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When talking about the listening skill these assessment indicators have an influence on
the teaching process in the way that a teacher should show students videos or audios that
are related to familiar topics or common topics which are at a speed according to the
students English level. Also, the teacher can invite native speakers if not possible show
them videos in which native speakers are talking. The teacher should ask students listen
to any kind of material radio news, TV programs so that students are familiarized with
those aspects. In the learning process, these assessment indicators will have an influence
on the way students acquire and are able to understand any situation in which they are
involved in, such as a conversation with native speakers or to understand audios in normal
speed or any type of recorded material.

When talking about the reading skill these assessment indicators influence the teaching
process in the way that teachers should teach students how to scan and skim any type of
texts in order to look for information that was asked and to find the main idea respectively.
Also, teachers should use any type of books, magazine, article, and stories in order to
make students understand how to find morals, main points, and conclusions and so on.
The influence that these assessment indicators have on the learning process is that
students are able to summarize, look for main ideas, and look for the moral of the stories
and so on in any type of texts so they are going to go straight to the point. For instance, if
they have to summarize they are able to find easily the main points.

When talking about the speaking skill, these assessment indicators have an influence on
the teaching process in the way that teachers have to create situations in which students
can retell stories, narrate descriptions, and talk about their dreams, ambitious, etc.
Teachers can ask students to watch videos or read any passage and then talk about it.
Also, teachers can invite a native speaker to classes, so that students pay attention to their
mouth to see how words are produced and pronounced. Moreover, teachers can organize
debates inside classrooms on any topic, so that students can exchange ideas, agree or
disagree. Students can have a face to face conversation about hobbies so that they can
express surprise, happiness through the tone of voice. Students can play different roles in
classes, for example, giving back a product that they did not want or to ask something in a
restaurant. The influence that these assessment indicators have on the learning process is
that as students have plenty of time to practice their speaking in many areas so they will
be able to speak smoothly using correct grammar, pronunciation, tone of voice, and so on.
Another influence that these assessment indicators have are that students are going to be
able to establish conversations without communication breakdowns because they are
going to be aware that the tone of voice totally change the meaning of a phrase also that
they have to agree or disagree with respect.
When talking about the reading skill, these assessment indicators have an influence on the
teaching process in the way that teachers have to create opportunities in which students
are able to express their thoughts and opinions on an array of topics so that students can
use all the grammatical tenses. Teachers can ask students to write about experiences,
describe feelings, and narrate stories. The teacher can ask students to read information
and then summarize it, critique it and so on. Also, teachers have to plan activities in which
students write stories, essays, and letters and so on. Besides, the teacher should let
students know rules of punctuation and also correct spelling. Teachers have to teach
students that just a comma can change the meaning of a phrase. The influence that these
assessment indicators have on the learning process is that students are aware of how to
use proper grammar and punctuation marks when writing any type of composition either
letters, summaries or narrations. If students write about different topics they will have to
investigate, thus, their vocabulary and also the way of writing will improve.

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