8th Grade Registration

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July 2010

Dear Religious School Families,

Enclosed are the registration forms for the 2010-11 school year for students entering 8th
grade. Please read all of the materials carefully and return the forms as soon as
possible to Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel with a check for payment (432 Scotland Road,
South Orange, NJ 07079).

The first evening of Religious School is Tuesday, October 19th from 7:00 – 9:00 pm.
Refer to the Religious School calendar on our website at www.tsti.org (click on the
Lifelong Learning tab followed by the school tab) for the complete schedule for the year.
We are thrilled to announce the return of the magnetic calendar which will be sent home
on the first evening of school for you to use as a quick reference tool throughout the

The 8th grade curriculum explores what it means to be Jewish and how we make
informed decisions on matters as Jews. Specifically students explore their connection to
Israel, the importance of social action, their relationship to God and middot (Jewish
values). Each lesson incorporates art and other hands-on projects. The students work in
groups with their friends in an informal setting.

Students will also participate in Junior Youth Group activities as part of their curriculum.
Twice during the year the members of the 12th grade class will lead these youth group
events to introduce 8th graders to STISY (Sharey Tefilo-Israel Youth) and NFTY (North
America Federation of Temple Youth). Members of the 8th grade class will be invited to
join STISY for their May event. We hope this will spark an interest in your child and they
will actively participate in STISY and NFTY while in high school.

We encourage our teens (8th-12th grade) to become Madrichim (teen assistants). This
program is offered during Religious School hours on Tuesday afternoons from 4:00 pm-
6:00 pm and Sunday mornings from 9:00 am- 11:30 am. The goal of the Madrichim
program is to connect teens to Temple life, to foster responsibility and leadership skills,
and to engage teens in Jewish learning post bat/bar mitzvah. Madrichim are supervised
by Tracy Horwitz, our Youth Programming Director and I. The program also incorporates
three Sunday seminars to be spaced throughout the year to teach leadership skills and
to provide opportunities for on-the-job training and evaluation. Beginning at age 14,
Madrichim who provide working papers are paid for their work.

For questions related to the Madrichim program or STISY please email Tracy at
thorwitz@tstinj.org. For questions related to Religious School, please contact me at

Warm regards,

Pia Kutten, Director

The Linda and Rudy Slucker Religious School, Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel
432 Scotland Road, South Orange, NJ 07079, 973-763-3793, www.tsti.org
Registration for Linda and Rudy Slucker Religious School

Family Name: ___________________________________


Entering Date of Gend

Name of Student Hebrew Name
Grade Birth er

Entering Tuition for Tuition for Non- Number of
Grade TSTI Members Members Children
$ 495 $ 625

*Failure to include payment will delay enrollment process. If you are

requesting a payment plan or a scholarship, please indicate below.

† Yes, I will be requesting a payment plan or scholarship.

The Linda and Rudy Slucker Religious School, Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel
432 Scotland Road, South Orange, NJ 07079, 973-763-3793, www.tsti.org
Our religious school operates at a deficit. Tuition payments cover less than 80% of the
cost to run the school, including teachers, books, materials, programming and facilities.
The gap between tuition payments and the actual cost of providing a Jewish education is
funded through the Temple’s annual operating budget. The Temple subsidizes the cost
of educating our members’ children because teaching and instilling a love of Judaism in
our children is at the core of our communal obligations.

As in prior years, we are asking that those among us who are financially able to do so,
please increase their religious school payment to “Bridge the Gap” by covering all or a
portion of the subsidy the Temple would otherwise provide for their children. As with last
year, this year the need for Bridge the Gap contributions is particularly necessary. Given
the ongoing weak economy, we expect that many more families than usual will require
tuition support to keep their children in school. Bridge the Gap contributions help us
keep our religious school doors open to all.

We ask that you please help us Bridge the Gap – at a level that you are financially able,
or with a special gift – by checking the box below and entering the amount.


Entering Grade Full Cost of Educating Tuition for Amount to Bridge

Your Child Members the Gap

8- 12 $ 625 $ 495 $130

† I will bridge the gap for my child(ren) in the amount of $ ___________

† I will bridge a portion of the gap for my child(ren) in the amount of $ _______

† I will bridge the gap for another child(ren) in the amount of _________

Total Bridge the Gap contribution: ______________

For Office Use

Member #: _____________ Amount Received:______
Received by: ___________ CHK #: ______________
Date: ________________ Signature: ____________

The Linda and Rudy Slucker Religious School, Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel
432 Scotland Road, South Orange, NJ 07079, 973-763-3793, www.tsti.org
Child’s Last, First Name: ____________________________
(Please print and complete a separate form for each child)

Physician Name & Phone:

Dentist Name & Phone:

Orthodontist Name & Phone:

Allergies (food, drugs, other):

Dietary Restrictions (milk, nuts, eggs, gluten):

Medical condition(s) the school should be aware of:


Child may be given acetaminophen (Tylenol): † yes † no

Child may be given ibuprofen (Advil): † yes † no
Child may be given Benadryl: † yes † no

Medical Insurance: Policy Number:

I hereby authorize the above physicians and/or their associates or assistants, or their covering
physicians, or in the event these persons cannot be contacted, the emergency physician to provide
emergency medical treatment to my child for: a. any laceration, fracture, or other traumatic injury; or
b. any symptom, disease, or injury that may be life threatening, disfiguring, or cause permanent
impairment. No major surgery or life-threatening procedure may be performed on my child and no
general anesthesia may be administered unless: a. The life or health of my child is in danger or if
delaying such treatment to obtain consent would cause a threat or serious injury to the health of my
child; and b. the attending physician and one other physician consult and agree that such a treatment
is necessary for the health of my child.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________________


Please indicate any special needs your child may have. This information will help us do our best in
providing your child with a warm, creative, and nurturing environment in which he/she will learn and
experience success. If your child has an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) or other special
instructions, please provide a copy.

† ADD † Learning Disability † Hearing Loss

† ADHD † Dyslexia † Visual Impairment

† Autistic Spectrum Disorder † Perceptual Impairment † Other (please explain

on the back of this form)

The Linda and Rudy Slucker Religious School, Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel
432 Scotland Road, South Orange, NJ 07079, 973-763-3793, www.tsti.org
Parent Communication Form

Please help us go green! All communications will be via email when

possible. Indicate where we should contact you via phone in the event of a
school closing on Tuesday evenings.

Parent/Guardian 1: Parent/Guardian 2:

Home Phone: Home Phone:

Work Phone: Work Phone:

Cell Phone: Cell Phone:

Email Address: Email Address:

Home Address: Home Address:

The Linda and Rudy Slucker Religious School, Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel
432 Scotland Road, South Orange, NJ 07079, 973-763-3793, www.tsti.org

† Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel has permission to submit photographs of my child

to local publications and/or to exhibit on the Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel website.
(Please note- identifying information will not be used, only the grade level and the

† I prefer that photographs of my child not be used for publicity purposes.

(Please enclose a picture of your child so we can easily identify them and ensure
they are not exhibited on our website).

Parent/Guardian Signature:___________________________________________

The Linda and Rudy Slucker Religious School, Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel
432 Scotland Road, South Orange, NJ 07079, 973-763-3793, www.tsti.org

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