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Jin Lu and Jing Luo Demystified for Taijiquan, Tui shou, Da Recent Posts
Shou, and San Shou Ma Dang Yangs 12 Star
acupuncture points and Taoist
Posted on June 5, 2015 by Administrator
Constitutional Acupuncture
Two very different Chinese terms: Jin Lu is path of Power for fa jin Formulas Study Guide II
emitting force and Jing Luo is the qi paths used in acupuncture. I-Ching Book of Changes for
Life Philosophy , Martial Arts,
and Tao Harmony
Jin/Chin is intrinsic strength Diagnosis and Internal
Medicine in TCM
The chin [intrinsic strength] should be Tai Chi Fighter Essential Links
Pediatric Tui-Na Massage for
rooted in the feet, Infants and Children
generated from the legs, 2017-2016 Gallery Images
controlled by the waist, and Herbal Formulas of Traditional
Chinese Medicine
manifested through the fingers. Face Reading in Traditional
-Taiji Classics Chinese Medicine
TCM points in relation to
Kundalini Yoga and Ay urveda
Structure and 3 Dan tien:
alignments for Taijiquan
training from a TCM
Wu Ji posture, Yu Bei, and Gall
Bladder 31 point: Feng Shi :
Wind Market
The official Yang Family Tai
Chi Chuan forms
12 channels, 2 vessels, and
extraordinary points in
Traditional Chinese Medicine

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Training these Jin Lu pathways (path of intrinsic force) is not so hard. Joint loosening November 2014
September 2014
warm-ups, stretches found in the Yi Jin Jing (Shaoln muscle change classic), Ba dua Jin (8 August 2014
Piece Brocade qigong), Hua Tos 5 animals, Kung fu stretching, Stance work, and Taijiquan July 2014
form will all work on the Jin Lu pathways. This will in turn have an effect on the muscle June 2014
May 2014
tendon areas and Jing luo (acupuncture meridians) found in the meridian theory of April 2014
acupuncture. March 2014
December 2013
November 2013
In my opinion, the clever use of linking up Yi (Intent), Qi (vital force), and LI (physical October 2013
structure) into the Yin and Yang Arm and Leg tendon-muscular regions described in July 2013
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is the secret of Jin Lu. It is nothing extraordinary, nor June 2013
March 2013
mystical. It happens everyday whether you know it or not while you train Taijiquan Tao October 2012
Lu (forms). It has rather become a trendy term to talk about the Secrets of September 2012
Jin, however it is rarely talked about. Most competent masters do not even July 2012
February 2012
discuss this, it is usually scholarly folks on discussion boards that bring up these terms September 2011
and translations. August 2011
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In regards to this information: It comes from several sources:

First of all, back in 1996 before we went to Shanghai China for the 3rd Shanghai Wushu
Festival, our Sifu Weiqi He had some special private training for the competitors who will
be doing the group Yang Taijiquan form. In this training, she said that many of these
details of pathways would come as feeling in the hands and fingers and that one of Yang
Chen Fus scholarly students wrote about them in detail in one of the books. I can only
think that would of been Chen Wei Ming or Tung Yie Jie.

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However Mastering Yang Style Taijiquan by Fu Zhong Wen translated by Louis Swaim
also touches on them.
Fu Zhong Wen with Yang Chen Fubook by Louis Swaim

Jin Lu are almost about the same except I used the classical names having learned
them from TCM school: Yang ming, Tai Yang, Shao yang, Tai Yin, Shao yin,
Jue yin). Our teacher Sifu Weiqi, like Louiss translation of Fu Zhong Wens book, was
how I was originally taught using: which finger, wrist, Ulna, and Radius bones, palm, etc.
Her English was just good enough to have totally new feeling when performing the form.
Our form performance is here:

see 2:00 minute mark: USA Yongnian Taijiquan Team in Shanghai China
First Place, 1996.

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Louis Swaim who translated Fu Zhong Wens books says:
I think that section (especially pages 39-42) in Fu Zhongwens book on jindian
(energy points), yunjin (moving jin), and jinlu (jin paths) is one of the best
features of the book. I think its a succinct, intuitive way of understanding and expressing
optimal body mechanics, but more importantly how the intent directs movement. As Fu
stated, In using the consciousness to thread to a given position, the consciousness
arrives, then the jin arrivesthe place where the consciousness is concentrated will then
have a resulting sensation. (p. 42)

To my knowledge, neither Dong Yingjie nor Chen Weiming wrote extensively on jinlu.
However, you might want to check out Chen Yanlins writings in Brennans translation
here: en-yanlin/

Chen Yanlin used the term several times. In the section on Neutralization (huajin it
appears twice, where Brennan translates as the path of his energy and the path of
your energy. Then in the splendid section on Issuing (fajin ) it appears in the
opening sentence to an excellent paragraph that really summarizes jinlu: When you
begin to learn issuing, you should first know the pathways of energy [ ]. Later, in the
section on Break (jue ), it appears in the phrase, , which
Brennan translates: and you will also be unable to know the path of the opponents

Techniques for Tui Shou, Da Shou, San Shou:

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The second time I heard about 12 special regions (that sounded like the 12 tendon area
at least) was from Tui Na Massage and Taijiquan teacher Madame LeAnne Gehan who
was taught the 36 Liang Gong Shir Ba Fa set along with a class that did theses 2x each: 24
yang form, the 48 Combined (Chen, Yang, Wu, and Sun) form, and the 42 Taiji Sword
(Chen, Yang, Wu, and Sun)form . She said that the Liang Gong Shir Ba Fa trained the
body well, it was combined for that uses the Ba Dua Jin, Hua Tos 5 animals, the Yi Jin Jing
(Muscle changing classics), and more. Madame Gehan said there are 12 tendon/meridian
systems that link up to the head. Her English was poor and so she used a translator. Since
then, when seriously injured, I would fall back on the 36 Liang Gong Shir Ba Fa set.

Madame LeAnne Gehan from Shanghai

The third teacher to talk about meridian systems to me and Taijiquan is Sifu Cheng
Xianhao. He translated alot of material and wasa long time student of Master Zhu Liang
Fang in association with Jiang Yang-ke, a disciple of Yang Chen Fu. They are from
Hangzhou China, just south of Shanghai. Xianhao competed in push hands and worked with
many push hands players in Hangzhou. Hangzhou Taiiquan team at one time was second in
the country. One of the champions of that team taught xianhao a gong set that he used for
competition and so it was normally are pre-push hands power qigong as a warm- up set.

Some of these Tui Shou power qigongs are described here:

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Sample of a few of the Power gongs for Tui shou

Xianhao, Zhu Liangfang, Jiang Yang-ke

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Jing Luo, not the same and Jin Lu but I want to talk about them
Pathways in which qi and blood of the human body are circulated. Pertain to Zang-fu
organs interior and extend over the body exterior, forming a network and linking the
tissues and organs into a organic whole.

Jing luo- composed from two words, jing mai ( ) or meridian channels and the luo mai
( ) collaterals.
Jing- meridians- the main trunk, run longitudinally and interior within the body.
Lou- collateral- represent branches of the meridians, run transversely and superficially
from the meridians.

System of meridians and collaterals:

12 Regular (Internal and External pathways)
8 Extraordinary
15 Collateral
12 Deep/divergent
12 Tendon/muscle regions
12 Cutaneous regions

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12 Muscle Tendon Region in Chinese Medicine-

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Xianhaos translation on Taijiquan and Meridian pathways.

1. Beginning of Taiji:

2. Grasp the Sparrows Tail: This posture also promotes stimulation to lung, large
intestine, heart, pericardium and triple warmer (the 6 hand related) meridians, which can
function as a release for the heart and a draining of the lungs of sick Qi. nourish the heart
and calm the mind. Qi to the earth through the bubbling well accupoint also plays a role
in increasing the strength of the kidney meridian.

3. Single Whip: As the waist turns left, the left kidney slightly sinks down and the right
one slightly floats up. This soft motion is excellent for massaging the kidneys. This posture
also exercises the stomach, the urine bladder and the Ren Mai and Du Mai meridians.
Since the wrist is the spot where most meridians connect, the Single Whip wrist motion
stimulates all the meridians at the same time, which helps the healthy coordination of the
total body function.

4. Lift Hands: These movements will benefit the heart, stomach, spleen, kidney, urine
bladder, and gall bladder and liver meridians.

5. White Crane Spreads its Wings: the triple warmer meridian and adjusts the Qi
and blood circulation. It functions as cleaning for the liver and nourishing the lungs,
strengthens the stomach and spleen, and calms the mind as well. The motion in the feet
and heels also stimulate the stomach and liver meridians.

6. Brush Knee and Push: emphasizes Laogong and Bubbling Well accu-points.
stimulates the lung, heart, pericardium and kidney meridians.

7. Playing Guitar: This posture stimulates the He Gu and Shen Men accu-points
which can help unblock the Lung, Large Intestine, Small Intestine and Heart meridians.

8. Ward Off Monkey: During this posture one side of the waist that steps back feels like
it is floating upward, while the other side, with the substantial step may feel like it is
sinking down. This motion massages ones kidney which strengthens the kidney function
and benefits the belt, Ren and Du meridians. It helps the circulation of Qi and the
blood circulation so as to be helpful for balancing the bodys total function

9. Diagonal Flying: In this posture, the right arm stretches up high while the left arm
moves downward. This forms a posture with a diagonal extended direction, which also
extends the body upward. This allows the release of stale air and the intake of more fresh
air. Thus, it exercises the lung meridian, and improves the flow of both Qi and blood.
Because of the focus in the toes, it also stimulates the three Ying and Yang meridians of
the foot.

10. Fist Under Elbow: This posture has us dropping the right wrist with the mind
focused on the Shen men acu-point, while holding the right fist inward. This stimulates
the meridians linked with the wrists and gets the Qi moving. With the right foot stepping
on Bubbling Well acupoint and left foot insubstantially stepping on the heel with the toes
up, it efficiently exercises the heart, kidney, liver and spleen meridians, which adjusts and
compensates the Qi of the heart and kidney, and also helps the Qi pass through the
triple warmer meridian, and strengthens the waist and knee.

11. Picking Up the Needle From the Sea Bottom: This technique bends the waist,
sinks the Kua, and drops the shoulder all at the same time, which extends and stretches
the back muscles on the side of the spine. In addition, it stimulates the urine bladder, which
can improve the blood circulation and promotes the healthy function of immune system.

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12. Fan Through the Back: The opening and spreading out of the arms to the opposite
directions opens the chest and the lungs, which stimulates the heart, pericardium and lung
meridians. This posture can increase the lung capacity, raise the heart function, and
improve the blood circulation. In addition, the stepping on the bubbling well acupoint can
strengthen the Qi flow in the kidney meridian.

13. Turn Around and Chop: The turning in this posture flow enables the waist to
loosen and tighten on each side. It exercises the urine bladder, liver and gall bladder
meridians. When loosely holding the fists with middle fingers lightly pressuring on the
Laogong acupoint, it stimulates the pericardium and triple warmer meridians and drains
these meridians.

14. Wave Hands Like Clouds: The smooth turning of the waist to both sides along with
the flowing arm movements exercises the neck, chest and abdomen muscles in a wide,
effective range. This posture stimulates the related meridians especially Ren and Du
meridians, which improve the Qi and blood circulation to the extremities and internal
organs. This then can help the healing of related conditions such as spinal pain, nervous
system problems, urination problems, and abdomen bloating or pain.

15. Fair Lady works on the Shuttles: Through the changing of substantial and
unsubstantial weight distribution of the legs, the arms turning in different directions, and
the distinct waist motion, this four-sequence posture exercises the muscles and meridians
in head/neck, chest, abdomen, crotch and hip. The smooth contracting and releasing of
muscles stimulate the production of heat and metabolic chemicals that increases the
metabolic rate and activate the bodys meridians. More important, this motion will also
activate the resting immune cells. Because of the rhythmical turning of the body, it also
stimulates the front chest and causes the stimulation of the chest gland that can release
substantial amount of active immune peptide compounds. These substances can play a role
in the monitoring of mutation of cells (cancer) and destroying them.

16. High Pat On The Horse: This technique emphasizes the exercise of the abdomen
muscles. The contraction and release of the abdomen muscles can improve the blood
circulation of the organs in the abdomen area to stimulate Qi in the Ren meridian
(Reception vessel), kidney and liver meridians.

17. Separate Legs ( left and right) The movements of arms and legs in large angles
stimulate the twelve hand and leg meridians. These have certain functions in aiding the
healing the chest, lung, eyes, throat, spleen, stomach, liver and kidney problems.

18. Turn Around And Kick: This posture stimulates the six (Ying and Yang) hand and
leg meridians and has the same benefits as Separate Legs (above).

19. Hit The Tiger: The motion of the hands and fingers in this technique can exercise the
twelve hand and leg meridians. In addition, the stepping on the Bubbling Well accu-
points and the rolling on the heels will stimulate the kidney meridian, which will improve
the facial Qi and blood circulation. This improved Qi and Blood circulation can act to
produce positive reactions in the brain, which in turn can depress, or release possible
pathological problems caused by chronic decease and then stimulate healing.

20. Hit The Ears: The high hitting with fists stimulates the six hand meridians. The
extending and opening of the back muscles stimulate Ren, Du, Belt and Chong
meridians and the urine meridian. The solid stepping on the Bubbling Well accu-points
helps to strengthen the Qi of the kidney. All of these functions play an excellent role in
adjusting the Qi and blood circulation, which benefits the healing and prevention of
urinary and gynecological problems.

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21. Kick With Heel: The smooth and big motion of the leg and arms in an extended
range can help increase the blood circulation in the heart, and air circulation in the lung.
This helps the Qi and blood flow fluently, which balances the internal organs. The arms
split apart along with the kicking motion stretches the tendons and muscles, which is
helpful for healing any damage in the joints and soft tissues.

22. Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg: Standing on one leg alternately exercises and
strengthens the abdomen muscles, and stimulates the movement of the intestines. These
movements can eliminate extravasated blood, promote good blood circulation, and regulate
the function of the female reproduction organs. This posture can also help develop a
healthy liver, gall bladder, spleen and eye health.

23. Snake Sticks out Poison Tongue: The rhythmic turning around exercises the gall
bladder, and liver meridians. In addition, the closing and opening of the palms with ones
mental intent exercises the pericardium and triple warmer meridians. The exercise of
these meridians has the function of calming the mind and sharpening the eyes, as well as
prevents or heals problems in the liver, gall bladder, heart and blood system etc.

24. Punch Downward: This posture puts an emphasis on the alternate substantial and
unsubstantial motion of ones left and right chest muscles. It exercises the nervous system
along the spine, and stretches the back muscles. The gall bladder meridian passes through
on both sides of the spine. Stimulation of the gall bladder meridian can raise the bodys
immune ability and heal related organs.

25. Snake Creeps Down: The opening of the hip ensures the replenishment of both Qi
and blood in the abdomen area. Also, this posture allows for the release of tightness of the
spine vertebrae one by one during the movement. This posture also makes the sacrum fit
and loose, and internal energy pours into Hui Yin accu-point, which increases the Qi in
Ren, Du and Chong meridians. This posture has the function of increasing the Yuan
Qi, and improving kidney function, which in turn benefits the healing of any problems
associated with urination, semen emission, prostate, hemorrhoids, and a prolapsed anus.

26. Step Up to Form Seven Stars: From Snake Creeps Down to Stepping up To Form
Seven Stars, the internal Qi moves from the Hui Yin to Chang Qiang accu-points then
to the Bai Huiaccu-point. This posture strengthens the Qi in both the Ren and Du
meridians, which has the function of releasing excess heat, being good for the brain, and
massaging the liver. In addition, it can lift the internal organs for those who have internal
organs that have dropped down.

27. Step Back and Ride The Tiger: As the arms form a ring like shape pointing in
opposite directions, the upper body opens and extends, which can function in regulating the
breathing, cleaning the liver and nourishing the lungs, stomach and spleen. This position of
the feet can exercise the six foot meridians so that it benefits the adjustment of the triple
warmer meridian, and in turn stimulates the circulation of the blood and causes the
muscles and joints to relax.

28. Turn Around With Lotus Kick: The Lotus Kick allows the abdomen, back and
chest muscles to have a spiral motion, which increases the stimulation of the twelve hand
and leg meridians all at the same time. This benefits the circulation of blood and Qi, in the
chest and abdomen, which prevents or heals any problems with ones breathing, heart,
blood circulation and nervous systems.

29. Shooting the Tiger: With this posture the Baihui will be up and Yongquan down.
This technique strengthens the flow of the internal Qi from the Baihui to Yongquan.
It stimulates the Du Mai and kidney meridians. The motion of the coiling fists and arms
will also benefit the heart, small intestine, pericardium, and trip warmer meridians.

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According to modern medical theories, this coiling motion of the arms and wrists can
relieve pressure on the neck arteries which can reduce blood pressure and expand the
coronary arteries.

30. Twist Step and Chop: The coiling motion of the arms and wrists stimulates the
small intestine, pericardium, heart, stomach, and liver meridians. This is helpful in healing
problems with digestion, rib pain and the problems caused by these related meridians.

31. Apparent Closing: This posture stimulates both the Lao Gong accu-point (on the
middle of palm), and Bubbling Well accu-point (on the bottom of foot). It strengthens the
pericardium and kidney meridians, which is helpful in preventing and healing problems
associated with the heart, blood circulation, digestion, reproduction and the urinary tract

32. Cross Hands: The opening and closing of arms in a large range of motion increases
the oxygen intake by the lungs and heart, which also strengthens the meridians of the
heart and lungs. Stepping solid on the Bubbling Well accu-point increases the Qi in the
kidney meridian. This may efficiently increase the practitioners vitality so as to prevent or
heal problems with the heart, circulation and breathing

33. Closing of Taiji: Bubbling Well acu-points, stimulates the lung, large intestine and
kidney meridians.

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Extraordinary Vessels in TCM

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Part II: BAguazhang: Training 48 month palm with Sifu Park Bok Nam and
Gao Baguzhang Tian gongs with George Wood.

About Administrator
Coach Matt Stampe is a Database Administrator and I.T. professional. In the
world of Bodywork, he has been a Massage Therapist, and is currently a student
at Virginia University of Oriental Medicine ( He has taught
hundreds of people Authentic Tai Chi Kung fu for over 25 years at places
including: Kung fu schools, Parks and Recreation centers, Chinese schools,
Martial arts clubs, MMA/Boxing gyms, and Acupuncture Universities. He has
positively impacted peoples lives whether for health, sport, strength, and spirit.
As a true combat athlete and fighter, he teaches realistic methods so people can
be confident to defend themselves. (without all the woo-woo mystical BS.)
View all posts by Administrator

This entry was posted in Fighting: San Shou/Sanda/Shuai Chiao, Tai Chi Chaun/Taijiquan and tagged da shou, jin lu,
jing luo in taijiquan, tai chi combat, tai chi fighting, tui shou. Bookmark the permalink.

Massage on Acupuncture points to enhance your Health Chuan Zhang ~ Piercing Palm : complied by Bradford

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