Mineral Ion Deficiencies

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(Describe) an experiment to investigate the

effect of absence of
ate/calcium ions/plant mineral ions} on
growth/health/development of plant:
Prepare a solution with all nutrients present, and 5
other solutions with different concentrations of
lcium ions}: 0% (the mineral ion is missing), 1%, 5%,
10% and 20%.
Use a pipette to measure 10 cm3 of the mineral
solutions and transfer to a test tube.
Cover the test tubes with foil, making a tiny hole in
the middle.
Obtain plantlets of the same type and batch, and
measure their initial mass (make sure that they all
have the same mass), using an electronic weighing
Push the plantlet by the root then, through the hole
in the foil so that the roots are immersed in the
solution below.
Repeat this for all the solutions/concentrations/tubes.
Wrap all the tubes in aluminium foil and place in a
tube holder and leave for atleast 2 weeks.
After 2 weeks, remove the plantlets from tube and
blot dry. Measure their mass using the same
instrument. Calculate the change in mass by
comparing the previous mass (before using solutions)
and new mass. Repeat the whole experiment 2 more
times to get mean results.
The more the mass (or change in mass), the better
the growth. The plantlet in the all mineral present
solution will grow the best. While the one with the
{type of mineral ion we are using}, will show lack of
growth. As {for Mg ion the ions are needed to
chlorophyll, the green pigment required for
photosynthesis. Without the ions, the plant can carry
out less photosynthesis and so grow less} {for
Nitrate ion or nitrogen - the ions are needed to make
amino acids and they are important for structure and
metabolism. Lack of nitrate ions therefore reduces
amino acids and the plant develops/grow
inadequately.} {for phosphate the ions are
important to make ATP, which aids in growth and
development of plants by providing energy}
[Study the plant mineral importance and effect of their
deficiencies from AS]

Independent variable : Concentration of the

mineral ion
Dependent Variable: (change in) mass of the
An experiment to investigate the plant mineral
Prepare a solution with all nutrients present, and a
solution of deionized water.
Similarly, prepare 7 other solutions with each of
these mineral ions missing nitrogen, phosphate,
calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, sulfate.
Use a pipette to measure 10 cm3 of the mineral
solutions and transfer to a test tube.
Cover the test tubes with foil, making a tiny hole in
the middle.
Obtain plantlets of the same type and batch, and
measure their initial mass (make sure that they all
have the same mass), using an electronic weighing
Push the plantlet by the root then, through the hole
in the foil so that the roots are immersed in the
solution below.
Repeat this for all the solutions/concentrations/tubes.
Wrap all the tubes in aluminium foil and place in a
tube holder and leave for atleast 2 weeks.
After 2 weeks, remove the plantlets from tube and
blot dry. Measure their mass using the same
instrument. Calculate the change in mass by
comparing the previous mass (before using solutions)
and new mass. Repeat the whole experiment 2 more
times to get mean results.
The more the mass (or change in mass), the better the
growth. The plantlet in the all minerals present solution
will grow the best. While the one with the {type of
mineral ion}, will show lack of growth and symptoms in
their appearance (of the absence of ions). As, 1.for Mg
ion the ions are needed to chlorophyll, the green
pigment required for photosynthesis. Without the ions,
the plant can carry out less photosynthesis and so grow
less; 2.for Nitrate ion-the ions are needed to make
amino acids and they are important for structure and
metabolism. Lack of nitrate ions therefore reduces
amino acids and the plant develops/grow inadequately;
3.for phosphate the ions are important to make ATP,
which aids in growth and development of plants by
providing energy}
[Study the plant mineral importance and effect of their
deficiencies from AS]

Independent variable : The deficient/missing

mineral (in solutions)
Dependent Variable: (change in) mass of the
Variables that {need to be controlled/could
affect this investigation}, how the variables
could be controlled, and if not controlled then
what effect it would have on the result:
1) . Temperature
. Control the temperature by setting a thermostat
at 30 degree Celsius.
. Increased temperature will cause faster
movement of the enzyme and so uncontrolled
increased growth (of the plants). The result will not
be reliable.

2). pH of the solution

. To control the pH, use/add a buffer solution with
the same pH (eg- 7) in each solution tube.
. Variability in pH (more or less than optimal value)
may cause plant enzymes to denature. The plants
will not grow properly and so the result will not be

3). Light Intensity

. Wrap the tubes with (same type of) aluminium foil
to ensure that equal amount of light passes
through. Also, keep the tubes under a single light
. Greater light intensity will cause more growth and
lesser will cause less. So, the result will not be
reliable if it is not controlled.

4). Type of plantlet

. Select plants of the same species and source,
that are from the same batch.
. Different plants may develop differently in the
presence or absence of particular mineral ions.

For Question 3

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