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Emily Roman

Ms. Frederick


Writing Sample #3

Narrative: Mr. Sanders Meets Instagram

Match the definition to the vocabulary words listed below. Basically all Ive been reading

for the past thirty minutes. My seventh grade language teacher lecturing us as there are fifteen

minutes left until I can leave and go home to use my new ipod touch. My school has never

allowed their three hundred students access to wifi for some unknown reason. Stupid right? I

looked down at my plaid blue skirt, that Im forced to wear every day due to the uniform policy,

and saw the irritating blue string tickling the back of my leg. Mrs. Rodriguezs lecture ceased as

the classroom phone rang. I took that time to pull out my math assignment that Ms. Nogueira

had given us during 4th period.

Emily, Dammit she caught me. My heart dropped as she called out for me. I looked up

to see her blue intimidating eyes looking at my shaky self. The front office needs you. Relief

floods through me for a brief second. Did she not see me do work from another class? But why

would the front office need me? I usually get called up to pick up my lunch my mom drops off for

me but lunch has already passed. My eyes wander over to Natalie, my closest friend at St. Rose

of Lima Catholic School, and then over to Denisse, but shes looking down at her black

converse and doesnt make eye contact with me. Natalie and I both push our eyebrows together

wondering why I would be called up. I pushed my seat out, leaving the back door and holding

my jacket closer to my body as the cool air hit me. Looks like it's about to rain.

My black vans hit the cement outside, heading towards the front of the school. Walking

into the office I see the old geyser herself, Mrs. Rosie. Mr. Sanders will be here soon, he needs

to talk to you, She makes no eye contact with me until she finishes her sentence, Im a seventh

grader at a private school stop looking at me like Ive killed someone. I sit down on a chair and I
instantly regret it as she shoots me another one of her looks. Have I done something? My mind

starts racing through every bad thing Ive ever done but none of them involve the school, let

alone our Principle. I hear a bell and the door opens up seeing the familiar black converse.


The atmosphere of the room immediately changed the second Mr. Sanders opened his

office door. Come in and take a seat both of you. Wonder where Ive seen that look before. I

have been aware that you two have been using your cell phones during class, is that true? Oh,

its not as bad as I thought. That isnt true, Denisse and I reply at the same time. Your

instagram posts say other wise. Im on private how is he going to see my posts, Creep. You

two have been posting pictures in the school bathroom. That seems to me that you do use your

phones during class. I go from slumping in my chair to sitting straight up. This is all too weird.

Why and how is he getting this information that I wasnt even aware of. In the handbook it says

no use of any electronics during school hours. Seeing students of mine posting pictures of

themselves in their uniform and in our bathroom isnt setting a good image for us. The picture

of us around Denisse as she was the one holding the phone, our peace signs, kissy faces, and

tongue sticking out goofily flashed through my mind. Denisses post. It wasnt during school

though, it was after- Denisse couldnt finish her sentence as Mr. Sanders cut her off. Its setting

a bad image for our school, youre setting a bad image for our school. My mouth fell open. It

was as if I was on a roller coaster and Id reached the top and we were going down. My heart

dropped. I was holding back my tears but they were burning my eyes. My mind was doing back

flips and I didnt know how much longer we stayed there or what he told us afterwards. Denisse

and I opened the front the office door and the cool air hit my face. All that was going through my

head was, do all teachers and schools stalk their students social media accounts? Thats pretty


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