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Albert-Ludwigs-Universitt Freiburg

Admission to the Studienkolleg (College for Foreign Students)

Students who possess a secondary school-leaving certificate (sometimes in connection with an entrance
examination for an institution of higher education in the students native country) which is not equivalent to
the German school-leaving certificate must take the Prfung zur Feststellung der Hochschulreife (Assess-
ment Examination for Institutions of Higher Education) and have the possibility of preparing for their studies
in a one year preparatory course at the Studienkolleg (College for Foreign Students) at the University of
Heidelberg. It is not possible to apply directly for a course. Thus, you must submit an application for studies
to the Freiburg University even if you need to take a preparatory course (in Heidelberg) before commencing
your studies.

The Studienkolleg (College for Foreign Students) offers

T courses for all fields of study in mathematics or the natural sciences,

M courses for medicine, pharmacy, biology, and related fields,
W courses for all fields in economics and the social sciences, and
S/G courses for all fields in the humanities, including German language and literature and history.

- Students who wish to study psychology or law have the option of taking the S course instead of the W
- German is the main subject in all courses at the Studienkolleg (College for Foreign Students).
- More information about the courses and their exam subjects please find here:

The Studienkolleg is situated in Heidelberg, 190 km from Freiburg.

Internationales Studienzentrum
Studienkolleg Universitt Heidelberg

Im Neuenheimer Feld 684

69120 Heidelberg
Tel.: 06221/545940
Fax: 06221/545942


In contrast to the university, the Studienkolleg is structured more or less like school. Students learn in a set
class and must be present at class sessions. As a rule, the weekly workload is 32 hours.

Only students with advanced skills in German may be admitted to the Studienkolleg (College for Foreign
Students) in Heidelberg. Prospective students must demonstrate their skills in German in an assessment
examination (placement test). An additional prerequisite for admission to the Studienkolleg is a reserved
Student Service Center International Admissions and Services .
spot in a degree program at the Freiburg University. In fields with restrictive admissions the Freiburg 2
University is able to offer only very few applicants a spot at the Studienkolleg in Heidelberg. Admission to
the courses at the Studienkolleg in Heidelberg is in general very selective, regardless of whether the course
is for a field with restrictive admissions or not. Applicants with a reserved spot for full-time studies at the
Freiburg University are enrolled as students at the University of Heidelberg for the duration of their prepara-
tory course.

Applicants may also elect to prepare for the Feststellungsprfung (Assessment Examination for Institutions
of Higher Education) on their own. However, the Freiburg University only allows direct candidates to take the
examination if they are able to demonstrate in a consultation prior to the examination with the Studienkolleg
in Heidelberg or the Student Service Center - International Admissions and Services of the Freiburg
University that they have spent a significant amount of time and energy preparing for the examination on
their own. As with admission to a preparatory course, registration for the Feststellungsprfung is only
possible in conjunction with a letter of acceptance (reserved spot) for full-time studies at the Freiburg
University. A passing grade on the Assessment Examination for Institutions of Higher Education entitles the
applicant to study only in a certain field. A restriction to certain fields of study on the applicants secondary
school-leaving certificate generally may not be cancelled or extended by participation in a preparatory course
or by the Feststellungsprfung. This means that applicants may only take a Feststellungsprfung for fields
of study which correspond to those in which they earned their secondary school-leaving certificate (e.g.
scientific section/science naturelles).

Application deadlines:

summer semester January 15
winter semester July 15


Albert-Ludwigs-Universitt Freiburg
Student Service Center International Admissions and Services
Sedanstr. 6
79098 Freiburg

Phone: +49 (0)761 203-9093, -4242, -67368 . Fax: +49 (0)761 203-8835
E-Mail: . Internet:
Office hours Advising: Mon - Thurs 9:00 a.m. 12:00 noon, Thurs 2:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m.
Office hours Admissions: Mon - Thurs 9:00 a.m. 12:00 noon, Thurs 2:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m.

Student Service Center International Admissions and Services .

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