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The Flowers of the Underworld

Unbelievable pressure, from this comes a beautiful thing
How can a mineral be talking process?
Issue of structure, but not a PT thing
Ive be pressurized
Before my light can come out I had to go underground
Ive been oppressed, like Ive been underground and held down
Now I need to step out into the light and shine

Out of the Underworld, from the depths of the earth,

The only thing to travel between the light and the dark
Bound, Trapped, Hidden, Locked away
Out and Sparkly and release vs. hidden in darkness
Hidden in depression, despair
Battle between higher self and lower selfreconcile opposites
The lower aspects: animal images; violence, abuse, and want of feeling
The enlightened attitudes: positivity, big picture consciousness, and
awareness/understanding and spiritual
Emerald, Rubytension between male female, yin and yang, Amethystis love and
hate, Diamond is about life vs. death
Ego, Beauty and Perfection, Desire for wealth/ego
Boundaries, power and individualization , how to be this beautiful thing, development of a
personal that is unique and valuable
Crisis's of faith, need a spiritual perspective in everything they do
Need for precision and order

(Introduction to the Gem Family, by Peter Tumminello

Gemstones, so strongly imbued with radiance and colour, stand apart from more common
substances. The ancients thought them to be of supernatural origin. Robert Boyle, the physicist,
remarked that they are the rare and noble products of nature, reflecting on the fact that they
have always captured the imagination and the eye which searches for beauty. Their most
distinguishing traits are rarity, beauty, and durability. Nature has surely been bounteous with the
fruits of the Earth but ungenerous with its rare jewelled beauties. They are the product of a
remarkable transformation of common rocks under heat and pressure, often deep within the
Earth. They were credited with power over disease and misfortune, and the ability to confer
traits and abilities like invincibility (Ruby) and divination (Topaz).
Historically, they have had no ordinary practical use but have been sought after by nobility as
icons of beauty and stores of wealth. Those of esoteric or spiritual leaning have recognized in
them a store of subtle powers and sacred connections. Most famously, the breastplate of the
high priest of Israel was studded with twelve gemstones. Now, their use as a technology is well

established in precision instruments (Diamond and Ruby) and even in beauty products (Pearl).


A journey through Hades
The Earths crust is a solid layer on an ocean of molten magma and the majority of gems have
precipitated out of this primordial pool of minerals. Even the Pearl naturally comes from the
ocean depths. Gems are the flowers of the underworld and as such have a power over the
forces that move in the depth of the psyche, whether they be familial, cultural or racial. They
include the vast gamut of human programs and limitations, the structures that prevent us from
finding our true potential, and the physical diseases that accompany them.
Taking the gems is a journey through the depth of the psyche. Hermes, the god of science,
knowledge, healing, occultism, and alchemy was the only one who could freely enter the
underworld of Hades, return to the Earth and enter the realm of the gods. The gems relate to
the death of various parts of self, the various elements by which we identify ourselves, and by
which we are bound. Interestingly, there is a tradition that Hermes gem is Emerald, which is the
gem of guidance on the journey of undertaking great tasks. Because of their very nature, the
gems as a group are our company on such a journey, through the roots of our conscious and
unconscious behaviors, and belief patterns. They have the power to take us down into the
unconscious for a purging, an experiential purification, an expelling of unwanted dross.
This is a mysterious and unknown journey and the signposts of the gems light the way,
otherwise the traveler through this subterranean world would no doubt be lost. These comments
come from observing the experiences of many. The gems are outstanding for gaining strength,
awareness, trust, and inner guidance during the process for this journey.
I have found that the deepest energetic perception of the gems is a sense of imprisonment,
which is often expressed as such or as if in a grave, shackled, trapped, hidden or locked
away, with no hope of escape. This inner feeling or sensation has a direct correlation with the
signature of the gems in that they have been locked away in the underworld since time
immemorial, with no seeming way to express the joyous glory of their colour, power, and
presence. When released by nature or the hand of man, all its expressions are exposed and
illuminated. There is a clear correlation on the mental plane with depression, as an expression
of a hopeless existence or situation.
Another way of expressing this is hidden and released or out of the darkness into the light.
The light in gemstones is imprisoned until it is freed by outside forces, mostly by mining; the
intelligent application of human skill. This appears clearly as a state in a number of the
medicines. The prime example is Diamond who feels he is imprisoned, buried by his own
negativity and despair, a powerful theme mentioned many times in the proving. The Diamond
character may end up in prison or feeling as if imprisoned by his relationship, work or social
order. This theme appears strongly in Black opal, Diamond, Ruby, Emerald, Golden topaz,
Sapphire, Morion, and Pearl.
Instinctual vs enlightened attitude
Commonly manifest in the gems is a battle between the lower aspects of self, the more animal,
instinctual or inert aspects of human behaviour, and the aspects that enhance an intelligent
response to our world of experiences. The lower aspects are highlighted in the animal images;
violence, abuse, and want of feeling that pervade the gems as a group. The enlightened
attitudes are highlighted by the positivity, big picture consciousness, and
awareness/understanding that the gems evoke.
There is a feeling that these opposites need to be reconciled and there is a strong conscious

tension between them that is often expressed as the desire for connection, whether with self or
others. This desire for connection is a search for the solution to the tensions between these
natural worldly and emancipated thoughts. In Diamond, for example, it is the desire to connect
with perfection versus the stress of doing so, without understanding that it involves a process
and the need for loving oneself. In Sapphire, the tension is between survival instincts and the
maintenance of ones caring humanity.
Familial alignments
Gems are geometrically aligned minerals. Elements in compound form act on relationships. In
gems, there is a seamless and orderly bonding between the atoms which comprise them. This
relates to the integrity of our personal relationships and particularly to families. The most
common elements in the gems are Aluminium and Silicon, which are pivotal in series 3
elements and the formation of relationships. We see from clinical experience and provings
that the gems have an unusual power to align familial structures that have broken down
or are dysfunctional. Amethyst, Golden topaz, Lapis lazuli, Black opal, and Ruby have been
outstanding in this regard in clinical and proving settings.
Yin and yang
Many crystals are the result of the resolution of powerful elemental forces that appear
irreconcilable. Yin and yang, light and dark, good and evil, male and female, life and death, fire
and water, love and hate, confusion and order are all recurrent themes of the gems. There is a
distinct current of consciousness grappling with the larger issues related to these forces, not
unlike the forces of nature that are aligned to produce these marvellous substances. For
example, fundamental male/female issues are largely dealt with in Emerald and Ruby, love and
hate in Amethyst, and life and death in Diamond.
Crystallized belief systems into the Light
When talking to a gem-cutter about a beautiful red zircon I had cut, we were admiring its
magical beauty and he commented and it will only last you 400,000 years! Gems are old,
really old and are indicated for the oldest and most solidified of belief systems. Those beliefs
about race, religion, sexuality, and the nature of human existence are particularly at stake.
Sapphire, Black opal, and Lapis are the outstanding remedies for gaining a new perspective but
many of the gems generate a powerful change in consciousness and perspective. Have you
ever heard of the phrase he has got rocks in his head?
Ego and exclusive rights
The words rare, precious, special, and valuable are all attributed to the gems. They were
originally mostly reserved for the upper classes and nobility. People have always sought to have
exclusive rights over a gem because it is such a valuable, prized, and revered object, or
because of their implications with money and power. This lands them in the realms of inflated
ego, whereas in the positive it is about giving credit, benefit or power where it is due, where it
will be appreciated and used to good effect. Diamond is the pre-eminent ego destroyer and
other gems, particularly Ruby and Sapphire, are able to topple powerful egocentrics.
Transformation and alchemy
The production of gemstones is an alchemic/transformational process in itself. Dull and ordinary
rocks are heated, brought together, and subjected to stupendous heat and pressure within the
crucible of the Earth, during which time they are purified and transformed into a structure of
lasting beauty that is able to receive light and express it with its own characteristic virtues. The
conscious desire for transformation is a fundamental theme in Black opal. The change from
negative to a positive focus by destruction of the ego in Diamond is perceived as a
transformation. The will to transform is implicated in the Diamond state: dreaming of body

transformation and giving the strength to transform oneself.

Abuse, betrayal, violence, and protection: This set of characteristics is particularly prevalent
in the gems. They relate to the story of gems which, because of their rarity, value and beauty
naturally induce desire, lust, and violence. They are about extreme passions and obsessions.
This is particularly evident in the gems Diamond, Sapphire, and Ruby.
Beauty: search for beauty and perfection is a theme of the gems.
Boundaries and light: A crystal can be described as a solid body bounded by plane surfaces
or faces, which are an external expression of a geometrical arrangement of atoms. Amethyst,
Black opal, and Quartz crystal all have definite issues with boundaries. This theme also conveys
the power of individuation, the development of a persona which is decidedly unique and
valuable, even eccentric.
Faith: The gems work at this level, evoking faith in self, faith in ones own abilities, faith in ones
relationship to spouse or family, faith in a Higher Power. A crisis of faith commonly calls for the
prescription of a gem.
Geometry, order, and structure: Geometric images were particularly prevalent in Sapphire,
Amethyst, and Diamond. Ruby, Quartz, and Diamond are outstanding for the need for precision
and order.
Heat, pressure, and passion: in the hard gems, which are produced under enormous heat and
pressure far below the earths surface or are metamorphosed due to the movement of
continental plates a sense that the heat is on, pressure is high, and intense passion are
evident themes. This is particularly true of Ruby and Diamond.
Imagery and symbolism: Some images common to the gems appear in many provings:
Animals feature strongly as symbols of essential instinctual impulses related to violence,
sexuality or control.
Giving birth and babies relates to the birth of new or renewed consciousness and concurrent
death of the old. It is particularly prevalent in Diamond, Ruby and Lapis. Faeces and toilets
correspond to expelling incumbent and unwanted feelings and thoughts.
Flower imagery often refers to the colourful blossoming of feelings, love or expression through
various gems.
Volcanoes with obvious affinity to their origins associated with heat, pressure, and the eruptive
quality of emotions and expressions associated with many gems.
Gods, saints, masters and holy men indicate the spiritual, universal aspect of self, the inner
Spinning force or machine appears in a number of medicines.
Spiralling force relates to the generation of energy on the deepest levels in the human system;
the chakras.
Sun and Moon are symbolic of the essential egoc self the essential feeling self and feature
very prominently in the medicines.
Intellect and memory/focus and concentration: Since internal order is the natural signature
of all gems, it can be easily understood that they have a great power over the ordered
intellectual processes, clear thinking, rationality, and memory. The gems often enhance focus
and concentration.
Out of the body grounded: Gems are minerals of high specific gravity but transmit light,
which is the finest of substances. Accordingly, those who need the gems are often very material
and grounded, or very etheric, or they alternate between the two.
Elemental affinities: The gems include elements from series 1 to 3 and there are strong

affinities. Diamond is an obvious one with its issues about self-worth (series 2) and with its
accent on independence, balance, fixity and sense of self (stage 10). Many gemstones,
especially the precious ones, have inclusions of series 4 metals: eg Sapphire includes titanium
and iron. Many of the themes of this series of metals are evident in these gemstones: control;
being put to the test; order and task.
Colour: the use of the symptom of colour choice, as expounded by Ulrich Welte in Colors in
Homeopathy, is a veritable sword of clarity for choosing the right gem for an individual; the
gems are often deeply characterised by colour choice. (see information on individual gems
The fact that gems are transmuted substances themselves infers their inherent ability to express
a state of transcendence, qualities that are vastly greater than the sum of their constituents.
This of course corresponds to their interaction with humanity: in Ruby, he is so human (in his
compassion) he is more than human; in Pearl, he reaches a transcendent state of realization
through emotional rectification so that he becomes like a serene swan sitting on a perfectly still
lake; in Diamond, through a mental purification and rectification he reaches a state of absolute
clarity about his own nature and its value in spiritual and human terms.
There is often a strong sense of spirituality in those who need the gems. For some they need a
spiritual perspective on everything they do: they may be focused on a spiritually centered
activity like healing; they might be channelling energies and spiritual healing or need crystals
around themselves. Often, they have very strong spiritual goals. I find there is commonly a
conscious search for a spiritual (higher or more universal) virtue or experience as a fundamental
focus of their life.
Spiritual vs material
The gems are indicated for those who sense a strong separation or tension between their
spiritual and material desires or worlds. This is often expressed as a struggle between good and
evil; Christ (or other spiritual ideal) and the devil; between egoic self and Higher Self; between
worldly desire and renunciation. An excellent example is seen in Golden topaz in the choice
between the world of material trappings and the renunciation of these, in order to find the inner
Christ, the cross, and crucifixion
Christ, the cross and crucifixion appear many times in these provings. These medicines are
definitely not exclusively for Christians and many other religions have been alluded to in the
provings. The reason Christs experience is most powerfully alluded to is clearly because of its
inherent symbolism of renunciation, suffering, and death; it is an indicator of transcendence
through suffering. This suffering relates to purging the small or egoic sense of self in terms of
material, emotional or mental desires and needs, as opposed to higher ideals that are for the
good of all, the all-encompassing spirit, and the Higher Self. The person needing the gems may
be carrying a cross in her life; being crucified for beliefs or principles; suffering a personal test
or being crucified by his own ideals or mission.
Sixth sense, energy awareness, and healing
The gems have long been associated with the supernatural power to protect against misfortune,
illness or danger, to act as an oracle (as the stones in the Breastplate of judgement of the
ancient Jews), and have long been used as talismans by many cultures. Paranormal faculties
are often relevant for individuals who use these remedies, be it before their prescription or as a
result of their action. During the proving of Diamond and other medicines various abilities were
developed, including clairvoyance, awareness of bodily energy fields, and the ability to see

auras. These finer faculties are developed by the field of the gem in much the same way as a
magnet induces a magnetic field by its molecular alignment.
Religion and renunciation: The gems enhance the experience of spirituality regardless of
whether it is tied to a set of orthodox religious practices, an innate sense of spirituality or in
those who are consciously travelling an inner mystic path of expanding consciousness. The idea
of religious renunciation, giving up material desires for spiritual ends, is very strong in the gems.
They are indicated for anyone who is sincerely working with this principle whether through diet,
relationship, money, possessions, thoughts or feelings. This theme is particularly strong in
Golden topaz.
Meditation: Most of the gems are particularly useful in meditation, though for differing aspects
of it, for instance Diamond is outstanding for stillness and great depth in meditation, erasing
thoughts and transcending the self to find the inner light.
Chakras: Experience of the chakras has been an integral theme of working with the gems. All
the gems were experienced in this way by one or other prover, whether in meditation or not. The
gems are light transmitters and the first place of fixing the inner light is in the chakras, the primal
energy centres of the body along the spine. The details can be found in Twelve jewels.
The gem medicines, arising from the combinations of many elements, are indicated for a vast
range of conditions. It has been noted, however, that they showed an unusually strong action on
heart and head, on the special senses, and on energisation of the whole system. More details
can be found in Twelve jewels and under the specific proving indications for each gem.
Golden Topaz immersion is made from the gem often called Imperial topaz. It has a deep
golden or even amber colour. It is indicated for those whose lives are locked up from fear, shock
or loss in the past. This often leads to depression, negativity or being out of the body and not in
this world. Once these scars of the past are released, there is energised enthusiasm, a personal
renewal, and a love of life is actuated. Because of its ability to clear away the past, it is excellent
for creating positive relationship and communication in a family, where there was previously
dysfunction and lack of communication. Spiritually, it is for letting go of the world and its trapping
and allowing you to make the pilgrimage within. It is the stone for spiritual retreats. It develops
devotional love; opening the heart to the divine. Physical: energises, strengthens, and produces
steadiness on the feet. It has an action on the liver and lower abdomen. Colour association:
golden yellow 3C.
Morion immersion is made from the variety of quartz crystal that is black but is transparent on
holding it to the light. It is a remarkable medicine for those who are hindered in their life by past
events, tainted memories and feelings that have been left on the refuse heap of the
unconscious mind. It is often related to physical or emotional abuse, where the feelings and
memories are suppressed. These people are trapped in the darkness of their past. The release
of the memories is often cathartic and intense yet leads to resolution and reconciliation.
Physically: this medicine works on the lower bowel and urinary system. Colour association:
Rhodonite immersion is composed manganese silicate and the material used in the
preparation is from New South Wales, Australia. It is the medicine for those who desire wealth
but are too selfish and aggressive in seeking it. For these people, a sense of generosity and
self-sacrifice is developed. Others who need it may be doing all the right things in life but are
unable to save or get ahead in a material way. For them, it opens the flow to abundance.
Spiritually, it is indicated for compassion, selflessness, and the suffering for your beliefs or the
greater good. Physically, it is a great energiser. It is indicated for physical trauma, much like
Arnica montana. Colour association: pinkish red and black.

Black Opal (wanting for life, heat, sex)

Silicon Dioxide, H2O, Carbon and Ferrum
Reaction to Heat and Light, Bearer of death
Exhaustion (Ferr)
Sexual suppression, Freedom from imprisonment of societys making, Stuck, sick of their life,
wanting for life, heat, sex
Invisible to your enemies

Diamond (Perfection, Hard)

Carbon series, an uber-carbon (Same chemical composition as Graphites)
To connect with Perfection, Unyielding, Invincible, Sparkling, Dazzling
Can take great pressure but sensitive to violent shock,
Feels separate and detached, Cloudy mind
Work-aholic side, Driving others to be perfect, Hard on themselves and others, highly self-
Between Life and Death, Spiritual

Emerald (Snake-like, Envy, Female)

Beryllium, Chromium, and Vanadium Elizabeth Taylor, Grace Kelly
Very expensive, Very easy to break, Yielding, Adapting
Snake-like energy, male and female, yin and yang
Exhaustion and debility due to an overtaxed nervous system, nerves, alzheimers
Envy and jealousy, Hatred for those who had done well or better
Arrogance or haughtiness, manipulate emotions

Ruby (Male, Politician)

Corundum (aluminium oxide). (Just a red Sapphire) Chromium
Like a Politician, Focus on money and wealth, loss of heart felt feeling
Invincibility ** Too much yang
For the Heart, organs of digestion
Burden of responsibility in the form of a mission
Hardest gemstone besides Diamond, hard quality

Sapphire (Sharp, Platina)

Corundum, lots of Alumnia (Sim: Staph and Platina)
Princess Ann, Princess Di, Pure and Wise ruler, 10 Commandments
Rheumatism, Colic and Mental illness, nose crusts
Exploding, Anger and Outburst, Lots of heat!
Highly organized and efficient, yet resent it, Suffer like a martyr, Mean, envious, horrible
and nasty
Hold on to the past (like the monarchy, a figurehead of the past)

Amethyst (Spiritual, Sobriety, Piety, a spiritual phosphorus)

Spiritual, Sobriety, Piety
Phos like, Respiratory, Taxia, over-sensitive
Those people going for 7th chakra kinds of things, healing, spirituality, can I heal
these people, can I make this spiritual connection
In Christian church worn for piety, in Crown Jewels

Lapis Lazuli (Delicate, refined)

About communication, nurturing yourself
Very refined, very delicate
Search for meaning larger than the egoist self, aerial view of freedom and beauty
Quality of wealth

Pearl (refined and eloquent femininity)

Fragility, refined and eloquent femininity


Rose Quartz

Amethyst (Lap-q-am, Amet)

Silicon dioxide, Trace: Aluminum, Calc, Mag, Lith, Sodium
PHOSPHORUS LIKE (Respiratory ailments)
Crown chakra (purple) - Spirituality
To the five senses, when the five senses are overtaxed
Long for those places that feel like home (phos) yet Amet is a
spiritual home
Lots of mood swings and exhaustion
Difficulty concentrating while doing things
A lot of confusion
In Greek translation means: not drunken (belief if carried the stone
wouldnt get intoxicated)
Legends: Artemis, goddess of moon, Young maiden Amethyst, on way to pay tribute to
Goddess Artemis, ran into Dionysus (God of wine), and he was going to send tigers after
her, Artemis protected her my changing her into pure crystal stone, He feels bad and his
tears goes into wine and the wine into stone and thats how stone received purple color.
Associated with royalty, In British crown jewels
Piety, in Christian church worn for piety
A DRIVE: Fear not able to achieve all that they have set out to do (larger tasks)
Those people going for 7th chakra kinds of things, healing, spirituality, can I heal these
people, can I make this spiritual connection
Syphilitic miasm (from proving)
Connects with motor diseases, MS, Taxia
Weakness, fatigue, trembling
Trapped constricted in the chest
Restlessness (at night, in bed, etc.)
DD: Phos
Phos, a gas, more diffuse, about identity
Amet: a rock trying to be spiritual

Amethyst immersion is made from a strong purple variety of Amethyst. This substance is
crystallised silicon dioxide. It is now believed that structural anomalies produce its characteristic
colour. It is for those who are oversensitive and who easily pick up the feelings of others to their
detriment. It opens the heart to unconditional love for all. It is an excellent medicine for addictive
tendencies, especially alcoholism. It is a useful medicine for ailments of the respiratory tract,
including asthma and sinusitis. It is often indicated where Phosphorus has already benefited the
individual. Colour association: deep purple 12-14D

a variety of the mineral corundum (aluminium oxide).
(Just a red Sapphire)
Emerald, Rubytension between male female, yin and yang

Invincibility **
For the Heart, organs of digestion
Cardio-vascular system, palpitations, heart disease, easy
Burden of responsibility in the form of a mission
Like a Politician
Focus on money and wealth, loss of heart felt feeling
Too much yang
Contains Chromium
Hardest gemstone besides Diamond, hard quality

Ruby immersion is indicated for those who are suffering from the burden of responsibility in the
form of a mission. They tend to take on their life work in a religious way, forsaking the softer
and more human aspects of their being to complete their task. This results in too much
masculine or yang energy in their lives, a wounding of their feminine side. In some situations,
there is focus on money and power with a loss of heart felt feeling. All these states are resolved
by Ruby immersion and a wonderful attunement of heart will come into play. Physically, it acts
on the cardio-vascular system and is indicated for palpitations, heart disease, and easy
hemorrhages. It also has a specific action on the shoulders and head injuries. Colour
association: deep rich red 10C.

From Gem Website

For Personal Transformation: Ruby is the antidote for the broken heart. Working from the
heart center of your being, Ruby assists in creating emotional health and emotional intelligence.
Ruby invites altruism and a sunny outlook on life.
For Medicinal Purposes: Ruby is indicated in any heart disease and to prevent a heart attack.
It strengthens the heart and has a warming, energizing effect on the entire chest, alleviating
chest pain. Through this radiating warmth, Ruby stimulates and at the same time soothes the
digestive system, promotes digestive health, ups the metabolism and assists the lungs. The fire
of the Ruby stops internal bleeding and acts as a mild aphrodisiac.

But if a persons sun is afflicted by its enemy planets in ones horoscope then it may cause
defects in eyes and concentration. If ones sun is afflicted by Saturn, Rahu and ketu then he will
never have financial stability and will have less stable professional life. he will face many ups
and down in his life. also he will be deprived of government job or benefits from government job.
Weak and unfavorable sun can create health concerns like high blood pressure, irregular heart
beat, bilious nature, hemorrhage, cardiac problems etc.
Now if a person wears ruby stone then it will help in the development of soul force and will

create confidence, optimism and courage in him. This stone is very good for success in higher
competitive exams specially in Indian civil services.
Helpful in Diseases
It will help to cure peptic ulcer, fever, rheutism, gout, boils, itch and insomnia.
Ruby in combination with other stones helps to cure heart diseases.
people who are in these professions can take benefit by wearing ruby stone. These people
could be politicians as this stone ensures success in politics and Those who are in higher
offices or high positions. They could be trustees in public trusts, spiritualists, diplomats. People
who are associated with new inventions and need more fame and success in their lives can take
benefit by wearing ruby stone. Those who are engineers, connected with electricity, newspaper,
foundry, any business involving electricity and fire, computers, chemistry, printing, publishing,
research, mathematics etc. those who are concerned with medicines, physiology, medicine
research and surgery will be benefited by wearing ruby stone. Again people concerned with
agriculture, astronomy, military, space research, astrology, sports, metallurgists, writers, doctors
and engineers.

Diamond (Adamas)
Carbon series, an uber-carbon
Same chemical composition as Graphites
Balance and self worth in it
Between Life and Death
Can take great pressure but sensitive to violent shock

In Diamond, for example, it is the desire to connect with perfection

versus the stress of doing so, without understanding that it involves a
process and the need for loving oneself.
Diamond is about life vs. death

(from book, Study Group)

Hard on themselves and others
Status and Value are important
Highly self-critical
Over conscious of their flaws and stains on impurity
Saturn to diamond
Pressure of time and respto purify and uplift the soul
A time to bring oneself into spiritual integrity
When Saturn moves thru your chartdeep and chemically painful

Adamasfrom Greek, unyielding or invincible

Feels separate and detached
Cloudy mind
Hurried and impatient, trapped, can make them helpless and moody
Their sparkle, dazzling
They make a decision and change their mind, their decision wasnt good enough, make
a second one
Work-aholic side
Driving others to be perfect

Pains in throat, as if needles
Better drinking things, worse when throat dry
Sense ears are full of water, hearing sensitive or impaired
Headache from hunger, better eating
Deeply cold in their bones, sensation of heat, insides cold and outsides warm
Craving, alcohol, cheese, coffee
Dark rings under eyes

Diamond immersion is made from a whole crystal of colourless diamond, which is pure
carbon. This is an extraordinary medicine for chronic depression and many clients have
benefited from its action. The indications are suicidal feelings relating to self-hate, loss of faith or
loss of your most precious possession (be that a person, an object or ones sense of self).
Anguish, despair, and worthlessness are often associated. It is unparalleled in its drive for

perfectionism. On the transformed side, a great sense of positivity and self-love ensues from its
curative use. It is a staunch friend at the time of physical death, enabling the passing over to be
fearless and secure. It strengthens the will, enables one to realize his golden desire. Physically,
it acts on the head, sinuses, and anus. It has a specific power over viral diseases. Colour
association: white, sometimes black, or the rainbow of colours as a whole.

Pearl (My-e-p) Mytilus edulis pearl

Vs Conchilinum
Concerned about appearance
Environment clean, wants
Dreams about being in a womb
Issues of secretion on internal surfaces, catarrh, in nose,
Mainly in bone and joint inflammation

Manhattan bought with case and a double strand of Pearl
Connection with beauty
Created by a mistake, a piece of sand gets into it and then is surrounded to try to ward off

I was being squashed, crushed, squeezed, forced

Crushed into this darkness, closed over, not open
Weeping out of proportion to cause (secretion in response to slight invasion)
Great sense of depth
Long held emotions, grief
Source of connection seems loss
Great purity in everything
Too crystallized and inflexible
They close off to protect themselves
Sensation: my head is closing off
Strange claustrophobia
Abuse and injury, stabbed in the eye
A lot of smashing and breaking, you can smash a pearl
Anger, I feel like breaking everything
An echo: of having a shell, protection, solidity, isolated and detached
I felt very settled in my detachment
The Moon, the mistress of the tides, also looks like a moon
Desire to gaze at the moon

Blackness, boundaries, lack of, loss of, closed

Isolated and alone
Too open, suffocated, closed in, shut down, sensitive yet grounded
A prisoner in the dark
Fragility, refined and eloquent femininity
Irritation beneath the surface
Sense of personal value and worth
She was this wonderful oasis of calm and centeredness in all the turmoil of life
Luminescent, glow, radiant

Case: Pearl
Wide-eyed innocence, pure love, light, shine, polish

Pearl immersion: the Pearl is classically associated with and worn by women; in truth it
strengthens the feeling nature regardless of gender. It resolves panic, terror, irritability, over-
sympathy, and hysteria when associated with the sensitive feeling nature. It is for those who are

insecure and overwhelmed by their feelings. The positive outcome is firmness, balance, and
confidence, all centered in the feeling world. While Diamond immersion is a medicine of spiritual
mastery through the mind, Pearl achieves the same through perfect calmness and peace in the
feeling nature. It has a special action on the head (pressing headaches) and eyes (effects of
strain). It is an excellent remedy for travel sickness and jet lag. Colour association: White and
sometimes black.

Amber (Succ, Succinum pureum)

Female Remedy
Carbon, Organic and Fire

A fossil resin
Exuded from extinct conifer tree
Fossilized organic matter in the stone
Known are: semi precious stone

Titration proving
Its 500 million years old
Conifer Theme
Organic compound theme
Lycopodium conceptat one point pre-historic significant, now I am not
It electrifies with friction, if you rub it creates static electricity

Conifer: Injury, emptiness, estrangement

Organic: Confusion, themes of fire and explosion, (Ter, Pix)

Feminist power
Women competing with men
Dreamt: cut off a penis, had a penis and it fell off
Causation: overstrain, nervous system
Hysterical complaints
Respiratory tract, asthma and coughing, whooping cough
Big spleen remedy (usually related to asthma)
Chronic bronchitis
Hay fever, chronic nasal catarrh
Worse cloudy days, cloudy weather
Diarrhea or gastric issues with the Spleen

Ancestral, primal
Dream: about injury (Conifer)
Dreams about animals, cats
Ghosts, pursued by police, having heads cut off, about ex-lovers, Egyptians
Very dictatorial, LOVE power, HATE men, use a lot of MOCKING
Super fragile and want of confidencea lot of bravado (a lot of compensation)
Affinity: Dark: Fear of Dark, Aggr with Dark, Delusion sees dark objects, Fear of color black
Living in wrong time I should have been in Victorian era
Hard time dealing with time and space, always late, clumsy
Suicidal thoughts
Afraid of trains

Lapis lazuli
A mix of silica, alumnia
About communication
Very refined, very delicate
Search for meaning larger than the egoist self, aerial view of freedom and
To nurture
Quality of wealth

Strong creative component

Loosing memory
Clutter and piles, couldnt think about it
Really stuck, feeling under pressure
A lot of pressure through like
To be a certain image, to be a certain person
Very delicate

A quality of wealth about her

Relations with exotic people
Frail, refined, feminity
But a kind of toughness to her
She had lots of gemstones she was wearing
Married into wealth
An artist and a bookmaker

Lapis lazuli immersion is made from an extraordinary piece from Afghanistan. This medicine is
indicated for the search for meaning, that which is larger than the egoic self. It is also for those
searching for the cause of unhappiness or disease, or that which arises out of feeling tied to the
mundane trivialities of life. Its resolution is in seeing the bigger picture, the aerial view of
freedom, beauty, and larger perspective. It is also indicated for those who have not been
nurtured properly and it allows them to mother or nurture themselves. It improves
communication, freedom of expression, and connectedness in families. Physical: acts on the
thyroid and historically has a beneficial action on the eyes and sight. Colour association: royal
blue 15C-D.

Emerald (Lap-be-e)
Beryllium, Chromium, and Vanadium
Be3Al2(SiO3)6) colored green by trace amounts of chromium and
sometimes vanadium
Cardio-vascular system, eyes, heart, hearing
Very expensive
Very easy to break
Yielding, adapting, Unobtrusive
Snake-like energy
Complr: Lach, Aurum, Nat-m, and Caust
Emerald, Rubytension between male female, yin and

Hermes gem is Emerald, which is the gem of

guidance on the journey of undertaking great tasks.
Exhaustion and debility due to an overtaxed nervous
Regeneration of nerve tissue
Alzheimer's, epilepsy, brain injuries
When patient is giving up, when body has been so
injured its no longer viable vehicle

Desire to give up, so problems stop

Difficulty concentrating
Envy and jealousy
Hatred for those who had done well or better
Arrogance or haughtiness
Easy prey to those who manipulate emotions, or can manipulate others
In History (wear for women to be chaste)
Was Elizabeth Taylors favorite gem, she played Cleopatra, died congestive
heart failure
Grace Kelly was given a 12 carat Emerald as an engagement ring, adoration,
Grace was refined

Hardness of hearing
Sensation of constriction and lump in the throat
Healingput in mouth during epileptic attack
To prevent epilepsy (in history would wear)
Ancient Egyptians, believes stood for fertility and rebirth
For Eye conditions

Emerald immersion is the epitome of the rich green of nature, the abundance of life force.
Psychologically, it is indicated when one feels that their potential and desire for expression is
trapped and needs release. This is often associated with frustration and anger, related to ones
own incapacity or situation. The freeing of this feeling leads to a sense of strength and an ability
to undertake tasks that seem insurmountable. It is the medicine par excellence for balancing
difficulties in male / female relations and the inner masculine-feminine divide. It allows each one
to come to the relationship in their strength without aggressive power struggles or emotional
manipulation. Physically, it regulates and distributes heat in the body. It is excellent for

migraines and has an action on the cardio-vascular system and digestive tract. Colour
association: rich green 20-22C.

Sapphire (Sapphire)
Corundum, lots of Alumnia (Sim: Staph and Platina)
(Hahne Labs)
(Ruby is just a red Sapphire)

Can be any color depending on what is tinting them

Except if red, and then its a ruby

Princess Ann and Princess Di both received Sapphires as engagement

rings (Platina)
As a pure and wise ruler
10 commandments were once decorated with sapphires
Rheumatism, Colic and Mental illness
Connection to higher powers, astral plane
A Nose Crust, nose drips, dry in here

Exploding, Anger and Outburst

Affinity to Female Repro tract
Throbbing and Flushes (like Hot Flash)
Highly organized and efficient, yet resent it
Suffer like a martyr
Mean, envious, horrible and nasty, why cant anything nice happen to me
Youre a slave to your children
No one can do it good enough, critical of others
Nymphomaniaconstantly thinking about it
Issues about money and independence, to make money and buy lots of house
Feeling more independent, my own money and own bank account
Judgmental, critical and bear a grudge, husband had affair and never could forgive him
Hold on to the past (like the monarchy, a figurehead of the past)
Got rid of old baggage
(a sharp remedy)

Sapphire immersion is made from blue sapphires found in Oberon, New South Wales. It is the
medicine for warming the cold heart. Feelings are shut down from the harsh experiences and
traumas of life, from war and violence. This is often necessary for survival yet, when carried into
ordinary life it can become a hindrance to love, care, and compassion. It allows us to tear away
the masks which hide our true nature. It is also an excellent medicine for creative ideas; it opens
the mind to new perspectives of creativity and different views of world and its phenomena.
Physically, it is a medicine for inflamed arthritic joints. It is also indicated for tendinitis. Colour
association: deep blue 15-16D.

Quartz (Lap-q, Quartz)

Quartz crystal immersion is made from a clear

quartz crystal from Kings Bluff in South Australia. It is
a medicine for the ego, be it exaggerated or
diminished. It is for those looking for recognition, those
who have great ambitions be they intellectual, spiritual
or physical. The resolution of this state is the healing of
the tension that arises with these feelings and the
realisation that even the small in this world is an
indispensable part of the universe. He learns to go with
the flow. This medicine brings great visionary and
inner wisdom and connection with the spiritual path. Physical: it is a remedy for colds, flus, and
glandular swelling. It is also important for bone growth. Colour association: deep inky violet-blue

Quartz (Lap-q-r, Rose Quartz)

Components: Silicon Oxygen, Ferrum, Manganum, Titanium,
Phosphate, Alumina
NTS Circulatory system
Semi-preciousnot as the wealthy

(Proving found in ref works)

Has been found to be of use for those who are going
through a period of transition esp. after a period of
difficulty or isolation has come to an end.
In Stasiscannot move due to inability to make
decisions, or poor energy
Heart centered remedy About Love
Inability in making connections with other people: sense of distrust of others and even a fear
of them. Sense of isolation and abandonment which has led to despair. They feel trapped
within their loneliness and through this they lose a sense of purpose and have no direction
beyond everyday routine (which <<). They feel unappreciated and unacknowledged
because others cannot penetrate the wall of reserve or resentment or diffidence that they
have built up (like Nat. Mur.).
Brings miasmatic blocks to the surface - works well with Syph or Med
Useful for people who have spent a long time on recreational drugs but do not see the harm in
A remedy for 'the troubled soul'. (Caught in a negative phase)
An inexpressible sense of something amiss with life: a deep feeling of angst.
Lack of joy: too serious: lack of any levity and sense of fun or humor.
They seek to retrieve something that is missing, that is familiar
Strong need to go home (suicidal)
often people make us feel as if we are not worthy of the lives we lead. Add in the fact that our society
thinks if you are not part of the upper crust, you are not as worthy as they are.

Thorough dislike of routines and physical chores: poor ability to sustain sufficient energy to
complete set tasks - can become slapdash - yet they often get stuck into situations which
oblige them to struggle with this aspect of themselves.
Can start off with high energy but quickly 'lose steam' and tire. As if physical energy
dissipates and leaves a vacuum filled with frustration and depression.
This leads to lack of concentration and brain fag.
Absent minded - can alternate with quick, sharp wittedness.
Naive and idealistic, refined and artistic
Fear of the ageing process as they fear that they are increasingly less likely to find love and
understanding. Becomes harassed easily with the feeling that they have too much to do and
too little time to do it in.
Youth and beauty are fleeting and we need every drop of help we can get to maintain our youthful
appearances as they tend to fade too fast for anyone to be comfortable with it. Since ancient times
women have kept rose quartz gemstone under their pillow so the soothing beauty of the stone will help
their bodies maintain their youthful appearance.
Found in veins in the earth
Ancient Romans used rose quartz gemstones to relieve headaches and to cure breathing problems.
Traditionally gemstone healers have used rose quartz to help lower blood pressure.
Protects against radiation
Poor circulation: useful in Atherosclerosis, high blood pressure and portal stasis.

Angina pectoris: arteries are narrowed contributing to poor oxidation of the blood and breathlessness.
Blood purifier and enhances the immune system esp. in those depressed emotionally.
Poor co-ordination: sharpens up nervous responses and balances the sympathetic and the
parasympathetic nervous systems.

Black Opal
Silicon Dioxide and Molecule of Water, also Carbon and Iron (Ferrum)

Black opal immersion is made from a classic Australian Black opal from Lightning Ridge in
New South Wales. It has a reputation of being an unlucky stone for some. This could be related
to the fact that it has the power to release all that has been inhibited and limited. It is for
releasing the treasure of the authentic and spiritualized self, for breaking down the barriers of
disconnection, repression, and imprisonment of our own and of societys making. It is for those
who desire change, release, and transformation. It gives great centeredness and strength in
times of change. It is indicated for paralysis (inability to change); chronic fatigue; chronic ear
pain, and the effects of sexual repression. Colour association: teal blue 17C

Romans: ranked second only to Emeralds

During Choleragiven down the people died later. Considered back luck
Fever make the opal glow, then when they die, it looses its color
Heal the blinds, make you invisible to your enemies
The stone has been victimized in a way
One author literally destroyed the Opal market, writing a book about its being back luck,
bringing death

Imprisoned by his work or social order

Reacting to heat and light

Related to death
Imprisoned component, I feel paralyzed and suppressed
Lack of sexual response
Stuck, sick of their life, wanting for life, heat, sex
Chronic fatigue
(First chakra) Lower back problems
(First chakra) sexual
A victim feeling, Im stuck here, how you need to see me (Sil)
The ability to reflect and refract light a cloak of invisible to its wearer
I reflect you back at youbeing invisible
Invisible to your enemies (they are victims) (Ferr)

Topaz ()

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