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Formal Reflection

Comments: Student Concerns Standards/ Criteria Advanced/ Comments:

Evidence/ standards (Improve or Exceeded Teacher
met remediate) Standards

I have met this Reading:

standard in all Determine two or
assignments it was more central ideas of
present in. I have a text and analyze
shown my ability to their development
provide a well thought over the course of the
out analysis discussing text, including how
the development of they interact and
text. When reading build on one another
Into the Wild I to provide a complex
displayed my analysis; provide an
understanding of the objective summary of
main ideas in the novel the text
by providing an
accurate and clear
summary of the text.

Writing: In all of the formal

Write narratives to writing
develop real or assignments I
imagined experiences have exceeded
or events using this given
effective technique, standard. I have
well-chosen details, used effective
and well-structured techniques to
event sequences. highlight key
details and events
within the text.
Whether the
involved were real
or merely
imagined, I
presented each in
a concise and
easy to follow
Speaking and Throughout the
Listening: semester I have
Evaluate a speaker's exceeded this
point of view, standard by being
reasoning, and use of able to determine
evidence and rhetoric, a speakers point
assessing the stance, of view very
premises, links among quickly, while
ideas, word choice, determining the
points. effectiveness of
rhetoric used. I
have been able to
identify precisely
why the speaker
used certain
words, reasoning,
and evidence.
This knowledge
therefore allowed
me to determine
the effectiveness
of the speakers
claims and
opinions as a

Writing: In my writing I
Develop claim(s) and have shown to
counterclaims fairly thoroughly
and thoroughly, develop claims
supplying the most and
relevant evidence for counterclaims I
each while pointing made while using
out the strengths and solid evidence
limitations of both in a and strong
manner that reasoning. I
anticipates the showed my
audience's knowledge knowledge of the
level, concerns, audience it
values, and possible appealed to by
biases. carefully planning
out what points
and words were
appropriate to
Reading: In the texts I have
Determine an author's read throughout
point of view or this semester, I
purpose in a text in have been able to
which the rhetoric is easily determine
particularly effective, the authors point
analyzing how style of view based
and content contribute upon the
to the power, decisions they
persuasiveness or made both
beauty of the text. technically and
stylistically. I was
able to realize
how the style of
the text impacted
and flow of what
was written.

Speaking/Listening: I exceeded the

Present information, standard by
findings, and presenting
supporting evidence, information in a
conveying a clear and way that is easy
distinct perspective, to follow and
such that listeners can identify. In doing
follow the line of this, I shared
reasoning, alternative opposing
or opposing perspectives
perspectives are which were
addressed, and the organized in a
organization, sequential
development, manner. I payed
substance, and style close attention to
are appropriate to the audience in
purpose, audience, order to choose
and a range of formal the appropriate
and informal tasks. style and word
Speaking and I exceeded this
Listening: standard by
Come to discussions coming well
prepared; explicitly prepared to each
draw on that discussion with a
preparation by concise plan and
referring to evidence proper evidence. I
from texts and other drew evidence
research on the topic from various texts
or issue to stimulate a and articles to
thoughtful, well- help prompt well
reasoned exchange of thought out ideas
ideas. and opinions.

Reading: I have exceeded

Analyze the impact of this standard by
the author's choices carefully
regarding how to analyzing what
develop and relate choices the
elements of a story or author made and
drama. exactly how those
choices impacted
the text. I clearly
identified how the
text developed
and which parts
were crucial to
the development
of the story.

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