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The order parameter for this predicted new class

REPORT of spin-orbitcoupled parity-breaking ele-
ctronic nematic phasesso-called multipolar
nematics (14)can be represented by a symmetric
SOLID-STATE PHYSICS traceless second-rank pseudotensor Qij that is odd
under spatial inversion. This order parameter

A parity-breaking electronic nematic induces a deformation and spin splitting of the

Fermi surface via the spin-orbit interaction
Hamiltonian HSO Qij si kj , where si are
phase transition in the spin-orbit ij
the Pauli matrices and kj is the crystal momen-

coupled metal Cd2Re2O7 tum (14, 18). In a cubic material, for example, this
order parameter can have either Eu or T2u sym-
metry. An example of a spin-polarized Fermi sur-
J. W. Harter,1,2 Z. Y. Zhao,3,4 J.-Q. Yan,3,5 D. G. Mandrus,3,5 D. Hsieh1,2* face distortion induced by T2u multipolar nematic
order is shown in Fig. 1A.
Strong electron interactions can drive metallic systems toward a variety of well-known The correlated metallic pyrochlore Cd2Re2O7
symmetry-broken phases, but the instabilities of correlated metals with strong spin-orbit has been proposed as a candidate for hosting
coupling have only recently begun to be explored. We uncovered a multipolar nematic multipolar nematic order because of the strong
phase of matter in the metallic pyrochlore Cd2Re2O7 using spatially resolved second- spin-orbit coupling of Re 5d valence electrons.

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harmonic optical anisotropy measurements. Like previously discovered electronic nematic Detailed Raman scattering (19), x-ray (20, 21)
phases, this multipolar phase spontaneously breaks rotational symmetry while preserving and neutron (22) diffraction, and optical second-
translational invariance. However, it has the distinguishing property of being odd under harmonic generation (SHG) (23) studies have
spatial inversion, which is allowed only in the presence of spin-orbit coupling. By examining shown that at critical temperature (Tc) ~ 200 K,
the critical behavior of the multipolar nematic order parameter, we show that it drives the material undergoes a continuous phase transi-
the thermal phase transition near 200 kelvin in Cd2Re2O7 and induces a parity-breaking tion from a centrosymmetric cubic structure (space
lattice distortion as a secondary order. group Fd3m) to a noncentrosymmetric tetragonal

structure (space group I4m2) that breaks threefold
n the presence of strong Coulomb inter- in the context of classical bent-core liquid crystals rotational symmetry about the 111 axis (Fig. 1, B
actions, the fluid of mobile electrons in a (15). Theoretical models have shown that parity- and C). This phase transition has traditionally
metal can spontaneously break the point breaking nematic fluctuations can induce odd- been attributed to the freezing of a soft phonon
group symmetries of the underlying crystal parity p- or f-wave Cooper pairing and thus provide mode with Eu symmetry, dominated by the displace-
lattice, realizing the quantum analog of a a route to topological superconductivity (16, 17). ment of O(1) atoms (19, 24, 25). However, the ob-
nematic liquid crystal (1). Like their classical In addition, because inversion symmetry-breaking servation of extremely small changes in lattice
counterparts, quantum nematic phases generally necessarily lifts the spin degeneracy of bulk energy parameters (21, 22), an anomalous temperature
preserve spatial inversion symmetry and are there- bands in a spin-orbit coupled system, odd-parity dependence of superlattice Bragg peaks (20), and
fore anisotropic but centrosymmetric fluids. Ex- nematic order offers a potential mechanism for a dramatic reduction in the electronic density of
perimental evidence of such nematic order was generating topologically protected Weyl and nodal- states across Tc (2629) calls this interpretation
first detected in a two-dimensional (2D) GaAs/ line semimetals and for designing highly tunable into question and raises the possibility that a
AlGaAs quantum well interface on the basis of charge-to-spin current conversion technologies hitherto undetected electronic order is driving the
a pronounced resistivity anisotropy between the for spintronics applications. transition.
two principal directions of the underlying square
lattice (2, 3). Subsequently, similar behavior has
been reported in a number of quasi-2D square
lattice compounds, including Sr3Ru2O7 (4), URu2Si2
(5), and several families of both copper- (6, 7) and
iron-based (811) high-temperature superconduc-
tors, suggesting possible connections between
even-parity nematic fluctuations and unconven-
tional s- and d-wave Cooper pairing (12).
Extending earlier work on Fermi liquid in-
stabilities in the p-wave spin interaction channel
(13), it has recently been predicted that corre-
lated metals with strong spin-orbit coupling may
realize a fundamentally new class of electronic
nematic phases with spontaneously broken spa-
tial inversion symmetry (14), including a quantum
analog of the unusual NT nematic phase discussed
Department of Physics, California Institute of Technology, Fig. 1. Illustration of electronic and structural order parameters in Cd2Re2O 7. (A) T2u distortion of a
Pasadena, CA 91125, USA. 2Institute for Quantum spherical Fermi surface induced by a Qxy multipolar nematic order parameter.The Fermi surface is split into
Information and Matter, California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, CA 91125, USA. 3Materials Science and
two nondegenerate surfaces of opposite spin texture (arrows), with the largest splitting at the equator and
Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak zero splitting at the poles. (B) The ideal pyrochlore structure of Cd2Re2O7 viewed along the (111) axis. Only
Ridge, TN 37831, USA. 4Department of Physics and Re (yellow tetrahedra) and O(1) (green octahedra) sublattices are shown. Dashed lines depict mirror
Astronomy, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996, planes. For clarity, an enlarged view of two neighboring subunits from an alternative angle is also displayed.
USA. 5Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA. (C) The effect of the Eu lattice distortion.The vertical dashed line depicts the preserved (110) mirror plane,
*Corresponding author. Email: and arrows show the displacement directions of the O(1) atoms.

Harter et al., Science 356, 295299 (2017) 21 April 2017 1 of 4


Unlike the previously studied even-parity ne- metry is broken. Because of this property, optical smooth area free of surface striations (Fig. 2B).
matic phases, multipolar nematic order cannot be SHG has been used recently to study noncentro- Next, wide-field SHG images [section S2 of (36)]
experimentally identified by using charge trans- symmetric Weyl semimetals (31) and odd-parity were acquired on this area both above and below
port anisotropy measurements because the loss order in correlated iridates and cuprates (32, 33). Tc (Fig. 2C). For T > Tc, the SHG signal is
of inversion symmetry is manifested in the spin To completely resolve the structure of cijk for dominated by the electric dipole response at
texture of the Fermi surface. Moreover, observa- Cd2Re2O7, we used a recently developed high- the surface (cSijk ), where inversion symmetry is
tions of conventional nematic order have often speed rotational anisotropy (RA) technique (34, 35) necessarily broken. The observed spatial uni-
relied on an alignment of nematic directors by that involves focusing a beam of light obliquely formity of the intensity indicates a single cubic
using applied magnetic (4) or uniaxial strain (9) onto the surface of a single crystal and measuring structural domain. For T < Tc, a strong bulk
fields in order to measure macroscopic symmetry- variations in the intensity of reflected SHG light response (cBijk ) develops owing to the inversion-
breaking responses, but neither magnetic nor as the scattering plane is rotated about the sur- symmetrybreaking tetragonal distortion. Three
strain fields couple linearly to Qij because they face normal. By projecting the SHG signal radiated types of tetragonal domains with sharply defined
are parity-even. Nonlinear optical anisotropy mea- at different scattering plane angles f onto a linear boundaries are clearly resolved, associated
surements can overcome these challenges because circular locus of points on a stationary 2D de- with orientations of the main tetragonal axis along
they probe the structure of higher-rank susceptibi- tector (Fig. 2A), the experiment can be carried each of the three equivalent cubic lattice directions
lity tensors that contain full point group information out at very high rotational frequencies (~4 Hz), [section S4 of (36)]. Last, we performed scanning
(30) and can be performed in a spatially resolved which greatly enhances the sensitivity to small RA-SHG measurements [section S3 of (36)] with-
manner. Optical SHG is particularly well-suited changes in symmetry by averaging over laser in a single tetragonal domain. Because inver-
to identifying odd-parity phases because the fluctuations. sion symmetry is spontaneously broken at the
leading-order electric dipole contribution, which In order to isolate a single-phase domain for phase transition, domains with opposite parity,

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is described by a third-rank susceptibility ten- detailed RA-SHG study, we carried out three which we label (+) or (), will naturally form.
sor relating the incident electric field to the successive stages of microscopy on the natural Because the sign of cBijk reverses upon spatial
nonlinear polarization induced at twice the in- (111) facet of a Cd2Re2O7 single crystal grown by inversion, these parity domains exhibit distinct
cident frequency via the equation Pi 2w means of vapor transport [section S1 of (36)]. SHG responses (cijk cSijk T cBijk ) arising from
cijk Ej wEk w, is only allowed if inversion sym- First, white-light microscopy was used to select a interference between the surface and bulk terms.

Fig. 2. Spatially resolved optical SHG anisotropy measurements. (A) Schematic multiplying charge-coupled device (EMCCD) camera. The polarizers and phase
of the RA-SHG setup. A circularly polarized laser beam (red) with center wave- mask rotate rapidly (black arrows), causing the SHG beam to trace out a circle
length at 800 nm is sent through a linear polarizer (to select either Pin or Sin on the camera as the scattering plane angle f changes. (B) Optical micrograph
polarization) and onto a phase mask. The +1 diffracted order is isolated and of the (111) surface of a Cd2Re2O7 single crystal. (C) Wide-field SHG image of a
redirected parallel to the optical axis by a collimating lens. After passing through striation-free region measured at T = 210 K and T = 150 K. All three types of
a dichroic mirror, the beam is focused by an objective lens onto the stationary tetragonal domains [section S4 of (36)] are visible in the low-temperature image.
sample to a spot size of ~30 mm.The reflected SHG beam (blue) is recollimated (D) Enlarged SHG image of the region over which scanning RA-SHG was
by the objective, passes through a second linear polarizer (to select either Pout or performed. PinPout RA-SHG patterns for two opposite parity domains are shown,
Sout polarization), and is deflected by the dichroic mirror onto a 2D electron- and an approximate domain boundary is drawn.

Harter et al., Science 356, 295299 (2017) 21 April 2017 2 of 4


This in turn produces distinct RA-SHG patterns

(Fig. 2D).
To finely resolve the symmetries broken
across Tc, we performed detailed temperature-
dependent RA-SHG measurements on a single
domain using different combinations of incoming
(in) and outgoing (out) light polarizations, which
can be either parallel (P) or perpendicular (S) to
the scattering plane [Fig. 2A and section S5 of
(36)]. Examples of RA-SHG patterns acquired
with a Sin-Pout polarization geometry for a selec-
tion of temperatures near Tc are shown in Fig. 3.
For T > Tc, the raw RA-SHG images show dis-
connected arcs centered at f = 0 and every 60
interval (Fig. 3A). A polar plot of SHG intensity
versus f extracted from the raw data shows that
the six intensity peaks are equal in magnitude.
This is because the (111) surface of Cd2Re2O7 con-
tains three mirror planes and an axis of three-
fold rotational symmetry. By imposing these point

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group symmetries on cSijk , the number of indepen-
dent nonzero elements is greatly reduced [sec-
tion S6 of (36)]. The nonlinear polarization from
the surface calculated under a SinPout geometry
takes the simple form cS cos3f, where cS is
shorthand for the cSyyy tensor element. The result-
Fig. 3. Detection of Eu and T2u symmetry breaking by RA-SHG. Raw RA-SHG images acquired with a
ing RA-SHG intensity pattern, which is proportional
SinPout polarization geometry (left column) at temperatures of (A) 204.5 K, (B) 199.7 K, and (C) 196.6 K.
to the squared magnitude of the nonlinear polar-
Concentric white circles show the radial integration region used to generate the RA patterns (middle
ization, exactly reproduces the high-temperature
column). Numbers on the outer boundaries of the polar plots indicate the intensity scale in units where cS = 1.
data and reaffirms its surface origin.
The RA patterns are fit to the squared magnitude of a sum of surface, bulk Eu, and bulk T2u polarization
Upon lowering the temperature only slightly
terms, as described in the text. Fits are overlaid on the RA patterns (black curves), and each component is
(<1 K) below Tc, we observed a dramatic change
illustrated in the right column, where solid petals denote a positive sign and white petals denote a negative
in the symmetry of the RA-SHG pattern (Fig. 3B)
sign for the polarization.
caused by the coherent addition of a bulk SHG
contribution to the existing surface signal. Sur-
prisingly, the data cannot be accounted for by the order (Qxy 0) contains two independent nonzero urally explains the absence of any detectable
Eu lattice distortion alone. This is already apparent elements: cT2u cxxz cxzx cyyz cyzy and T2u distortion by structure-sensitive probes
at the qualitative level because the I4m2 lattice czxx = czyy. The absence of any detectable bulk (1922).
structure preserves mirror symmetry across the SHG signal in a SinSout geometry [section S5 Distinguishing a genuine electronic nematic
vertical (110) plane (Fig. 1C), whereas the RA-SHG of (36)] imposes the additional constraint czxx = phase transition from a simple ferrodistortive
pattern is clearly not symmetric under a ff 2cxxz, reducing the number of independent ten- transition is a well-known experimental chal-
transformation. To express this analytically, the sor elements to just one. For a SinPout geometry, lenge (11) because the electronic and structural
SHG susceptibility tensor in the case of Eu order this tensor structure produces a bulk nonlinear order parameters are typically coupled and have
contains only one independent nonzero element: polarization of the form cT2u sinf, which taken a concurrent temperature onset, as is the case for
cEu cx y z cx z y cy x z cy z x cz x y =2 alone would lead to a RA-SHG pattern that is Cd2Re2O7. The task of disentangling primary from
cz y x =2, w here the Cartesian coordinates x, y, even in f. However, a coherent superposition of secondary order parameters can be approached
and z are chosen to be aligned along the tetrago- the cT2u sinf, cEu cosf, and cS cos3f terms, by studying the critical exponents b of the order
nal a, b, and c axes, respectively. With a SinPout illustrated in the right column of Fig. 3, generates parameter temperature scaling law j1 T =Tc jb .
geometry, this introduces a bulk nonlinear polar- a RA-SHG pattern that breaks ff symmetry. SHG is particularly well-suited for this because
ization term of the form cEu cosf that is even in f To quantitatively assess the validity of this cijk is linearly proportional to order parameters
like the surface term, generating an RA-SHG pat- model, we performed fits to the RA-SHG data that are parity-odd [section S7 of (36)]. To obtain
tern that is likewise even in f. This is incompatible in all four polarization geometries simultaneously. the temperature dependence of the Eu and T2u
with the data and suggests that an additional We fixed cS at its fitted T > Tc value (Fig. 3A) order parameters, we acquired RA-SHG patterns
inversion-symmetrybreaking order parameter because it does not measurably change across over a series of finely spaced temperatures below
emerges together with the Eu structural order Tc [section S5 of (36)], leaving the two complex Tc and fit them to the model previously described.
parameter below Tc. numbers cEu and cT2u as the only free parameters. Because cos3f, cosf, and sinf are orthogonal
Among the four other odd-parity irreducible This model provides an excellent and unique fit functions, the fitted values of cEu and cT2u at any
representations of the octahedral point group to the data (Fig. 3), providing further evidence of given temperature can be determined uniquely.
(A1u, A2u, T1u, and T2u), only an order parameter coupled T2u and Eu order parameters below Tc. Furthermore, because the Eu and T2u tensors
with T2u symmetry can couple to the Eu struc- As the temperature is further cooled to just sev- have no elements in common, every bulk SHG re-
tural order parameter and produce a RA-SHG eral kelvin below Tc, cEu becomes dominant, and sponse channel cijk couples to only one of the two
pattern that breaks mirror symmetry across the a pronounced transformation of the RA-SHG order parameters. The temperature dependence
(110) plane. In the particular case of a multi- pattern toward a jcEu cosfj2 form takes place of jcT2u j, which is proportional to the T2u order
polar nematic instability, it is the spin texture (Fig. 3C), obscuring the T2u order parameter. The parameter, was extracted from such fits (Fig. 4A).
on the Fermi surface that explicitly breaks this relative faintness of the T2u signal is consistent An onset temperature of Tc 201 K and a critical
mirror symmetry (Fig. 1A). The SHG susceptibility with a nematic instability that predominantly exponent of b 1/2 are obtained from a least-
tensor associated with T2u multipolar nematic affects states only near the Fermi level and nat- squares fit to the scaling law, which is consistent

Harter et al., Science 356, 295299 (2017) 21 April 2017 3 of 4


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tracted from the data. romagnetic enhancement below Tc (37). Further 34. J. W. Harter, L. Niu, A. J. Woss, D. Hsieh, Opt. Lett. 40,
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exhibits an onset at Tc 201 K (Fig. 4B), dem- Our data and analysis reveals the existence of 104506 (2016).
36. Materials and methods are available as supplementary
onstrating that it is coupled to the T2u order a T2u electronic order in Cd2Re2O7 that drives the materials.
parameter. It has a linear temperature dependence 200 K phase transition and induces the Eu lattice 37. O. Vyaselev et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 017001 (2002).
(b 1), extending over a wide temperature range distortion as a secondary order parameter. The 38. H. Sakai et al., J. Phys. Condens. Matter 13, L785L790
below Tc. This behavior is contrary to that expected assignment of the T2u order to a multipolar nematic (2001).
39. R. Jin et al., Phys. Rev. B 64, 180503 (2001).
of a primary order parameter because critical phase is supported by previous experiments that 40. M. Hanawa et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 187001 (2001).
fluctuations may reduce b from its mean-field value show only weak Eu structural distortions (2022)
but can never increase it. Instead, the Eu structural accompanied by large electronic anomalies across AC KNOWLED GME NTS
distortion must be a secondary order parameter. Tc (2629), the absence of any charge or magnetic We thank J. P. Eisenstein, L. Fu, T. Hsieh, P. A. Lee, A. de la Torre,
To place this interpretation on firmer theoretical order below Tc (37), and full agreement with theo- and L. Zhao for useful discussions. RA-SHG experiments were
supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under grant DE-
grounds, we used a phenomenological Landau free- retical prediction (14). More generally, our results SC0010533. Instrumentation for the RA-SHG setup was partially
energy analysis. A system with an odd-parity primary establish a distinct class of odd-parity multipolar supported by a U.S. Army Research Office Defense University
order parameter Yu and a secondary Eu order par- electronic nematic phases in spin-orbitcoupled Research Instrumentation Program award under grant W911NF-
ameter FEu is described by the generic Landau correlated metals and demonstrates an experi- 13-1-0293 and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation under grant FG-
  BR2014-027. D.H. also acknowledges funding from the Institute
free-energy expansion F F0 1 TTc ag Y2g mental strategy for uncovering further realiza- for Quantum Information and Matter, a NSF Physics Frontiers
tions of such order. Carefully examining the Center (PHY-1125565) with support of the Gordon and Betty
au Y2u bF2Eu gYg Yu FEu higher-order terms, competing phases in the vicinity of odd-parity Moore Foundation through grant GBMF1250. J.-Q.Y. and D.G.M.
where ag, au, b, and g are temperature-independent nematic order, including the superconducting were supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of
Science, Basic Energy Sciences, Materials Sciences and
parameters. To realize a linear coupling between phase below ~1 K in Cd2Re2O7 (3840), may Engineering Division. Z.Y.Z. acknowledges the Center for
Yu and FEu , an additional even-parity primary prove fruitful for uncovering other unconven- Emergent Materials and NSF Materials Research Science and
order parameter Yg that transforms like the tional phases of matter. Engineering Center under grant DMR-1420451. D.H. and
product Yu FEu must be introduced. By con- D. H. Torchinsky are inventors on U.S. patent application #14/
705,831 submitted by the California Institute of Technology,
struction, minimization of the free energy gives RE FERENCES AND NOTES which covers a spectrometer apparatus for the study of the
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This serves as a strong self-consistency check of 5. C. M. Varma, L. Zhu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 036405 (2006).
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Harter et al., Science 356, 295299 (2017) 21 April 2017 4 of 4

A parity-breaking electronic nematic phase transition in the
spin-orbit coupled metal Cd 2Re2O7
J. W. Harter, Z. Y. Zhao, J.-Q. Yan, D. G. Mandrus and D. Hsieh
(April 20, 2017)
Science 356 (6335), 295-299. [doi: 10.1126/science.aad1188]

Editor's Summary

A nonlinear peek into electronic symmetry

Strong interactions among electrons in some materials can cause them to assume configurations
that are less symmetric than the underlying crystal lattice. These so-called electronic nematic states
usually have inversion symmetry, but theorists have predicted that in metals with strong spin-orbit
coupling, the inversion symmetry can be lost. Harter et al. teased out the symmetry of the electronic
order in the compound Cd 2Re2O7 (see the Perspective by Dodge). They found that a known structural
transition in this material is a consequence of another, previously hidden electronic order that breaks

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inversion symmetry.
Science, this issue p. 295; see also p. 246

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