Long Span Bridges Dynamic Structures1

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Long span bridges &

dynamic structures
wind engineering & architectural aerodynamics

London | Hong Kong | Kuala Lumpur | Abu Dhabi | Dubai | Shanghai | Houston
Long span bridges are highly wind sensitive structures. Due to their Wind Climate Analysis
relative flexibility and behaviour as line-like structures they are prone The specification of design wind speeds for structural, site-specific wind climate models are generated for each
to wind driven dynamic resonance. serviceability and environmental design requires careful development that can also provide detailed resolution of
analysis of long-term wind statistics. BMT has access to wind directionality and probability of occurrence.
Over the course of their design, bridge designers are barrier designs means that these structures require global wind record databases, which provide long-term
Where required, generic wind models are complemented
required to verify aerodynamic stability over the full specialist wind studies for cost-effective and safe design. wind statistics for extreme wind events including synoptic
through detailed topography models and non-synoptic
design wind speed range not only with respect to vortex and non-synoptic wind patterns including e.g. Typhoon,
Due their relative flexibility and aerodynamic shape, wind pattern modelling. Wind climate studies are
shedding phenomena but also with respect to divergent Shamal, and Thunderstorm.
masts and so-called special structures such as spires or accepted throughout the world by local regulatory
instabilities such as flutter and galloping.
antennas - like long span bridges, are highly susceptible By application of sophisticated industry-standard wind authorities as a basis of design and deliver a robust basis
This applies not only to the deck of the bridge but also to wind-driven instability, which in the case of divergent models of the atmospheric boundary layer and extreme for reduction of inherent conservatism in code specified
to supporting structures such as pylons. With ever- instabilities can lead to structural failure in low-cycle value statistical analysis of storm records, design windspeeds.
increasing span of bridge decks and the implementation fatigue.
of innovative design concepts such as multiple deck
Accordingly, in the design of these structures it is
arrangements and airfoil like cross-sectional shaping,
imperative to thoroughly study dynamic wind interactions,
bridge designers are challenged to make reliable
which can often be mitigated through aerodynamic shape
predictions for dynamic wind loading and dynamic
changes and/or adjustment of structural parameters such
stability for these structures, which are not well described
as damping.
by applicable codes of practice.
Detailed study of these types of structures employs
In the case of footbridges, complex structural
testing and wind modelling methodology that is
arrangements in which there are non-linear interactions
analogous to that used for long-span bridge deck
between the deck and supporting structures such as
arches and pylons together with architecturally styled Hurricane NOAA/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY Topography Model

Key Services Key benefits

Section model studies
Wind climate analysis Cost-effective and safe structural design
Structural load & dynamic response analysis Code compliance verification In cases where the aerodynamically-driving portion
of the structure either is of constant shape or can be
Aerodynamic stability analysis Interactive solution development approximated at such, section model testing in an
Aerodynamic solution development Iterative design optimisation aeronautical wind tunnel provides a technically robust,
validated and cost-effective approach to quantification of
Damping system simulation
steady aerodynamic load coefficients for a full range of
wind angles by direct measurement using dynamic force

Bridge Section Model

Tel: +44 20 8614 4400 Fax: +44 20 8943 3224 Email: enquiries@bmtfm.com Website: www.bmtfm.com
Section Model Studies cont

In addition, section model studies can be carried out

using multi-degree of freedom dynamic spring mass
damper systems, which allow the dynamic properties of
the full scale structure to be imposed on the wind tunnel
model at model scale such that critical wind speeds for
occurrence of vortex shedding and divergent instability
Aeroelastic Footbridge Aeroelastic Road Bridge Aeroelastic Bridge Pylon
can be directly assessed in the wind tunnel through
measurement of dynamic responses using purposely
placed accelerometers. Full Aeroelastic Model Studies
Section Model Mast

Section model studies are ideally suited for solution In cases where the shape of the structure is highly three-dimensional,
development studies as they allow cost-effective and or where there are complex structural interactions between linked
time-efficient iterative testing of different aerodynamic subsystems of the structural systems (e.g. bridge deck and support
shapes and ranges of structural parameters e.g. pylons) full aeroelastic modelling of the complete structure at small
damping ratios, frequency ratios and dynamic mass. scale in simulated boundary layer flow can provide robust study of
This in turn provides designers with an opportunity fluid / structure interactions that govern critical wind loading and
Bridge Pylon (linear mode model)
to use the wind tunnel as an interactive tool to deliver aerodynamic stability scenarios. Though this modelling approach is
aerodynamically optimised design solutions that comply significantly more involved, in terms of complexity of the wind tunnel
with performance targets. models that it requires, it is nevertheless a well-proven technique for
assessment of effects such as buffeting as well as dynamic instabilities,
especially when applied in conjunction with section model testing. BMT
Vortex Strakes has substantial experience and capabilities in this specialised form of
modelling, having applied it to numerous long span bridges and special

Aeroelastic Sculpture

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

BMT maintains a resourceful in-house numerical-modelling group that

specialises in the application of state-of-the-art CFD to wind engineering,
based on extensive research and development. There is an increasing
level of confidence that CFD can, at an early stage in the design of
long-span bridge design, be used to provide preliminary assessments
of the 2D aerodynamic characteristics of bridge decks, to provide initial
design guidance ahead of detailed design stages, when validation of key
Dynamic Response Load Coefficient vs. Wind Angle performance parameters through wind tunnel testing must be regarded as

Tel: +44 20 8614 4400 Fax: +44 20 8943 3224 Email: enquiries@bmtfm.com Website: www.bmtfm.com
For further information contact:
Tel: +44 20 8614 4400 Fax: +44 20 8943 3224
Email: enquiries@bmtfm.com Website: www.bmtfm.com

BMT Fluid Mechanics Limited, 67 Stanton Avenue, Teddington, Middlesex, TW11 0JY, UK

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