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Guided Notes For Afghanistan War

1. Important Information To Know-

Osama Bin Laden is the leader of the terrorist group ___ _____.
______ control Afghanistan up to 2001, when they refused to hand Osama Bin Laden over
to the United States.
2. What Events Led Up To 9/11-
1st major event leading up to 9/11 was the World Trade Center _______ in New York City
killing six but injuring more than 1,000 people.
2nd major event is the bombing of U.S. embassies in _______ and _______ killing
approximately 250 people and injuring more than 5,000.
3. U.S. Retaliation Of Embassy Bombings-
The United States retaliates to the embassy bombings targeting _______ _______ in
_______ and _______.
The bombings killed 21 terrorists and injured 30 more.
The camps destroyed in the bombings where the _______ _______ used to _______
thousands of terrorists.
4. 9/11-
On the morning of _______ ___, 2001 4 boeing 757's where hijacked by terrorists from
The first plane hijacked crashes into the _____ tower at the World Trade Center in New
York City.
The second plane follows minutes later and crashes into the _____ tower of the World
Trade Center.
The third plane crashes into the ______ ______ of the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.
The fourth plane crashes in Pennsylvania but many believe the location it's headed to was
the ______ ______.
The 9/11 attacks killed more than 3,000 people.
9/11 has cost the United states approximately ____ ________ dollars including Physical
Damage, Economic Impact, Homeland Security, War Funding and Veterans Care.

5. Post 9/11-

Taliban leader ______ ______ ______ once again refuses to hand over Osama Bin Laden
to the United States.
U.S. and British forces start to target terrorist bases belonging to Al-Qaeda and the Taliban
with the help of the ______ ______.
Northern Alliance was a ______ looking to end the _____ of ______ of the Taliban.
Northern Alliance overtook the capital of Kabul on November ____ 2001, without the
Taliban fighting back .
Taliban lost power when the city of ________ had been seized by the Northern Alliance on
December 6th 2001.
United States came close to capturing Bin Laden in the _____ of _____ _____ December
2001, but he escaped with the help of Afghan and Pakistani forces.
On May 1st 2003 U.S. President _____ said that all major combat in afghanistan had

6. Taliban Return-

In 2005 the Taliban began to use a new method on how to fight foreign forces, by using
______ bombs and ______ _______.
The bombings began to increase the death toll of foreign forces.
United states was mostly unsuccessful in _______ or killing Taliban _________.

7. Obama Takes Control-

President Obama approved of sending more than _______ troops to Afghanistan to the
36,000 that were already there on February _____ 2009.
On December 1st 2009 Obama approves to send an additional _______ troops to
Afghanistan by the summer of 2010
The death toll had risen to about twice what it had been in 2009.

8. Dead At Last-

Osama Bin Laden was killed in his ________ in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

He was killed by Navy Seal Team 6.

9. Obamas Plan-

The United States is in talks with the Taliban to set a state of peace in Afghanistan
On June 22nd Obama announced that he would decrease the amount of troops to
The United States ended their _______ _______ in Afghanistan on December 28th, 2014.

10. End Result-

26,670 dead Afghan civilians.

6,800 dead American troops.
War cost more than 4.8 trillion dollars.
Killed the worlds most famous terrorist.
Overthrowing the terrorist group, Taliban and instating a democracy

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