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Professional Teaching Standard & Evidence Source

Focus Area Addressed

Standard One - Know students and Final Prac Report (3rd Year) Final Prac Report completed by
how they learn. Supervising Teacher at the end of third
Focus Areas year placement.
1.2, Understand how students learn. Special Education Case study 3026.
1.3, Students with diverse linguistic, Special Education 3026 case study
cultural, religious and socioeconomic assignment completed in 3rd year.
1.4, Strategies for teaching Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander students
Standard Two Know the Content Literacy Lesson Plan Year One Constructed literacy lesson plan for Year
and how to teach it. Third Year Placement. one class, whilst on 3rd Year Placement.
Focus Areas
2.1, Content and teaching strategies
of the teaching area.
2.2, Content selection and
2.3, Curriculum, assessment and
Standard Three - Plan for and Special Education Case study 3026. Special Education 3026 case study
implement effective teaching and assignment completed in 3rd year.
Focus Areas
3.2, Plan, structure and sequence
learning programs.
3.3, Use teaching strategies.
3.5, Use effective classroom
Standard Four - Create and Final Placement Report (3rd Year) Final Placement Report completed by
maintain supportive and safe learning Supervising Teacher at the end of third
environments. year placement.
Focus Areas
4.2, Manage classroom activities.
4.5, Use ICT safely, responsibly and
Standard Five - Assess, provide Literacy 4748 Assessment Task Literacy 4748 Assessment Task 1,
feedback and report on student providing feedback to three different
learning. students on their results.
Focus Areas
5.1, Assess student learning.
5.2, Provide feedback to students on
their learning.
Standard Six - Engage in Goals for the week Prac experience. Goals discussed with CT for the week of
professional learning. teaching ahead. (3rd Year Prac)
Focus Areas
6.3, Engage with colleagues and
improve practice.
Standard Seven - Engage Letter to parents stating Intent. Written letter to parents explaining who I
professionally with colleagues, am, and my role within the classroom for
parents/carers and the community. the duration of my prac experience.
Focus Areas
7.1, Meet professional ethics and
7.2, Comply with legislative,
administrative and organisational

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