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Service Learning

By: Jose Castillo
Afghanistan War

By: Jose Castillo

Q: Why did the US go to Afghanistan?
The September 11th, 2001 attacks on

the United States is one reason the United

States went to war with Afghanistan

The second reason is they wanted to

try Osama Bin Laden for his crimes

against the United States

Important Information To Know

Osama Bin Laden is the leader of

the terrorist group Al-Qaida
Taliban controlled Afghanistan up to
2001 when they refused to hand
over Osama Bin Laden to the US.
What Events Led To 9/11

1st major event leading up to 9/11,

was the World Trade Center
Bombings in NY killing six but injuring
more than 1,000 people.
2nd major event is the bombing of
U.S embassies in Kenya and
Tanzania killing approximately 250
people and injuring more than 5,000
U.S. Retaliation Of Embassy Bombings

The United States retaliates to the embassy bombings by

targeting terrorist camps in Afghanistan and Sudan.
The bombings killed 21 terrorists and injured 30 more.
The camps destroyed in the bombings where the training
grounds used to train thousands of terrorists.
On the morning of September 11th, 2001 4 boeing 757's
were hijacked by terrorists from Al-Qaeda.
The first plane hijacked crashes into the north tower at the
World Trade Center in New York City
The second plane follows minutes later and crashes into
the south tower of the World Trade Center
The third plane crashes into the West side of the Pentagon
in Washington, D.C

The fourth plane crashes in Pennsylvania

but many believe the location it's headed to
was the White House
The 9/11 attacks killed more than 3,000
9/11 has cost the United states
approximately 3.3 Trillion dollars including
Physical Damage, Economic Impact,
Homeland Security, War Funding and
Veterans care.
Post 9/11

Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar once again

refuses to hand over Osama Bin Laden to the United
U.S. and British forces start to target terrorist bases
belonging to Al-Qaeda and the Taliban with the help of
the Northern Alliance.
Post 9/11

Northern Alliance was a militia

looking to end the reign of power of
the Taliban.
Northern Alliance overtook the capital
of Kabul on November 13th 2001,
without the Taliban fighting back .
Taliban lost power when the city of
Kandahar had been seized by the
Northern Alliance on December 6th.
Post 9/11

United States came close to

capturing Bin Laden in the battle of
Tora Bora December 2001, but he
escaped with the help of Afghan
and Pakistani forces.
On May 1st 2003 U.S. President
Bush said that all major combat in
afghanistan had ended.
Taliban Return

In 2005 the Taliban began to use a new

method on how to fight foreign forces,
by using hidden bombs and suicide
The bombings began to increase the
death toll of foreign forces.
United states was mostly unsuccessful
in capturing or killing Taliban
Obama Takes Control
President Obama approved of sending more than 17,000
troops to Afghanistan to the 36,000 that were already
there on February 17th 2009.
On December 1st 2009 Obama approves to send an
additional 30,000 troops to Afghanistan by the summer of
The death toll had risen to about twice what it had been in
Dead at last
Osama Bin Laden was killed in his compound in
Abbottabad, Pakistan.
He was killed by Navy Seal Team 6
Obama's Plan

The United States is in talks with the Taliban to set a state

of peace in Afghanistan
On June 22nd Obama announced that he would decrease
the amount of troops to 30,000
The United States ended their combat mission in
Afghanistan on December 28th, 2014
End Result

26,670 dead Afghan civilians.

6,800 dead American troops.
War cost more than 4.8 trillion dollars.
Killed the worlds most famous
Overthrowing the terrorist group,
Taliban and instating a democracy

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