Project Proposal Unit13

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UAL Awarding Body - Level

3 Diploma

Unit 13 - Project

Name Phoebe Keillor-Wright

Pathway Art and Design
Project Title Dyslexia
Section 1: Rationale (Approx 100 words)
Looking back at all the projects that I have explored helped me to see what
processes, media and techniques I was good at. I will focus on my strengths in
graphic design and prints as thats is where my strengths areas well as being
independent on gathering all the different research and what I might create, I will
keep these strengths with me for my FMP so I am able to achieve a high grade with
everything I have learned from the past units as this will help me to show off what I
am capable off in the areas I am more talented in.
Section 2: Project Concept (approx 200 words)
I want to do creatively explore Dyslexia and intend to use my graphic design and
print skills to produce a thorough and sustained body of research work around this
complex subject. Im interested in Dyslexia as I have the learning difficult my self,
which I will have for the rest of my life, there are different types of Dyslexia and not
everyone has the same type it can be mild or severe. I want to show what its like to
people without dyslexia what some dyslexic people have to go through in day to day
life using patterns and text together.

I will gather my primary research from the Manchester Art Gallery, Whitworth Art
Gallery and Liverpool where I will look for different patterns, words, etc. I will also
take picture of people who have dyslexia and make the image represent Dyslexia by
having the image blurry, overlapping and more. I am also going to look at
interviewing people and email different people so I can get information on where
they think I should look into. I will create a questionnaire to see what non- Dyslexic
and Dyslexic feel and know about Dyslexia.

I will also look at secondary research through the internet and books in order to
collect a range of information on Dyslexia. Look at effects of dyslexia, different types
of dyslexia, tests, artist who show dyslexia in their work and are Dyslexic (Nick
Fagan, Rachel Deane, Leslie Chavez, Ash Casper) etc.

I want to create a message of Dyslexia and how it effects people who have it as each
person doesnt see the same thing, I want the person viewing my work to think
about what is being represents and the meaning behind the work. Different
experiments will be generated using materials like collage, paints, illustrator and
Section 3: Evaluation (approx 50 words)

UAL Awarding Body Level 3 Diploma Project Proposal Doc.

I will be setting myself targets in my notebook each week and will discuss and
evaluate all the work I do. This will allow me to plan my time and I will look at my
action plan to see what I need to do that week, so I can work independently, work
will be annotated showing the strengths and weakness, materials and processes I
used. I will reflect on my work in my sketchbook, notebook, action plan, worksheets
and my weekly planner. One to one tutorials with my tutors and group critiques will
give me opportunities to question and evaluate my work further: was the research
any good, could I get more refined research. I will evaluate my body of work
Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format)
I will use the Harvard referencing system to go through my sketchbook and notebook
and my annotation of my work to make sure the words are in my own language and
to make sure I havent used WIKI and if I have used any writing from the internet or
book I will reference them I will create a bibliography at the back of my sketchbook
showing all the books and website I have used to get information.

Bibliography in back of sketchbook.

When looking at all the different documentaries, books and websites it gave me a
better understanding on what Dyslexia is and the different types off Dyslexia, these
helps me in my research but also gave me a background how other people maybe
effected by Dyslexia.

UAL Awarding Body Level 3 Diploma Project Proposal Doc.

Week Activity / What you are intending to Resources / What you will need to
do - do it -
including independent study including access to workshops

1 Going through the Unit 13 I will use a notebook and sketchbook

Assessment Criteria see what is to make sure I know what I am doing
being asked of me and Project for the unit and what is being asked
Proposal. Looking at different of me.
themes and where I can get primary
and secondary research
2 Research on the two themes Notebook, I will use my sketchbook
Dyslexia and Music backgrounds and draw out different mind maps of
each themes and say things about
Primary images of the faces of the theme but also where I would
Dyslexia people and disfigured the get primary and secondary research
image (like the mind of dyslexia from.
words get disfigured)
3 Primary images from the Whitworth After choosing a theme I will take
Art Gallery (portrait), Manchester Art will take a Camera, sketchbook,
Gallery (impressionists) Notebook to visit the different art
(Wednesday 22nd March) galleries the so I show what area of
theme I will be looking at.
Research Artists
From the images I collect I will
Experiment with primary images, experiment with them to connect
drawing, illustrator, Photoshop the to my theme of Dyslexia
4 Researching about Dyslexia from Looking at dyslexia as a hole it
test, different types of Dyslexia etc.
gives me a whole view of what
dyslexia involves and how different
I will also collect information from people have different types of
emails, interviews and questionnaire dyslexia.
to see what other people think about
5 Dyslexia
Experimenting I will use different materials to
experiment with using primary
imagery and secondary to show I
have arranged of materials.
6 Experimenting Worksheets / sketchbooks,

7 Start discussing an outcome start Notebook generating different ideas

making final project. of what am outcome could be.
8 Start working on a outcome/ Notebook

9 Last week of making the end Notebook


Start doing evaluation all the step

been through to create my work
10 Evaluation Notebook, sketchbook

Look at the work to see what I need

to add or sort out the work with
annotations and making to work look
presentable on board for the show.

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