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Eugene F. Megyesy PRESSURE VESSEL HANDBOOK (Eleventh Edition) PRESSURE VESSEL PUBLISHING, INC. ASME CODE vs. THIS HANDBOOK ‘The ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE--1998, eet VIN,Dis.1 “The American Society of Mechanical Eng- nears setup & Commitee fn 1911 forthe Purpose of formulating standard rules for Eetonsructon of steam bors and other pressure vessels that wil perform in safe Endrelable manner The Code comprises these rules. es scope includes vessels: 1. made ofaonferous materials, cst ion, High alloy and carbon steel, 2. madeby welding, forging, bracing, and 3. applying awide variety ofconstrution anethods and details Ie Inchudes all vessels where the question of sfeyisconcered PRESSURE VESSEL HANDBOOK - 1998, Eleventh Edition ‘The Handbook covers design and con- struction methods of pressure vestels: 1. made of carbon steel, 2 made by welding 3 applying construction methods and deals which are the most economical and practical which arein accordance ‘with the Code rales, and thus gener- ally followed by the industry. ‘The vast majority of the pressure vessels today fall into this eategor For construction rules and details which are excluded from the scope of the Hand- book, references are made to the appl able’ Code paragraphs to avoid neglect ing them ‘The Code -as itis stated in paragraph UG- 2.— "does not contain rules to cover all Getails of design and construction..." “where details are not given, it is intended that the Manufacturer... shall provide de- tails of design and construction.” Details of design and construction not covered by the Code are offered by the Handbook including: Design of tall tow- rs, wind load, earthquake, vibration, ec- centric load, elastic stability, deflection, combination of stresses, nozzle loads, re- saddles, and rect- action of supports, lugs, angular tanks. “The Code is not a handbook." "It is not intended that this Section be used as a de- sign handbook" as itis stated in the Fore- ‘Word of the Code, “The aim ofthis Handbook is to be easly handled and consulted Tables, charts elim nate the necessity of calculations, Geom fry, lajout of Vessels, piping codes, APL Storage tanks, standard appurtenances, painting of sel surfces, weight, mes: tremens, conversion lables, iterate, Sein, Senet for vey sign of see sructres, center of rev, Sgn of welded joins, bolted Comec- tions, boiler and pressure vessel laws, chemical resistance ofmetals, voles, nd surfaces of vessels, provide good service" abi “The updated and revised Code is published in three years intervals. Addenda, which also inchide revisions tothe Code, re pub- lished annually. Revisions and additions ‘become mandatory six (6) months ater the date of issuance, except for boilers and pres- ‘sure vessels contracted for prior tothe end of the 6 month period, (Code Foreword) Se Saitama Sire fae enacmeaea PARTI PARTIE PART OI PARTIV PARTV CONTENTS Design and Construction of Pressure Vessels Geometry and Layout of Pressure Vessels 257 ‘Measures and Weights 321 Design uf Steel Structures 447 Miscellaneous 465 PARTI. n DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF PRESSURE VESSEL 1. Vessels Under Internal Pressure. Stresses in Cylindrical Shell, Definitions, Formulas, Pressure of Fluid, Pressure-Temperature Ratings of American Standard Carbon Steel Pipe Flanges. 2. Vesseli Under Extemal Press Definitions, Formulas, Minimum Required Tickness of Cylin- drical Shell, Chart for Determining Thickness of Cylindrical and ‘Spherical Vessels under External Pressure when Constructed of Carbon Steel. 3. Design of Tall Towers se Wind Load, Weigh’ of Vessel, Seismic Load, Vibration, Eccen- trieLoad, Este Stability, Deflection, Combination of tresses, Design of Skirt Suppor, Design of Anchor Bolts (epproximate method), Design of Base Ring approximate method), Design of Anchor Bolt and Base Ring, Anchor Bolt Chair for Tall Towers 4. Vessel Supports Sressesin Large Horizonal Vessels Supported by Two Saddies, Siresses in Vessels on Leg Suppor, Sresces in Vessels Du to Lg Support, 5. Openings Inspection Openings, Openings without Reinforcing Pad, Open ing with Reinforcing Pad, Extension of Openings, Reinforce- ‘ment of Openings, Strength of Attachments, Joining Openingsto Vessels, Length of Couplings and Pipes for Openings, Nozzle Loads Reinforcement atthe Junction of Cone to Cylinder. Welding of Pressure Vessels. ‘Welded Joints, But Welded Joint of Plates of Unequal Thick. nesses, Application of Welding Symbols. 9. Regulations, Specifications. Code Ritles Related to Various Services, Code Rules Related to ‘Various Plate Thicknesses of Vessel, Tanks and Vessels Con- taining Flammable and Combustible Liquids, Properties of Materials, Description of Materials, Specification for The De- sign and Fabrication of Pressure Vessels, Fabrication Toler- ances. 10, Materials of Fe 11, Welded Tanks ‘Countries 15 31 2 12 153 159 170 181 R 10, Piping Codes 202 1, Rectangular Tanks 206 12, Corrosion as 13, Miscellaneous 226 Fabricating Capacities, Pipe and Tube Bending, Pipe Engagement, Drill Sizes for Pipe Taps, Bend Allow- ances, Length of Stud Bolts, Pressure Vessell Detail- ing, Preferred Locations, Common Errors, Lifting ‘Attachments, Safe Loads for Ropes and Chains, Trans- portation of Vessels. 14, Painting of Steel Surfaces. 214 IN REFERENCES THROUGHOUT THIS BOOK "CODE" STANDS FOR ASME (AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS) BOILER AND PRES- SURE VESSEL CODE SECTION VIII RULES FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PRESSURE VESSELS, DIVISION 1 — AN AMERICAN STANDARD. 1998 EDITION. 3B STRESSES IN PRESSURE VESSELS Pressure vessels are subject to various loadings, which exert stresses of different intensities in the vessel components. The category and intensity of stresses are the function of the nature of loadings, the geometry and construction of the vessel components. LOADINGS (Code UG-22) Internal or external pressure ‘ Weight of the vessel and contents . Static reactions from attached equipment, piping, lining, insulation, internals, supports Cyclic and dynamic reactions due to pressure or thermal variations Wind pressure and seismic forces Impact reactions due to fluid shock ‘Temperature gradients and differential thermal expansion wre MAXIMUM STRESSES (Code UG-23) ALLOWABLE STRESS a. Tensile stress Ss, b. Longitudinal compressivestress The smaller of S, or the value of factorB determined By the procedure described in Code UG 23 (b) (2) ©. Generalprimarymembranestress _S, induced by any combination of 's loadings. Primary membrane stress plus primary bending stress duced by combination of load~ is, except as provided in d below. 4d, Generalprimary membrane tress 1.2 times the stress permitted in a., inducedby combination ofearth- b., orc. This rule applicable to quake orwind pressure with other stresses exerted by internal or exter- loadings (See defi nal pressure or axial compressive beginning 483.) Toad on acylinder. Seismic force and wind pressure need not be considered to act simulta- neously. ‘Maximum allowable stress in tension for carbon and low alloy steel Code'Table UCS-23; for high alloy steel Code Table UHA-23., psi. (See properties of materials page 186 - 190.) 4 STRESSES IN CYLINDRICAL SHELL ‘Uniform internal or extemal pressure induces in the longitudinal seam two times larger unit stress than inthe circumferential seam because ofthe geomety ofthe cylinder. ‘A vesse] under external pressure, when other forces (wind, earthquake, etc.) are not factors, must be designed to resist the ciecumferential buckling only. The Code provides the method of design to meet this requirement. When other loadings are present, these combined loadings may govern and heavier plate will be required than the plate which was satisfactory to resist the circumferential buckling only. “The compressive stress due to external pressure and tensile stress dve to intemal pressure shall be determined by the formulas ; FORMULAS CIRCUMFERENTIAL TONGITUDINAL TOINT joint o PD. PD 5 =e 5-2 <= | NOTATION Mean diameter of ves, inches shy Internal or exter! pressure, ps Longitudinal stress, pi Circumferential (hoop) stress, psi 1) = Thickness of shell, corrosion allowance excluded, inches EXAMPLE 1s x 96 Given D = 96inches = PSe + 40 psi P= 1S psi 1 = 025 inches PD Is x 96 2 2x 025 2880 psi For towers under internal pressure and wind load the ritcal height above which compres- sive stress governs can be approximated by the formula: =P 2D where H = Cia eight of tower, f INTERNAL PRESSURE 1, OPERATING PRESSURE ‘The pressure which is required forthe process, served by the vessel, at which the vessel is normally operated. 2. DESIGN PRESSURE ‘The pressure used inthe design ofa vessel. Itisrecommended to designa vessel and its pats fora higher pressure than the operating pressure. A design pressure higher than the operating pressure with 30 psi or 10 percent, whichever is the ‘greater, will satisfy this requirement, The pressure ofthe fluid and other contents ‘of the vessel should also be taken into consideration See tables on page 29 for pressure of fluid. 3. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE WORKING PRESSURE, ‘The internal pressure at which the weakest element ofthe vessel is loaded tothe ultimate permissible point, when the vessel is assumed to be: (8) in corroded condition (b) under the effect ofa designated temperature (©) in normal operating position atthe top (@) under the effect of other loadings (wind load, external pressure, hydro- static pressure, etc.) which are additive to the internal pressure. When calculations are not made, the design pressure may be used as the ‘maximum allowable working pressure (MA WP) code 3-2. ‘A common practice followed by many users and manufacturers of pressure vessels isto limitthe maximum allowable working pressure by the head or shell, not by small elements as flanges, openings, ete. See tables on page 28 for maximum allowable pressure for flanges. ‘See tables on page 142 for maximum allowable pressure for pipes. ‘The term, maximum allowable pressure, new and cold, is used very often. It ‘means the pressure at which the Weakest element ofthe vessel is loaded to the Ultimate permissible point, when the vessel: (a) isnot corroded (new) (b) the temperature does not affect its strength (room temperature) (cold) ‘and the other conditions (¢ and d above) also need not to be taken into ‘consideration. 4, HYDROSTATIC TEST PRESSURE (One and one-half times the maximum allowable working pressure or the design pressure tobe marked onthe vessel when calculations are not madetto determine the maximum allowable working pressure. Ifthe stress value of the vessel material atthe design temperature is less than at the tet temperature, the hydrostatic test pressure should be increased propor- tionally. [Hydrostatic test shall be conducted afterall fabrication has been completed. 15 16 In this case, the test pressure shall be: Stress Valve § At Test Temperature 5X Max Allow. W. Pee. x StS Value S At Test Temperature 15 X MG. Becga tea)” Sues Vale 5 At Dein Tempertors Vessels where the maximum allowable working pressure limited by the flanges, shall be tested at a pressure shown inthe table: inary Seis, are Rating | 15010] 30010] 4001| 60010] 200 19 1:00 1» | 2001 THyaostate Shell Tet "feaure 42s_ [1100 | s4s0 [2175 | 2280 | s400 [000 Hydrostatic test of multi-chamber vessels: Code UG-99 (¢) ‘A Pneumatic test may be used in lieu of a hydrostatic test per Code UG-100 Proof tests to establish maximum allowable working pressure when the strength of any part of the vessel cannot be computed with satisfctory assurance of safety, prescribed in Code UG-101 5. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE STRESS VALUES ‘The maximum allowable tensile stress values permitted for different materials are given in table on page 189. ‘The maximum allowable compressive stress to be used in the design of cylindrical shells subjected to loading that produce longitudinal compressive stress in the shell shall be determined according to Code par. UG-23'b, ¢, & d 6, JOINT EFFICIENCY of different types of welded joints are given in table on ficiency of seamless heads is tabulated on page 176. ‘The following pages contain formulas used to compute the required wall thickness and the maximum allowable working pressure for the most frequently used types of shell and head. The formulas of cylindrical shell are tiven forthe longitudinal seam, since usualy this governs. “The stress in the guth seam will govern only when the circumferential joint efficiency is less than one-half the longitudinal joint efficiency, or when besides the internal pressure additional loadings (wind load, reaction of saddles) are causing longitudinal bending or tension. The reason for itis that the stress arising inthe girth seam pound per square inch is one-half of ‘the stress in the longitudinal seam. ‘The formulas for the girth seam accordingly: = PR 25Es '* TSE ORB Po R08 See notation on page 22. n NoTES DESIGN 19 INTERNAL PRESSURE FORMULAS IN TERMS OF INSIDE DIMENSIONS EXAMPLES NOTATION E = Joint efficiency, page 172 = Design pressure or max. allowable R= Inside radius, inenes working presse pst D = Inside diameier inches 5 = Stress value of material psi. page“ = Wall thickness inches, 1 CA! = Corrsion allowance, inches DESIGN DATA P= lO0psidesignpresue S= 17500psi tess valueof SA515-70plate @ 650 E = 085 eliciency fs patel headto = 1.00,jinteficiency ofseamlessheads R= 4Bincesinsderadius® ‘D = 96inches inside diameter 1 = required wall thickness, inches CA, = 0.125 inches corrosion allowance * in corroded condition grester with the corrosion allowance > CYLINDRICAL SHELL (LONG SEAM)! SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE + =, PD "= 33E—02P 2SEt D+02 |. For elipsoidal heads, where the ratio of the major find minor wu he ig. han 2:1 ee Code Append Determine the required thickness of a seamless ellipsoidal head. - 1009625 F17500 x 1.0- 02100 +A, -0275in, o125in, ‘o400ia, Use014575 in: MIN.THK HEAD Determine the maximum allowable working pressure, P for 0.275 in, thick seamless head, when itis in corroded condition. the requiedhisknes. | Deerminethemaximum lonable + PR SEt ‘working pressure P for 0.500 in. thick | S=3E=Oee rants [obits ggasi | eltben ve ae T7500 085-0551 ; |. Usually the sires inthe fong seam i governing. See msc RHE | p= 175000850500 154 pei ‘preceding page. oa ie 48+0.6 «0.500 = ably ect Senses Use 000 in pla EE Ks sna hd 2 SPHERE and HEMISPHERICAL HEAD ‘SEE DESIGNDATA ABOVE ve ‘The head furnished without straight oe flange. llowable PR 2SEt Determine the required thickness, Deen the a aaa a working pressure, Pfor.3133 thick =O R02 fof hemispherical head $a ie sane conn ioowti2 -psstin it | Sete iat actu Rie PATSOOTESS OTH = Ran 8S 03125 1850 SEE Smead" SSE pore +2. When the wall thickness exceeds 0.356 R or P exceeds. ACA ia 0.665 SE, the formulas given in the Code Appendix Coe isha Sop ie 2:1 ELLIPSOIDAL HEAD SEEDESIGNDATA ABOVE SEEDESIGNDATA ABOVE o 217500 1.00275 400 px '96.25+02 x0.275 INTERNAL PRESSURE FORMULAS IN TERMS OF INSIDE DIMENSIONS NOTATION = De presse ot ma. lovable 0 working = Sues ee of meri Sue si, page E = Joint efficiency, page 172 4 Inside adn, noes D = Inside diameter inches (One haf of the inched (apex) angle, degrees 1 = Inside radius of dish, inches 7 Inside Knuckle radius, inches 1 = Wall thickness, inches CAL = Corrosion allowance, inches CONE aN CONICAL SECTION "= 2 cos a (SE—O6P) PD 2SEt cos a D+i2tcosa 2 ‘The half apex angle, @not greater than 30° When renter han 20: ps ana cord. (Code Appendix 1-5(e)) mi eee ASME "AND DISHED HEAD (TORISPHERICAL HEAD) When "ie = 16% 0.885PL ‘SE-O1P SEt SEL +O ‘When Wrlese than 1672) PLM ‘"35E-02F VALUES OF FACTOR “M™ 2 cos 30°=0.866 Determine the required thickness, ¢ ofacone 1009625 {Use0.50Din pate ‘SEE DESIGNDATA ABOVE Lr= 165 Determine the re seamless ASME. ited thickness, rof a langed and dished EXAMPLES DESIGNDATA: Siete naraan P= 100psidegn presse D = Sbincesinsedametert 2 [7ahopaistes wheat ‘eure val ines ines SASIS TO pie Q6S0F ene espe = Ose Rese wal lessees 5g eileen cz 4 E a) oma greater SEEDESIGNDATA ABOVE ‘SEEDESIGNDATA ABOVE Determine the maximum allowable working pressure, P for 0,500 in. thick cone, when the vessel is in new condition 217500 «0.85 0.500 0.866 961.2 «0500x0866 = 133psi SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE Determine the maximum allowable ‘working pressure, P for 0.6875 in. thicl seamless head, when the vessel is in new condition: ‘M= 1,75 fromtable. Determine the required thickness ¢ ofa seamless ASME flanged and dished head. (Gee foie 20m head (885 10056125, 11500 51.0%0.6875 4p insuostocorta | ~0486i0 TB85x95+0.1 x0687S CA o12sin ‘Use0625in pate oor ‘SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE ‘SEE DESIGNDATA ABOVE Knuckle radiusr= 6in. Ur= = 16 | Knuckle radiusr=6 in. Lr= % = 16 ta |], asl], oc)=9], . 2-0] Ps], Ja] te las|*$°|a.75|*°9)a.25 n25)**|«.00)**°| 0} 100*96.125%1.75. gaps in, m_ [9 aah olla al aol) ael)s op 17500-02100 be fla sol fase sis! *hi 30's, 4A ein fel, fess] ror " et hell ool 6 ‘Use 0.625 in min thik bead (M= 1,75 fromtable Determine the maximum allowable ‘working pressure, P for a0.481 in. thick seamless head when the vessel is in corroded condition, 56 125x175 +02 x0481 100psi NOTE: Wien te rto of Ur is preaier tan 16%, may be calculated by the formula: M (aon-Code construction) the values of PIC INTERNAL PRESSURE FORMULAS IN TERMS OF OUTSIDE DIMENSIONS EXAMPLES DESIGN DATA: Bore) ore in P= 100psi design pressure E = 1 O0jonteticienyofsamles heads sffcicncy, page = 113l0ps sts valveot R= ABinchesoutsideredus P= Design pressure or max. allowable = Outside ras, ing pressure D = Outsice dameer inches SA 51570 plat @630F D= Ssinchesouside diameter 5 = Suess vate of material psi, page 1 = Wall thickness, Inches B= 085 efciency ofsptecmined Required walthickness inches 9 CA! = Coreson allowance, inches joint ofseandhemis headto shell C4, = 0.1.Sinchescarosonaiwance CYLINDRICAL SHELL (LONG SEAM)! = 1.00, jinteficiency ofsealess at ‘ pn PR pa SE fa ‘SE + 0aP Rom 1. Useally the stress in the long seam is governing. See aus 14 22. When the wall thickness excends one half ofthe inside ‘ads of P exceeds 088 SE, the formulas venta the Code Appendix 2 shall be sppled. ‘SPHERE and HEMISPHERICAL HEAD SEE DESIGNDATA ABOVE Determine the required thickness, ¢ ofa shell 100% 48 °. Frs00%0RS-0.4xT05 ~0522in SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE Determine the maximum allowable ‘working pressure, P for 0.500 in. thick shell when the vessel is in new condi tion, PR "DE + ORP 175000850500 pe ITSO SI = 15Spsi 4A, 0.125in, ar a Oatrin. ‘Use:0.50 in thik plate ‘SEE DESIGNDATA ABOVE REE Head furnished without straight flange, Determine the required thickness, cof hemispherical head. 100%48 © S = Determine the maximum allowable ‘working pressure, P for 0.3125 in, thick head, when the vessel is in new condition. PD pa 2SEt_ WEF TSP D-1e 1. For elipoial heads, where the uo of the aor and Iino ass other than ss Coe Append ‘Append A) Determine the required thickness of a 10096 7 * 77500 x1.0+Tax00 ~ 9273! 40a. 015i, ‘Use 04375in. min thick head TS aaa vs085<09 Sarina at as oes i PATSOEOAS AOI feel e eae een scans rome cote: Peete out ence ToT ELSI AL BEAD) ‘SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE Determine the maximum allowable ‘working pressure, P for 0.273 in. thick head, when itis in new condition. 217500x1.0%0273, 96-18 x0273 =100psi DESIGN 4 _t]t] INTERNAL PRESSURE FORMULAS IN TERMS OF OUTSIDE DIMENSIONS NOTATION D = Ouside diameter inches ‘P = Design pressure or max, allowable 1 = One half ofthe included (apex) ‘working pressure pst ie, degrees angle, deg 1L = Outside radius of dis, inches 7 Inside knuckle radius, inches Wall thicknes, inches, arrosion allowance, inches $= Stress value of material psi, page io E = Joint efficiency, page 172 [R= Outside radius, inches cal D CONE anv CONICAL SECTION T PD Toon a (SEFO4P) i ‘The half apex angle, « not greater than 30° — 2. Wheat eeater than 30°, special analysis is required. (Code Appendix 1-50) E "ASME FLANGED AND DISHED HEAD (TORISPHERICAL HEAD) EXAMPLES DESIGN DATA: = 100psi design pressure D = inches cusiedaneter = 17500 ps sess value of «= ¥Pcachalfoftieapexenle SA 515-70 pte @OsOF L = 96inehes ouside radu of ch E= 08S eficeneyofspotexminedpins 1 = Required val hicks ines E= 100, joiteficeneyofsamlesheu CA. = 01)Sichescoresenaowance R= sSinchesousderaus ‘SEEDESIGNDATA ABOVE SEE DESIGNDATA ABOVE cos 30°=0.866 Determine the maximum sllowable Determine the required thickness, ¢ | working pressure, P for 0.500 in thick ofa cone cone. aA _so095 "501866 (17500 «0.85 ‘04%100) =0372%n, 2317500 10.85 x0 500 0.866 sen bin 96-(08x0 5000865) Orin (Use:0500 i. tickle SEEDESIGNDATA ABOVE SEEDESIGNDATA ABOVE Lir= 168 Determine the maximum allowable Determine the required thickness, ofa | working pressure, P for 0.625 in. thick seamless ASME flanged and dished | seamless head, when the vessel is in PLM DEFP(M—0ay 2SEt " ‘ME = 1M 02) P: VALUES OF FACTOR M PP CPF Pc fae toed acho) shee as ER ad Pad Pe nl “a fea eel al fl ok peal hea ho sal hs [E_7HE MAxiMuw ALLOWED RATIO. (Gee note on Tang page) Wheaten 16% head corroded condition. J = 0885100296 sgn in, O0x10+08x100 48> 17500x 1.00.25 0.885PL. pa SE PS BB5x98-O8x0625 ~!29Psi ‘SE+08P TRESL OR fon moa 085 Wie "tee Tam 10s Uoe:0625in. min. hick head ‘SEEDESIGNDATA ABOVE SEEDESIGNDATA ABOVE % Knuckle radiusr= 6in.L/r= $=16 | Knuckle raver 6in. Ur= % = 16 M=1.35 from able, ee Determine the required thickness of i Seamless ASME fanged and dished | Determine the maximum allowable ied Working pressure, Pfora O78 thick Seamless head wien te vstl isin t= rz l0Ds965115 —__ ourtin. | Seraed conden BeTABW 1.0 000175703) je _2H11S00KLDx048 oe 1125 in, 1.75%96- 0478 (1.75-0.2) \°PS Oot in, ‘Use0625 in min thickhead NOTE: When the ratio of Uris greater than 164 , (non-Code construction) the values oF M may be calculated by the formula: M=" (3 + Vi/r) DESIGN 7 INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL PRESSURE FORMULAS INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL PRESSURE EXAMPLES NOTATION a Internal or external design pressure psi _E=joiint efficiency Inside diameter of shel, in. Maximum allowable stress value of material, psi Minimum required thickness of head, exclusive of corrosion allowance, in. ‘Actual thickness of head exclusive of corrosion allowance, in. = Minimum required thickness of seamless shell for pressure, in. = Actual thickness of shell, exclusive of corrosion allowance, in. i CIRCULAR FLAT HEADS dV 0.13 PISE ‘This formula shall be applied: 1. When d does not exceed 24 in. 2. id is not less than 0.05 nor greater than 0,25, 3. The head thickness, 1, is not less than the shell thickness, DESIGN DATA P=300 psi design pressure 24 in, inside diameter of shell 15,000 ipsi maximum allowable stress value of $A-515-60 plate 0.243 in, required thickness of seamless shell for pressure. = 0.3125 in, actual thickness of shell DETERMINE THE MINIMUM REQUIRED THICKNESS, 1 Exit eficency t= d YOA3PISE = 24 0.13 x 300/15,000x 1 = 1.223 in Use 1.250 in, head 1.250 Checking the limitation of —— = 0.082, mi 7 ‘The ratio of head thickness to the diameter of the shel is satisfactory AVOPISE © = 0331/1, C min. = 0.20 If a value of s/s les than 1 is used in calculating, the shell thiknes shall be tantainedalongastance inwardly fom D_2min. nor less than 1.251, | the inside face ofthe head equal to at least [Teed not be greater than ¢ 2 Ve ss, z Non-circular, bolted flat heads, covers, blind flanges Code UG-34; other types ‘of closures Code UG-35 eI FZiZzaA i/f «+ J SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE 0.243 0.3125 @ (CPISE = 24 [0.26 300 [15.0001 = 1.731 in Use 1.75 in, plate ‘ cao b=03 026 jicker plate for shell, a lesser thickness will be satisfactory for the head sing 4, = 0.315 in 033 = 0.33 ome tO “gays = 0214 td [CPSE = 24 [0.24 x 30/15,000 x1 = 1.57 in Use 1.625 in. plate ‘The shell thickness shall be maintained along a distance 2. df, from the inside face of the head 2 JOT = 6 in Pci PRESSURE — TEMPERATURE RATINGS FOR STEEL PIPE FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS ‘American National Standard ANSI BI6.5-1981 cam | som [>on] coom | cootn| 200m [soon [eo rama Taso | usas | aso0 | as | 2as0 | sss | ous qermvrenr | MARIMGM ALLOWASLE NON-HOCK FRABEUREFEIG aim | ws | wo] 20] 1080] ame | ams | axe soo” | 38 | G3) Sto | 1380 | os | dare | Sas | S| Bl SS) tis | Bee | oso | dro 2 | 30] SS] SS] bts | os | Si | Seo so | 10 | ao] 2m | 1200 | 1795 | 2555 | 00 S| Se] SS | ee] is | BS | oe S| aS | SE] Be | ames | ie | dass | cass outs | SE] Ho | ames | te | 2ess | ao aso | 95-| sos] x0 | so10) sto | 2520 | «200 woo | 80 fio] $30 | "SIS ) 129 | 2oeo | Stoo | & | fio] Sse | $38) ‘aes | tae | 2290 so S| MB] | SS] S| ee | Ts 90 | as | is} wo 205] a10| sis | 60 vio | 35] 3] MO] HS] as | Ses | Ratings apply to materials: SA-105'2 SA-515-102 SA.516-70? SA-181-70'?SA-350-LF2 SAS37-CLI> $A-216-WCB? NOTES: For scivie temperatures above 850 F itis recommended that killed steels containing not les than 0.10% residual silicon be used. 2. Upon prolonged exposure to temperatures above 800 F, the carbide phase of carbon steel may be converted to graphite. 3. The material shall not be used in thickness above 2% in. ‘anges of ANSI BI6.5 shall not be used for higher ratings except where itis justified by the design methods of the Code. Ratings are maximum allowable non-shock working pressures expressed as gage pressure, at the tabulated temperatures and may be interpolated between temperatures shown. ‘Temperatures are those on the inside of the pressure-containing shell of the flange. In genera, iti the same as that of the contained material. PRESSURE OF FLUID STATIC HEAD ‘The fluid in the vessel exerts pressure on the vessel wall. The intensity of the pressure when the fluid is a rest is equal in all directions on the sides or at bottom Of the vessel and is due to the height of the fluid above the point at which the pressure is considered. The static head when applicable shall be added to the design presure of the ‘The tables below when applicable shall be added to the design pressure of the water. To find the pressure for any other fluids than water, the bbe be multiplied with the specific gravity ofthe fluid in considerat Pressure in Pounds per Square Inch for Different Heads of Water i Fet_o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 043 087 130 173 216 260 303 346 390 10 433 476 520 563 606 649 693 736 779 823, 866 909 953 996 1039 1082 1126 1169 1212 1256 1299 1342 1386 1429 1472 1515 1559 1602 1645 1689 1732 1775 1819 1862 1905 1948 1992 2035 2078 2122 2165 2208 252 295 238 281 2425 2468 2511 2555 2598 2641 2685 2728 2771 2814 2858 2901 2944 2988 3031 3074 3118 3161 304 3247 3291 3334 33.977 3421 3464 3507 3551 3594 3637 3680 3724 3767 3810 3854 3897 3040 3984 4027 40.70 41.13 4157 4200 4243 4287 eeseusey ‘NOTE: One foot of water at 62° Fahrenheit equals 433 pound pressure per square inch. To find the pressure per square inch for any feet head not given inthe table above, multiply the feet times 433, Heads of Water in Feet Corresponding to Certain Pressure in Pounds per Square Inch Pres sue, 0 1 2 3 4 S$ 6 7 8 9 fobs 0 23° 46 «469 «92 1S 39 162 185 208 10 231 254 277 300 323 346 369 393 416 439 %2 485 S508 331 S84 577 600 4 OAT 67.0 3 716 739 762 785 808 81 $84 878 901 24 947 970 993 1016 1039 1062 1085 1108 1132 1155 1178 1201 124 1247 1270 1293 B18 1339 1363 1386 1409 1432 1455 1478 150.1 1524 1547 1570 1393 I6L7 1640 1663 1686 1709 1732 1755 1778 180.1 1824 1848 187.1 1894 1917 1940 1963 1986 2009 2032 2055 207921022125 2148 2171 2194 DIT 240 263 2286 seasesey: NOTE: One pound of pressure per square inch of water equals 2.309 feet of water at 62° Farenheit. Therefore, to find the feet head of water for any pressure not siven in the table above, multipy the pressure pounds per square inch by 2.309. pyc 31 TABLES For quick comparison of required plate thickness and weight for various materials and at a different degree of radiographic examination. ‘A. Stress values at temperature -20°t0 650° F. SAB sa2ssc SA315-60 sasis70 SASI680 SA516-10, SHE. 1170 1150 14875 100%. | __13800 tswo0 | 17500 B_ Ratios of Sires Values 11730 | 12750 | 13800 [14875 [15000 | 17500 uo |— | 10 | tae | iar [ize | 1a wo | om | — | 108 | 1a7_|_sas_| 137 amo | oss | om | — | 108 | 109 | 127 usrs_| 07m | os | om | — | 10 | 18 15000 [078 [oss | om | oo | — | 17 _| 100 | 067 | 07s | 079 | oas | os | — ‘Table A shows the stress value of the most frequently used shell and head materials. ‘Table B shows the ratios of these stress values. EXAMPLE: 1. Fora vessel using SA 515-70 plate, when spot radiographed, the required thick- ness 0.4426 inches and the weight ofthe vessel 12600 Ibs. 2 What plate thickness will be required, and what will the weight ofthe vessel be using SA 285-C plate and full radiographic examination: Incase 1. The stress value of the material 14875 Incase 2. The stress value of the material 13800 ‘The ratio ofthe two stress values from Table B = 1.08. In this proportion the required plate thickness and the weight of the vessel will be increased. (04426 x 1.08= 0.4780 in. 12600 1.08= 13608 Ib. EXTERNAL PRESSURE DESIGN PRESSURE When Code Symbol is to be applied, the vessel shall be designed and stamped with the maximum allowable external working pressure. It is, recommended that a suitable margin is provided when establishing the ‘maximum allowable extemal pressure to allow for pressure variation in service. Code UG-28(f). ‘Vessels intended for service under external working pressure of 15 psi and less may be stamped with the Code Symbol denoting compliance with the rules for external pressure provided all the applicable rules of this Division are also satisfied. Code UG-28({). This shall not be applied if the vessel is operated at a temperature be- ow minus 20°F, and the design pressure is determined by the Code UCS-66(c)(2) or Code UHA-51(b) to avoid the necessity of impact test. ‘Vessels with lap joints: Code UG-28(g) Non-cylindrical vessel, jacket: Code UG-28(i). ‘TEST PRESSURE Single-wall vessels designed for vacuum or partial vacuum only, shall be subjected to an internal hydrostatic test or when a hydrostatic testis not practicable, to a pneumatic test. Code UG-99(f), Either type of test shall be made at a pressure not less than 1% times the difference between normal atmospheric pressure and the minimum design internal absolute pressure. Code UG-99(f) Pneumatic test: Code UG-100. The design method on the following pages conform to ASME Code for Pressure Vessels Section VIII, Div. 1. The charts on pages 42-47 are excerpted from this Code. 2 3 EXTERNAL PRESSURE FORMULAS EXAMPLES NoTaTION Fo tna desig pressure, , = Mesamom alone wor ese psi Dy Susie dameter, me 1° se kengt in of eel section betwen: I Sedimircnal ie on ae a o-hirdthe depth of he or eat 5, tube sheets (see page 3)" += Ninlmum required wall iekness, in, DESIGN DATA P = 15 pig external design pressure D, = 96 n, outside diatmeter of the shell Length ofthe vessel from tangent line to tangent line: 48 ft 0 in. = $76 in, Heads 2:1 ellipsoidal Material of shell SA - 285 C plate ‘Temperature 500° F E = Modulus of elasticity of material, 27,000,000 psi. @ $00 °F (see chart ‘CYLINDRICAL SHELL - |_Seamtess or with Longitudinal Butt Joints aaa oem HD,it) a pf aa amd a PAtame eee for ¢ 49.51) Site Basaran 2 rte BE ay wae ae ep eh Gy ee wee meses bee STIFFENING RING Move he \WITHoUT STIFFENING ni 3. Move horizontally to the tne representing : Dt From the pin of intersection move ver alt determine he vale of factor f 4. Ener the applicable material char ( 43:7 at the vale of 4, Move vertically fo the apoticable temperature line’, 5. From the interecton move horizontally and read the value of B. Cotipte he masmnin allowable working pres- 1 the maximum allowable working pressure i smaller"than the design pressure, the design Procedure must be Tepeated. increasing the ver cthicknest or deceating L by sffenng ing. *For values of A. falling to the left of the applicable temperature line, the value Of Ps fan be calculated by the formula: AE 3D. When the value of Do/t is less than 10, the vase. formulas given inthe Code UG-28(0)(2) shall WITH STIFFENING RING be applied oe vere RI Determine the required shell thicknes. ‘Assume a shell thickness: 1 = 0.50 in. (ee page 49) Length L= $92. (length of shell $76 in, and one third of the depth of heads 16 in.) L/D, 592}96 = 6.17 D/t=96)0.5 = 192 ‘4=0,00007 from chart (page 42)determined by the procedure described on the facing page. Since the value of A is falling to the left of the applicable temperature-line in Fig, UCS-28.2 (page 43), P, = 2AE/3(D,/1)= 2x 0.00007 x 27,000,000/3 x 192= 56 psi Since the maximum allowable pressure P, is smaller than the design pressure P stiffening rings shall be provided, Using 2 stiffening rings equally spaced between the tangent lines of the heads, Length of one vessel section, = 200 in.(length of shell 192 in. plus one thied ‘of depth of head 8 in.) L/D,~ 200/96 2.08 Do/t~ 96/0.5 ~ 192 ‘A = 0.00022 from chart (page 42) ‘B= 3000 from chart (page 43) determined by the provedure described on facing page, P, = 4B/3(D/1) = 4x 3000/3 x 192* 20.8 psi Since the maximum allowable pressure P, is greater than the design pressure P, the assumed thickness of shell using two stiffening rings, is satisfactory ‘See page 40 for design of stiffening rings. 34 3s EXTERNAL PRESSURE FORMULAS EXAMPLES NOTATION External design pressure psig. Maximum allowable working pressure psig, Outside diameter of the head, in. R, = Outside radius of sphere or hemispherecal head, 0.9D, for ellipsoidal heads, inside crown radius of flanged and dished heads, in ¢ = Minimum required wall thickness, inches. E__= Modulus of elasticity of material, psi. (page 43) DESIGN DATA: P = 15 psig external design pressure D, = 96 inches outside diameter of head Material of the head SA-285C plate ‘500°F design temperature ‘SPHERE and HEMISPHERICAL HEAD The maximim —_p - 2B Mowable presuce: "TR, 7a) ‘The value ofB shall be determined by the following pro- cedure: 1. Assume the value for 1 and calculate the value of ‘A using the formula: An0.125/ Rit) (see page 49) ' 2. Enter the applicable material chart (pages 43-47) at the value of A. Move vertically to the applicable move horizontally and read the value of B. For values of A falling to the left of the appli ‘able temperature line, the value of P, can be cal- culated by the formula: P, = 0.0625EAR, 1)" If the maximum allowable working pressure P, com- ‘puted by the formula above, is smaller than the design Dressure, a greater value for # must be selected and the design procedure repeated. 2:1 ELLIPSOIDAL HEAD “The required thickness shall be the greater of the following thicknesses, 2) The thickness proofed by formula Pa=#4.Ry/t) ‘whereR,=0.9 D,,and be determined as for sphere. "ASME FLANGED AND DISHED HEAD (Ton! HHERICAL HEAD) ‘The required thickness and maximum allowable pres- sure shall be computed by the procedures given for ellipsoidal heads. (See above)R,maximum=D, a 1 (1) The thickness as computed by the formulas R tive for internal prstire using a design pres Sure 1.67 times the extemal pressre and joint ‘ tffcieney "100 Determine the required head thickness. SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE Assume @ head thickness: = 0.25 in A = 0.125148.000.25) = 0.0065 From Fig. UCS-28.2 (page 43)B = 8500 determined by the procedure deseribed on the facing page. P, = 85001(48.000.25) 48,00 in 44.27 psi, ‘Since the maximum allowable working pressure Ps is exceedingly greater than the design pressure P, a leser thickness would be satisfactory. For a second tral, assume a head thickness: t= 0.1875 in. 48.00 in, 0.1251(48.0090.1875) = 0.0005 16700, from chat (page 43), Py = BURJ) = 67007256 = 26.2 psi. ‘Fhe assumed thickness: t= 0.1875 in, i satisfactory. SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE. Procedure (2.) Assume a head thickness: 1=0:3125in., R,=0.9x 96 = 86.4 in, A-=0.125/(86.4/0.3125) = 0.00045 ‘B= 6100 from chart (page 43),P, = B/(R,/1)'= 6100/276 = 22.1 psi. Since the maximum allowable pressure P, is greater than the design pressure P the assumed thickness is satisfactory. SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE. Procedure (2.) ‘Assume a head thickness: 1 = 0.3125 in., Ry= D, = 96. 0.125/(96/0.3125) = 0.0004 200 from chart (page 43), P, = B/(R,/¢) = 5200/307 = 16.93 psi. ‘Since the maximum allowable pressure P, is greater than the design pressure P the assumed thickness is satisfactory. Pystei) 36 37 EXTERNAL PRESSURE FORMULAS EXAMPLES b D, NOTATION 4 = heer eins tom {CGO 280 (pope #2 B= feorceernied rom charts (pages 43-4 = onehalol the nloed (pen) angle, degrees Dy = outside diameter athe large end in D, = outside diameter atthe Saal end, in. E = modulus of clsticty of material (page 43) 1 = Kegtor en ee page = Gquhalent length of ‘Le = equivalent length in@aXi+Di) P= extemal design pres, a ?, = Maximum atwable working pres, + = mimes requed ‘eke, in fe = efoto cess, in reas a | WHEN aS EQUAL TO OR LESS THAN 0°] CONE an CONICAL SECTION ‘Searles of with But Joints and Di/t, > 10 ‘The maximim allowable presure: -~3_ © SDuiry 1. Assume a value for thickness, ty The values of B shall be determined by the following procedure: 2, Determine f,, and the ratios L,/Dj and Di/te 3. Enter chart UGO-28 (page 42) atthe value (of L,/Dj L/D,) (Enter at $0 when L/D; is greater than 50) Move horizontally tthe line representing D,/t, From the point of intersection move vertically to. determine factor A. 4, Enter, the applicable material chart at the value of A® and move vertically {0 the line of applicable temperature, From the ton move horizontally and read the value of ‘5. Compute the maximum allowable working Pressure, P, . If P, is smaller than the design pressure, the design, the design procedure must be repeated increasing the thickness or decreasing L by ‘using of stiffening rings. ‘For values of A faling to the left of the appi- ‘cable line, the value of P can be calculated by the formula: Pr = 24E/3DiIt,) For cones having D /t_ ratio smaller than 10, ‘86 Code UO-33 (970) P. WHENG IS GREATER THAN 60° ‘The thicknes ofthe cones shall be the same as the required thickness for a flat bead, the diameter of which equals the largest outside diameter ofthe cone. Provide adequate reinforcing of the cone-to- cvlinder juncture. See page 159 DESIGN DATA P = 15 psi external design pressure Material of the cone SA 285-C plate 500 F design temperature CONICAL HEAD Din Sin, an22Sdegess Dy =0 Demin the eed tikes U Longs n(Dyivinre ai sD=I158, ay GR, IC Aimime had cca O55 2 ateman031a5% 903"= 06H Le] L,=L/2 (4D /D,) = 16/2 (1 + 0/96) = 58 1,/D1= 58/96 = 0.6 Dy/t,= 96/:288 = 333 3. 4'=0,00037 (from chart, page 42) 4 B= 5,200 (from chart, page 43) 4B 4x 5,200 , 5 Pe” 3Dany ~~ 333) "8 Since the maximum allowable pressure is greater than the design pressure, the assumed plate thickness is satisactory. CONICAL SECTION (See design data above) Di =14sin, Dy =96in. a =30-des. Determine the required thickness, 1.6 i, Length, L=[(D-Dy/ilfane =24/.577 2 tet cane O.373% 0.866 =0.324 L= C/I + D/D)=4.62x (1 96/149 = 3467 Le/Dj =3467/186=0.281 Dye = 144/0.324— 444 3, 40.0005 (fom chart, page 42) 4. B=8,600 from chart, page 8) re 1. Assume a head thickness, t, 0.375 in 5. p,- 48. —_4x8600__ <> Fig ~ Tx aaro32s = 258 ps. Since the maximum allowable pressure P, is greater than the design pressure P, the assumed thickness is satisfactory. EXAMPLES FOR CONICAL HEAD, WHEN @ 1S GREATER THAN 6 ARE GIVEN AT FLAT HEADS DESIGN 38 39 NOTES EXTERNAL PRESSURE FORMULAS Tt L jt ‘Use Lin calculation as shown when the strength of joints of cone to elin- TTT | cer oes not meet the requirements | described on pages 163-169. It will result the thickness forthe cone not Jess than the minimum require thick- ness forthe oining cylindrical shel. Ie os — ‘Use Lin caleulation as shown when the strength of joins of cone to oylin- {der meets the requirements described ae (on pages 163-169 40. 4 EXTERNAL PRESSURE DESIGN OF STIFFENING RINGS NOTATION A» Factor determined fom the chart (page 42) forthe materia used inthe siffening ring 4, ~ Cross sectional ares ofthe sting rng, qi, D, = Outside Diameter of shell, in = Modis of elastic of material sce cart on page 43) Required moment of ner of the stiffening ring about its neutral to the axis ofthe shell 1, = Required moment of inertia ofthe sfenng rng combined withthe shell section which i tken contributing tothe moment of neta. The with of the shell section 1.10 ¥Dy ins ‘The sum of one-half ofthe distances on bot ses ofthe tien the center ine ofthe ing tothe (1) next stiffening ing, 2) othe head Tne a ‘depth, (3) 0a jacket connection, or (4 0 conetveyinder junction, P= External design presue, pi {= Minimum required wal hcknes of shel in parallel EXAMPLES 1. Select the type of stiffening ring and determine iis cross sectional area A 1. Assume the required number of rings and distribute them equally between Jacketed section, cone-to-shell junction, or head line at ¥ of its depth and determine dimension, L, I, Calculate the moment of inertia ofthe selected ring or the moment of inertia of| the ring combined withthe shell section (see page 95). IV. The available moment of inertia of a circumferential stiffening ring shall not be less than determined by one of the following formulas: rym Dib AYA p= Diba tA /L)A ‘The vale of 4 sal be determine bythe flowing procedure 1" Cate fatr Busing the formu: =r] 2. ter te applicable material cha (pages 43-47 tthe vale of Band move heron othe curve of design np When he value of Bieta 2500, can be ealculted bye formulas © 20 2, Pom beintersection point move verily ote otomofthechatandreadthe wae of 4, Calelte te required moment of nea sng the formulas above. fe moment finer ofthe ing or thering combined withthe sell eton rete tanto requted moment of ert te sifenngettbe sels stata, Oteese Sieing ing wi rger moment of etn mst be sled, othe nubs fags tallbe bowed Stiffening ring for jacketed vessel: Code UG-29 (1) DESIGN DATA: 15 psi, external design pressure, 96 in., outside diameter of the shell Length of the vessel from tangent line to tangent line: 48 f.0 i Heads 2:1 ellipsoidal “Material ofthe stiffening ring SA-36 Temperature 00°F E = Modulus of elasticity of material, 27,000,000 psi, @ SOOF (see charton page 43) = 0,500 in, thickness of shel et a L An angle of 6 x 4 *is selected. ® 4, 23.03 qn ¥ 1 Using 2 stiffening rings equally ; : ced between one-third the &) aut lepths of heads (see figure), 7 Te 96in = IIL The moment of interia ofthe 5 < sslected angle: 114 in és} + ‘SL. Thevalue of Factor B: & B=% IPD t+ AJL) a %{151961(05+3.03/196) al 2095 5 2, Since the value of Bis less than 3500, LY am 2x2095/27,00,000 0.00015 IN, The required moment of inertia [Do?Lit + AslLs) A] _96°X 196 x (0.5 +3.03 /196)x 0.00015 cs Since the required moment of inertia (9,97 in.) is smaller than the moment of inertia of the selected angle (11.4 in.) the vessel is adequately stiffened. Ly ‘Stiffening rings may be subject to lateral buckling. This should be considered in addition to the required moment of inertia See pages 95-97 for stiffening ring calculations. DESIGN 43a sunysadey ag) 50 pus sadn ou Jo woqaeoud rrvoraol See eonsoess oe suneer‘on saves sy 90 DOS ano roan obs Jo ones ok eso Soe UT “ALON, oiredh, 4 901-¥s vis-vs 9 s8c-vs soarsssomiens {Sop aac, a es-¥S SPHOIV | sis-VS 3D €8C- VS. ‘qeuarew pasn Kpuonboi} sow Buy 8 co0'0e \yituans pia payrseds ayy pur [291s uogie> Jo pelsAuNsUo>| taey> aq) Jo Sanye8 SUL ows aUnssawd TVNUBLXA WAGNA $14SSHA YOd SVIANO NI GasN @ YOLOVd dO SANTVA BHL w v9 von sooo cosy ie 2 ees ce 2 eacosy ec ec tosye et v87Son “Old FIG. UGO-28.0 tare res ea E 4 2 z 3 : 56 = 6720 x 28 = 188,160 Shion 30 3 x 44 = 2,960 x 78 ~ 308,880 Teal v= T0600 Mag7 008 w. Moments the bottom ingen ine Mp ip(V OS PD hy) = 497,080 ~ 6 10,680 - 05 x 30x 4x 4) EXAMPLE: Gives: Dy = 3A, Gin H = 100K. Oin, hy = 48.018 2, = 30st Detemine the wind moment Iya H2 = 80. Oi, Px D, x H= Vessel 30x 35 x 100 Ladder 30 % 98 tn. f. Platform 30 % 8 lin. f Teal Moment atte bottom tangent line My = M~ hy(V ~ 05 Py Dy hy) = 692,100 ~ 4 (13,680 ~ 0.5 x 30 x 3.5 x 4) = 638,200 th ‘SEE EXAMPLES FOR COMBINED LOADS ON PAGE: 69 DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS WEIGHT OF THE VESSEL ‘The weight of the vestel results compressive stress only when eccentricity does not exist and the resultant force coincides with the axis of the vessel, Usually the compression due to the weight is insignificant and is not controlling ‘The weight shall be calculated for the various conditions of the tower as follows: [A. Erection weight, which includes the weight of the: 1. shell Equipments: 2 heads 3, internal plate work 13. insulation 4 tray supports 14. fireproofing 5. insulation rines 15. platform’ 6. openings 16. ladder 7. skirt 17. piping base 18, miscellaneous 9. anchor ting 10, anchor lugs 11, miscellaneous 12. # 6% of the weight of items I through 11 for overweight of the plates and weight added by the weldings Erection weight: the sum of items 1 through 18 B. Operating weight, which includes the weight of the: 1, vessel in erection condition 2 tnys 3. operating fquid . Test weight, which includes the weight of the: 1. vessel in erection condition 2, test water ‘The compressive stress due to the weisht given by: YH where = unit stress, psi ‘weight of vessel above the section under consideration, Ib = circumference of shell or skirt on the mean diameter, in 1 = thickness of the shell of skirt, in ‘The weight of different vesel elements are given in tables beginning on page 374 6 DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS VIBRATION As a result of wind, tall towers develop vibration. The period of the vibration ‘ould be limited, since large natural periods of vibratlon can lead to fatigue failure The allowable period hasbeen computed fom the maximum permissible jeflection, The so called harmonic vibration is not discussed in this Handbook since the trays as usually applied and their supports prevent the arising ofthis problem. FORMULAS Period of Vibration: see. 7=0,000026s (f° ‘Maximum Allowable Period of Vibration, Za ec. T,-0.80V ¥ NOTATION 2 RoR eee ita mrs Siguotomes rawr ote ose tani lobe g ae nee rida 2 12 te rons) VRE ~ 105 w = 360 7.0.80 Vigagx 33.2 ~ 7-05 ee The actual vibration does not exceed the allow= able vibration, Reference: Freese, C. E.: Vibration of Vertical Pressure Vessel ASME Paper 1959. DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS SEISMIC LOAD (EARTHQUAKE) ‘The loading condition of a tower under seismic forces is similar to that of a cantilever beam when the load increases uniformly toward the free end, ‘The design method below is based on Uniform Building Code, 1991 (UBC). FORMULAS SHEAR MOMENT IM = [F, x H+ (V~ FY) x QHD) yn ZC wy Me = UF XX] fork =m, Re |My = [EX X+(V -A)x Ot — HB] forX >" Base Shear ‘The base shear isthe total horizontal seismic shear at the base ofa tower. The triangular loading pattern and the shape of the tower shear diagram duc to that loading are shown in Fig. (a) and (b). A portion F, of total horizontal seismic force V is assumed to be applied at the top ofthe tower. The remainder ofthe base shears distributed throughout the length ofthe tower, includ- ing the top. Overturning Moment ‘The overtuming moment at any level isthe algebraic sum of the moments of all the forees above that level NOTATION € =Nomeric!cotfcen = 255 (need not exceed 2.75) T 035, D_ = Outside diameter of vessel, f. E_ = Efficiency of welded joints F, = Total horizontal seismic force at top of the vessel, Ib. determined from the following formula: F, =0.07 TV (F, need not exceed 0.25V) 0, for 7 <0.7 , = Numerical coefficient (Seismic Shear Diagram Base Shear Hi = Length of vessel including skirt, ft. a DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS SEISMIC LOAD (EARTHQUAKE) DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS SEISMIC LOAD (EARTHQUAKE) (Continuation) NOTATION 1 = Occupancy inporance coetcent (6 1.0 for |M = Maximum moment (atthe base, fb. M, = Moment at distance X, felb R= Mean rads of vessel, in R, ~ Numerical coefficient (use 2.9 vessels) S” = Site coefficient for soil characteristics Asoil profit with either 2) Arockelke material characterized by a shear-vave ‘velocity greater than 2500 fet per second or biter sible means ofclasifation 31.0.” ‘Stitt or dense soil condition where the depth is iess than 200 S~1. soll profile with dense or Sif soil conditions, were the sol depth exceeds 300 fet S12 Asoil profile of 40 feet or more indepth and con- thing more than 20 fet of sof fo medium si lay, But not more than 40 feet of soft clay. S = aH is Asoil profile containing more than 40 feet of soft clay. 82.0. S, = Allowable tensile stress of vessel plate material, ps 7 = Fundamgptl period of vibration, seconds Cnt = Required corroded vessel thickness, in DMG 12M arse GRS,E Y= Total seismic shear at bas, I WW = Total weight of tower, Ib X= Distance from top tangent line tothe level un- der consideration, fe 2 = Seismic zone factor, 0.075 for zone 0.15 forzone2A 02 forzone 28 03 forzone 3 0.4 forzone 4 (ee map onthe following pages for zoning) Given: Seismic zone: 2B D=375Sin.=3.1258, 00 ft, in, Determine: The overturning moment due to earthquake at the base and at a ance X from top tangent line. First, fundamental period of vibration shall be calculated, T= Cy H%= 0.035 x 100%= 1.1 see. and = S=15, Re=4, A255. 12515 oy ag Ca LBS « LIAS 0 1.76<2.75 IC 15 925151.8 5 35,00-115% F.= 0.07 TV = 0.07 x 1.1 3115=240 Ib, [FX +(V-F,) (2H/3)) [240 x 100+ (8115-240) 2x 100/3)] =215,667 8-1 x= Hs Mn [E,X+ V-F,) (K-HB)\= [240.964 3115-240) (2x 10008) 03,206 RT. 6 DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS ECCENTRIC LOAD Design of Tall Towers ELASTIC STABILITY Towers and their internal equipment are usually symmetrical around the vertical axis and thus the weight of the vessel sets up compressive stress only. Equipment attached to the vessel on the outside can cause unsymmetrical distribution of the loading due to the weight and result in bending stress. This unsymmetrical arange- ‘ment of small equipment, pipes and openings may be neglected, but the bending seis exerted by heavy equipment are adiional to the bending stresa eutng from wind or seismic load FORMULAS D ‘MOMENT ‘STRESS Tee : We 12We ae So aRT "RSE NOTATION | © = Becenrciy, the dstince fom the tner ats o sete of secon led, 6 = Eiiciency of welded joins. Me = Moment aecentic lad. R= Mean ads of vessel in $= Sires valve of mat, actual bending ess, ps = Thickness of vessel, excluding corenion slant in Ww 5 Been laud EXAMPLE Given: © = 4ff.0in. Determine moment, M, and stress, S R15 in Moment, f= We'= 1000 x4 = 4000 ft, 1b b= 025in, W = 1000 1, nx 272 psi x 1S X 0.25 When there is more than one eccentric taking the resultant of all eccentric loads, , the moments be summarized, "A tower under axial compression may fail in (wo ways because of instability: 1, By buckling of the whole vessel (Euler buckling) 2. By local buckling In thin-walled vessels (when the thickness of the shell is les than one-tenth of the inside radius) local buckling may occur at a unit load less than that required to cause failure of the whole vessel. The out of roundness of the shell i a very, significant factor in the resulting instability. The formulas for investigation of elastic stability are given in this Handbook, developed by Wilson and Newmark, Elements of the vessel which are primarily used for other purposes (tray supports, downcomer bars) may be considered also as stiffeners against buckling if closely spaced. Longitudinal stiffeners increase the rigidity of the tower more effectively than circumferential stiffeners. If the rings are not continuous around ‘the shell, its stiffening effect shall be calculated with the restrictions outlined in the Code UG-29 (c) ALLOWABLE STRESS @) se 5070002 poin) | 5 = 0 7 pean fy NOTATIONS: ‘Ac = Coes sectional ea of oe loging ifn 5, in | ASE See tl re foe eee tenes {7 = Diunee betwen lgtodina stifles, Distance tetwececremfreatl st A Mean ras ofthe ese, = Allow ve sp ¢ ffiises orci x | Ae The equilen thickness of the sell when longtainally wore Tae : fr Tum isons te ee cf s bot + FE stened in BANE vn: Demis alse compe es) ' TION LSA 508 © oan ~ sa 035 «a9 9p Demin te swe oni so () is tear 5 = IO yp 100 VETTE - name = 02st aot = 02 | Reference! Wilson, W. M., and Newmark N. Mz The Strength of Thin Cylindrieal Shells as Columns, Eng. Exp. Sta. Univ. I. bull. 255, 1933, DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS DEFLECTION ‘Towers should be designed to deflect no more than 6 inches per 100 feet of height. ‘The deftection due to the wind load may be calculated by using the formula for uniformly loaded cantilever beam. FORMULA y= Ee aE [NOTATIONS ‘Maximum deflection (atthe tp) in Dy, = Width ofthe tower with insulation, ec. E_ = Modulus of elasticity, psi a 1 Length of vessel, included skin, ft ‘Ret, moment of inertia fr thin cylindrical shell (hen R>100) ‘Mean radius of the tower, in Thickness of ski, in = Wind pressure, pst EXAMPLE Determine the maximum defection: Ay, sy = Bat ci _ 30x25 x 4812 x 483 x 30,000,000 x 123 x 3.14 x 0.3125 ony 1.9 i. = 03125 in ‘The maximum allowable dfletion 6 inches per 100 ft. of height: x6 for 48.0" = = 2.88 in, Since the actual deflection doesnot exceed tis limit, the designed thickness of the skirt is satisfactory. A method for calglating defection, when the thickness of the tower & not oon stant, given by S. 8. Tang: “Short Cut Method for Calculating Tower Deflection Hydroearbon Processing November 1968. DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS COMBINATION OF STRESSES ‘The stresses induced by the previously described loadings shall be investigated in ‘combination to establish the governing stresses. mn of wind load (or earthquake load), internal pressure and weight of ‘Stress Condition At windward side At leeward side + Stress due to wind — Stress due to wind + Stress due to int. press. + Stress due to int. press. — Stress due to weight = Stress due to weight Combination of wind load (or earthquake load), external pressure and weight of the vessel: Stress Condition At leeward side = Stess due to wind Stress due to ext. press. — Stress due to weight At windward side + Stress due to wind Stress due to ext. pres. Stress due to weight ‘The positive signs denote tension and the negative signs denote compression. The summation of the stresses indicate whether tension or compression is governing, It is assumed that wind and earthquake loads do not occur simultaneously, thus the tower should be designed for either wind or earthquake load whichever is areate. Bending stress caused by excentrcity shall be summarized with the stresses resulting from wind or earthquake load, ‘The stresses shall be calculated at the following locations: 1. At the bottom of the tower 2. At the joint of the skirt to the head 3. At the bottom head to the shell joint 4. “At changes of diameter or thickness of the vessel ‘The stresses furthermore shall be examined in the following conditions 1. During erection or dismantling 2. During test 3. During operation Under these different conditions, the weight of the vessel and consequently, the stress conditions ate also different. Besides, during erection or dismantling the vessel is not under internal or external pressure For analyzing the strength of tall towers under various loadings by this Handbook, the maximum stress theory has been applied n COMBINATION OF STRESSES (cont.) The bending moment due to wind is decreasing from the bottom to the top of the tower, thus the plate thickness can also be decreased accordingly. ‘Table’ and Figure B are convenient aids to find the distance down from the top of the tower for which a certain thickness is adequate, tH, [05 [06 [OT Jos [09 [10 Jit ]i2 ia ]i4 [is ]ie [a7 m” {1.0 [0.91] 0.84| 0.79} 0.74] 0.71 |0:67 0.64] 0.62] 0.60|0.58) 0.56|0.54 Ta (19 [20 [22 [24 26 ]28 30 [33 136 [4.0 [45 [50 DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS EXAMPLE - A. [Required thickness of cylindrical shell under internal pressure and wind load. i’ {0133} 051] 050] 0.48] 046] 044{ 0.42 0.41/0.39|0.37 0.38] 0.33 02 TABLE A, VALUES OF FACTOR m Since the longitudinal stress due to internal pressure is one half of the circumferential stress, one half of the required wall thickness for internal pressure is available to resist the bending force of the wind. From Table A, using factor m can be found the distance X down from the top tangent line within which the thickness caleu- 4 lated for internal pressure satisfactory also to resist the wind pressure Xo 8Hxm {= The required thickness for internal pressure (Hoop Tension) in. = The required thickness for wind pressure tthe botom head joint to shell, in EXAMPLE: f= 0233 int, & = 1008 From Table m = 0.43 and X = mi = 0.43 x 100 = 43 f 0.644 in. 1 /f, = 0,688/0.233 = 2.7 7 Figure B shows the moment diagram of a tower under wind oat pressure. The diagram can also be used to select the appropriate plate thickness a various heights EXAMPLE: Attheheight of 0.7 the required thickness is0.S 4 times the thickness required tthe botom gloatNg Ie the required thickness a for ineral pressure = (0.230 ale. Sembare reas =| 2 the btm rue a. ett =0750in §| at height 0.71 H; elas 03% 0.150 = 0375 in 2 r thickness for foteral 7 Pressure 2 = 9.125 in, requied thickness a 0.71 = 0.500 in. 7 Se C402 03 040506070809 10 Ratio “ot “plate thicknets required at the bottom (t,/2 + tw) to thickness required at the comsidered ‘height, Fig B a DESIGN CONDITIONS, D = 2. On, inside diameter of vessel D, = 240 6 in. width of tower with insulation, et. | = 085 efficiency of welded joins H = 48 fc Oin. length of tower ny Pe 4 410 ia, distance from the base tothe botiom head to shell joint 250 pai internal pressure "= 30 pst wind pressure R = 13780 psi stress value of SA 285 C v o material a 200°F temperature ‘Total shear Ib [No allowance for corrosion ‘Minimum required thickness for internal pressure considering the strength ofthe long seams: PR 250 x 12 . SE — 046 ~ 13,750 x 0.85 — 06 x 250 ‘Minimum required thickness for intemal pressure considering the strength ofthe girth seams: PR 250 x 12 “= 3.000 1° 356 + OaP ~ 2% 13,750 x 085 + 04 x 250 ~ 23,475 ‘Required thickness for longitudinal bending due to wind pressure. Moment atthe base (M): PX D,XH=@V xh) = M 35 x 25 x 48 = 3,600'x 24 = 86,400 Ib ‘Moment atthe bottom seam (M;) 0.128 in My =M~ be W = 05 PD, 2 86.5005 900 72 eure thickness: Me $71,200 571.20 — 6 165i 1° RSE 1 x N14 x 13,750 X O85 ~ 5,287,523 ‘The required thickness calculated withthe strength of the botom girth seam: For wind pressure 0.165 in. Forint pressure (0.128 in. S12 in Thisis greater than the thickness calculated with TOTAL 0.293 the steagthf the longitudinal seam therefore, this ‘minimum thickness 0.293 jn, shall be used. For simple vessels where the moment duc to wind is small, the above caleultion i saisfictry. ‘Vessels which are subject to lager loadings may need closer investigation with respect also 10 economical viewpoints. See pages 76-£4 for skirt base and anchor bolt design n B DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS EXAMPLE B ‘Required thickness of cylindrical shell under combined Toadings of intemal pressure, wind and weight of tower . De, = Port DESIGN DATA D = 38.01, inside diameter Dy = 3.6 width of veel with nln, allonance for pining, B= D&S eficiency of welded seams bp = 41 Om elstnce from the base fo the botom bead to shell = 100 On. eng of toner 15 pi itera presse "~~ 30 pa wind presse in inside rade of veel Pysform a er = 15780 pat sees value of SA2RSC materi at 200°F fenperre ‘To ben R 5 » Heads 21 seamless elipical EE Gq = Circumfreace of sell on the mean dametr in (corosion allowance no requied) ‘Minimum required thickness fo intemal pressure considering the strength ofthe longitudinal seam of shel PR 130 > 18 SE - 06 ~ 13,750 x 0.85 — 0.6 % 150 ‘Minimum required thickness or internal pressure considering the strength ofthe circumferen- tial seam of shell PR 130 x18 = 0.233 in. Use 0.25 in. plate BSE + OP ~ 2% 13,750 x 0.85 + 04 x 150” OS ‘Minimum required thickness for heed pe PP KH gay WE = 03P ~ Fx 13,750 x 0.85 ~ 02 x 150 Wind Load Px D, x H vo x hy Vessel 36 x 3.5 x 100 = 10,500 x 50 Platform 30 X 8 lin. 240 x 96 Ladder 30 X 98 ln. f x49 ‘Tosa shear v= 13,60 Moment at the bottom head seam (Mf) My = M~ hig (V ~ 05 PDjhy) 692,100 ~ 4 (13680 ~ 0.5 x 30 x 3.5 x 4) = 638,200 8. Ib DM 12 x 638,220 7.658.640. _ 9 gap Be SE ~ 1B 3.14 X 13,750 © OS ~ 11,896,425 ‘Try 0.750 in, plate forthe lower courses Forint. pressure 0.115 759 ia EXAMPLE B (CONT.) ness shows that at the bottom approximately 0.75 in, plate is required, to withstand the wind load and internal Pressure, while at the top the wind load is not factor 4and for internal pressure (hoop tension) only 0.25 plate {s satisfactory. For economical reasons it i advisable to use_different plate thicknesses at various heights of the tower, ‘The thickness required for hoop tension (0.25 in.) serves to resist also the wind load to a certain distance down from the top. Find this distance (X) from table A, Page 70 tw/tp = 0.233/0.644 = 2.7 then X= 0.43 x H= 43 ft. From diagram B, Page 70 can be found the required thickness and length of the intermediate shell sections. sing 8 wide plates, the veel shall be contacted (5) 0.28 thick 8 ft. wide counes 40 ft @) 030 thick 8 ft wide counes 33 fe (3) 078 thick 8 FE wide coumes 24 fe Tota 36% \WEIGHT OF THE TOWER (See bles begining on page 374) Stell 40 x 97 3880 Skit 4 x 195, x 195 240 Base ring 2 x 204 086 Anchoring Head top 0.3125 som. 160 Anchor Is bet. 08125 nom Py In. plne work AC Tay supports Insulation rings Opening aa Tonuation a Porn ce Ladder sy ooo" Pirin sy ‘TOTAL ERECTION WEIGHT: 3,000 1 Taye 600 Operating liquid 2400 30007. + Erection We. ETS ‘TOTAL OPERATING WEIGHT: 36.0001b. “Test water 42,000 ib. + Erection Wt. 33,000 Ib TOTAL TEST WEIGHT: 75,000 1b. For weight of water content, ee Page 416 “The preliminary calculation of the required wall thick | PEI 4 5 EXAMPLE B (CONT.) ‘Checking the stresses with the preliminary calculated plate thicknesses ‘Stress inthe shell atthe bottom head to shell joint: Pate thickness 0.75 in, PD 150 x 36.15 Suess due to itera pressure § = SP mw MP SCTE — 457 pa . 2M, 12 x 638,200 Sess due 1 wind Reet IB37S? x 3.16 x 075 OPS Suess due to weight, Fe in erection condition oF in operating condition WH __.00 _ Cp” TSS x 075 ‘COMBINATION OF STRESSES WINDWARD SIDE LEEWARD SIDE IN EMPTY (ERECTION) CONDITION Stress due to wind + 9660 | Stress due to wind 9,640 Stress due to weight 358 | Stress due to weight = —_ 358 + 9,282 psi 9,998 pst (No int, pressure during erection) TN OPERATING CONDITION ‘Stress due to int press. + 1,837] Stress due to wind 9,640 Stress due to wind + _9,640 | Stress due to weight 392 7 = 10,032 Stress due to weight — Stress due to int, press. + 1/837 L a = 8.195 pst ‘The tensile stress 11,085 psi in operating condition on the windward side governs. The allowable stress forthe plate material with 0.85 joint efficiency is 11687.5 psi ‘Thus the selected 0.75 in. thick plate at the bottom of the vessel is satisfactory Stress in the shell at 72 ft. down from the top of tower. Plate thickness 0.50 i, Stress due t wind : ee raat z eae fee Pastas fees a Total Moment M, 361,580 ft.-Ib. oa u Rat 18.25? x 3.14 x 0.50 8,303 psi seas mele ma it in.'thick plate is satisfactory. = EXAMPLE B (CONT.) ‘Stress in the shell at 40 ft. down from the top of the tower. Plate thickness 0.25 in ‘Stress due to wind, x PLD, xX=VxE =u, Shell 30. 35 x 40-= 4,200 x 20 = Platform 30 x Sin. ft. = "240 x 36 Ladder 30 X 38 lin, ft. = 1,140 19 ‘Total Moment M, _ 2M, 12x 114,300 "Ret TID x 3d x 025 Stress due to internal pressure (As ealeulated previously) 5,316 psi 37 ps Teal 7.153 pai ‘The 0.25 in, thick plate for shell at 40 ft, distance from top of the tower is satisfactory, No further calculation is required on the same reason mentioned above. Py=eIN 16 n DESIGN OF SKIRT SUPPORT AA skirt is the most frequently used and the most satisfactory support for vertical vessels. Iti attached by continuous welding to the head and usually the required size of this welding determines the thickness of the skirt Figures A and B show the most common type of skirt to head attachment. In calculation of the required weld size, the values of joint efficiency given by the Code (UW 12) may be used. DESIGN OF ANCHOR BOLT FORMULA 12Mp 2SE + DxSE NOTATIONS Outside diameter of skiry,in Erficiency of skirt to head joint. (0.6 for butt weld, Fig. A, 0.48 for lap weld, Fig. B Moment at the skirt to head joint, ft, 1, Outside radius of skirt, tn Stress value of the h isemaler, pa. Required thickness of skit, ‘Weight of the tower above one 6S skirt material whichever = ‘skirt tothe head Vertical vessels, stacks and towers must be fastened to the concrete foundation, skid or other structural frame by means of anchor bolts and the base (bearing) ring ‘The number of anchor bolts. The anchor bolts must be in multiple of four and for tall towers itis preferred to use minimum eight bolts Spacing of anchor bolts. The strength of too closely spaced anchor bolts is not fully developed in concrete foundation. It is advisable to tet the anchor bolts not closer than about 18 inches. To hold this minimum spacing, inthe case of small Giameter vessel the enlarging of the bolt cicle may be necessary by using conical skirt or wider base ring with gussets, Diameter of anchor bolts. Computing the required size of bolts the area within the root of the threads only can be taken into consideration. ‘The root areas of bolts are shown below in Table A. For corrosion allowance one eighth of an inch, should be added to the calculated diameter of anchor bolts. For anchor bolts and base design on the following pages are described: 1. An approximate method which may be satisfactory in a number of cases, 2. A method which offers closer investigation when the loading conditions and ‘other circumstances make it necessary. Joint, in operating condition. TABLE B NUMBER OF ANCHOR BOLTS NOTE: Using extremely high skirt, the streses at the TABLE A — base may gover. To calculate the oquired thickness of Diameter Minimum | Maximum {he skirt, in this cate the above formula can be used ot irl in ‘The mottent and weight shal be taken into considers. sar L tion at the base and the joint fficlency wil be 1.0 Bae TRO Ars 24to 36 4 fa 4210 54 8 EXAMPLE Pallet ital ee 6010 78 n Given the same vessel consered in Example B, % | 0202 | 1 aa] | 8410 102 he eae $= 18,000¢ stress value % | 0302 | Lays | 131s] | 198 to 126 ea E = 0.60 for but joint of SA2B5- plate % | oss | a | asne ‘My = 638,220 Tt. 1b. W = 31,000 tb. 1 0.551 | 1-3/8 | 1-1/16) RT = 18.75 in "For sacral pure 6 0693 | raz | tye} ermine the required sk : 1% | oso | raya | riya TABLE ¢ De required skint hicks 1% | 1.054 | 1-7/8 | 13/8 | |waximum ALLOWABLE STRESSES FOR Rewind p= —2Me_ i x 638.200 14 | 1296 | 2 | 142] |__ BOLTS USED as ANCHOR BOLT Ree SE 18.152 x 3.14 x 18,000 x 06 Wa} isis | 218 | 15/8 | | Specification Max. allow. WE 74a | 21/4 | 1378 | [PP Number | Plemeter in |store pe 31,000 1H} 2ow | 23/8 | 778 For WeleR 9 = ee Se ag 7 amin 2 | 2300 | 21/2 | 2 8325 laut aiameters | 15,000 Pa 666 in 24 | 3.020 | 2374 | 2174 | |SA 193 8 7 [2% and under | 18,000 244) 3.715 | 31/16| 2-3/8 | | SA 193 B16 |2% and under 18,000 ‘Use "Ys" thick plate for skirt, 2% | 4.618 | 33/8 | 2-5/8 SA 193 B 7 |Over2% tod incl.| 16,000 con 3 | sai | 35/8 | 27/8 | | SA 193 B16 Jover2%todinel| 15-700 ln Wey ana as Equipment Design ‘Dealgn and Anaya of Welded freanire Bapineting for Industry: Voi 83, Ser Be, For bolts with standard threads DESIGN 8 7” DESIGN OF ANCHOR BOLT (Approximate Method) ‘A simple method for the design of anchor bolts isto assume the bolts replaced by & ‘continuous ring whose diameter is equal to the bolt circle ‘The required area of bolts shall be calculated for empty condition of tower. DESIGN OF BASE RING (Approximate Method) The formulas below are based on, the following considerations: 1L'The ‘bearing surface of the base ring shall be large enough to distribute the load uniformly” on the concrete foundation and thus not to exceed the allowable bearing load of the foundation FORMULAS 2, The tines of the base ring shall reset the bending stres induced by wind or Maximum earthquake, Tension Ibn. in. FORMULAS Required Area of | ‘Maximum Compression OneBottSq-in__B, ffm in ree, ‘Stres in Anchor a pproximate Width of ® Bolt pa Ss Bie Ringin. If [NOTATION “Approximate Thicknes t= 03h, ‘Ay = Area within the bolt circle, 59 in i oF Base Ring in, = Circumference of bolt cil ving Suess ma Af = Moment at the tase duet wind or earthquake, Beating Stes pst 5-8 N= Number of anchor ols a ‘Sp. = Manimum allowable sess valve o bolt miei ps Bending Stes pi 5 = Weight ofthe vessel during erection, 1 a NOTATION 15000 psi the maximum allowable stress value of the anchor bolt material, N= S'number of bolts, (Gee Table B on the Preceding Page) From Table A. Page 77 the root area of 2" bolt is 2.300 59. in ‘Adding 0.125 in. for corrosion, use 4) 206 bots, (Checking stress in anchor bolt: 1,402 x 94 2.300 x 4 ~ “4324 ps Since the maximum allowable stress is 15,000 psi, the selected number and size of ols are satisfactory. Se Ag. = Area of base ting = 0.7854 (D2, ~ D2, 39. in ‘Area within the skit, 5. in (Gareumference on OLD. of sir, in, Safe bearing load on concrete, psi. See able E, on Page 80 = Canzlever inside or outside, whichever is greater, in Dimensions, as shown oa sketch above. (For minimum dimensions see Table ‘Aon page 77) ‘Moment atthe base due to wind or earthquake, ft. 1b ‘Weight of vessel during operation or test, Ib EXAMPLE, Gives: Detemine the minimum width and thickaess MS 86400 ft. of base ring fr operating coniton, y= 500 psi from 12 x 86.400 hee Page gop, = 2 SAO W = 7,500 Ib. operating « 18,000 fb est 225 Anchor bot (4) 24 in. (= “S99” = 4.58 in, but from Table A, page 77 the OD. of skirt 24.625 in, ‘minimum dimension for fp = Then 4, = 476 59. in 234 in, and for ly = 2% in, C= Tia ‘use 64 in. wie base ring. fy = 0.32 x 5 = 1.60. Gee 1% in, thick base sng Checking stresses 273 x 71 = 305 psi ‘S74 Bearing sess X 305 x $? = 10,167 pei ae 15? Bending stress S&S Ung SA 285 Cpa for se ng. 1,00 pa awa ec eae fr sac pps. Tht he ‘nt and tice oe eg a lacy” ‘he meer oul be ch as fer to, DESIGN DESIGN OF ANCHOR BOLT AND BASE RING DESIGN OF ANCHOR BOLT AND BASE RING FORMULAS When a tower is under wind or earthquake load, on the windward side tensional stress arises in the steel and on the opposite side compressive stress in the concrete foundation. It is obvious then that the aea ofthe bolting and the area ofthe base Ting are related. As the anchor bolt area increased, the base ring area can be decreased. With the design method given here, the minimum required anchor bolt area for a practical size of base ring can be found. The strength of the steel and the concrete is different, therefore, the neutral axis does not coincide with the centerline of the skirt, Design procedere: 1. Determine the vale of 2 Calelate. the requred size and number of anchor bolts. See page 77 Table B i} 3. Determine the inside and outide diameter ofthe ‘be rng 4. Check the stresses in the anchor bolts and Toundation Ifthe deviation between the allowable and sctual stresses are’ too lage, repest the ‘aleulatin (Calculate the base sng thickness 1. Use “gustes platen anchor chairs or ‘compression ring if It Is ‘necesary for better ‘stress distribution In the base ing or skirt a anges ot atyarans we omen >= |x 4, iy sh | aa ase 033 | awmce | ~eaneg 0.500 0.0293. | -0319 4.17 wae | see | eas 1.000 0.097246 | -O.119 fH tie | tine | “amee tow | tis fe | Const iow | tus fe | Conse a] ti fe | cae vom a oe SEE" [ee [seo [ooo [a See | wef wep ae oe Eero | as| vo co Lap ep ‘Valu of constant dimensonion Relationship between max. allowable ‘compreaive stra atthe outlde cg ‘fb ring and atthe bot stele, fe 2d TdT WD ‘ene loud on anchor bots, Feb. “Tene tei in anchor bolts, Se a “Thicket ofa rng which hasan >| ‘Tesequl fo the ten of anchor Boia fain. Comprenionoadon cones, | papew Felt ‘Compre sina n the concrete 7 . fo" emyrC aogier emomtnstest | ‘Base ing thickness without gnset, NOTATION, = The distance between gussct plates, measured on arc of bolt circle in ‘otal area required for anchor bolts. in. {C, = Constants, see Table D on the preceding page. Diameter of anchor bolt circle, in Diameter of anchor bolt cree, = Compressive stress in the concrete atthe outer edge ofthe base ring, pi ‘Compressive sess inthe concrete atthe bolt eitee, ps = Constant, see Table D on the preceding page. Tin, = width of the base ring, in “Momént at the bate due to wind or earthquake ft. Ib = M,orM,, whichever is greater Sce Tale F onthe preceding page Ratio of taodulus of elasticity of steel and concrete Es/Ee, See Table E. Radius of bolt circle, in ' Tensile stress in anchor bots, pi “Maximum allonabe stress vale of bate plate, ps ‘Weight of the tower atthe base, I. = Constant. See Table D on the preceding page. w gaps a RROU pS OARS DESIGN 82 DESIGN OF ANCHOR BOLT AND BASE RING EXAMPLE DESIGN DATA: D_ = Sf, Oin. diameter of anchor bolt circle. 4 = Din. diameter of anchor bolt circle ‘n= 10, ratio of modulus of elasticity of steel and concrete (Table E. Page 80) fe = 1.200 psi allowable compe strength of ‘concrete Table E, Page 80) $= 15,000 psi allowable sess valve of base ring. 5, = 18,000 psi allowable tensile stress in bots. We = 36,000 Ib. weight of the tower ‘M = 682,100 ft. Tb. moment atthe base SOLUTION: fa 1 T+ 5, 7 1+ 18,000 es 70 x 1,000 ij) = 0783 2 = 0427 “Tis isin sufficient agroe- ‘ment with the assumed ‘alae of fg = 1,000 pst 2d. 2035 x 0 Bad £7 3x 035 x60 x8 Required area of anchor bots LM = Wed _ 59g fe = 1,200 1,008 psi 12 x 692,100 2.333 x 18,000 x 0.783 x 60 00 x 0.427 x 60 an rete = 2.50.9 in Using 12 anchor bolts, the required root area for one bolt 23.50/12 = 1.958 in From Table A 1/4 in. diameter bolt would be satisfactory but adding 14 in. for corrosion, use (12) -2 in. dlamecer anchor bol. ‘Tensile load on the anchor bolts ‘M=WeD _ 692,100 x 0.427 x $ D 0.783 x5 Tensile stress inthe anchor bolts r = 157,150 F, 157,180 So pS 7 TIER BOX TI © 17,960 pi 2, =A BH yagi ad 34x © Compressive load on the concrete: E. fae “UF mre, 1 == 4, = 80 ~ 0.125 = 7.875 in 193,150 eg Te = 430 psi 3 DESIGN OF ANCHOR BOLT AND BASE RING EXAMPLE (CONT.) (Checking value of k which was calculated with assumed values off = 1,000 psi and 5, = 18,000 1 ‘Tle D are: T+ & G i 2 = 0.61 u 100 — 36,000 x 0.461 x $ em = 157,192 B. F, 157192 WG, 01125 x 30 x 2,683 ~ 150624 Pst Flom F,+ We 157,192 + 36,000 = 193,192 F, 193,192 fo" TF nar, ~ TAS + 10 x 0.125730 x ase SP Compressive stress inthe anchor bolts: 5. Meg = 10 % 596 = 5,960 psi (Compressive stress inthe concrete atthe outer edge of the base ring fea hg x DEALS yg x PEI XO + 8 2d Tx 0119 x Go ~ FOS PH Required thickness of base ring 1, = 6 in Tx a5 te = V3GS Temp” 2406 in ‘To decrease the thickness ofthe base ring, use gusset plates Using (24) gusset plates, the distance between the gussets, ad eJ=ILEIN ANCHOR BOLT CHAIR FOR TALL TOWERS ‘The chairs are designed for the maximum load which the bolt can transmit to them The anchor bolt size and base plate shall be calculated as described on the fore- ‘Boing pages. All contacting edges of the plates shall be welded with continuous filet weld. The leg size of the filet weld shall be one half of the thinner joining plate thickness DIMENSIONS inches ai B c D E F G 1 wm [os [am | oan [oe [ome [oe we | vm | 3 | am | tn | ae | ie | iste um | a 3 | mn] im | a ma | ie pis | 2 | 4 | 3 tm | 1 im | 1m ua | am | 4 | 3 sis | im | iu | 2 ve | ae | 3 | 3 sis | im | orm | 2m pe | an | s | ain} oe | um | a” | ane ve | me | os | ain | oom | ap | um | 2am 2 | ame | os | ate | an | ae | ae | oe ae | 3 « | 4 pa | aa | 2m wn | am] 6 | 4 2 | 2m | 3 me | an | > | 5 an | 3 | 3M 3 | am} 7 | 5 ain | ame | aia ‘The above table is taken from Scheiman A.D. Short Cuts to Anchor Boling and Base Ring Sizing Petroleum Refiner, June 1963, NOTES ite) STRESSES IN LARGE HORIZONTAL VESSELS SUPPORTED BY SADDLES ‘The design methods of supports for horizontal vessels are based on L. P. Zick’s ‘analysis presented in 1951. The ASME published Zick’s work (Presture Vessel ‘and Piping Design) as recommended practice, The API Standard 2510 also refers to the analysis of Zick. The British Standard 1515 adopted this method with slight modification and further refinement. Zick’s work has also been used in different studies published in books and various technical periodicals. ‘The design method of this Handbook is based on the revised analysis mentioned above. (Pressure Vessel and Piping; Design and Analysis, ASME, 1972) ‘A horizontal vessel on saddle support acs ata beam withthe following deviations 1, The loading conditions are different fora full or partially filled vessel. 2. The stresses in the vesel vary according to the angle included by the sales, 3. The load due tothe weight ofthe vetel is combined with other loads. LOADINGS: 1, Reaction of the saddles. It is a recommended practice to design the vessel for at least a full waterioad. 2, Internal Pressure, Since the longitudinal stress in the vessel is only one half of the ferential stress, about one half of the actually used plate thickness is available to resist the load of the weight, 3. External pressure, If the vessel is not designed for full vacuum because vacuum ‘occurs incidentally only, a vacuum relief valve should be provided especially when the vessel outlet is connected to a pump, 4, Wind load, Long vessels with very small t/t values are subject to distortion rom wind pressure. According to Zick “experience indicates that a vessel designed to 1 psi. external pressure can successfully resist external loads en- ‘countered in normal service.” ence shows, that during shipping, hardly calculable im- the vessels, When designing the width of the saddles ‘and the weld sizes, this circumstance isto be considered. a7 LOCATION OF SADDLES. ‘The use of only two saddles is preferred both statically and economically over the multiple support system, this is true even if the use of stiffener rings is necessary, The location of the saddles is sometimes determined by the location of openings, sumps, etc», in the bottom of the vessel. If this is not the case, then the saddles can be placed at the statically optimal point. ‘Thin walled vessels with a large diameter are best supported near the heads, 3 as to utilize the stiffening effect of the heads. Long thick walled vesels are best supported where the maximal longitudinal bending stress at the saddles is nearly equal to the stress at the midspan. This point varies withthe contact angle of the saddles. The distance between the head tangent line and the saddle shall n no case be more than (0.2 times the length of the vessel. (L) Contact Angle @ ‘The minimum contact angle suggested by the ASME Code is 120°, except for very small vessels. (Code Appendix G-6). For unstiffened cylinders under exter- nal pressure the contact angle is mandatorily limited to 120° by the ASME Code. wG2. ‘Vessels supported by saddles are subject to: 1. Longitudinal bending stress 2. Tangential shear stress 3. Circumferential stress = 9 STRESSES HIN SVESCELS | ONLIMO/ SADDLES STRESSES IN VESSELS ON TWO SADDLES TORRFIONT a) NOTES: 13} ostve values denote tensile streses and negative values denote compression, gi 1) E = Modulus of eas or stifener ring mat a netoew oft E = Modulus of elasticity of shell or stiffener ing material, pound per square inch K = Connant Ss eae 30 + 0» Contact agi of ada degree al 2]e8] 228 2 tension or compression aire a82 ae Z| tne maximum bending szen 5, may be ether tension oF compres Bis*| 2a | computing the tension stress in the formula for Sy, for factor K the values of Gl y'shan be used. ole? | ome ah 5] Computing the compresion stress in the formula for Sy, for factor K the values 2/5 | tree Imma peetfe (88/24) tal not S] ot Kg stall be used. elPelse|.4 sep Bawa rau of Z| When the shellitfene, the vale of fstor K= 3.14 in th forma for 5. 2 BS | soem TER | shen. 5] the compression stress isnot factor in a atel vessel where t/R 50,005 and the 3 (22 Jn creo te sts dn Eves is designed tobe fully stressed under internal pressure, gles ae SB] Unstone nature 9; encode te maxim alate ra, Bes Sint Point of fhe tata othe Are false Bren oy 3 a s 5 cam(2~ 2)000)0) 1f wear plate is used, in formulas for Sp for the thickness ty may be taken the sg}, sum of the shell nd wear plate thickne, provided the wear plas extends R/O S| inches above the horn of the saddle near the head and extends between the Bl] Studie and'an adjacent stiffener ring. 5p sal not exced 0.8 times the s Slowable tes ae of vend a ‘2] tn unsifened shell the maximum shear occurs at the hom ofthe saddle. When 2 S| the head stiffness is utilized by locating the saddle close to the heads, the 5 eee EE] tangontiat shear stress can cause an additional stress (S3) in the heads, This 23 nor orced 1.38 tes the i seress shall be added to the stress in the heads de to internal pressure. El: wate tener rave of hed Z| when stitfener sings are used, the maximum shear occurs at the equator. zlae Nore: 7 2 sy eformola with factor Ky zee yom we ram te Toe pn b ae oma ry oy i ston maf ala 3 to'te de Uae formals ith fe Sum of the shell ander plate thickness and for t2 may be taken the sell thick- 3 {or tring wed n plane of sd, ‘ess squared plus the wear plate thickness squared, provided the west Plate 5 sa] extends R/10 inches above the horn of the saddle, aid AGR/2. ‘The combined 3 | crcumnferental stres a the top edge of the wear plate should also be checked. iz ‘Whom checking at this point: y= shell thickness, gy sawing Me B Point te Zid of saddle 2|l8] RABPT SER)” 211 | 5 ata not exceed 50 tines the 4 (0 = contral angle of the wear pate but not more 2 ele) uate silownble tens set vas of shell g than the included angle of the saddle plus 12° E [ale] sath amon] EE] 1 wear pate asd, n formu fon 8s forthe thickness may be taken the E | FATSOTRG) LE | sp shat not exceed 0.5 times the | tam ofthe abel and yeas plate thicknete, provided the width ofthe wear : apetic ya po of he tke set snot stiteted, the maximum stress occurs atthe horn ofthe saddle, fy let | sO c S| Tus see ote toaded tothe internal presureten, Bea] ar 6H SOR) aa aifene ‘maximum ring-compression a tom of © LETH sifu {0H S6VR) Use stiffener ring if the cizcumferential bending stress exceeds the maximum allowable sre, STRESSES IN LARGE HORIZONTAL VESSELS SUPPORTED BY TWO SADDLES ‘STRESSES IN LARGE HORIZONTAL VESSELS SUPPORTED BY TWO. ‘SADDLES ‘VALUES OF CONSTANT Kg VALUES OF CONSTANT K (Interpolate for Intermediate Values) ‘°K, = 3.14 ifthe shel is stiffened by ring or head (A < R/2) ‘conracr| ANGLE | Kit | Ko | K3 | Ka | Ks | Ke | Ky | Kg @ 120 | 033s] 171 ‘o8so | 0.401 0.760 | 0.603 im | 0345) 1139 gas | 0.393 0.753 | 0.618 124 | 0355] 11108 ois | 0385 0.746 | 0.634 126 | 0366) 1.078 781 | 0377 0.739 | 0.651 128 | 0376] 1.050 0.751 | 0369 0.732 | 0.669 130 | 0387) 1.022 02722 | 0362 0.726 | 0.689 132 0.694 | 0.355 0.720 | 0.705 134 0.667 | 0347 0.714 | 0.722 136 0.641 | 0340 0-708 | 0:740 138 0616 | 0334 0.702 | 0:759 140 oaig | 0.592 | 0327 0.697 | 0:780 142 For | 0569] 0320] See | 0.692 | 0.796 144 Any | 0547| 0314| chat | 0.687 | 0813 146 Con | 0526 | 0.308] on | 0.682 | 0831 148 Tact | 0.505 | 0.301 | facing | 0.678 | 0.853 10 Angles | 0.485 | 0.295 | page | 0.673 | 0.876 152 @ | 0.466 | 0.289 0.669 | 0.894 154 0.448 | 0.283 0.665 | 0.913 156 0430 | 0.278 0.661 | 0933 158 0413 | 0.272 0.657 | 0.954 160 0.396 | 0.266 o.6s4 | 0.976 162 0380 | 0.261 0.650 | 0.994 164 0365 | 0.256 0.647 | 1.013, 166 0350 | 0.250 0.643 | 1.033, 168 036 | 0.245 0.640 | 1.054 170 0322 | 0240 0.637 | 1.079 12 0309 | 0235 0.635 | 1.097 174 0.296 | 0.230 0.632 | 1.116 176 0.283 | 0.225 0.629 | 1.137 178 0271 | 0220 627 | 11158 180 0.260 | 0.216 0.624 | 11183 006 VALUES OF CONSTANT Ky 002 oor RATION py=eHeIN 92 93 eR ea SLE RPT SRE LR om TA VEE oro TTC ‘SADDLES SADDLES EXAMPLE CALCULATIONS | EXAMPLE CALCULATIONS (cont.) = L H [A= 48 in. distance from tangent line ‘TANGENTIAL SHEAR STRESS (S,) Scie cmrataaal Ser | eareserrrst cease He | K,Q/L~2A \_ 1.171 x 300,000 /_960 ~ 2 x 48 i fe FESR) = MPs IRIm (30-388) sm Q = 300,000 Ib. load on one saddle | ‘Sz does not exceed the stress value of shell material multiplied by 0.8; 17,500 « 0.8 flee eaeamered segate tH: RE elenacemics athe 8 = 120 deg. contact angle 1 fn er a car AS erent rere * Yah pon 38,00 er LONGITUDINAL BENDING STRESS (S,) Stress atthe saddles 4, R= me L* TAL Stress at midspan f .2R— aL T 4a! Wat Sa Be * Rt, By Ter ‘The sum of tensional ses: 4959 + 7500 = 12.459 psi 1 oes not exceed the stress value of the girth seam: 1,500 «.085 = 14,875 ps (Compression stress is nt factor since VR >0.005; 1/60 = 0.017 4959 psi ‘Since L (960) > 8R(480), A(48) > R/2 (60/2), the applicable formula: eke SO Far sella ~ 3e AVR =48/60 = 0.8; K = 0.036 (rom chart) 310,000 3x SORT Gh + 156 VOT) 5, does not exceed the stress value of shell material multiplied by 1.5; 17,500 x 1.5 ‘=26,250 psi Stress at bottom of shell ($4) Ko pase 0.760 x 300,000 TA + 1.56 JOT) Ss does not exceed the compression yield point multiplied by 0.5; 38,000 «0.5 = 19,000 psi = 6.319 psi es 5 STIFFENER RING | FOR LARGE HORIZONTAL VESSELS SUPPORTED BY | STIFFENER RING eso) FOR LARGE HORIZONTAL VESSELS, Ring 2. SUPPORTED BY SADDLES ao Grom sectional aren of sing tsi " \ wo Le sect ae ot et VALUES OF CONSTANT, K_ t Int Re O vs (Interpolate for Intermediate Values) 6 R & Contact a $ Comet] ae [se | ae | iso | to | ro | 80 ‘TYPE OF RING MAX. STRESS | kK, 34 | 33 32_ | 30 2 | 27 | 3 a i Ky oss | 4s | 37 | 032 | ox [ om | 017 AN Sse Fir" 4.) Binsimise cor NOTES: QRH Sree | 198 Kyp08 1th figures & formulas 4-F postive signs denote tensile streses and nega- sh SVR Governs | tive signs denote compression. | 2. The first part of the formulas for S gives the direct stress and the second a Bing Outi 5 Kek or | J part gives the circumferential bending stress Sires atthe ee | ee 4, If the governing combined stress {s tensional, the stress due to internal Ring Oude, rH | pressure,ER shall be added ey Strte atthe Be | Se te Tip of the 28 CALCULATION OF MOMENT OF INTERIA ()) Ring 2 1. Determine the width of shell that is effective to resist the circumferential bend- ae Ring Inside $5 ing moment. The effective width = 1.56VR,, 0.78VRi, on both sides of stiffener i Compression #3 | ring. re fo) seine Stet 53 + a @ 2. Divide the stiffener ring into rectangles and calculate the areas (a) of each LSP Sioa the ie | rectangle, including the area of shell connection within the effective width Shot ge ‘Add the areas (a) total area = 4 D Ring ide z 5 ‘sve . are) & 3. Multiply the areas (a) with the distances (Y) from the shell to the center of tee | St frail of the rectangles Summarize the els aad denote ll AS EY] Reels 32 44 Determine the neutral axis ofthe tffening ring, the distance (C) fom the shell aeersesily Tpotthe 35 | tothe neutral axis C = AE Ring 33 E S32 5. Determine the distances (h) from the neutral axis to the center of gravity of weet | ne oui a3 toch rectangle ofthe stiffener, stine Shell ai 6 Multiply the square of distances (#2) by the areas (a) and summarize the Governs 3 results to obtain A#?. as 7. Caleulate the moment of inertia lg of cach rectangle Je =P, where b = the Ring Inside, 3 width and d= the depth of the rectangles. Ses tthe Shel 5 || The sum of 4H? and 21g gives the moment of intertia ofthe stiffener ring and ‘Ring Inside. 5 the effective area of the shell. Stress tthe Tiporthe 53 See example calculations on the following pages. STIFFENING RINGS Moment of Inertia (2) — Example Calculations (All dimensions in inches — R= 72 in, outside radius of shell) STIFFENING RINGS Moment of Inertia (7) — Example Calculations (All dimensions in inches — R= 72 in. outside radius of shell) oe | Pe o78 va: cc ae T= 078 \Ra~ Rin 8 me 0.18 7E R03 =4.68 e 0.78 VID X03 = 4.68 3 ks | | 4 saddle s AREA Ig AREAQ Ie at a a ee & 2 «0.53 | 3 af | Be =286508 -or0sins Ht Gee i eon z | by 058g oyint ae | pee bof 05% i bud ax 12 ig ~9.00in* | = = 4505 0. 04ind M cA ore | areal oy | ay |e e lan | ae Maa oF ARE y._ ow] * [| @ [| «we | < iz 1 493 0.25 123 229 5.24 25.83 0.10 1 | 493 [os [a [a on | 7a] ano T5000 [10s] 096 [092 [276 9.00 2 [30 [350 [1050 [ 2 [408 [tna [ 9.00 5 eT CT Toma ere | — Lae | lap Fora | 993 | —[arsasas| | — Laneseos | ipo. cof I= AH? + Ig = 19.68 + 9.10 = 28.78ind = AH + Ig = 64.03 + 9.14 = 73.17 in Ta, aay ESB pa «02s 1-1.56-VRdy 1-1.56-VRar = 156V72x025=6618 | 1,56.V73x025= 6.618 ARPA Ie. ‘byd) _ 13,740.25? _ 0.02in* : 5 | ee, | og Byte Selly 5 | WG AREAQ le R bod} _ 0.506% _ 9.00in* 8 Tt 12 z AREA@, | ARFAQ Ie i | = 8x 0.25° _ 0.01 in* . bad, 0.50%8 _ 9 09 ins ae Bs - 212 | wes | AREA wanes | AREA : > | ormms| “o" | y | oo | a» | ® | ow |b “ ~ 2 <2 is Gis 1 343 0.125 043 259 6.72 B09 0.02 @ 343. 0.125 043 1455 212 121 0.02 2 3.00 3.250 ‘915 my 028 088 900 @ [3m | 320 | 97 | ism | 2m | ax7 | 300 Tao es | ars [306 | a0] 2680 [001 tapas] = acento) sale) | ome [= [armel == laren AY 22.93 2 eet: I= AH? + Ig=15.64 + 9.02 = 24.66 in.* Congr gag 7272 TMAH" +1g=50.73 + 9.03 ~ $9.76 IGN " | EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION DESIGN OF SADDLES | Sr eoncsonra esas = I a | [4 s somnor 7 a5 ] | . | yp -aetittive | LL q { | esanoues _| sours 7 ‘pours | ? & SADDLES. 1. The saddle at the lowest section must resist the horizontal force (F). The effective i ros section ofthe sade to resist this load is one thd ofthe vcsel radius). +e + — FeK,Q, Where Q the load on one saddle, Ibs. | = constant es ulated EXPANDING VESSEL CONTRACTING VESSEL, ‘The average stress shall not exceed two thirds ofthe compression yield point ofthe material. (See example below) VALUES OF CONSTANT K, enact Ange] 100° [ 130° [_140°_[ 150° | 160°_[ 170°] 180" K, | 204 [222 [241] 259 | 279 | 298 | 318 a Weight of vessel = 375,000 Ibs. Q= 187,500 Ibs. Saddle material: SA 285 C ‘Web plate thickness = 0.25 in. Contact angle = 120° K,, = 0.204 from table above R3=513 = 17 inches Force, F = K,, xQ= 0.204 «187,500 = 38,250 Ib. To resist this force the effective area of web plate = R/3 x 0.25 = 4.25 in? 38,250/4.25 = 9,000 Ibs. per square inch. ‘The allowable stress = % x 30,000 = 20,000 psi, ‘The thickness of the web plate is satisfactory for horizontal force (F). 2, The base plate and wear plate should be thick enough to resist longitud nal bending over the web. 3. The web plate should be stiffened with ribs against the buckling, For thermal expansion and contraction, one of the saddles, preferably the one ‘on the opposite side of the pipe connections, must be allowed to move, In this Saddle for the anchor bolts Slots are to be used instead of holes. The length of sll be determined by the expected magnitude ofthe movement The sion for carbon unit length and per ie below show the minimom length of the Hot. Dinen- sion “2” ealulated forthe linear expansion of carbon see! material between 700F and the indicated temperature: When the change inthe distance between thesaddes, is'more than 3/8” inch long a slide (bearing) plate should be used. When the ‘este is supported by conctete saddle, an elastic, waterproof sheet atleast 1/4” Uhiek ito be applied between the shell and the sada. MINIMUM LENGTH OF SLOT (DIM. “s’ DISTANCE bey | Bewee SADDLES it BL" | sofroo]z00] 300] a00] soo] 600 | 700 | 800] 900 FOR TEMPERATURE °F 10, 0} 0} 0} 1/4] 3/3} 3/8} 1/2] s/8} 3/4) 3/4 20 0} 0} 1/4] 3/8) s/s} 3/4). 1-1/8] 1-1/4 | 1-3/8) 30 atelualate| 08] fehl -aye| s9| 82 2 fuahuslaps| 3] -ushetla| cas) 218) 2908 | 2.9 $0 3/8)1/4]1/2]1 1.3/8] 1-5/8] 2-1/4] 2-5/8]. 3.3/8] - 60 3/8] 1/4]5/8]1-1/4] 1-5/8}2-1/8] 2-3/4] 3-1/8 | 3-5/8 | 4-1/8] The width of 70 1/2] 1/4]3/4 |1-3/8] 1-7/8]2-1/2] 3-1/8] 3-5/8 | 4-1/4 | 4-5/8} sredotemuas| gp fi/latalsre|is/a|2afore|asi| e/a] e778) sare “ior be 90 5/8] 3/8}7/8 |1-3/4) 2-3/8)3-1/4) 45/8] 5-3/8 16 anchor alt + i ae roo |5/s}arsfi fi-7is}sjs|3sis||s-irs}6 |6s/5 Seaate oo) 01 SADDLE FOR SUPPORT OF HORIZONTAL VESSELS SADDLE wo | sfos| % fo [x |» [= | a0 mi fs[sfos [fol | |— J 0000 [el «fos |» fo] |» | — | sooo a sfos [% fo | | |= | cao) 18 [4 [oat fo [x [% |= [70000 110 @[ stor [x fot | |= I room 20 4 «fom!» fo» |» |— | som z z ie 22 a[efos [x [ol | % | % | 0000 a 2 a sfossl i fo | | % | % | sano 26 a[sfos [x tol |» | % | 10am) “The design based on: 28 + | 6foss)* [o[» | | « | same] 210 @ [fowl fo] | | % | 2s] the vessel supported by two s : support by two saddles 30 6 {ufou|% fo | % Tx [% J 134000] 2. toresisthorizontal force (F) dueto the maximum operating weightof vessel a 1telu % fo | % |» | % | 144000 as tabulated. a 22 [6 [u % [o | % | | # | 21000 3. the maximum allowable stress is #4 of the compression yield point: #4 of 36 23 | 6 [au % fo | % | at _[ i | 220000 30,000 = 20,000 psi +0 26 [6 |i % [of [a [a [eso] 4, the maximum allowable load on concrete foundation 500 psi. is 30 Lela mee TELE I ama000| 5. the minimum contact angle of shell and saddle 120°. 0 a3 [6 | % | [a_i [r2000 Weld: 4" continuous fillet weld all contacting plate edges. 56 36 [6] ee) i z % % Drill and tap 4" weep holes in wear plate. ea 29 | 9 {i emi 4 | t | daz000} di 6 ao [e}wfo[™ [1] ™ | % | 4 | sano) tthe sliding saddle the nuts ofthe anchor bolts shall be hand-tight and secured a ao be fea a tam be Lt a0000] by tack welding. 76 +6 [9 fetes [1 [1] ™ | % | E | son000 eo [eus[ ao ofiefos | 1 [1 | 1 | % | 8 | sseco0| 6 [74% [so [9 |i [ano] 1 [2] 1 | % | % | reo0nn) 90 [7% [sa] 9 fisfso | 1 [2] 1 | % | % | soso) x6 [em [so] 9] mls2 | m]2]1 | ™ | « | a0 woo [se [so 9| moe |m[2]1 | % | % | sooo 106 [om | oo [9] mise | ml2]1 |» | % | 910000 10 [on [63 fo] mise [rm ]2]1 |» | % | S800 SEE FACING PAGE FOR DIMENSIONS 16 [oo [oe | 9 |m]so]m]s | 1 | % | % [1030000 0 [os [os | ofuleo [mls | 1 | % | % hor 102 STRESSES IN VESSELS ON LEG SUPPORT NOTATION: ‘= Weight of vessel, pounds = Number of legs oad on one leg, pounds Radius of head, inch Lever arm of load, inch Dimension of wear plate ‘Stress, pound per square inch Wall thickness of head, inch Factors, see charts VaB, inch Radius of ec /E nouune ular wear plate, inch ° " LONGITUDINALSTRESS: 5,7 [eos ck, +6K,) + VE(K, +6K,)] (CIRCUMFERENTIAL STRESS: 5-8 [eos eckson) VF &, +639] NoTEs: Positive values denote tensile stresses and negative values denote compression. Computing the maximum tensile stresses, in formulas for S,, Spand K;, Ky Ky ‘and K, denote negative factors and K K,, Kand Ky denote positive factors, Computing the maximum compression stresses in formulas for S,, Syand K, K Ky Ky Ky Ke K; and K, denote negative factors. ‘The maximum tensile stresses 5), and S,, respectively, plus the tensile stress due to internal pressure shall not exceed the allowable tensile stress value of head material ‘The maximum compression stresses S,, and S., respectively, plus the tensile stress [e[ule[o[e[~| te imam Awad INENSTONS Wei at ENT ee eS i400 pee foletele|x[m[m [rm] 1 ‘Lag, Lbs. " . * 2,200 {m3 [5% [sve] % | 2 | ae | fun 2 1400 [64 | 5 [54 [ax] 4 | % [su] u |x 7 3,600 4 [an [om [om [orl % [2% [ie [ruin 4 2200 |e |s4| 6 | 5 |su| % [sa] | % 9 5,600 mh o[mfolifslulu 9 3,600 [8% |u| 7™ [ou] 7 | % foul u | x 16 9,000 mw] 7 | m [tn fone] 1 [oe fom | « [20 3,600 10%] 8% | 9% | [9%] 1 [ee [ mw |v 4 14,000 [on] om [a7 [rel 1 [ox [ie | [28 3,00 [iaahion|vafian[ian| 1 fron] De [> aed lS eh ey v.00 [13funvajianl v7 firm| a [alm |» | 72 7.000 eaal re elfen] 2a (Kon a 9 n2.000 [isa] 13 [rafien|ien| im fia] @ | % | 6 a Eo 36,000 _|17¥4]14%|15%| 22 [zane] mm | 4 | || 6s 90,000 16st] 17 [avebar] rm [13 [oe [57] 218 56,000 [aov|i7|1e% [aan] 29° [1% fron] «|» | 8 saan [os [reel wee boul 2 [Le De Dee [om 90,000 [aax[i|io|sra|saul mm fas [| | 38 +a0,000 [asi [aon [ars |aane/asn] 2] 20» La | ae All dimensions ae in inches All dimensions are in inches Stresses in vessel shall be checked. Use wear plate if necessary ‘Stresses in vessel shall be checked. Use wear plate if necessary. [ye] us LIFTING LUG LIFTING ATTACHMENTS rn wok LE. | P 4 LLL MLL VESSEL WEIGHT |p] 7] | (Lbs) day ny Gn) (ny day (Min) MINIMUM DIMENSIONS OF LIFTING LUGS USING SHACKLE 12,000 1 % | 3 0 | Shackle] Hole heared] Rolled Ea vat | | Bi, te Sr |e t ifm ofa | [RAR | | i ‘ zoo fm ft fan Ts [0 | * 8 | re a i 50,000 wm | m [2% 7 2 = | Toso | 3/8 7/16_| 56. 3 ST 1600 | 7/16 Wz 63 82 WE 3/4 [1.16 roo | 2pm | fee 20 |e || 90 tee pa 100 apa " Sea | se} — ye} — Sef eT as) ee ee is as 4420 [3/4] 78.3 | 147 | 1-42 as [2.12 150,000 3 wm 3 10 16 gi 6375 | 7/8 1 1.19 1.55 13/4 I-14 | 2.25" BS 650 1 tae 131] 1.70. 2a} 2.59 sooanof «2 | |e |=] 25 Tisoo ye] eae} ts] 198 |e tai a 7 3 tao Ee] 16+ tes | 2] ote | ae fe 000 4% 2 6% B 18 = 16500 | 1-3/8 1; LE 25/8 1-7/8 13.6: Ee a a Booed [3—[ “Ese [Tae 33 [ae aaa S950 tse {Tate Sie aie teas votes 7 32350, 2 21/8 225 293 33/4 25/8 [4.75 1. All dimensions ar in inches ior} past ase asp ee ps 2. The design is based on conditions Sooo} ae | bat | se ate | Se eo Pasion steno o4¢ | -3918-|_29—|-389—-— 5 afte P00 &: Santa eae strength of luz material 70,000 pt S000} 3 ts Tis} 378 [eet ¢: Birtion of forces ike pase os Sram feet 38 S78 [ata [97d 3. Use wear plate if mecessary to eliminate buckling due to normal or sudden loading. ‘All dimensions in inches 120 LIFTING ATTACHMENTS (cont.) RECOMMENDED MATERIAL: A 515-70, A 302 or equivalent. The thickness, and length of the lifting lug shall be determined by calculation WELD: When fillet welds are used, it is recommended that throat areas be at least $0 per cent greater than the cross sectional area of the lug. ‘To design the lugs the entire load should be assumed to act on one lug. All possible directions of loading should be considered (during shipment, storage, ctection, handling.) When two or more lugs are used for multileg sling, the am le between each leg of the sling and the horizontal should be assumed to be 30 degrees, EYE - BOLT iS Y Ase W , EXAMPLE: ‘An eyebolt of 1 in. diameter which is good for 4960 Ib. loadin tension (direction x) ean carry only 4960 x 0.33 = 1637 Ib. load if it acts in direction y. ‘The above dimensions and recommendations are taken from C. V. Moore: Designing Lifting Attachments, Machine Design, March 18, 1965. ‘Threaded fasteners smaller than 5/8” diameter should not be used for lifting because of the danger of overtorquing during assembly Commercial eyebolts are supplied with a rated break- ing strength in the X direction. For loadings other than along the axis of the eyebolt, the following ratings are recom mended. These are expressed as percentage of the rating in the axial direction. X= 100% Y= 33% Z= 20% W= ton iii “Assuming shear load only thru the minimum sect ‘may be calculated by the formula: : t= FP __ 25 (RDA) = allowable shear stress, pi. See pane 459 for design of weld and length of. 121 ‘SAFE LOADS FOR ROPES AND CHAINS ‘The stress in ropes and chains under load is increasing with the reduetion of the angle between the sling and the horizontal. Thus the maximum allowable safe load shall be reduced proportionally to the increased stress. If the allowable load for a single vertical rope is divided by the cosecant of the angle between one side of the rope and the horizontal, the result will indicate the allowable load on one side of the inclined sling Example: ‘The allowable load for a rope in vertical position is 8000 Ib. If the rope applied to an angle of 30 degrees, in this position the allowable load on one side will be 8000/cosecant 30 deg. = 8000/2 = 4000 Ib. For the two-ope sling the total allowable load 2 times 4000 = 8000 Ib. The table shows the load-bearing capacity of ropes and chains in different positions. Multiplying with the factors shown in the table the allowable load for a certain rope or chain, the product will indicate the allowable load in inclined position. FACTORS TO CALCULATE SAFE LOADS FOR ROPES AND CHAINS Lheza| whose | | ccion| con Angle of ‘900 e 0 eo Inclination Ss S Ed Be On One aa 1.00 oas 0.70 0.50 07 On Two - Ba 1.70 1.40 1.00 034 ire} 123 OPENINGS SHAPE OF OPENINGS: Openings in pressure vessels shal preferably be circular, elliptical or obround. An obround opening is one which is formed by two parallel sides and semieheulse Sods The apening ide y's pipe ora cicero the ani of which nat erpendiculr fo the vessel wal head, may be considered an ehipeal opening or design purposes, Openings may be of shapes other than the above, Code UG-36(0X2) SIZEOF OPENINGS: Openings ae not limited ato size. The rules, construction details of this handbook conform tothe Code UG-36 through UG. ad apply to openings: + for maximum 60 in. inside-diametervessel one half ofthe vessel diameter, but maximam 20in + for over 60 in. inside-diameter-vessel one third of the vessel diameter, but ‘maximum 40 in, For openings exceeding these limits, supplemental rules of Code Appendix 1-7 shall be satisfied, Code UG-36(b)(1) em NOZZLENECK THICKNESS: Code UG-45 For vessels under pressure the wal thickness of opening necks shall nt be less than: (@) the thickness computed fo the applicable loadings in UG-22 onthe neck (pressure, reaction of piping, ete), plus corrosion allowance (©) for other than access and inspection openings shall not be less than re- guid forthe applicable loadings and not less than te sulle of te lowing (the hicks of he sel or head to which the pening is tached, required for internal pressure (assuming = 1), plu corosion allow nde, but for welded vessel inno ese less tha Ein ©) for vessels under external pressure only, the thickness obtained using the extemal design presse as an equivalent of internal design pres, () for vessels designed for both internal and external pressure, the greater othe thickness determined by (Bor ®)2) above @ the minimum thiekness of standard wall pipe plus corrosion allowance The minimum thickness of pipe (ANSI 3¢-10) isthe nominal Rik: ness less 12.5 percent allowable tolerance seepage 140). WHERE EXTERNAL PIPING IS CONNECTED TO THE VESSEL, THE SCOPE OF THECODEINCLUDES: (@) the welding end connection forthe first circumferential joint for welded (©) the firs threaded joint fr serewed connections, (©) the face ofthe fist flange for bolted, flanged connections, (@) the first sealing surface for proprietary connections or fittings. Code Ui) “ = INSPECTION OPENINGS All pressure vessels for use with compressed air and those subject to internal corrosion, erosion or mechanical abrasion, shall be provided with suitable ‘manhole, handhole, or other inspection openings for examination and cleaning. ‘The required inspection openings shown in the table below are selected from the alternatives allowed by the Code, UG-46, as they are considered to be the most economical ~ SN onset, | gmenor |" ievemutain ererinade dor Seeaee cro eee ces peor Perper Wy faoro dat arate omit, | _so-isn | iecloftotatietn veh” less than 18 in. | pipe size threaded eset eme es loseenity tel perl et ees oe o removable connections not less than 14 in. pipe size. UC-46(e). Mena ae Sai Mees ne on | “es! eae) mene caataiones tm = oe oes et wasn | or | Sin, evn th wee oe ave | em, | aaa ene oo reece Papeete ars ment of the table. UG-46(c). ec oe niSinup, | * leveen ger eu 1D) wae 2 a ee at Ce in. 7 with the provisions of the Code UG-25, ee eee UG-46(b). ‘The preferable location of small inspection openings is in each head or near each head! In place of two smaller openings singe opening may be used, provided it is of Such size and location a to afford atleast sequal view ofthe inet CCompresed i as used her sot intended to include air which has had moisture removed to the degre that it hasan atmorpheni dew point of 50 F or less The ‘manufacturers Data Report shal ice a statement “for noncorosve serv and Code paragraph number when Inspection openings ae nt provide, NOZZLE NECK THICKNESS The wall thickness of a nozzle neck or other connection used at accessor Inspection opening only shall not be less than the thickness computed forthe applicable loadings pls corosion allowance DESIGN 124 Rs OPENINGS WITHOUT REINFOR: IG PAD Below the most commonly used types of welded attachments are shown. For other types see Code, Fig. UW-16.1 OPENINGS WITH REINFORCING PAD Below the most commonly used types of welded attachments are shown, For other types see Code, Fig. UW-16.. NOTATIONS: 2° Min. wel sie © ror 0037S in. whichever ‘nthe amalet in x the smallest of, Ft in the smallest oft 0F 0.375 in. WELDING Neck 12= The angle of beveling shale suc sto permit ‘once ot pean snd compe ie Sop Denand welding pr 1 Thickness of ese wall les coroson allow: t= Nomi tikes of orl walls como ‘NOTES: 1 When complete joint penetration cannot be vetfied by visual inspection or other means Dermited by the Code! backing sips sal be ‘Sed with al penetration weld deported fom only one sie purpose of weld Bis eliminate the regu lanes ofthe groove wel at therootand secure {hl penetration, is urully one pass oly and ‘maybe omited if not needed forthe above prpse. 5 ‘The weld sizes defined her are the minimum, irements For esleution of sengih of ‘las se page 136 4. Strength eaeulaton of weld for pressure onde ine aotrequed fr wtachment shown fig B.C E, FG, and for openings pene mache o verse wall of 38 ‘ois in tikness, in. pipe size atached to vessel walls over 23 hckness. (Code UO 36 (0) )) Nozze wir WELDING NECK WITH SLIP ON FLANGE. NOTATION: smallest values, ty 0F te oF 0.375 in. oF fp oF Vin FLANGE, Ing techniques, Minimum weld sizes, inches. Use the No minimum size requirement. 0.74, 010.74, oF 0.5 in, 0.76, oF 0.7% 0F0.Te, oF 0.75 in ‘The angle of bevel shall be such. Nozze as to permit complete joint pen- tration and complete fusion. De- pends on plate thickness and weld- = Thickness of vessel wall less cor- rosion allowance, in. t= Thickness of reinforcing pad less corrosion allowance, in t= Nominal thickness of nozale wall less corrosion allowance, in ‘Thickness of pad type flange, in. ‘SEE NOTES ON FACING PAGE. F fal tig R 6 oy pS aner 19 r sere Us" B. 126 127 THREADED AND WELDED FITTINGS ‘THREADED AND WELDED FITTINGS ‘THE FIGURES BELOW SHOW THE MOST COMMONLY USED TYPES OF WELDED ‘CONNECTIONS. SEE CODE FIG. UW16.1 FOR OTHER TYPES ‘THE FIGURES BELOW SHOW THE MOST COMMONLY USED TYPES OF WELDED ‘CONNECTIONS. SEE CODE FG, UW.) FOR OTHER TYPES BI Fy [zl ‘ tn Th rm 1 1 | ! @ SEE NOTATION ON FACING PAGE: [DT [Ay 218m 1 a 4 » a, Ma. pie se: 3 in, D max = ome diameter of pipe + 34 in NOTATION 14%, 00.375, whichever isthe smallest, i. a;+ 4; 11/4 times the smallest of , fof 1 in the amallest of 1, ty 0€ 0.375 in, 0 minimum size requirement ‘e= the smallest of tor 12 in the thickness of Sch 160 pipe wall, in ‘ete smallest of tor 34 in, 1 thickness of vessel wall less corrosion allowance, in. ‘, nominal thickness of fting wll less corosion allowance, in ‘The weld sizes defined bere are the minimum requirement SEE NOTES ON FACING PAGE FITTINGS NOT EXCEEDING 3 IN. PIPE SIZE. In some cases the welds are exempt from size requirements, or fittings and bolting pads ‘may be attached tothe vessels by fillet weld deposited from the outside only with certain limitations (Code UW-16 (£) 2) and (3)) such as: 1. The maximum vessel thickness: 3/8 in, 2. Themaximum size ofthe opening is limited tothe outside diameter of the attached pipe plus % 3. The weld throat shall be the greater ofthe minimum nozzle neck thickness required by the Code UG-45(a) or that necessary to satisfy the requirements of UW 18 for the applicable loadings of UG 22. 4, Thewelding may effectthe threads of couplings. tis advisable to keep the threads above welding with a minimum 4 in, or cu the threads after welding, 5. Strength calculation of attachments is not required for atachments shown in Figs. ‘A, Cand E, and for openings: 3 in. pipe size fittings attached to vessel walls of 3/8 in. or less in thickness, 2 in. Pipe size fittings attached to vessel walls over 3/8 in. in thickness. (Code UG- 36(6)3), 128 es SUGGESTED MINIMUM EXTENSION OF OPENINGS ‘The tables give the approximate minimum outside projection of openings When ‘pulation or thick refreng pad ae used it maybe neceay tone thee OUTSIDE PROJECTION, INCHES USING WELDING NECK FLANGE NOM. | PRESSURE RATING OF FLANGE Lb size [7150 | 200 | 600 | 900 | is00 [2500 cs} s|s|s f]s] ola e/a] 3] a ff |i | i to | 10 | 12 | a6 wo | 12 | 14 | 20 to | 12 | 16 | 2 2| 6 — oui aay a| os = é| os 8 | os AER w | 8 ns 8 3 L L SIROTA NAS SLSR NTS a TE — ¢| :| 8 — é|§ rar: ne |e A > 12 8 10 10 12 12 16 OES aol, 5, Curvature of vessel REINFORCEMENT OF OPENINGS DESIGN FOR INTERNAL PRESSURE ‘Vessels al be reinforced around the opening, except single, welded openings not Dubjoctorapid pressure ucuatons do no requrerenforesen ino larger tha “Yh. diameter in not over in thick ves wall Pin diameter inno over 2 in vessel wall (Coie I636(06K0) “The design procedure desribed onthe following pages co- fam to the Code UC-36 through UG-1, which apply open: Inge not exceeding ‘One-half o 20 in, dameterin vessels of maximum 60 in, fide dmetr Fea (One third or 40 in, dametrin vessels ove 6O in damete. For openings exceeding these limits supplemental rls of Code 1-7 shall be appied Inaddtiono GS 36 tough UGS, Forrsinforemen of opening in fathead see Code UG-39 ‘Atif onine of enforcement design fr beter understanding ofthe procedure is deserted in he following pages. ‘The basic requirement is that around the opening the vese must be reinforced with ai equl act of metal which hasbeen Gat outer he opening. The enforcement tay bean grt pr eves! and azzl or may oe fa adonal enforcement pau ig.) ‘This simple le, however, needs further refinements follows 1. Tisnotnecessaryoreplace the actually removed amount of metal, but only he aie ‘amount which is required to resist the internal pressure (4). This require ness of the vessel atthe openings is usually less than at other points of the shell or head. 2. The plate actually used and nozzle neck usually are thicker than would be re- quired according to calculation. The excess in the vessel wall (4,) and nozzle Wall 43) serve as reinforcements. Likewise the inside extension of the opening. (Ay) and the atea ofthe weld metal (44) can also be taken into consideration aS, reinforcement. 3. ‘Thereinforoement must be within a certain limit. ‘The area of reinforcement must be proportionally increased if ts stress value is lower than that of the vessel wall 5. The area required for reinforcement must be satisfied forall planes through the center of opening and normal to vessel surface. ‘The required cross sectional area ofthe reinforcement shall then be: ‘The required area for the shell or head to resist the intemal pressure (4). From this area subtract the excess areas within the limit (4j4y4544). Ifthe sum of the areas available for reinforcement (4,+47+4s+4,) is equal or greater than the area to be replaced (4), the opening is adequately reinforced. Otherwise the differ cence must be supplied by reinforcing pad (Ay). Some manufacturers follow a simple practice using reinforcing pads with a cross Sectional area which sequal othe metal area actully removed othe pening This practice results in oversized reinforcement, but with the elimination of calculations they find itmore economical 130 BI REINFORCEMENT FOR OPENINGS REINFORCEMENT FOR OPENINGS DESIGN FOR INTERNAL PRESSURE DESIGN FOR INTERNAL PRESSURE pees continued B AREA OF REINFORCEMENT é 3,_LIMITS OF REINFORCEMENT or vsel under internal pressure he al cross-sectional ++, ["themetal wed as enforcement must be looted win the area ued rence of peg sal te ‘ tii cs "| a ‘The initmeasured pall th vessel wall X=dor Rat Amdt, where Tue larger value 4 teins aneter of peing ins corded conten, : % | thetimitmeasredparalltothenozle wall =2.57012.St as 4 (we salle vlue fe {= the required thickness of shell or head computed by the } t “4 | when additional reinforcing pad is used, the limit, ¥ to be applicable formulas using E= 1.0 when te openings Le] measured ffom the ouside surface of the reinforeing pad solid plate or in a category B joint. When opening passes through any other welded joint, E= the efficiency ofthat Joint. When the opening is in'a vessel which is radio- ‘graphically not examined, E = 0.85 for type No. 1 joint ‘and E = 0.80 for type No. 2 joint. When the opening and its reinforcement are entirely within the spherical portion of flanged and dished head, ‘is the thickness required by the applicable formulas using M= 1 ‘When the opening is in acone,r isthe thickness required for a seamless cone of diameter, D measured where the nozzle axis intersects with the wall of the cone, ‘When the opening and itsreinforcement are in a2: ellip- soidal head and are located entirely within a circle the ‘enter of which coincides with the center ofthe head and the diameter of which is equal to 0.8 times the head diameter, ts the thickness required for seamless sphere of radius 0.9 times the diameter of the head, If the stress value of the opening's material is les than that ofthe vessel material, the required area A shall be increased. (See next page for examples.) 2 AVAILABLE AREAS OF REINFORCEMENT ‘Am Area of excess thickness inthe vessel wall (i) dor (1) (ty* 12 use the larger value, square inches. If the stress value ofthe opening's material i less than that of the vessel material, area 4, shall be decreased. (Gee next page for examples.) A= Area of excess thickness in the nozzle wal (¢y— tm) Stor (etm) ‘Siguse — the smaller value, square inches. Am Areaofinside extension ofnozzle square inches (i,—c)2h Ae Area of welds, square inches. Ifthe sum of 4, As Ayand Ais ess than the area for rein- forcement required, A the difference must be supplied by reinforcing pad, sel wal ess coro sion allowance, inches. 1. seepreceedingpage {= nominal thickness of nozzle wal ire- spective of product form, lesscorosion R= inside radius of nozzle in corroded condition, inches. For other notations, see the preceding page. “4,_ STRENGTH OF REINFORCEMENT If the strength of materials in Ay A> Ay Ay and As of the material ofthe reinforcing pad are lower than that ofthe vessel ‘material, their area considered as reinforcement shall be pro- pportionately decreased and the required area, 4 in inverse ‘proportion increased. The strength of the deposited weld metal Shall be considered as equivalent tothe weaker material of the ‘= required thickness | joint. of seamless nozzle | eis advisable to use for reinforcing pad material identical with wall, inches. distance nozzle projects beyond the | No eredit shall be taken for additional strength of ‘the vessel material. Inner surface ofthe | ment having higher stress value than that of the vessel wall. vessel walllesscor: | PX AMPLES: fosion allowance, hes. corrosion allow- nce, inches. d~ secproveling pags. 1. a, The stress value of nozzle material: 15,000 psi. ‘The stress value of shell material: 17,500 psi Ratio 15,000/17,5000 = 0.857 ‘To the required area, 4 shall be added: + 2iy x fe (120.857) b. From the area 4) shall be subtracted a Mail mle) rae = 2ty x(t) (10.857) 2. Using identical material fr the vesseland reinforcing pad, the required area for reinforcement is 12 square inches. If the stress value of vessel material the stress value ofthe nozzle material ratio 17,500/15,000 Inthis proportion shall be increased the area of reinforcing pad: 12x 1.167 = 14.00 square inches. 132 133 REINFORCEMENT FOR OPENINGS REINFORCEMENT OF OPENINGS DESIGN FOR INTERNAL PRESSURE | EXAMPLES (continued) ‘© REINFORCEMENT IN DIFFERENT | fexampnes, DESIGN DATA: PLANES FOR INTERNAL PRESSURE | ft Inside diameter of shell: 48 in, - Design pressure: 250 psi at 200° F Since the circumferential stress in eyin- | . 1) Soir aaoee dical shells and cones is two times greater Sets tear Soest than the longitudinal stress, at the open- | | Hy ‘The vessel is spot radiographed. ing the plane containing the axis of the | No allowance for corrosion, oad shells the plane ofthe greatest unit oad- Wa Pe cme eas {ng due to pressure. On the plane perpen- || (eh ‘$15,000 psi fy 0.492, dicular to the vessel axis the unit loading | + IST Nozzle nom. size: 6 on is one half ofthis. Extension of nozzle inside the vessel: 1.5 in. 5 Chart shows the variation ofthe stresses T h=2.5iq= 2.8 x 0432~ 1.08; onl on different planes, (Factor F) | » ‘The nozzle does not ass through seams S| ‘When the long dimension of an elliptical | . Fillet weld size: 0.375 in. ond or obround opening exceeds twice the Wall thickness require short dimensions, the reinforcement Pa. soto oa across the short dimensions shall be in- || forshell: «= S"0.5— “T3800% 1.0 -0.6%250 ~ 040 in creased a5 necessary to provide agaist excessive distortion due to twisting mo- Pa 250x288 og oa} ‘ment. Code UG-36(a)(1). fornozle: foe" SE—9.6P “i500 x 1.0-0.6%250 | ~ 0-048 in Factor F shal not be les than 1.0, except | | [AREA OF REINFORCEMENT REQUIRED ood for integrally reinforced openings in ¢y- ‘A= dt,= 5.761 x0.440= 2.525 5.0. lindrical shells and cones it may be less oe Ter ae 50 OF OP BO AREA OF REINFORCEMENT AVAILABLE | eA Zi eae) ‘Ay = (Excess in shell.) Larger of the following: | (rtyd= (0.625 0.440) «5.761 = 1,066.9, in.0r 1.066 9, in | (tt) (tn * 2 = (0.625 — 0.440) x (0.432 + 0.625) x2 = L | = 0.391 qi Consitesioat a= (Excess in nozzle neck.) Smaller ofthe following: axis of shell { (tntrn) St ™ (0.432 —0.048) x 5 x 0.62: 200 sq. in. ‘The total cross-sec- | Gtr) Sty = (0432 —0.048) «5 «0.432 = 0429.39, in tional area of enforce SErhat | (No credit for additional strength of nozzle material having sent nany planes hl higher stress value than that ofthe vessel wal.) A=dxtx F (Notations on preceeding pages.) | A3= (Inside projection.) & x2h=0.432x2%1.08= 0.933 sq. in. DESIGN FOR EXTERNAL PRESSURE ‘Ag= (Area of fillet weld) 0.375? 0.140 sq. in, ‘The reinforcement required for openings in a single-walled vessel subject to extemal pressure need be ony 50 percent of ta eauied for internal presare hee te ‘Ag~ (Aono let weld inside) 0.375? 0.14054. in, al hes required bythe ues for vee under exer prewar, Code UG: | | Seana 3.108 sq in, adie E 5 ths area is greater than the area required for 4 ‘reinforcement, additional reinforcement is not needed, (See Notations on preceating pages) 134 135 REINFORCEMENT OF OPENINGS REINFORCEMENT OF OPENINGS. ‘EXAMPLES EXAMPLES EXAMPLE 2. DESIGN DATA: EXAMPLE 3. DESIGN DATA: Inside radius of shell: R= 24 in Inside diameter of shell: 48 in, Design pressure: P= 300 psi at 200° F. ‘Shell material: ¢= 0,500 in, SA-516-70 plat, ‘S= 17,500 psi ‘The vessel is spot examined There is no allowance for corrosion ‘Nozzle nominal size: 6 in ‘Nozzle materia: SA-53 B S= 15,000 psi. t= 0.432 in Extension of nozzle inside the vessel: 1.5 in Fillet weld size inside: 0.500 in.; Fillet weld size outside: 0.625 in. Ratio of stress values: 15,000/17,500 = 0.857 Wall thickness required : PR. 30028 416 in Sheil, SE-0.6P 17,500 x 1-0.6 x 300 0416 in, Nozzle, n= gph 3002.88 0.088 in. SE-0.6P ~ 15,000 x 1.0 -0.6x300 Since the strength of the nozzle material is lower than that of the vessel mate- rial, the required area for reinforcement shall be proportionally increased and the areas available for reinforcement proportionally reduced. AREA OF REINFORCEMENT REQUIRED A= di,= 5.761 x 0416 = 2.397 sq, in. ‘Area increased: + 2iy x f(1-15,000/17,500) 2x 0.432 x 0.416 (1-0.857)= 0.051, 2.448 sa. in. AREA OF REINFORCEMNT AVAILABLE i= (Excess in shell.) Larger of the following: (itd = (0.500 - 0.416) x 5.761 = 0.484 sq, in. oF G4) ln * 9)2 = (0.500-0.416) x (0.432 + 0.500) x 2 ~0.156 94 in, ‘Area reduced: -2 x f (hf) (1-0.857) = ~ 2x 0.432 x (0.500-0.416) (1-0.857) = -0.010 sq. in. 0.474 sq, in. Az =(Excess in nozzle neck.) Smaller of following (tn tn) 5U= (0.432-0,058)5 x 0,500 = 0.935 10.857 x 0.808 = 0.692 sq. in ‘Since the strength of the nozzle is lower than that of the shell, 1 decreased area shall be taken into consideration, 15,000/17,500 = 0.857, 0.857 x 0.805 0.692 sq, in. y= (Inside projection.) ty 2h= 0.432 2 x 1.08 =0.933, Area decreased 0,933 0.857 0.800 59, in. Area of fillet weld) 20,3 x 6250.57 « 0.334 sq. in (Area of fillet weld inside) 2 x 0.5 x 500? x 0.857 = 0.214 sain, TOTAL AREA AVAILABLE 2.514 sq. in, Additional reinforcement not required, ‘Design pressure: 300 psi at 200° F. a Shell material: 0.500 in, SA-516-60 plate, ‘The vessel fully radiographed, E = 1 There is no allowance for corrosion © Nozzle nominal size: 8 in ‘Nozzle material: SA-53 B, 0.500 in. wall Extension of nozzle inside the vessel: 0.5 in. ‘The nozzle does not pass through the main h ' Size of filet welds 0.375 in. (Reinforcement pad to nozzle neck.) Wall thickness required: 30024 = PR __ 30024 __ 9 486 jn, Shelli= SET .aP ~ T5;0OxT-o.6x300~ 486m = PR 30038125. g77 in Nozzle, m= SE=0.6P ~ T5;000x1.0-0.6x300 0077 AREA OF REINFORCEMENT REQUIRED A= dx te 7625x0486 = 3.706 $9. in. AREA OF REINFORCEMNT AVAILABLE ‘i= (Excess in shell.) Larger ofthe following: (tty Jd = (0.500 - 0.486) 7.625 = 0.106 sq. in. or (tt) (te* 1) 2= (0-500-0.486) (0.500 + 0.500) 2 =0.028 sq. in, Az =(Exeess in nozzle neck.) Smaller of following: (r= tn)5E= (0,500-0.077)5 X 0.5 = 1.058 oF (atm Sto = (0.500-0.077)5 x 0.5 = 1.058 1.058 sq. in y= (aside projection.) yx 2h = 0.500 x2 0.5 = 0.500 sq. in. ‘i= (Area of fillet weld) 0.37 0.141 sa. in (The area of pad to shell weld disregarded) 7 TOTAL AREA AVAILABLE. 805 sa. in, “This areas less than the required area, therefore the difference shall be provi byrehercingcleen ny beheniernoranel rgerxeson tener inside ofthe vessel or reinforcing pad. Using reinforcing pa, the required area pad: 3706—1805~ 1.901 sq. in. Using 0.375 in. SA-516-60 plate for reinforcing ‘ad the width ofthe pad 1,901/0.375 = 5.069 in, ‘The ouside diameter of reinforcit Outside diameter of pipe: 8.625 nee eh of rare pad 38, 694 in, pyc 136 37 STRENGTH OF ATTACHMENTS JOINING OPENINGS TO VESSEL STRENGTH OF ATTACHMENTS JOINING OPENINGS TO VESSEL At the attachments, joining openings to the vessel , failure may occur through the welds or nozzle neck in ‘the combinations shown in figures A and B. ‘The strength of the welds and the nozzle neck in those combinations shall be at least equal to the smaller of: 1. The strength in tension ofthe cross-sectional area of the element of reinforcement being considered, or 2. The strength in tension of area A (A = dx, ) less ‘the strength in tension of the excess in the vessel wall (4). ‘The allowable stress value of the welds is the stress value of the weaker material connected by the welds ‘multiplied by the following factors: Possible path ofall: EThroogh DD 2. Through =O Groove-weld tension 0.74 Groove-weld shear 0.60 Fillet-weld shear 0.49, reamepansotaie: | rye aiowable stress value of nozzle neck in shea is Hee {:70 times the allowable ses value of nozzle mater Sap: S fia EXAMPLE 3 A= 2.397 sq. in, A; = 0.484 sq. in. 4d, = 6.625 in, outside diameter of nozzle in= 6.195 in., mean diameter of nozzle 'S™ 17,500 psi allowable stress value of vessel material Sy=_ 151000 psi allowable stress value of nozzle mate- t= 0.432 in, wall thickness of nozzle. 1'= 0.500 in. wall thickness of vessel’ 0.375 in, fillet weld leg. Check the strength of attachment of nozzle load to be carried by welds. Load to be carried by welds (4-4, )S = 2.397 - 0.484 x 17,500 = 33,478 Ib. STRESS VALUE OF WELDS: jet-weld shear 0.49 x 17500 = 8575 psi Groove-weld tension 0.74 x 17500 = 12950 psi Stress value of nozzle wall shear 0.70 x 15000 = 10500 psi. STRENGTH OF WELDS AND NOZZLE NECK: a Filletweldshear 4G x weld leg x 8575 = 10.4065=0.375 x8575 =33463 Ib b.Nozzle-wallshear il x fx 10500= 9.72% 0.432 x 10500 = 4060 Groove-weldtension Ae x weld leg x 12950 - 10.4065 x 0500 12950=67382 POSSIBLE PATH OF FAILURES: I. Through and b. 33463 +44090= 77583 Ib 2:Through a. and. 33463 + 67382 = 100845 Ib Bot paths ere stronger than the required strength 33478 i DESIGN DATA A= 31725q.i0, 4. 124 tn otsde diameter of eloforcing pd. = s60s in outside diameter of moze = 8.125 ine mean diameter of moze. S°= 17,30 pat llowable ese value of vessel materia S,= 15.00 pi llowable tess valus of moze material 1° 0.300 in thickness of vessel wall. 4 0.500 jn theknes of nozle wal 0378 in leg of filet - weld a 0250 in lego filet - weld d 1, 0250 in thckness of reinforcing pa ‘Check the strength of attachment of nozzle, LOAD TO BE CARRIED BY WELDS: (UA, )S= 3.172—0.641) 17,500 = LOAD TO BE CARRIED BY WELDS a ¢,e: (A, +21, 9S = (0.907 +2 x 0.500» 0.500) 15,000 = STRESS VALUE OF WELDS: Fillet - weld shear 049.x17,500 8,575 psi Groove weld tension 0.74 17,500 = 12,950 psi ‘STRESS VALUE OF NOZZLE WALL SHEAR: 10.70% 15,000 10,500 psi STRENGTH OF WELDS AND NOZZLE NECK: a. Filet weld shear 22 x weld eg x 8,575 ~ 13.55 x0375 x8,575 = 43,572 bs. Nozze wall shear de>, x 1,500 = 12.76 x 0500 10,500 = 66,990 1b, , Groove weld tension le weld leg x12,980™ 13.55 0.500 x 12950 = 87,7361. 1641 59. in Ar 0.907 59 in 44,293 Ib, 21,105 Ib. 4. Filet weld shear x weld leg x 8,575 =20.18 x 0.25 x 8,575 = 43,260 Ib ©, Groove weld tension » Ao wel leg x 12,950—13.55 x 0.25 x 12,950 = 43,868 Ib. POSSIBLE PATH OF FAILURE: 1. Through bandd —66,990+ 43,260 = 110.250 1b. 2 Througheandd ——87,736+43,260 = 130,996 1b. 3. Througha cande — 43,572+87, 736+ 43,868 = 175,176 lb. Paths 1. and 2. are stronger than the total strength of 44,293 Ib. Path 3. is stronger than the strength of 21,105 Ib. “The outer fillet weld d strength 43,260 Ib is greater than the reinforcing pad strength of (ded, 1, x 17,500 1.055 17,500 = 18,463 py ecl iy 138 139 LENGTH OF COUPLINGS AND PIPE FOR OPENINGS LENGTH OF COUPLING AND PIPE FOR OPENINGS NOZZLE IN SPHERE OR CYLINDER. C=R-VR EXAMPLE: Given: R= 1Sin., Find: C= 15158 |S VES —H = 15—12.6886 = 2.3114 in z ‘COUPLING IN2:1 ELLIPSOIDAL HEAD. xevey, vaWR=teoO y VR ren POSEN YO0O= = 12.2610 | BEGET Vaasa = 1assin NOZZLE IN FLANGED & DISHED HEAD. NOZZLE IN SPHERE OR CYLINDER X=G-¥ YR ar Find: X MIS GSD} = V225—106 = VIS Y=109 X=24—109~ 13.1 in COUPLING IN SPHERE OR CYLINDER XetY ve = RP EXAMPLE: x= G-y~sr, ¥=1-c, c= R, -WR-F >| [Gven: Inside depth of aiah, 1D Ryna8in, Ryo 49in, F=24in £2 Find: G= 18%, ‘COUPLING IN FLANGED & DISHED HEAD Etey YMG vO Shen y= 24m Rye atin, Fo Bian in 45° x 6 = 0.7071 x6 = 4.243, ‘When F is known, Find X as in Example C above. Given: R= 15 in Re= 16 in, F=6 in, r= 1.25 in Bee GRITS « 14 = VIGE=1.25) = \356—22.56 = 15.30 in, yelisti@r nt Vetecat = 2225 n VASA + 1.25) = VS—32.56 ~ 13.12 in Xe 34-3325 = 175in 5.30—13.12=2.18 in ‘COUPLING IN SPHERE OR CYLINDER NOZZLE IN CONE VY, SinB=AR, y=a+B Wes wigsitan es? Posing xR wre tina x91 EXAMPLE: Gent Ry *24 in, G=30iny F=12in, 622. Given: R= 12in, a= 15%, A= 6 in | 300 Find: F ins x Sin f= 6112=0.500=30° 7=30%15°= 45° YN 2e> tan 309 (12 + 2] = 24-08 = 15.92 Oe in NOZZLE IN 2:1 ELLIPSOIDAL HEAD X=OVSF Y= REP 5 EXAMPLE: ms | Given: Ri=24in, Pe 12in, Bin, SF=2 in my = G=20in, Fb | Find: x fea gf | 9 ERY = VSIA X= 20—6.63—2 = 11.37 in 3 in ‘COUPLING IN CONE EXAMPLE Givens fg= Pn #1 my @ = 30? a A Finds X 2 aay y=os7en1 = 08774 866 aps x loSE a tnare s soi [py=tHICiN 140 NOZZLE NECK THICKNESS ‘THE REQUIRED THICKNESS FOR NOZZLE NECKS IN VESSELS UNDER INTERNAL PRESSURE (Code UG-45) The thickness computed for the applicable loadings in UG-22 plus corro- sion allowance, but for other than access and inspection openings, not less than the smaller of the following: 2. The thickness required for the vessel for internal pressure (assuming joint efficiency, £ = 1.0), but in no case less than the minimum for shells and heads specified in UG-16 (b); 3. The minimum thickness of standard wall pipe plus corrosion allowance. ‘THE REQUIRED THICKNESS FOR ACCESS AND INSPECTION OPENINGS (manways, handholes) IN VESSELS UNDER INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL PRESSURE. 1, The thickness computed for the applicable load plus corrosion allowance (there is no other requirement). For selection of required pipe under internal pressure, see table "Maximum Allowable Internal Working Pressure for Pipes" on the following pages. EXAMPLES for using the table: 1. Opening Diam: 18" Design Pressure: 800 psi Corrosion Allowance: 0.125" The Required Pipe for Manway: Sch. 60, 0.750" Wall ‘The Required Pipe for Nozzle: Sch. 60, 0.750" Wall 2. Opening Diam: 18" Design Pressure: 150 psig. Corrosion Allowance: 0.125" The Vessel Wall Thickness: 0.3125" ‘The Required Pipe for Manway: Sch. 10, 0.250" Wall ‘The Required Pipe for Nozzle: Std. Wt 0.375" Wall 3. Opening Diam: 18" Design Pressure: 140 psig, Corrosion Allowance: 0.125" Vessel Wall Thickness: 0.750" ‘The Required Pipe for Manway: Sch. 10, 0.250" Wall ‘The Required Pipe for Nozzle: Std. We. 0.328" + 0.125" Corr. Allow. = 0.453, Min. Wall = Sch. 40 Pipe 41 ‘THE REQUIRED NOZZLE NECK THICKNESS FOR VESSELS UNDER EXTERNAL PRESSURE (Code UG-45) 1, The thickness for the applicable load plus corrosion allowance, but not less than ‘the smaller of the following: 2. The thickness of head or shell required for intemal pressure using the external ‘design pressure as an equivalent internal pressure, but in no case ess than the ‘minimum thickness specified for material in UG-16(b) (1/16 in, for shells and hheads, 3/32 in. in compressed ar, steam and water service, Yin for unfired steam boilers), plus corrosion allowance; 3. ‘The minimum thickness of standard wall pipe plus corrosion allowance, EXAMPLE 1. External design pressure: P= 35 psi Material SA 516-60; S= 15,000 Outside diameter of cylindrical shell: Dp = 96 in. Shell thickness: ¢= 1 in ‘The required tickness for 14 O.D., 12 in. long nozzle neck: 1. To withstand 25 psi extemal pressure approximately 0.05 in, wall required, but the thickness shall not be less than the smaller of; 2. The thickness required forthe shell under 35 ps internal pressure (as equivalent external pressure) 35x47 3. The minimum thickness of standard wall pipe: 0.328 in. (0.375 in. nom.) The ‘smaller of 2. and 3. 0.110 in. for wall thickness of nozzle neck is satisfactory. EXAMPLE 2. Extemal design pressure: P= 15 psi Material SA 516-60; $= 15,000 Outside diameter of eylindrical shell, D, Shell thickness: ¢= 0.3125 in, ‘The required thickness for a 14 in. D.O., 12 in, long nozele neck: 1, Towithstand 15 psi extemal pressure approximately 0.02 in. wall required, but the thickness shall not be less than the smaller of the following: 2. The thickness required for the shell under 15 psi. internal pressure = PR _ 15x 17.6875 SE-05P ~ 5000-7 3. The minimum thickness of standard wall pipe: 0.328 in. (0.375 in. nom.) The smaller of 2. and 3. is 0.018 in., but the thickness ofthe nozzle neck shall in no cease be less than 0.0625 in. UG-4 (2) (2). 36 in, ' = 0.018 in, DESIGN 142 a3 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE INTERNAL WORKING PRESSURE FOR PIPES ‘MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE WORKING PRESSURE (cont) ‘alculations Based on the Formula: ‘NOM. ‘PIPE WALL CORROSION ALLOWANCE IN. ‘The Caleulati pa 2SEt where pre’ | DESIG | taickNess [~O | fie [1/8 | 3/16 | Ue Deiat SIZE NOM. [ MN. ‘fax. Allow. Pressure Puig ‘The max. allowable working pressure, psi. an Se ee S= 15,000 psig. the stress valueof the most commonly used materials for pipe s won | aa | sv (AS3B, A106B) at temperature -20 to 650°F. For higher temperature see ay | *STC. 0.276 | 0.242) 2707 | 1971 | 1261 notes at the end ofthe tables, scx.160 | 0.375 | 0328] 3766 | 2991 | 2245 | 1525 | 831 1.0 joint efficiency of seamless pipe XXSTC, 483 | sax2 | 4969 | sia8_| 3359 | 2599 a Reo ee ee Pe ‘STD. 0.189] 1693 | 1116 | 556 [12 “the figures undetined are the maxim allowable rewur Insomeded soon 3 | xsTG. 0.63) 2398 | 801 | 1221 | 65s | 111 for the pipe of which wal thiknets iminium the standard wall plas coroxon sci.160 | 0.438 | 0.383] 3597 | 2964 | 2350 | 1754 | 1175 NOM. | pase) FPEWALL CORROSION ALLOWANCE IN. xxstc._| 0.600 | 052s] 5113 | 4432 | 373 | 3134 | 2515 PIPE | Nation |_THICKNEss [~O J iis | 1/8 | 3/6 | 14 STD. 0.226 | O98] 1546 | 1084 | sss | 78 SIZE NOM. | MIN. ‘Max. Allow. Pressire psig. 3% | xstG. | 0318 | 0.278] 2207 | 1689 | 1183 | 691 | 211 STD. [0.109 [0.095 | 37307 1198 xxst6._| 0636 | 0557] 4701 | 4115 | 3546 | 2992 | 1937 un | %StG. | 0147 | 0129 | ‘asa | 534 | 143 i 0237 [oats] 1ag9 995 | ser] 17 ScH,160 | 0.187 | 0.164 | 6941 | 4013, | 1447 xst6. | 0337 | 0295 2075 | 1616 | 1168 | 730 | 280 XX-STG._| 0.294 | 0.257 |12153 | 8526 3392 | 2658 | 252 4 SCH. 120 0.438 | 0.383 | 2739 | 2265 | 1802 | 1350 | 908 on 0.13 | 0.099 | 3059 | 1072 scu.160 | 0.531 | 0.465] 3379 | 2890 | 2412 | 1946 | 1490 34 | STG. | 0.154 | 0.135 | 4299 | 2192 | 288 xxstc. | 0.674 | 0.590] 4394 | 3880 | 3379 | 2890 | 2412 scx. 160 | 0218 | 0191 | 6386 | 4069 | 1985 | 100 a case Tone se Or TET ee —|xistc_| 020s | o270| 72 | fou | aas7 | asus | sso xsta, | 0375 | 0328| ise | 14s | 1127 | 773 | as xero. fone lois | eel oer | 2 5 | scu.120 | 0500 | 038 | 2520 | 2140 | 1767 | 1401 | 1042 1 a ‘SCH. 160 0.625 | 0.547 | 3201 | 2808 | 2422 | 2044 | 1673 SCH. 160 | 0.280 | 0219 | $764 | S046 | 2274) 732 xxstc._| 0.750 | 0.656| 3906 | 3499 | 3100 | 2709 | 2325 Se is 194 ‘STD. ‘0.280 [0.245] 1143] sas] sot | 262 eer ac lroseed local eee xste. | 0.432 | 0.378| 1793 | sass | 1181 | 882 | ses was | Seu iso |oaso fons | aeze| sees | ape) sre 6 | scti120 | 0562 | 0.492] 2368 | 2051 | 738 | 1431 | 1128 xxsro,_ {ose |oazs | 108 | sae | ae 1582 scx.160 | 0.718 | 0.628 | 3077 | 2748 | 2425 | 2106 | 1793 SH Pe sa xxsre,_| 0.864 | 0.756 | 3767 | 3427 | 3093 | 2764 | 2440 tan | 870. |o2m | ours | asez| i864 | 806 ‘SCH.20 | 0.250) 0219] 777 | 52] 329] 113 ScH. 160 | 0.281 | 0.246 | 4333 | 3139 | 2013 | 947 SCH.30 | 0277 | 0.242) 861) 634 | 411 | 190 xxs7._| 0.400 | 0.350 | 641 | 5164 | 3904 | 2754 | 1648 0322 | 0282] 1007 | 779 | ss4 | 331] 1m STD.) 0.154 [0.135 | 1786) 938] 126 8 0.406 | 0355] 1276 | 104s | 817 | 591 | 368 xstc. [0218 [0.191 | 2578 | 1696 | as2| 44 0.500 | 0.438] 1587 | 1353 | 1121 | 892 | 6s a SCH. 160 | 0.343 | 0.300 | 4215 | 3260 | 2348 | 1477 | 642 ‘SCH. 100 0.593 | 0.519 | 1896 | 1658 | 1422 | 1189 | 959 xxsre._| 0.436 | 0342 | ssa7 | a5z2 | 3553 | 2639 [1746 | scx.120__| o718 | 0628] 2319 | 2075 | 183s | 1597 | 4302 | 144 as r ‘MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE WORKING PRESSURE (cont) ‘MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE WORKING PRESSURE (cont.) NOM. | ppsig. | PIPEWALL |_ CORROSION ALLOWANCE IN- NOM] ppsic. ] FIREWALL [CORROSION ALLOWANCE IN: PIPE | ation | THICKNESS |" oT i7ié [_1/8_[ 3/16 | 74 PRE | Narion | THIcKNess [~o [ie | 1/8 | 3/16 | 1 SIZE NOM. | MIN. lax. Allow. Presure Puig. SIZE NOM. | MIN- ‘lax. Allow Presure Pig. ScH. 140 |" 0812] 0.711] 2647 | 2400 | 2155 | 1913 | 1675 14 _ [SCH 160 1.406 | 1.230 | 2834] 2680 | 2527 | 2375] 2224 8 | scu.160 | 0.906] 0.793) 2977 | 2725 | 2476 | 2231 | 1988 [SCHL T0 0250] O21} 415] 295 | 166] 37 xxstc._| 0275) 0.766] 2868 | 2617 | 2370 | 2126 | 1885 |scu. 20 o3i2| 0273} sis) 398| 279] 161] 43 ‘SCH.20 | 0.250] 0219] 621} aa] 264) 90 scx.30.sTD. | 0375 | 0328] 625] so} 364] 265] 146 scr.30 | 0307] 0.269] 766] sas | 406] 228] 50 sce. ox-ste,| 0500] 0.438] 839] 717| 596] 475] 355 STD. 0365] 0319] au] 729 | sao | 370) 193 SCH. 60 o6se | osr4| 1108] 984 | s61| 738] 617 XSTG. 0.500] 0.438] 1263) 1078 | 994 | 712 | 32 16 I scu. 80 0843 | 0.738] 1436 1310 | 1185] 1061 | 937 10 | | 0593] 0519] 1506| 1318 | 1132 | 948 | 766 scx.100 | 1.031 | 0902} 1771) 1643 | 1sis | 1389 | 1263 scH.100 | 0.718) 0.4628] 1838 | 1647 | 1458 | 1270 | 1085 scx.120 | 1.218 | 1.066} 2111 | 1980 | 1851] 1722 | 1595 sci.120 | 0.843] 0.738) 2179 | 1984 | 1792 | 1601 | 1413 scn.140 | 1.438 | 1.258 | 2517 | 2384 | 2281 | 2120 | 1990 scH.140 | 1.000] 0875] 2611 | 2413 | 2216 | 1986 | 1829 sc.160__| 1.593 | 1.394 | 2809 | 2674 | 2540 | 2407 | 2275 scx.160_| 1.125] 0.984 2963 | 2760 _| 2560 | 2362 | 2166 SCH. 10 0.250] 0.219] 368] 262] 1s7| 54 scu.20 | o2s0[ 0.219) s22] 371 | 222] 76 SCH. 20 0312| 0273) 460 354] 248] 143] 38 sc.30 | 0330] 0.289] 692 | s4o | 389 | 240 | 91 st. 0375 | 0328] ss4| 447 | 3a] 235 | 130 sto. o37s| 0.328) a7 | 635 | 483 | 333 | 184 SCH. 30 0438 | 0383) 649] sar | 434] 328 | 222 scx.40 | 0.406] 0.355] 8s4| 701 | sao | 398 | 248, X-STG. 0500| 0.438] 744) 636] sao] 422] 315 xs76. | 0500] 0.438) 1059 | 904 | 751 | sos | 486 ie (SCH40 0562| 0492] 838) 729| oa] sis| 407 12 | scH.60 | 062 0.492] 1194 | 1038 | 33 | 730 | s7e SCH. 60 0.750 | 0.656] 1129 | 1015 wr} $89 ‘SCH. 80 0.687| 0.601] 1469 | 1311 | 1154 | 998 | 844 |SCH, 80 0.937 | 0.820] 1418 | 1306 | 1195 | 1084) 974 scx.100 | 0.843} 0.738} 1820 | 1659 | 1500 | 1341 | 1184 scx.100 | 1.156 | 1.012 | 1766 | 1652 | 1539 | 1426 | 1314 scu.120 | 1.000] 0875} 2178 | 2014 | 1851 | 1690 | 1530 jscu.120 | 1.375 | 1.203 | 2118 | 2002 | 1887 | 1772 | 1658 scx.140 | 1.125] 0984) 2467 | 2301 | 2136 | 1972 | 1810 jscu.140 | 1.562 | 1.367 | 2425 | 2308 | 2190 | 2074 | 1958 scu.16o_| 1.312] 1.448{ 2910 | 2740 | 2572 | 2404 | 2039 scr 16o__| 1.781 | 158 | 2789 | 2669 | 2550 | 2432 | 2314 ‘ScH.10 | 0.250] o2i9] 475 338 | 202 | 69 To 0250) 0219} 351 | sr | ii | 8 sc.20 | 0312) 0273] s94| 456 | 319 | 184 | 49 scx. 2081p. | 0375) 0328) 498 | 402 | 305] 2 | 117 STD. 0375! 0328] 216 | $77 | 440 | 303 | 167 |scH.30x-sTG] 0.500| 0.438] 668 | s71 | 475 | 379| 284 scH.40 | 0.438) 0.383) 839 | 699 | sei | 423 | 287 lsc. 40 0593| 0519] 795 | 697 | s00| 503 | 407 1s | xSTG, 0500 0.438) 962| g2 | 682 | saa | 407 ap {SoH 60 08i2| 0.711] 1097) 998 | 900 | 802 | 704 scu.60 | 0593) asia] 1146 | 1008 | 363 | 224 | 58s [sc 80 1.031 | a2] 1403 | 1303 | 1202 | 1103 | 1004 scx.8o | 0.750| ose) 1460 | 1316 | 1173 | 1031 | 390 scx.100 | 1.281 | 1.121 | 1760 | a6s7 | 1sss | 1454 | 1353 scx.100 | 0.937] 0.820] 1843 | 1696 | 1550 | 1406 | 1262 scx. 120 | 1.500 | 1.313 | 2078 | 1974 | 1870 | 1767 | 1665 ‘SCH. 120 1.093 | 0.956] 2166 | 2017 | 1869 | 1722 | 1576 |SCH. 140 1.750 | 1.531 | 2446 | 2340 | 2234 | 2129 | 2025 1 -scx.140_|_1.250 2500 | 2348 | 2198 | 2048 _| 1900 [SCH. 160 1,968 | 1.722 | 2774 | 2666 | 2558 | 2452 | 2346 DESIGN 146 i NOTE TF THE STS VALUE OF RPE LES HUAN OOPS Pn DUE TOHGHER TEMPERATURE MUCHILY Aroha ALLOWABLE PReRE aU [row PIPE WALL ‘CORROSION ALLOWANCEIN, —] Ca a TES TR NOT EXCEEDING DEGREFGF——| Be | om [fetes Poe Partner | on as HAL Tn] era ee 0.250 | 0.219] 301 214 128 44 values — Pefoea| i> soo [asso [Tees Hone {sess fot aap as oa] ozn| s16| 20] am| us| a FACTOR [1-000 [osses[osta woo eas faa a | ca| (se |e [ral | | ze fra | see] fr] | ae ange: a se foe cot sear el | seal see |Risoe| sor [eas] [fes Tie Marinun Alowae Promo. Pps Wh Cron 62s | osa7| 761 | 672 | 584 | 496 | 409 Allowance of 1/8” From Table = 1181 psi. - at Temperature 800°F ae fcr | el sl [ce Psa fe israstanta oaetnaTS oss tse ora osss|_ore|_ ear | on | oo | se P ‘SCH. 10 0.250 | 0.219} 275 196 7 40 Example to find max. allow. pressure for any stress values: se 2osro.| asrs|azse| ua ase| as | 116 | 97 Sarat |[aon zal se]| eel eee] eve [es Parsee raat setae ree Tee pens | asea| aaa] cas| se| aze| am | 200 eve soe scu.40 | 0487| oso1| 766 | 62s | aos | 524 | 443 For Ths Pipe The Max Allow. Preure 13900 x 1181 Pa | coo car few nce] [Ree fee a ‘SCH. 80 1.218 | 1.066} 1381 | 1297 | 1214 | 1131 | 1048 seico | sot | io] 1s | soer | ase | we | 1s gecuize | sata asae] ans ann | soi | naa | 1767 eco ea fn | een Fea fees |e se sexi 160 _| 2000 | 20so| mso | sen | asni | tea [295 NOZZLE NECK THICKNESS “TeTs 0.250 | 0.219] 254 181 108 37 THICKNESS, cea ea ete eal a =e Saanno amon es oavs|eaze| aez| am | 2s | 102 | 90 Aer) vasr fons foams oazr|eaea | ate ar2| oe | 225 | 152 eee 6 0500 | 0438] siz} 438 | 364] 201 | 218 2] Vessel Wall he too] ozs [ois Toasco sez |oaea| sre] soa] aga 350 | an 625 | 0.547) 641 | 567 | 493 419 | 345 3} Gin. sed Pipe rom fos [0260 10.280 za ere ce ese |e | a hax. Joaes [aa [oa orso|oase| ra| or | can | seo | ste areal nas Joa Joos conforms] aap an ae se {ts Congres War Seve 0060) [ns [ows oane oars | 0328) 330] 207 | ane] ast | 7e ee osm [eas foas 0.500} 0438] 443] 379) 315 | 252 188 0.0625 Ci 2 [neko aaa pas DESIGN 48 REQUIRED WALL THICKNESS FOR PIPES UNDER INTERNAL PRESSURE ‘The required wall thickness for pipes, tabulated on the following pages, has been ‘computed with the following formula PR '=3E-06P where {= the requited minimum wal thickness of pipe, in. P= internal pressure, psig. 'S= 15,000 psig. the stress value of the most commonly used materials for pipe. A53 Band A 106 B @ temperature ~20 to 650°F. E= Joint efficiency of seamless pipe R= inside radius of the pipe, in. For the inside diameter ofthe pipe round figures are shown, With interpolation the required thickness can be determined with satisfactory accuracy. ‘The thicknesses given in the tables do not include allowance for corrosion. For the determination of the requited pipe wall thickness in piping systems the various piping codes shall be applied. ‘Selecting pipe the 12.5% tolerance in wall thickness shal be taken into consider. ation, The minimum thickness of the pipe wall equals the nominal thickness times .875. 19 ‘REQUIRED PIPE WALL THICKNESS. FOR INTERNAL PRESSURE ra PRESSURE PSIG. iat so | 100 | 150 | 200 | 250 | 300 | 350] a0 | «50 | 300 002] 0003 | coos) oor] 000s oni] aoiz| ois] cos] oar 2 | 0003] 0007 | oo10| 0013] 0017] 0.020} oar) 0.027} 0.031 | oss 3 | o00s| oo10| aois | oor] oars | ono} 0035] aos | ooas| oost 4 | 0.007} 0.013 | o020| oor7] 003s! oo10| oose| oss] 0061 | cose s | 0.008] 0.017] ao2s | oas¢| oo%2| o.0si| 00s} 0.068 | oo7s | 008s 6 | 0.010] 0.020 | 0030] oo%0| oosi | 0061 | aor} 0.081 | oos2 | 0102 7 | e012] 0.023 | oass | 0047) 00s | oom 0083} 009s | 07] otis 8 | 013] 0027 | 0% | o0s«| 0067 | o0s1) 0.095} tos] 0.122} 0.136 9 | oars] 0.030 | 0.045 | 0060} 0.076] a091) 0.106} 122] a137 | 0.153, 10 | 0017] 0033 | 0.050 | 0067 | 0086 | o101] ous | 0136] 0.153 | 0170 11 | 0.018] 0.037 | oss | oors| 003} ot | 0130] 149] oes | 0.187 12 | 0.020] 0.040 | o0s0 | aos: oat | oz] 0.163 | 0.183 | 0.208 13 | 0.022] 0.044 | oes | 0087 | 0.109} 04132] a.1s4} 0176] oss | 0221 14 | 0023 0047 | ao70 | ooss 0.142 | 0166] 0190] 0.214 | 0238 1s_| 002] 0050 oors | oo | 0126] o1s2| 0:77} 0.208 | 0229 | o2ss 16 | 0027 | o0s+| o.080 | o10s | 0.135} ox62| 0.189} 0217 | 0244 | o272 17 | 28 | 0057 | oss | o1r8| 0143} 0172] 0201 | 0.230 | 0.260 | 0289 18 | 0130 | 0.060 | oot | o121 | 0.82} oasz| o213| 0.244 | 0.275 | 0305 19 | 0.032 0.066 | 0096 | 0.128 | o160| 0192] 0225 | 0287} 0290 | 0323, 20 | 0033 | 0067 | o101 | 0124 | or6e| o2m2| o2%7| 027 | 020s | 0240 21 | 0035 | oo7o | 0.107 | 0.141 | 0177] 0.213 | 0248 | 0288 | 0321 | 0387 2 | 0037 | oors | 0.111 | 0.148 | 018s] 0.223) 0260 | 0298 | 0336 | 037s 23 | 0038 | oo77 | 0.16 | 01ss| 194} 0233 0272] 0312 | 03st | 0301 2 | 0.040 | 0.080 | 0.121 | 0.161 | o202| 0243 | 0286 | 0325 | 0367 | 0408 2s | 0012 | 0084 | 0.126 | 0.168 | o210| 0.253 | 0.296 | 0339 | 0382 | ons 26 | 004 | 0087 | 0131 | 0.175 | o219| 0.263 | 0308 | as2 | 0397 | oe2 27 | a0ss | 0.080 | 0.136 | 0181 | 0227| 0272 | o219| 02366 | o412 | o4s9 28 | 0047 | 0.058 | oa: | 0.188 | 0236 | 0282 | 0281 | 02379 | ozs | 0476 x | 0018 | 0.097 | ata | 0.195 | 0244 | 0294 | 0343 | 0293 | 44s | 0493 30_| 0050 | 0.100 | asi | 0202 | 0.253 | 0306 | 0.355 | o4o7 | o4se | 0510 DESIGN eI oT eames ora nae FOR INTERNAL PRESSURE (cont) | FOR INTERNAL PRESSURE (cont.) Ls. PRESSURE PSIG. | 1s. PRESSURE PSIG. pi [am [sm [me [ww [mm] || a | [a 2 | 0.037 | 0.041 | 0.044 | 0.048 | 0.052] 0.055 | 0.059) 0.062] 0.066 | 0.069 | 2 | 0077] 0086} 0.091 | 0.099| 0.106 | 0.114 | 0.122 | 0.129 | 0.137] 0.145 10 | 0187 | 0.205 | 0.222 | 0.240] 0.258] 0.275 | 0.293) o311| 0.329 | 0347 10 | 0384] 0420] 0.457] 0.494 | 0.532 | 0.570 | 0.08 | 0.647 | 0.485 | 0.725 | 16 | 0300 | 0328 | 0.356 | 0384 | 0412 | o4s1 | 0469 | 0498| 0527] 0556] | 16 | asia} 0672 | 0.732] 0791 | oasi | os12 | 0973 | 1.034 | 1.097 | 1.159 17 | 0319 | 0.348 | 0.378 | 0.408 | 0.438 | 0.468 | 0.499] 0.529] 0.560 | 0.590 | 17 | 0.62 | 0.714} 0.777 | 0.840 | 0.904 | 0.969 | 1.034 | 1.099 | 1.165 | 1.232 21 | 0394 | 0.430 | 0.467 | 0.504] 0.541 | 0.579 | 0616] 0.654 | 0.692 | 0.729 | 21 | 80s | 0.862 | 0.960 | 1.038 | 1.117 | 1.197 | 1.277 | 13ss | 1.439 | 1522 22 | 0.412 | 0.451 | 0.489 | 0.528 | 0.567 | 0.606 | 0.645 | 0.685 | 0.724 | 0.764 | 22 | 0.844 | 0.924 | 1.006 | 1.088 | 1.170 | 1.254 | 1.338 | 1.422 | 1.508 | 1.594 DESIGN 152 153 REQUIRED PIPE WALL THICKNESS FOR INTERNAL PRESSURE (cont.) NOZZLE EXTERNAL FORCES AND MOMENTS IN CYLINDRICAL VESSELS Piping by the adjoining nozzles exert local stress in the vessel. The method, below, to determine pia —— tare lalsbesedin pote Duan 17 of Welding Resexch Cound dress -[ 2100 [2200 | 2300 [2400 | 2500 | 2600 | 2700 | 2800 | 2900 [3000 2 simplification oft The veses are notntended to serve es anchor points forthe piping To 7 Tose | CORE | OPE] OORT | OTT] OOS UIT OTT avoid excessive loading inthe vessel, the piping sal be adequately supported 2 axe | 0177) 0:85 | 0193 | 0202 | oaio | oars | o2a7 3 0253 | 0265 | 0278 020 | 0303 | 031s | 0228 | 0341 4 aaze | 0354 | 0370 | 0387 | o404 | o420 | 0437 | o4ss 3 aaza | 0482 | 0463 | ose | 0504 | 0526 os47 | 0568 Mocs 6 | 0459 | aae2 | 0507 | asst | 0556] oseo | 040s | asst | asse | oss 7 | 0535 | 0563 | 0301 | 0619 | o64e | 0677 | 0206 | 0736 | 06s | 0.795 # | 061 | oes | 06s | 0708 | oa | 0774 | oor | osai | 087s | 0909 9 | o6s8 | oa | oso} 0796 | 083] 0871 | ase | oss | oes | 1.003 10 | 0764 0908 | oses | osss | o9a6| os6r | 1009 | 1051 | 1093 | 1.126 1 | oss | osss | 0920) 0x73 | 1019] 1.064 | sto | s1se | 1.208 | 1250 13 | oes | 206s | ge | 250) 1.206) base | 1312 | 1.366 | 1402 | 1417 To calculate the maximum force and moment, first evaluate Band 7. Then determine 14 | 107 | 1126 | sage | 1299 | 1296] 1354] nara | var | asst | 1391 @ Zand A from Figures 1,2 and 3, for te specified f and substitute into the 15 | 14s | 206 | 267 | a3er | see | vast | sia | 1377 | ves | v70s equations below, and calculate Fen; Mew and Mus oes (1 = Be te | 122s | a2er | rast | rare | ae | see | rte | 1.682 | 1250 | 1.818 B=815 (Fi ae] 17 | 1299 | 1367 | sas | soe | rsre| nese | aris | 2e7 | 180 | 1932 Determine a Zand A from Figures 1,2 and 3 1 | 1396 | rar | 520 | 1593 | vos] 1741] rats | 1992 | 1968 | 2085, Calculate Pressure Stress (0. 1 | ssa | 1328 seat | ox | 1967 | 207 am | tas | teu | tsar | tom | tase | tone | ance | en | suey | az o= F—2) If cis greater than Si, then use S, asthe stress du to design pressure, a1 | 140s | 1.669 | 7m | vase | oe | 20a | aso | 2207 | 2296 | 2386 3 p 2, m2 | san | i7e | tase] 190 | 20m | 2108 | 22m | 2312) 206 | 20 w= FE Gy 0) Mace BagSe Man GE) 2 | 196 | 409 | 1942 | 2036 | 2120 2225 | 2321 | 2417 | 2sis | 2018 Fir x | sae | to | cous] zias | 22m | 2am | 2a | 25m | ace | are et ating Fired hema of Meee i 48 Maa The allowable nozzle loads are bounded by the area 25 | rsi0 | zor0 | 2s | 222 | 221s | 2ais | 2522 | 200s | 2754 | ase Of Fer 0, Mae a 26 | 1997 | 2000 | aus | 2301 | 2407} asis | 2623 | a7zs | 2340 | 298s EXAMPLE: Determine Resultant Force and Moment 2 | 0a | aim | aan | aye | aa | 2a | 271 | ze | aon | ou Be=315 re erema car 28 | 2140 | 2.251 | 2364 | 2.478 | 2.593 | 2.708 | 2.825 | 2943 | 3.062 | 3.182 * fh 15 Re) 315, 2 | 2216 | 2332 | 2499 | 2566 | 2685 | 2805 | 2926 | 3.008 | a.m | 3295, p= 875(f2)= 875 Gs) 35 ()-25- 30 | 2295 | nar2 | ss | 2655 | 778 | 2902 | 3027 | 313 | 3261 | 3409 From Figure 1,a=440_ From Figure? Z=1,070__ From Figure, = 340 1M aT 154 NOZZLE EXTERNAL FORCES AND MOMENTS: IN CYLINDRICAL VESSELS (continued) Calon Pr Ss 2 e2)- 2057. 5-08)= 14950 ei 0, SEF it NOTATION: P= Design Pressure, pounds per sq. in. = Dimensionless Numbers ry = Nozzle Outside Radius, inches 4 = Dimensionless Numbers Ry = Mean Radius of Shell, inches Fuz = Maximum Resultant Redial Force} T= Shell Thickness, inches oundst 5, = Yield Stength of Material at Design Mio Maximum Resultant Circumferentia| Temperature, pounds per square inch Momentm inch-pounds © = SwessDuetoDesianPresaure,povnds Maur Maximum Resultant Longitudinal Mo} ec are eal ‘ment, inch-pounds* S. = StressValucofShel! Material pounds Fir ~ Maximum Resultant Foree, pounds* per square inch, Fay = Maximum Resultant Moment, inch B pounds* Y *Use aboot values, @ = Dimensionless Numbers REFERENCES: Local Stresses in Spherical and Cylindrical Shells due to External Loadings, K. R. Wichman, A. G. Hopper and J. L: Mershon — Welding Research Council. Bulletin 107/August 1965 — Revised Printing — December 1968, Standards for Closed Feedwater Heaters, Heat Exchange Institute, Inc., 1969. = 2 eeeeeee NOZZLE LOADS Fig.1 DESIGN 157 NOZZLE LOADS Fig.3 Eee gee geen 156 NOZZLE LOADS peren eh geeen es nN geen A Beeren ee 158 159 NOTES REINFORCEMENT AT THE JUNTION OF CONE TO CYLINDER UNDER INTERNAL PRESSURE. At the junction of cone or conical section to cylinder (Fig. C and D) due to bending and shear, discontinuity stresses are induced which are reinforcement to be compensated. DESIGN PROCEDURE (The half apex angle a <30 deg.) 1. Determine P/S,E; and read the value of A from tables A and B. 2, Determine factor y, For reinforcing ring on shell, y = S;E, For reinforcing ring on cone, y/S.E- "FABLE A - VALUES OFA FOR JUNCTIONS AT THE LARGE END. PIS, Ei] 0.001 | 0.002 | 0.003 [ 0.004 | 0.005 [ 0.006 | 0.007 | 0.008 | 0.005 Avdeg! 11 | 1s | is [21 [23 [2s [27 [285 | 30 "TABLE B- VALUES OF A FOR JUNCTIONS AT THE LARGE END PS, 6 10,002 | 0.005 [ 0.010 [0.020 [0.040 | 0.080 [ 0.100 | 0.135%) ‘A, deg. 4[ 6 1 9 [is tins | 2 [27 [30 A= 30 deg Tor greater value FPS, E ‘When the value of A is less than @, reinforcement shall be provided. 3. Determine factor k =» /S, E, (Use mi 4, Design size and location of reinforcing ring (see next page). jum 1.0 for & in formula). NOTATION E= with subscripts 5, or rmoduls of | Rcsinside radius of large eylinder at large tlastcityofshel con orrinforcing end of cone, in Fing material respectively, ps, Revinside rads of mall ylinder small See charts beginning on page 4 for end of cone, in modal of elastic = withsubsrpts, corrallovable sess 25> wit suberpis Yor 2 effciensy of Ut shel, cone or rinforing material ‘relded joins in shel or cone Pi respectively. 1 minimum required thickness of cylin- For compression der at the union, in welds ‘= actual thicknes of cylinder tthe june- f= axa oad at age end due to wind, tin, in. dead fod, etc excluding press," = minimum required thicknes of cone Tin, atthe junction in ‘i= axial load at small end due to wind, actual thickness of cone tthe junetion, dead load, ee excluding presse, i thn, a= half apex angle of cone or conical sec P= Design pressure psi tion, deg Qralgebraic sum of PR:/2 end Tin. A= angle from table A or B, des. Qe algebraic sum of PR./2 and fs Win. y= factor: S, Ey oF SE 160 tot REINFORCEMENT REINFORCEMENT AT THE JUNCTION OF CONE TO CYLINDER | aE TEE Se R GONE Ee | FORMULAS DESIGN DATA: «i, (_—_SUNGHTON AT THE LARGEEND: Eecs,~ 305 Tor modulus of cast, ps. MGs | Requred wee of reinforcement, 39 i. when tension governs EEE, = 10, joi ecieny in sel and one (ee notes) tom ) Br 7035 Jon effikency i reinforcing rng 4 nail load at age ann 1K (1-8) ana J =952 i, ail ond tsa end P internal design pressure R inside rads of large yinder Tee | Arsofexces metal forreinforeement, in | =A inideradn fama tiger £13,800 pst, allowable tess of shell materia Au = (i) V+ (tent) WRT eon @ 'S._ = 131800 psi, allowable stress of cone material 5514500 pt allowable stesso ring material ‘he nance fom he junction within which the atonal ein + [05¢b in’ felued min thicknes for sell yinder reeent shal be sated, in {$0.00 natal thickness of one an 4% = 0.4375 in,, actual thickness of large cylinder . | ft <037Siar actual wickness of smal elinder cen - Aca||., [te [oat in emed tne of cone tamale ae Pa eee iin which the centroid of the | = “| tu = 0.49 in., required thickness of cone at large cylinder FIG.D ae Using the same material for shell and cone. 0.25 x RG, ‘JUNCTION AT THE SMALL END ‘Required area of reinforcement 4 sq in. when tension governs (see notes) BE (ame ‘Area of excess metal available for reinforcement 4,, 54. in Aus (te/ 9 008 (@—A) (t—t) VRats + (te/ te) X08 (aA) (t-—tr) VR Teo a ‘The distance from the junction within which the centroid of the reinforcement shall be situated, in. ‘The distance from the junction within which the centroid of the reinforcement shall, be situated, in 0.25 x vi THOTES, Wen ate son competed ec mpl ts cindy PRT HorPhe apace sagr habe mascot Ee ee ease ee the rules of he Code, Secon Vill, Division 1°) ane ‘When te rer made ot oo me oka scons of dient ape anges wiht, ted whe apr nl es ar an 50d. Senay Sebo spn sae Bastar prio penn cary ao pe a 1. PISEr= Feds =0.0036 from tableA A= 19.8 Since A is less than o reinforcements is required. 2. Using reinforcement ring on the shell I= SE= 13,800 x 30 x 108 3. Factor k= y/S:Ey 13,800 x 30 x 10 / 14,500 x 30 x 106 Use k= 1 4. QL=PRi2 fi, Io/in, = 502100 +800 = 3,300 Ibvin. 5. The required cross-sectional area of compression ring - -A) 3300100 ( j 2. in. E (a= T3,800%1 (fan 30% 4.6959 The area of excess in shell available for reinforcement: tet) Rite (te tr) Rife eos 429)x VIOOXOABTS + (0.5 -0.49) x VT00 0.57608 30° Using 1 in. thick bar, the width of ring: 4.55/1 = 4.55 in. Location of compression ring: Maximum distance from the junction = vif, = V100 x 0.4375 = 6.60 in. Maximum distance of centroid from the junction = 0.25 vRit,= 0.25 V100 x 0.4375 = 1.65 in. 162 | 163 REINFORCEMENT REINFORCEMENT AT THE JUNCTION OF CONE TO CYLINDER AT THE JUNCTION OF CONE TO CYLINDER EXAMPLE (continued) | UNDER EXTERNAL PRESSURE SUNG TION AT SOLALL CYLINDER) es Reinforcement shall be provided at the junction of cone 1. PS, E)~ 0.0036; from table B A= 5* Since A is less than c, reinforcement is required. Factor 7 = 5, E,= 13,800%30 x 10° The regu eop ecto es of compression ng 4, = SBE (tog) tan a= URES PA -$ tan 30° = 8.94 sq, in. ‘The area of excess in shell available for reinforcement: Aus (t/ 1) 608 (A) (=) WR (elt) X 05 (@— A) (te-t,) vRicTeos (0.395/0.36) x cos (30-5) x 0.375 - 0.36) x V84x 0375 + (0.510.41) cos (30-5) x (0.5-0.41) x VBEXO-STe0s 30°= 0.77 sq. in, Ay ~ Ae 8.94-0.77 * 8.17 59, sion ring. Using 1% thick bar, the required width of the bar: 8.17/1.5 = 5.45 in. Location of the compression ring: Maximum distance from the junction: vit, = V84 x 0.375 = 5.6 in. Maximum distance of centroid from the junction: 0.25 vit, = V84 x 0.4375 = 1.5 in. Insulation ring may be utilized as compression ring provided itis continuous and the ends of it are joined together. the required cross sectional area of compres Since Uremomeut of inertia of the ring is not factor, the use of fat bar rolled ceasy-way is more economical than the use of structural shapes, To eliminate the necessity of additional reinforcement by using thicker plate for the cylinders atthe junction in some cases may be more advantageous than the application of compression rings. to cylinder, or at the junction of the large end of conical section to cylinder when cone, or conical section doesn't have knuckles and the value of 4, obtained from table E, is less than a Zt TABLE E- VALUES OF A PISE | 010.002 [0.005] 0.010 0.02 ]0.04 j0.08]0.10 desl o | s | 7 | 10 | 15 | 21 | 29/33 PISE [0.125 | 0.15 | 0.20 | 0.25 |0.30]0.35 Adee! 37 | 40 | 47 | 52 | 57 | 60 ‘@= 60 dog, for greater values of PISE ‘Note: Interpolation may be made for intermediate values ‘The required moment of inertia and cross-sectional area of reinforcing (stiffening) ring — when the half apex angle avis equal to or less than 60 degrees — shal be determined by the following formulas and procedure. CS [a _ | LY FIG. F Determine P/SE, and read the value of A from table E. Determine the equivalent area of cylinder, cone and stiffening ring, An, . sq. in, (See page 48 for construction of stiffening ring.) by , keto “os Ano Ea a, Calculate factor BB = + (21) where Lee = PM + Rina Ly RARE Fe=PM+fiuna Ma Bena, Ly, RoR From the applicable chart (pages 43 thru 47) read the value of 4 entering at the value of B, moving tothe left to the material/temperature line and from the intersecting point moving vertically to the bottom of the chart. For values of B falling below the left end of the material/temperature line for the design temperature, the value of 4=25/E. Ifthe value of Bis falling above the material/temperature line forthe design temperature: the cone or cylinder configuration shall be changed, and/or the stiffening ring relocated, the axial compression stress reduced, ‘Compute the value of the required moment of inertia For the stiffening ring only: For the ring-shell-cone section: Di An. AD: An. na fs" T09 Select the type of stiffening ring and determine the evaifable moment of inertia (see page 95) of the ring only J, or the shell-cone or the ring-shell- tion J? 164 ss REINFORCEMENT FETHESUNGHION On cote nO CYLINDER AT THE JUNCTION OF CONE TO CYLINDER (continued) (continued) If For is less than J, or I’, respectively, select stiffening ring with larger ‘moment of inertia 6. Determine the required cross-sectional area of reinforcement, An, $9. (when compression governs): Rtn py, (PRL- Oty A a= ABBE fy (EBL) 2] [NOTE: When atthe junction the compressive loads determined by PR/2 or PR/D are exceeded by fo ftensional loads respectively, the desig shall bein accordance with U-2 (g (as safe as those provided by the Code Section VII, Division 1.") ‘Area of excess metal available for reinforcement: Au $9. in.: Aus = 0.55 \Dibs (te * te/ 008 @) ‘The distance from the junction within which the addi shall be situated, in, al reinforcement VR ‘The distance from the junction within which the centroid of the reinforce- ‘ment shall be situated, in 025 VR, Reinforcing shall be provided at the junction of "| small end of conical section without flare to cylin- der. ‘The required moment of inertia and cross-sectional Jee area of reinforcing (stiffening) ring shall be deter- Li] | mined by the following formulas and procedure. 4 1. Determine the equivalent area of cylinder, cone and stiffening ring, 4, $q in. 4 — of) le Ann a od, ; 2, Caleuate ator |4 Bn a(Ge we] where F= PN+ fitan Rana Ly Re Re IG.G NaQ~ ++ Cane 3. From the applicable chart (pages 43 thru 47) read the value of 4 entering atthe value of B, moving to the left to the materialtemperature line and from the intersecting point moving vertically to the bottom of the chart Forvalues ofB falling below the left end of the material/temperature line forthe design temperature, the value of A = 2BV/E, If the value of B is falling above the materialter line for the design temperature: the cone or elinds configuration shal be changed, andor te st 1g relocated, the axial compression stress reduced. 4, Compute the value of the required moment of ine For the ring-shell-cone section: For the stiffening ring only: 7, -ADids pn ADEs e109 he 140 5. Select the type of stiffening ring and determine the available moment of inertia, (Gee page 95) ofthe ring only, and ofthe ring-shell-cone section, /' If or is less than Jor /, respectively, select stiffening ring with larger moment of inertia, 6. Determine the required cross-sectional area of reinforcement. Ay, 89. in: Ana HOsRatan ee SE. ‘Area of excess metal available for reinforcement, Aa.q. in. a= 058\Di [lhe] * (ety) cos ‘The distance from the junction within which the additional reinforcement shall be situated, in WR ‘The distance from the junction within which the centroid ofthe reinforcement shall be situated, in. 025 VRite [NOTE When hereducersmadeoutoftwo ormore conical sections ofdiferentapexangles ‘without knuckle, and when the alf apex anges greater than 60 degrees the design maybe base on special analysis. (Code 1-8 (@) and (6) NOTATION Ae * area of excess metal available for 4, cross-sectional area ofthe sifen- reinforcement, sq in ing ring sq, in Aa. = requiredareaofreinforcementwhen Ar = equivalent area of cylinder, cone Qeis in compression, sin and stiffening rng, 59. in. dn ~ requiredereaofreinforcementwhen B= factor Qcisin compression, sq. in Dt, = outside diameter of cone or large end of conical section, in. 166 167 REINFORCEMENT REINFORCEMENT AT THE JUNCTION OF CONE TO CYLINDER AT THE JUNCTION OF CONE TO CYLINDER, (continued) EXAMPLE outsdediameterofeylindricalsbel, stelljunetionand one-third depth DESIGN DATA in cofhead onthe other end ofthe large Dy = 96 n., outside diameter of large cylinder D ae oe ‘at small end of L saieimith ey D, = 48in., outside diameter of small cylinder a c += design engh ofa yesel section in E_ = 0.7, efficiency of longitudal welded joints F ilomen teal beniectoaese ‘nee the conetosmaleshl of shell and cone. ™ wlpr butt melds compression, “juetion and an adjacent sitfeing E, E, E=30x10, modulus of elasticity of shell, E = withsubseripts ¢, rr smoduls of ao ‘cone and ring material, psi lasticy of cone, reinforcement or for unsiffened vessel section: dis fi = 100 IbJin., axial load due to wind shell material respectively, psi lecnipeaaieens stirdtodeyts fo = 30 IbJ/in., axial load due to wind, k= SEdSaEx but not less than 1.0. othendon theotherend ofthe seal Lz = 120 in, design length of large vessel fi ~ axial oad at large end due to wind shel section ln, Theva sale L, = 244 in,, design length of small vessel aarp saxialcompressveforceduetopres- Le = 48 in. ; taken as positive in all calculations se an aa ond. P= 15 psi, extemal design pressure 1 = available moment of inertia ofthe outside radius of large cylinder, in. R, = 48.00 in outside radius of large cylinder stiffening ring, int ‘outside radius of small cytinder, in, toll, = 24.00iin. outside radfus of small cylinder available moment of inertia ofcom- llowable working stress, psi. of Design temperature =650°F S; = 13,800psi.maximumallowable working L a Ls bined ring-shell cross-section, in. ‘Thewidth oftheshell whichistaken as contributing to the moment of inertia ofthe combined section: LiovDa required moment of inertia ofthe stiffening ring, int. required moment of inertia ofthe combined ring-she-cone cross- section in axial length of cone, in. lengthofconealongsurfaceofeone, or distance between stiffening rings of cone, in. design length ofa vessel section, infor stiffened vessel section: the distance between the cone-o-arge shell unetion and an adjacent sti ing rng on the large shel for unsiffned vessel section: the distancebetweenthe cone-t-large- ‘cone material, allowable stress of reinforcing ma- terial, psi = allowable stress of shell material, = actual thickness of cone without ‘corrosion allowance, in. = minimumrequiredthicknessofeone ‘without corrosion allowanee, in ‘actual thickness of shell without allowance for corrosion, in. = halfapex angle, deg. = valueto indicate need forreinforce- ‘ment, from table E, deg. stress of shell and cone material. ‘Se = 12,700 psi. maximum allowable working stress of reinforcement mate- rial + = 0.25 in. minimum required thicknes of large cylinder. 1 = 0.1875 in, minimum required thickness of small cylinder. fe = 0.25 in. actual thickness of cone. t= 0.25 in. minimum required thickness of cone. 4, = 0.25 in, actual thickness of cylinder. JUNCTION AT THE LARGE END 1, P/SE=15/13,800 = 0.0016; from table A= 4 since A is less than cr, reinforcement is required. 2. Assuming A= 0, An = Litd2+Ltd2+A, = = 120 0.125 + 48 x0.125 +0=21 in?, Rema, Le RE-R?__ 48x0S7I4, 120, 48-20 MoD +e 3Rean 2 * 2 *3xaBKOSTIE Fi= PM +f tan a= 15 x 66.9 + 100 x0.5774= 1061 168 169 REINFORCEMENT. AT THE JUNCTION OF CONE TO CYLINDER EXAMPLE (continued) REINFORCEMENT AT THE JUNCTION OF CONE TO CYLINDER EXAMPLE (continued) 75 x 1061 x 96/21 = 3636 (0003 from chart on page 42. 4, Required moment of inertia of the combined ring-shell-cone cross section: pe ADIs _ 9.00035 x96 x21 09 109 5. Using two 2% x % flat bars as shown, and the effective width of the shel: 1.10 x Dis = 1.1 Y96x.025 = 5.389 in,, ‘The available moment of inertia: 5.365 in. (see page 95) 32 ins It is larger than the required moment of inertia. The stiffening is satisfac- tory. 6. The required cross-sectional area of reinforci SE, _ 13,800x30% 108 _ be So * TSO TOSTOE a Pe 1 =!848 00 < 400 aa ADA Of PB =) 2] . 10d 4805774 fi -o2s(SX88=480) 5). an2in2 ‘The cross-sectional area of the stiffening ring is 2.5 in’. Itis larger than the area required. ‘The reinforcing shall be situated within a distance from the junction: VR, = V48 x 0.25 = 3.46 in. The centroid of the ring shall be within a distance from the junction: 0.25 VRifs = 0.25V48 x 0.25 = 0.86 in. JUNCTION AT THE SMALL END 1. The conical section having no flare, reinforcement shall be provided. 2. Asuming Ay=0, Ars= Lif/2 + Letal2 + As Any = Lill 2+ Leto! 2+ Ac™ 244 x 0,25/2 + 48 x 0.25/2 + 0 = 36.5 in, Rytance by, RE-RE _ 2AKOSTA 244 48-242 N-“3-+3 + Rena 2 ++ oxtax sm = 149-7 in 1.09 Fe= PN + fytan a =15 x 149.7 +30x0.5774 = 2263 23. BDs _ yy4(2263.x48)_ B=z A - sal Sx ) = 2232 Since value of falls below the left end of materiatemperature line: A= 2 BIE = 2x2232 /30 x 106= 0.00014 Required moment of inertia ofthe combined ring-shell-cone cross section: ppm AD2 Ars _ 0.00014 X48? X3655 = 1 08 ins 09 109 {Sin Using 2% x ¥% flat bar, and the effective shell width: 1.1 Va8x0.25 = 3.81 in, ‘The available moment of inertia 1.67 in. (see page 95) Itis larger than the required moment of inertia; the stiffeningiis satisfactory. ‘The required area of reinforcing: = = PR: 15x24 it k= 1.09 Om PR 4 fe 15x24 + 30=210 Ibvin, On Fh fe 1x in. Area of excess metal available fr reinforcement: VRE (et) + Ril Ae ‘corn t+ VRute (ts = VERS (0.25 - 0.25) + BAKO (0.25 - 0.1875) = 0.153 in? An Ae= 0328 - 0.153 = 0.175 in? ‘The area of ring used for stiffening 1.25 in. Its larger than the required area for reinforcement. ‘The reinforcing shall be situated within a distance from the junction: Rit V24x025 = 2.44 in, and the centroid of the ring shall be within a distance from the junction: 0.25 Vit, = 0.25 V24 x 0.25 = 0.61 in. 170 WELDING OF PRESSURE VESSELS ‘There are several methods to make welded joints. In a particular cae the choice offs type fom the mamerovsalteates depend on 1. The circumstance of wedi The requirements of the Code The aspect of economy 1 THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF WELDING. In many cases the accessibility of the joint determines the type of welding. In 1 small diameter vessel (under 18 - 24 inches) from the inside, no manual welding can be applied. Using backing strip it must remain in place. In larger ameter vessels if a manway is not used, the lat (closing) joint can be welded from outside only. The type of welding may be determined also by the equipment of the manufacturer. 2. CODE REQUIREMENTS. Regarding the type of joint the Code establishes requirements based on service, ‘material and location of the welding. ‘The welding processes that may be used in the construction of vessels are also restricted by the Code as described in paragraph UW27, The Code regulations are tabulated onthe following pages under the ies: a. Types of Welded Joints Goints permitted by the Code, their efficiency and limitations of their applications.) Table UW-12, b. Design of Welded Joints (CTypes of Joints to be used for vessels in various services and under cer- tain design conditions.) UW-2, UW-3 ¢. Examination of Welded Joints The efficiency of joints depends only on the type of joint and onthe degree of ‘examination and does not depend on the degree of examination of any other Joint. (Except as required by UW-11(@)(5) ‘This rule of the 1989 edition of the Code eliminates the concept of collective qualification of butt joints, the requirement of stress reduction. 3, THE ECONOMY OF WELDING. IF the two preceding factors allow free choice, then the aspect of econo must be the deciding factor. me ™ Some considerations concerning the economy of weldings: Veedge preparation, which can be made by torch cutting, is always more eco- ‘nomical than the use of Jor U preparation. am Double V preparation requies only haf the deposited weld metal requted for single V preperation. Increasing the size of a fillet weld, its strength increases in direct proportion, wl the depouted wed meta ceaes whe our fs aes Lower quality welding makes necessary the use of thicker plate for the vessel Whether using stronger welding and thinner plate or the opposite is more economical, depends on the sizeof vessel, welding equipment, ec. ‘This must be decided in each particular case

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