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One pomo media text that blurs the boundaries between reality and

representation is structured reality tv programmes. The audience dont know

what is real or what is constructed for entertainment. For example in series

The boundary between reality and fiction is hard to define. The tv show says its
fictional and constructed but its constructed to seem like it is real and other
media texts reinforce this idea of reality. Eg gossip magazines reporting on
events that happen in the show as if they were real. These programmes clearly
display Baudrillards theory of hypereality. Quote.

This challenges the relationship between the consumer and producer because
the audience become more active and questioning. This is where part of the
appeal lies as it creates conversation for the audience as they debate whether
events are true or not.

Computer games

e.g. GTA blurs boundaries in terms of using real places and real streets. Players
enjoy interacting in this hyperreal version of real places. In this representation of
reality players can act out narratives that reject the grand narrative of morality.

Second Life, World of Warcraft etc blurs boundaries between reality and rep
because real people can use avatars as representations of themselves to interact
with other avatars that also represent real people. Thus players can have real
life, real time interactions in this virtual, hyperreal space. This world also
continues to develop and evolve while the player is away from it as the real
world does.


e.g. Blurs the boundaries between yourself and the mediated representation of
yourself. Flattering profile pictures, untagging unflattering pictures, carefully
considered statuses and thoughtful articles to share. These all help to create this
representation of you that is crafted and shaped with the consumption by others
in mind.


e.g. The image of reality becomes a manipulated representation that makes no

attempt at verisimilitude. The filters create a representation of reality that rejects
the grand narrative of time and the natural aging process. The filters apply
instant nostalgia to an image of the present. Baudrillard - Representations of
reality become more real than the real - hence the #nofilter.
I hate Thailand/Maroon 5 Sugar

Blurring the boundaries too much can displease audiences if they feel misled.
These texts try to create the digimodern quality of sharability where a text is
created with the deliberate hope that we will share it on the internet and thus we
become essential to the distribution process. True digimodern texts that rely on
sharability would go nowhere and get no exposure if online audiences dont
share it. Certain qualities increase the likelihood of audiences sharing them real
peoples reactions, cuteness, empathy. Now texts such as the I hate Thailand
promotion are deliberately constructed with these qualities in the hope that they
will be shared. A seemingly real persons youtube account, no mention of the
Thai tourist board but when people find out what they thought was real is a
constructed representation they feel cheated. This differs from structured reality
as with that audience is aware of its constructed nature and happily buy into the

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