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Grade 9
45 minutes
After conducting preliminary research, students will be able to compose working thesis
statements by using A Raisin in the Sun, models, a checklist, and template.


CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.9-10.1: Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive
topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.9-10.5: Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning,
revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most
significant for a specific purpose and audience.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.9-10.9: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support
analysis, reflection, and research.


1. Each student will receive a copy of the Thesis Statement Checklist.
I will briefly define what a thesis statement is and its significance in an academic paper.
There will be two versions of the same thesis statement projected/ hand-written on the
board. One sample will be a much stronger thesis statement than the other.
2. Students will Think, Pair, Share:
a. Think about which is the stronger of the two and write down why they believe so.
b. Pair up with another classmate and discuss which statement they chose and their
reasoning for doing so.
c. I will ask five students to Share their responses/ discussion with their partner to
the class
(5 MIN max)
1. After the Do Now, I will ask the class how many students have a complete working thesis
statement, how many have incomplete thesis statements, and how many do not have a
thesis yet. No matter where the students are in this writing process, they can benefit from
learning what is essential for composing a thesis statement.

Spending no more than a minute per bullet point, I will teach the class the Writers Thesis
Statement Checklist, explaining each point, providing examples that are evident in the
sample statements from the Do Now, and stopping to answer any of the students
questions along the way (10 MIN)


There are 3 options to conducting this lessons informal formative assessment depending on the
percentage of students who have a completed working thesis statement, are still working on their
thesis statement, and those who do not yet have their thesis statement:
1. (If a majority of students have complete working thesis statements)
Self-Evaluate: Silently and independently, students will take out their thesis statements
and evaluate them using the checklist provided. On the checklist they are to mark
+ for those items on the checklist that were executed well in their thesis statement,
for those items on the checklist that needed more work, and
- for those items on the checklist that were missing or need the most attention
(3-5 MIN)
Peer- Evaluate: Each student will switch with the classmate next to them and silently and
independently evaluate the thesis using the second checklist provided, using the same
(3-5 MIN)
Dialogue: Partners may finally come together and discuss each others work- what is
strong, what needs work, and what is missing.
(6-10 MIN)
2. (If there is a large number of students with complete thesis statements and an almost
equal number of students who either have an incomplete thesis or no thesis at all)
Class will be grouped according to those with a complete thesis (Group A) and those still
working (Group B). Group A will perform Informal Formative Assessment #1 and this is
Group Bs Informal Formative Assessment:
Independent: Students will be given the Thesis Statement Template which will be briefly
explained. Silently and independently, students will fill in the template using the research
they have gathered and their own ideas about the text and the topic they have chosen.
(3-5 MIN)
Peer: Each student will switch with the classmate next to them and silently and
independently evaluate the thesis using the second checklist provided
+ for those items on the checklist that were executed well in their thesis statement,
for those items on the checklist that needed more work, and
- for those items on the checklist that were missing or need the most attention
(3-5 MIN)
Dialogue: Partners may finally come together and discuss each others work- what is
strong, what needs work, and what is missing.
(6-10 MIN)
3. (If there appears to be an equal number of students with a complete thesis statement,
those with an incomplete thesis statement, and those without a thesis statement)
There will be three groups: Group A has their complete thesis statements and will be
performing Informal Formative Assessment #1; Group B has an incomplete thesis
statement and will be performing Informal Formative Assessment #2; Group C does not
have a thesis statement and therefore will be performing this Informal Formative
Research: Students will work silently and independently as they brainstorm paper topics
using class materials and the play A Raisin in the Sun. They will use this time to not only
gather their ideas but organize those ideas according to the Thesis Statement Template.
(3-5 MIN)
Peer-Evaluate: Each student will switch with the classmate next to them and silently and
independently evaluate the thesis using the second checklist provided
+ for those items on the checklist that were executed well in their thesis statement,
for those items on the checklist that needed more work, and
- for those items on the checklist that were missing or need the most attention
(3-5 MIN)
Dialogue: Partners may finally come together and discuss each others work- what is
strong, what needs work, and what is missing.
(6-10 MIN)
Exit Ticket: Students will tell me 2 things they either did well, need to improve, or change in
their thesis statement and 1 way in which they plan on incorporating textual evidence into their
paper to support their argument (which will neatly lead into our next lesson on how to cite
evidence and use quotes appropriately). (5 MIN)

Although no special documentation was provided, any students with an IEP/ 504 will be given
more time to complete tasks and constant check-ins for understanding if necessary. Depending
on what the student feels most comfortable with, they will be given more personal one-on-one
attention or permission to work independently and at their own pace. As part of a universal
design for learning, any class notes or instructions will be explained verbally as well as visually
projected in case students need to refer to these notes or instructions at a later time.

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