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Australian Teaching Standards Focus Goals Strategies

1.2 Understand how students learn Structure teaching programs using Comprehend the diverse learning patterns
research and collegial advice about how students have, taking in consideration
students Learn. their different backgrounds.
Consulting different theories such as
Multiple intelligences and The 8 Ways of
Learning Framework to form appropriate
teaching strategies.
2.3 Curriculum, assessment and reporting Design and implement learning and Work collaboratively with other members
teaching programs using knowledge of of staff to develop engaging and
curriculum, assessment and reporting educational programs for students of
requirements. relevant stage level. Develop appropriate
assessment rubrics after consulting the
curriculum whilst also engaging in suitable
reporting practices.
3.3 Use teaching strategies Select and use relevant teaching strategies Appreciate the different learning
to develop knowledge, skills, problem capabilities of each student. Identify
solving and critical and creative thinking strengths and weaknesses of students
through assessment, and work with
students to create learning goals for
4.3 Manage challenging behaviour Manage challenging behaviour by Design a set of classroom rules, which are
establishing and negotiating clear fair and agreeable to. Demonstrate to
expectations with students and address students your classroom expectations,
discipline issues promptly, fairly and focusing on behaviour. Display
respectfully. expectations around the classroom using
different forms of posters.
5.5 Report on student achievement Report clearly, accurately and respectfully Provide positive and constructive feedback
to students and parents/carers about to students on all forms of tasks. Use
student achievement, making use of appropriate language when discussing
accurate and reliable records. student achievement with parents or
6.3 Engage with colleagues and improve Contribute to collegial discussions and Engage in external professional learning
practice apply constructive feedback from outside of the school setting, such as
colleagues to improve professional seminars, professional experience days
knowledge and practice. and forums.
7.3 Engage with the parents/carers Establish and maintain respectful Develop a positive relationship with all
collaborative relationships with parents/ families of students. Ensure they are
carers regarding their childrens learning advised of everything going on in class
and wellbeing. that may affect their child. Invite parents
to attend different event such as school
celebrations, sports carnivals or fate days.

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