are:
The electrons move from lower to higher potential in n-type substances whereas
hole moves from higher to lower potential in a p-type substance.
The motion of electrons in n-type substance is much rapid than the motion of holes
in p-type substance.

18.2 What is the net charge on an n-type or p-type substance?

p-type and n-type substances are electrically neutral. Because they are made as a result of
combination of atoms of intrinsic semi-conductors and atoms of impurity which are neutral.

18.3 The anode of a diode is 0.2 V positive with respect to its cathode. Is
it forward biased?
Yes, it is forward biased. Because The anode of diode (p-type) is at higher potential (0.2
volt) with respect to cathode (n-type). Therefore the p-side of diode is positive respect to n
side. Therefore p-n junction is forward biased.

18.4 Why charge carriers are not present in the depletion region?
Charge carriers are not present in the depletion region because When p-n junction is
formed, some of the electron of n-type diffuse into p-type substance to neutralize the holes.
As a result the flow of electron stops due to the formation of potential barrier. The region
on both sides of junction is called depletion region because all the mobile carriers are
depleted off from this region.

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

18.5 What is the effect of forward and reverse biasing of a diode on the
width of depletion region?
When p-n junction is forward biased, the width of the
depletion region decreases. Barrier potential is reduced and
more current pass through junction.
When p-n junction is reverse biased, the width of depletion
region is increased. Barrier potential is increased and no more
current pass through junction.

18.6 Why ordinary silicon diodes do not emit light?

Ordinary silicon diodes do not emit light because In case of silicon energy gap between is
1ev between valence and conduction band. Therefore when electron jump from conduction
band to valence band it will give off photon of energy 1ev. This photon of energy
approximately 1ev will not lie in visible range of electromagnetic radiation. Hence light is
not emitted by using diode made up of silicon.

18.7 Why a photo diode is operated in reverse biased state?

A photo diode is operated in reverse biased state because Photodiode is basically the device
for detecting light. That is why the photodiode is operated in reverse biased state. In reverse
biasing, the current due to voltage is almost zero, so when light is allowed to fall on
depletion region electron hole pairs are created which give rise to size-able current and this
current is the detection of light. The reverse current is directly proportional to the intensity
of light.

18.8 Why is the current in a transistor very small?

The current in a transistor very small because
The base of the transistor is thin. (10-6m)
It is lightly doped.
Majority of electron coming from emitter get little chance to enter base due to large
value of Vcc
Due to reasons very few of the charge carriers coming from emitter get neutralized in base.
This will give rise to very small base current. Due to reverse biasing of collector-base
junction, almost all the electrons enter into collector. A few charge carriers pass through
the base circuit and a negligible current flow into through it.

18.9 What is the biasing requirement of the junctions of a transistor

for its normal operation? Explain how these requirements are met in
a common emitter amplifier?
For normal operation of transistor biasing requirements are:
Emitter to base junction is forward biased and
Collector to base junction is reversed biased.

In common emitter amplifier, both the requirements can

be met by connecting the two batteries VBB and VCC
to be connected forward biased for emitter-base junction
and collector-base junction is reverse biased.

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

18.10 What is the principle of virtual ground? Apply it to find the

gain of an inverting amplifier.
Principle of virtual ground:
The open loop gain for an operational
amplifier is very high of the order 105.
In electronics, a virtual
ground (or virtual earth) is a node of
a circuit that is maintained at a steady
reference potential, without being
connected directly to the reference
potential. In some cases the reference
potential is considered to be that of the
surface of the earth, and the reference
node is called "ground" or "earth" as a
The virtual ground concept aids circuit analysis in operational amplifier and other circuits
and provides useful practical circuit effects that would be difficult to achieve in other ways.

18.11 The inputs of a gate are 1 and 0, identify the gate if its output
is (a) 0, (b) 1.
a) Inputs of given gate 1 and 0, output is 0 so in first case the gates may be And,
b) Inputs of given gate 1 and 0, output is 1 so the Gates may be OR, NAND, XOR

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

18.12 Question 18.12 Tick the correct answer.

I. A diode characteristic curve is a plot between
a) current and time
b) voltage and time
c) voltage and current
d) forward voltage and reverse voltage

II. The color of light emitted by a LED depends on

a) its forward bias
b) its reverse bias
c) the amount of
d) the type of semi-conductor current material used

III. In a half-wave rectifier the diode conducts during

a) both halves of the input cycle
b) a portion of the positive half of the input cycle
c) a portion of the negative half of the input cycle
d) one half of the input cycle

IV. In a bridge rectifier of Fig. Q.18.1 when V is positive at point B with respect to point A,
which diodes are ON.
a) D2 and D4
b) D1 and D3
c) D2 and D3
d) D1 and D4

V. The common emitter current amplification factor is given by

a) IC / IE
b) IC / IB
c) IE / IB
d) IB / IE

VI. Truth table of logic function

a) summarizes its output values
b) tabulates all its input conditions only
c) display all its input/output possibilities
d) is not based on logic algebra

VII. The output of a two inputs OR gate is 0 only when its

a) both inputs are 0
b) either input is 1
c) both inputs are 1
d) either input is 0

VIII. A two inputs NAND gate with inputs A and B has an output 0 if
a) A is 0
b) B is 0
c) both A and B are zero
d) both A and B are 1

IX. The truth table shown below is for

a) XNOR gate
b) OR gate
c) AND gate
d) NAND gate

Malik Shahid Imran Anjum

Teacher of Physics

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

Dawn of Modern Physics
(Exercise Short Questions & Answers)

19.1 What are measurements on which two observers in relative

motion always agree upon?
The measurements on which two observers in relative motion always agree upon are
Speed of light in free space.
Magnitude of force.
Magnitude of relative velocities.
By two observers in different inertial frames of reference will be identical.

19.2 Does the dilation means that time really passes more slowly in
moving system or that it only seems to pass more slowly?
The dilation means that time really passes more slowly in moving system. The time
dilation is purely due to relative motion. It really happen when observers are in relative
motion. The result is applied to all the timing processes physical, chemical and biological.
Even aging process of the human body is slowed down by motion at very high speed. It
should be noted that we cannot detects such changes in daily life because we are not moving
at speed comparable to the speed of the light.

19.3 If you are moving in a spaceship at a very high speed relative to

the Earth, would you notice a difference (a) in your pulse rate (b) in
the pulse rate of people on Earth?
a) If you are moving in a spaceship at a very high speed relative to the Earth, there
will be no difference in your pulse rate because the inertial frame of reference is
same and we are at rest with respect to space and there is no relative motion.
b) Pulse rate of the people on the earth will be low because they are moving with
respect to spaceship.

19.4 If the speed of light were infinite, what would the equations of
special theory of relativity reduce to?
If the speed of light were infinite, there would be no change in the equations of special
theory of relativity.
When C=

= ( E=mc2
( ) ( ) E=m2

m= E=
( ) ( )

= (

t= m=
() )
t= t m= m = ( )

So there is no relative effect is observed under this condition.

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

19.5 Since mass is a form of energy, can we conclude that a

compressed spring has more mass than the same spring when it is not
Yes, (but too small to negligible) compressed spring has more mass than the same
uncompressed spring. Accorging to equation E=mc2
This relation shows that energy and mass are inconvertible. When a spring is compressed,
work done on a spring is converted into energy, this energy can changed into mass, so mass
is increased.
m=E/ C2
As the value of C2 is too big denominator so change in mass is negligibly small. But
according to classical point of view the mass remain same. According to theory of
relativity, change of mass is due to relative motion and not due to position.

19.6 As a solid is heated and begins to glow, why does it first appear
As a solid is heated and begins to glow it first appear red because when a body heated it
emits radiation and According to Wiens displacement law at low temperature the solid
will emit radiation having longer wavelength since longest visible wavelength is red so
it first appears red. On further increasing the temperature, the solid will change the color
towards decreasing wavelength of visible spectrum.

19.7 What happens to total radiation from a black body if its absolute
temperature doubled?
If black body absolute temperature is doubled the total radiation per seconds increase from
16 times. According to Stefen Boltzmann law, the amount of energy radiated per sec
per unit area of the black body is directly proportional to the fourth power of its
absolute temperature.
If T= 2T E = T4
E = (2T) 4
E = 16T 4
E = 16 (E)
If temperature T is doubled, E becomes 16 times of the original radiant energy.

19.8 A beam of red light and a beam of blue light have exactly the
same energy. Which beam contains the greater number of photons?
A beam of red light contains the greater number of photons. According to Planck quantum
theory the energy of the photon of light is given by:
E = hf
Where h is the Planck constant and f is the frequency of light. Let n1 be the number of
photons of red light having frequency f1 and n2 be the number of photons of blue light
having frequency f2. The respective energies of red and blue beams of light is given be:
E1 = n1 h f1
E2 = n2 h f2
E1 = E2
n1 h f1 = n2 h f2
f1 / f2 = n1 / n2
f1 < f2
n2 < n1
Thus number of photons of red light are more than the number of photons of blue light.
Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

19.9 Which photon, red, green, or blue carries the most (a) energy
and (b) momentum?
Blue photon carries the most energy and momentum because Blue light has smaller
wavelength than red and green colors. As we know
E = hc /
So it means that:
According to the formulas energy and momentum is inversely proportional to the
wavelength. Smaller the wavelength greater the energy and momentum and blue light has
smaller wavelength. So energy and momentum of photons of Blue light is greater than
green and red.

19.10 Which has the lower energy quanta? Radio waves or X-rays.
Radio waves has the lower energy quanta. According to Plank quantum theory the energy
of the quanta of radiation is given by: E = hf
Since the frequency of radio wave is less than x-rays, therefore, the quanta of radio wave
carry less energy than x-ray.

19.11 Does the brightness of a beam of light primarily depends on

the frequency of photons or on the number of photons?
Brightness of a beam of light primarily depends on the number of photons because
Brightness or intensity of light beam of specific color is defined as the number of photons
of light passing per sec per unit area. So, brightness depends upon numbers of photons and
not on frequency of photons.

19.12 When ultraviolet light falls on certain dyes, visible light is

emitted. Why does this not happen when infrared light falls on these
The ultraviolet light contains photons of high energy. When they fall on the atoms of the
dye, the atoms get excited. On De-excitation they emit photons of frequency which lie in
visible region of electro-magnetic spectrum. It is not happen when infrared light falls on
these dyes because infra-red light photon has less energy, so the atoms may be excited, on
De-excitation they emit photons whose frequency lie in the invisible region.

19.13 Will bright light eject more electrons from a metal surface
than dimmer light of the same color?
Yes, bright light eject more electrons from a metal surface than dimmer light of the same
color because the number of photo-electrons emitted from the metal surface is
proportional to the intensity of light. So, bright light eject more electrons from metal
surface than the dimmer light of same color.

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

19.14 Will higher frequency light eject greater number of electrons

than low frequency light?
No, higher frequency light will not eject greater number of electrons than low frequency
light because the number of photo electrons emitted from the metal surface is directly
proportional to the intensity of incident light and not on its frequency. The light of
higher frequency light will eject energetic electrons, while low frequency light will eject
less energetic electrons. So light of higher and lower frequency of same intensity will eject
same number of electrons.

19.15 When light shines on a surface, is momentum transferred to

the metal surface?
Yes, when light shines on a surface momentum transferred to the metal surface because
when light falls on metal surface, the photons are absorbed by the surface. Therefore both
energy and momentum of the photons are transferred to the atoms of the surface. The
exchange of energy and momentum to the surface is so small that it hardly produce any
disturbance in photo emissive surface.

19.16 Why can red light be used in a photographic dark room when
developing films. Blue or white light cannot?

Red light be used in a photographic dark room when developing films instead of Blue or
white light because red light has low frequency, contain low energy photons and in visible
spectrum red light has the longest wavelength. Therefore photographic films and materials
concerned are least affected in the presence of red light than blue and white light.

19.17 Photon A has twice the energy of photon B. What is the ratio
of the momentum of A to that of B?

The energy and momentum of photon is related as:

Energy of photon A= EA=CpA
Energy of photon B= EB=CpB
AS A has twice the energy of photon B
CpA= 2CpB
pA= 2pB


Thus if Photon A has twice the energy of photon B the ratio of the
momentum of A to that of B is 2:1.

19.18 Why dont we observe a Compton Effect with visible light?

We cannot observe a Compton Effect with visible light because photons of visible light is
very low energy photon. Compton Effect can only be observe in high energy photon like
X-rays or gamma rays.

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

19.19 Can pair production take place in vacuum? Explain.

No, pair production cannot take place in vacuum. Pair production takes place when gamma
rays photons interact with the nucleus of a heavy atom. So in vacuum there is no matter
present in vacuum so pair production cannot takes place. And it is also against the law of
conservation of momentum if pair production takes place in vacuum.

19.20 Is it possible to create a single electron from energy? Explain.

No, it is not possible to create a single electron from energy, because if we create a single
electron from energy then it is against the law of conservation of charge as well as law of
conservation of momentum. And it is impossible to violate those laws.

19.21 If electrons behaved only like particles, what pattern would

you expect on the screen after the electrons passes through the double
When electrons have particles like property diffraction will not take place and electrons
would pass straight through the slits. Therefore the diffraction pattern on the screen will
not be observed. We will only observe the images of two slits on the screen.

19.22 If an electron and a proton have the same de Broglie

wavelength, which particle has greater speed?
An electron has greater speed than a proton because electron is a lighter particle and having
small mass.
As we know that momentum:
p = mv.1
p= h / ....2
Comparing both: mv=h/
v = h / m
this relationship show that speed of electron is inversely proportional to the mass larger the
mass smaller the speed and vice versa and electron being lighter particle having smaller
mass will have greater speed than proton to have same value of de Broglie wavelength.

19.23 We do not notice the de Broglie wavelength for a pitched

cricket ball. Explain why?
We do not notice the de Broglie wavelength for a pitched cricket ball because According
to de Broglie, the wavelength of the particle of mass m when moving with velocity v is
given by:
= h / mv
It follows that wavelength is inversely proportional to the mass of the particle. The cricket
ball is very much massive, so it has very short wavelength which is not measurable.

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

19.24 If the following particles all have the same energy, which has
the shortest wavelength? Electron, alpha particle, neutron, proton.
-particle has the shortest wavelength. As we know
= h / mv
According to formula wave length is inversely proportional to the mass. Larger the mass
shorter the wavelength and vice versa.
As -particle has greatest mass, so the -particle has the shortest wavelength and the
electron of smallest mass has the largest wavelength associated with it.

19.25 When does light behave as a wave? When does it behave as a

Light behave as a wave when travelling from source to point and where it is detected by
interference and diffraction phenomena.
Light behave as particle when it attract with matter and exchange energy. In phenomena
like photoelectric and Compton effects, the light exhibits its particle nature.

19.26 What advantages an electron microscope has over an optical

The electron microscope has the following advantages over optical microscope.
Electron microscope has 1000 time high resolving power as compare to optical
Electron microscope can produce three dimensional pattern called hologram but
optical microscope can only produce one dimensional image.
The energy of electrons is sufficiently large that they can penetrate through the
thicker parts of matter as compared to visible light.
Internal structure of an object can be obtained by Electron microscope. But optical
microscope used for external images.

19.27 If measurements show a precise position for an electron, can

those measurements show precise momentum also? Explain.
No, the measurements cannot show precise momentum of an electron. According to
Uncertainty principle, position and momentum of a particle cannot both be measured
simultaneously with perfect accuracy. For a precise position of an electron, the momentum
becomes uncertain.
x p h
If the position of an electron is precisely measured then there is not uncertainty in position.
x = 0,
0 p h
p h / 0
So, if measurement show a precise position for electron in an experiment then precise
measurement of momentum of an electron is impossible in that experiment.

Malik Shahid Imran Anjum

Teacher of Physics

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

Atomic Spectra
(Exercise Short Questions & Answers)

20.1 Bohrs theory of hydrogen atom is based upon several assumptions.

Do any of these assumptions contradict classical physics?
Yes, First assumptions contradict classical physics. According to Bohr Theory When
electron move in fixed orbit it does not radiate energy revolving around the nucleus.
Whereas classical physics state that accelerated electron radiates energy continuously
while revolving around the nucleus.

20.2 What is meant by a line spectrum? Explain, how line spectrum can
be used for the identification of elements?
When the atoms of a gas excited by supplying the energy from external source, they emit
photons of specific wavelength on De-excitation. These photons of specific wavelength
appear in the form of lines on a screen, which are well separated from each other, and is
called line spectrum.
Different elements emit photons of different wavelength. This mean the spectra of different
elements are different. Hence we can identify the elements by their line spectrum.

20.3 Can the electron in the ground state of hydrogen absorb a photon
of energy 13.6 eV and greater than 13.6 eV?
Yes, the electron in the ground state of hydrogen absorb a photon of energy 13.6 eV and
greater than 13.6 eV. It is because the electron of H-atom in its ground state possesses
energy equal to 13.6eV. Hence H-atom will absorb photon of energy 13.6 eV and will get
ionized. The extra energy of the photon will be taken up by the electron in the form of K.E.

20.4 How can the spectrum of hydrogen contain so many lines when
hydrogen contains one electron?
Spectrum of hydrogen contain so many lines when hydrogen contains one electron because
according to Bohrs theory H-atom has many energy level E1, E2, E3, etc. So when
hydrogen atom is excited and jump into some higher energy level it gain energy and when
these electrons fall back to the ground state, it take place in different steps. Each transition
will emit photon of particular wavelength. Hence we will get many lines in the line
spectrum of hydrogen atom.

20.5 Is energy conserved when an atom emits a photon of light?

Yes, energy conserved when an atom emits a photon of light. Atom absorbs energy when
they are excited to higher energy state. The same energy is re-emitted in the form of photon
during the process of De-excitation. So amount of energy remain constant.

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

20.6 Explain why a glowing gas gives only certain wavelengths of light
and why that gas is capable of absorbing the same wavelengths?
A glowing gas gives only certain wavelengths of light and why that gas is capable of
absorbing the same wavelengths because each and every element emits and absorbs certain
radiation of some specific wavelength when it jumps from low energy level to high energy
level. And also emits certain radiation of some specific wavelength when it jumps from
high energy level to low energy levels.
It is transparent to other wavelengths because it will absorb only those radiations, which
they can emit. Therefore, it is transparent to the radiations of other wavelength.

20.7 What do you mean when we say that the atom is excited?
When an atom absorbs energy from external source, its electrons are lifted from ground
state to higher energy state and as a whole the atom is said to be in the excited state.

20.8 Can X-rays be reflected, refracted, diffracted and polarized just

like any other waves? Explain
Yes, X-rays be reflected, refracted, diffracted and polarized just like any other waves
because X-rays are electromagnetic waves like an ordinary light but having frequency
much higher than the ordinary light. Hence X-rays like ordinary light can show reflection,
refraction, interference, diffraction and polarization properties.

20.9 What are the advantages of lasers over ordinary light?

The advantages of lasers over ordinary light are following.
The laser light is intense beam of light, coherent and unidirectional so it does not
spread out like ordinary light.
Its energy can be focused at a point to get enough energy for welding, cutting and
as surgical tool while ordinary light cannot do so.
It can be used in fusion reaction.
It can be used it telecommunication in optical fiber.

20.10 Explain why laser action could not occur without inversion
between atomic levels?
Laser action could not occur without inversion between atomic levels because production
of laser beam a large number of coherent photons are needed. During Laser there are more
atoms in metastable state then ground state. A large number of excited atoms in population
inversion state emit a large number of coherent photons along the same direction of motion.
Which is not possible without population inversion.

Malik Shahid Imran Anjum

Teacher of Physics

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

Nuclear Physics
(Exercise Short Questions & Answers)

21.1 What are isotopes? What do they have in common and what are
their differences?
Nuclei of the same elements which have same charge number but different mass number
are called isotopes of an element.
Similarities: Differences:
Same charge number or atomic number. Different Number of neutrons.
Same chemical properties. Different Physical properties
Same number of protons. Different Mass number or weight

21.2 Why are heavy nuclei unstable?

Lighter nuclei are stable because they have almost equal number of protons and neutrons.
But heavier nuclei are unstable because they have greater number of neutrons which are
not bounded and their binding energy per nucleon is less than lighter nuclei. Therefore the
force of repulsion between protons is greater than the force of attraction between nucleons,
which make heavier nuclei unstable.
Example: Heavy nuclei such as
contains 92 protons and 146 neutrons. The wide
difference between number of protons and neutrons makes the heavy nuclei unstable.

21.3 If a nucleus has a half-life of 1 year, does this mean that it will
be completely decayed after 2 years? Explain
If a nucleus has a half-life of 1 year, it will not completely decayed after 2 years because
only half of total element decay and half left behind. For next half-life, half of the reaming
element will decay and other left behind. In this way for every half-life, half of the
remaining element will decay and left the other. For complete decay infinite time is
required which is not possible.

21.4 What fraction of radioactive sample decays after two half-lives

have elapsed?
After two half-life about 75% of N sample will decay and 25% will left behind.
Let the mass of sample is N

1st half-life=

2 half-life = ( ) =

Total decay after two half-lives= + =

Thus After two half-life about 75% of N sample will decay and 25% will left behind. As
Fraction of radioactive decay after two half-lives:

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

20.5 Radioactive element has a half-life of 1.6 x 10 years.


Since the Earth is about 5 billion years old, how can you explain why
we still find this element in nature?
The radioactive element has a half-life of 1.6 x 10 years. We still find this element

in nature because infinite time required to completely decay of an element. Since the Earth
is about 5 billion years old and it not infinite time. As half-life of
is 1.6 x 10 years,

so after 1.6 x 103 years, half of

decays leaving behind remaining half of . So
for every half-life the
decay and rest of left behind. Thats why we still find
this element in nature.

21.6 Describe a brief account of interaction of various types of

radiations with matter.
Interaction of alpha particle with matter:
Alpha particles are positively charged particles and can ionize and excite atoms through
which they pass.
The ionization caused by alpha particles may be due to
Direct elastic collision with atoms
Electrostatic force of attraction on electron.
Interaction of Beta particle with matter:
Beta particles are negatively charged. Path of beta particle is not straight due to deflection
caused by collision with atoms of the medium.
The ionization caused by beta particle is due to
Electrostatic force of repulsion on electron.
Direct collision with atoms
Interaction of gamma particle with matter:
Gamma rays are mass less charge less radiation coming out of the nuclei of radioactive
elements. The ionization caused by gamma ray photons is almost negligible. Gamma rays
interact with matter in three different ways depending on their energy.
At low energy (less than 0.5 Mev) gamma rays produce photoelectric effect.
At intermediate energy (0.5 Mev - 1.0 Mev) gamma rays produce Comptons effect.
At energy (more than 1.02 Mev) gamma rays produce pair production.

21.7 Explain how -particles and -particles may ionize an atom

without directly hitting the electrons? What is difference in action of
the two particles for producing ionization?
-particles and -particles may ionize an atom without directly hitting the electrons the
difference in action of the two particles for producing ionization are following:
- particle ionize the atom by attracting the electron because - particle are
positively charged particles.
-particles ionize the atom by repelling the electron because -particles are due to
its negatively charged particles.

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

21.8 A particle which produces more ionization is less penetrating.

A particle which produces more ionization is less penetrating because particle having more
ionizing power will rapidly lose energy in ionizing the atoms. Thus fail to penetrate in
greater depths.
Example: - particle are more ionizing but less penetrating then -particles.

21.9 What information is revealed by the length and shape of the

tracks of an incident particle in Wilson cloud chamber?
The information revealed by the length and shape of the tracks of an incident particle in
Wilson cloud chamber are
- particle has larger mass and greater ionizing power so its track is thick straight and
-particles show frequent deflections extending in erratic manner so its track is thin and
-particles has negligible ionizing so it has no definite track. The irregular tracks are those
of photo-electrons produced by gamma rays.

21.10 Why must Geiger Muller tube for detecting -particles have
a very thin end window? Why does a Geiger Muller tube for detecting
-rays not need a window at all?
Geiger Muller tube for detecting -particles have a very thin end window because
particles are less penetrating power than gamma rays, a thin window allows their entry into
Geiger tube easily.
Geiger Muller tube for detecting -rays not need a window because for detecting gamma
rays, window become useless due high penetrating power.

21.11 Describe the principle of operation of a solid state detector of

ionizing radiation in terms of generation and detection of charge
Its principle is based upon the production of electron hole-pair to cause a current pulse. A
solid-state detector is a specially designed p-n junction, operating under a reverse bias in
which electron hole pairs are produced by the incident radiation to cause a current pulse to
flow through the external circuit. Then the electrical pulse is amplified and recorded.

21.12 What do you mean by the term critical mass?

The minimum mass of a material that can sustain a nuclear chain reaction or the quantity
of such mass, which is enough to absorb most of neutrons produced in fission chain reaction
and to produce large amount of energy. The mass of uranium in which one neutron, out of
all the neutrons produced in one fission reaction, produce further fission is called critical
Examples: Critical mass of Uranium-235 is about 52 Kg.

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

21.13 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power

compared to the use of fossil fuel generated power.
Nuclear Power Fossil Fuel Power
It produce large amount of energy. It produce small amount of energy.
It does not produce smoke and air It produce smoke and air pollution.
The cost of electricity is cheap. The cost of electricity is very high.
It is not easily available in market. It is not easily available in market.
Its waste is dangerous to handle. Its waste is not dangerous to handle.

21.14 What factors make a fusion reaction difficult to achieve?

In fusion reaction two positively charged nuclei should collide each other with very high
speed which is difficult to achieve because when two light nuclei are brought near together,
a strong accelerator required. To overcome this difficulty the nuclei should be very high
velocity, which needs temperature of the order 10 million degree Celsius. Such a high
temperature cannot be produced on earth by any other means so it is difficult to achieve.

21.15 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of fusion power

from the point of safety, pollution and resources.
Since the fusion reaction is free from radioactive products, so it will be safe and
free from pollution and resources.
The fusion reaction produces more energy per nucleon.
The energy produced by fusion is cheaper than fission energy.
Fusion reactions is more difficult to start fusion reaction.
Fusion reactions cannot be controlled like fission reaction.
Fusion reactions cannot be used to produce electricity.

21.16 What do you understand by background radiation? State

two sources of this radiation.
The radiation present around us are called background radiations. Geiger Muller tube
record radiation even if no radioactive source is close to it. These radiation are background
Sources of Background radiation are
Cosmic radiations coming from outer space.
Naturally occurring radioactive substances in earth's crust.

21.17 If you swallowed an -source and a source, which would be
the more dangerous to you? Explain why?
- particle have more energy and greater ionizing power than particle. Thus particle
is more dangerous and can cause more damage to the tissue of the body.

Love Physics (Short Questions Answers) by Malik SI Anjum

21.18 Which radiation dose would deposit more energy to your

body (a) 10 mGy to your hand, or (b) 1 mGy dose to your entire body?
1mGy dose given to the entire body deposits more energy as compared to 10 mGy to your
As we know that:
Absorbed dose (D) = Energy/ (Mass)
Energy = Absorbed dose (D) Mass
Since the mass of the whole body is far greater than mass of hand, therefore 1mGy dose
given to the entire body deposits more energy.

21.19 What is a radioactive tracer? Describe one application each

in medicine, agriculture and industry.
Radioactive tracer:
Those Radio-isotopes which are used to trace the path or position of an element through a
biological, chemical, or mechanical system are called radioactive tracer.
Uses of tracer:
The uses of tracer are following:
Tracers are use in medical to detect the malignant tumors.
Tracer like Radioactive iodine detects the position of the food in the digestive
The tracer are used in agriculture to study the uptake of a fertilizer by plant.
Tracer like radio phosphorous ( P32 ) determine percentage productivity of food
grains by the relationship between the root growth and taking of phosphorous from
the soil
Tracer are used to determine the faults and leaks from underground pipes as well
as in manufacturing processes
Tracer like radioactive carbon (C14) test of leaks in pipes and the flow of rates of

21.20 How can radioactivity help in the treatment of cancer?

Radioactivity help in treatment of cancerous cell by using ionizing radiations of radioactive
elements. Cancerous cell absorbs more radiation and can be destroyed.
Radiotherapy with gamma rays form cobalt-60 is used in the treatment of cancer.
Radioactive Iodine-131 is used for treatments of thyroid gland cancer.
For skin cancer phosphorous- 32 or strontium-90 may be used.

Malik Shahid Imran Anjum

Teacher of Physics


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