Statistical Tests: T-Test

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T-TEST: (Used in: June 2010, June 2011, Jan 2013, Jan 2014, Jan 2016 and June 2016)
The test is used if the data is measured (eg- mass, concentration, volume,
blood count.
The table for this graph will include degree of freedom (there are equations
to calculate it), significance level (denoted by p) and critical value.
The degree of freedom equations will usually be given. If not, then learn
and use the equations-
*For multiple groups (1 + 2 ) 2 , where n is the number of sample in a
group (1 - number of sample in group 1, and 2 - number of sample in
group 2, in the respective order according to the question)
*For single group (n 2)
Remember that when the equation is given follow only what is instructed!

Conditions of deducting result, using the t-test:

Find the critical value at 0.05 significance level. If degree of freedom
is mentioned in the table, then consider the critical value
corresponding to that.
If calculated value (of t) is greater than the critical value (or
tabulated value you can say) We reject the null hypothesis.
If calculated value (of t) is smaller than the critical value (or tabulated
value you can say) We accept the null hypothesis.
Mann-Whitney U test: (Used in: June 2013 and Jan 2017)
The test is used if the data is calculated (such as calculating diversity index)
or counted (such as the number of organisms)
The table for this test includes 2 headings. They both will be the sample size
of different groups ( 1 2 ). The significance level is always mentioned
earlier in written form.

Conditions of deducting result, using the Mann-Whitney U test

Find the critical value that corresponds to the intersecting point of
the 2 rows/columns of sample.
If calculated value (of U) is greater than the critical value (or
tabulated value you can say) We accept the null hypothesis No
difference in groups.
If calculated value (of U) is smaller than the critical value (or
tabulated value you can say) We reject the null hypothesis There
is difference in groups.

Spearmans Rank Correlation Test: (Used in: Jan 2012, June 2012, June 2014 and Jan 2015)
The test is identical to T-Test.
The table for this graph will include significance level (denoted by p) and
critical value (and maybe degree of freedom the method to work out the
data is similar to T-Test). It may also include number of samples/means.
Conditions of deducting result, using the spearmans correlation test:
Find the critical value at 0.05 significance level. If degree of freedom
is mentioned in the table, then consider the critical value
corresponding to that.
If calculated value (of r) is greater than the critical value (or
tabulated value you can say) We reject the null hypothesis.
If calculated value (of r) is smaller than the critical value (or tabulated
value you can say) We accept the null hypothesis.

Chi-Squared Test: (Used in: June 2015)

The test is used if the data is in the form of frequencies (recurring data)
The table for this graph will include degree of freedom (there are equations
to calculate it), significance level (denoted by p) and critical value.
The degree of freedom equations will usually be given. If not, then learn
and use the equations-
number of groups / categories (n) - 1
(Using this test, you might be expected to find out degree of freedom
yourself most often)
Remember that when the equation is given follow only what is instructed!

Conditions of deducting result, using the Chi-squared test:

Find the critical value at 0.05 significance level. If degree of freedom
is mentioned in the table, then consider the critical value
corresponding to that.
If calculated value is greater than the critical value (or tabulated
value you can say) We reject the null hypothesis.
If calculated value is smaller than the critical value (or tabulated
value you can say) We accept the null hypothesis.

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