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English 110- Checklist Rubric for Analytic Writing Paragraph

Student Name: _____________________________________ Class Period: _____

WRITING Incomplete/
AREA Inadequate
Content Arguable Thesis Statement in first
sentence (has a what and a why)
addresses the prompt

names the short story title (in quotation

marks) and author
SPECIFIC evidence included by citing
direct quotes
evidence introduced and explained in
evidence analyzed and tied back to
stays on topic throughout paragraph;
avoids random tangents
paragraph ends with one succinct,
concluding idea
Organization thesis, supporting evidence, and
conclusion are unified
information ordered in a logical sense
(linear, chronological)
transitional phrases connect ideas &
Mechanics complete sentences; no run-ons or
agreement of verb tenses, use of active
voice, clear pronoun references
correct use of punctuation & spelling;
no typos or misuses
Paragraph is 5-7 sentences in length
Style academic diction and vocabulary

creative syntax (sentence variety)

consistent authorial tone

MLA Correct heading

Size 12 Times New Roman font

1 margins

Creative title centered

Document is double spaced

Points Earned/Points Possible: _______ / 25 (one point per completed item)

English 110- Checklist Rubric for Analytic Writing Paragraph

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