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Module 1 Quiz: Procurement

Name: Module 1 Quiz: Procurement

Instructions: Please complete the following questions. For multiple choice questions, check all that

Question 1
The PCard has what type of dollar limits put on it?

Monthly Limits

Weekly Limits

Daily Limits

Transaction Limits

Question 2
How can you determine what your PCard limits are?

They're written on your PCard application.

They're written on the Visa statement that initially accompanies your PCard.

You can call PNC Bank to find out what your limits are.

The PCard administrator has record of your limits.

Question 3
The University is exempt from PA State Sales Tax.



Question 4
Which document verifies the University's exemption from PA Sales Tax?

PCard Change Request Form

Products & Services Guide

Pennsylvania Exemption Certificate

Question 5
You make a purchase with your PCard and notice when filing your receipt that you were charged

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$2.57 in PA sales tax. What should you do first?

Ignore it since it is a small dollar amount.

Call the PCard administrator.

Contact the vendor and request a credit.

Question 6
It is permitted to make personal purchases with the PCard as long as you make arrangements to
reimburse the department.



Question 7
You are going to purchase a book from the University Book Store. The order can be placed on
the PCard.



Question 8
A coworker is in the hospital and your department is going to send the coworker flowers. It is ok
to order the flowers on your PCard as long as senior level administrative approval is obtained.



Question 9
Which of the following expenses are allowed on the PCard?

Hotel charges

Conference registration fee


Radioactive material

Airline tickets

Professional membership dues


Question 10
"https" in a web address indicates that the site is secure for credit card information.



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Module 2 Quiz: Record Keeping Responsibilities

Name: Module 2 Quiz: Record Keeping Responsibilities

Instructions: Please complete the following questions. For multiple choice questions, check all that

Question 1
It is not necessary to keep a log of Pcard transactions as long as you save your VISA bank



Question 2
Receipts and/or packing slips should be kept for how long?

1 year

2 years

5 years

7 years

Question 3
You receive goods that were ordered with you Pcard and they are defective. You contact the
supplier, and make arrangements to return the goods and receive a credit. After several billing
cycles, you still have not received a credit. What should you do? (Check all that apply.)

Call PNC Bank for assistance

Stop using the Pcard

Complete the Billing Inquiry Form that is on the back of your Pcard Visa statement, and
forward it to the Pcard administrator
Contact the Pcard administrator if you need assistance

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Module 3 Quiz: Reconciling PCard Activity

Name: Module 3 Quiz: Reconciling PCard Activity

Instructions: Please complete the following questions. For multiple choice questions, check all that apply.

Question 1
Purchases made with a PCard are posted to a single department account number.



Question 2
PCard Visa statements are sent on a monthly basis directly to the Card holder.



Question 3
Upon receiving the PCard Visa statement, whats the first thing you should do?

File it away.

Forward it to your department administrator.

Match the charges shown on the Visa statement to the activity shown on your card holder

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Module 4 Quiz: Security and Controls

Name: Module 4 Quiz: Security and Controls

Instructions: Please complete the following questions. For multiple choice questions, check all that apply.

Question 1
Which of the following is an example of misusing the Pcard? (Check all the apply.)

Making personal purchases

Purchasing office supplies

Purchasing radioactive material

Purchasing a refrigerator for your lab for scientific use

Using it to register for a conference

Allowing other members of your department to use your card

Question 2
Misuse of the Pcard can jeopardize your employment at the University.



Question 3
If your PCard is lost or stolen, and you delay in contacting PNC Bank, your department can be
liable for fraudulent charges made to your card.



Question 4
How quickly should you notify PNC Bank Pcard Administrator if you notice your Pcard has been
stolen or lost?


Within 24 hours

Within 1 week

Before the next billing cycle

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Question 5
Any Pcard holder can be selected for a random audit.



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Module 5 Quiz: Frequently Asked Questions

Name: Module 5 Quiz: Frequently Asked Questions

Instructions: Please complete the following questions. For multiple choice questions, check all that apply.

Question 1
A cardholder is encouraged to have a Pcard for each account within the department.



Question 2
Although you are encouraged to use University contracted suppliers, the Pcard can be used with
any supplier who accepts VISA, and is categorized with an approved Merchant Category Code.



Question 3
Which of the following is not an acceptable change to the Pcard?

Modify monthly, daily or transaction dollar llimits

Modify the departmental account to which transactions are charged

Name/address change

Request an additional card for an individual

Cancel a card

Question 4
Which of the following is the correct procedure for handling your Pcard if you transfer to another

Leave your Pcard with your current department and have the department cancel your card

Take your Pcard with you to the new department and request a change to modify the
account number

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