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Cloud computing issue

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Cloud computing is termed to as the storage and access of data as well as programs over the

internet other than ones computers hard drive. The goals of cloud computing are to relieve

users of the burdens connected with maintaining computers and data storage while facilitating

the linked costs to be minimized (Williams, 2010). Even though, cloud computing has developed

its popularity as well as coverage; its use raises several concerns of security and crime

specifically for small business users.

Data security and privacy in small businesses

Data security and privacy appear to be the largest issue facing the small business users who are

currently using cloud computing in their business. This is explicable for small businesses

entrepreneurs who are not familiar to storing their data with a third party service supplier

(Mather, Kumaraswamy & Latif, 2009). Smaller business users who have conventionally kept

their files on their servers in their offices frequently feel that the notion of securing their

important information with an unknown party to be hazardous. The reason why the issue of

security has become a problem for small business owners is that the cloud storage facility

resembles a compound of warehouses whereby people rent one and other businesses rent others

in the same facility. Similar to other renters who have the authority to access the respective

warehouses, this poses a security risk whereby one's data can be interfered with or stolen. Small

business users are faced with the issue of malicious users penetrating the cloud by impersonating

a lawful user thereby infecting the whole cloud by affecting many clients sharing the infected

cloud (Mather, Kumaraswamy & Latif, 2009).

Example of a small business facing data security and privacy issue


The issue of small business faced with data security as well as privacy problems has become so

rampant. Crime in cloud computing systems happens when a password and username

combination has been attained without the business owners authorization (Furht & Escalante,

2010). For instance, in small businesses, this happens using several technical methods. Social

engineering can be targeted towards the cloud service supplier, for instance, by claiming that

urgent access is needed although the password is not working and requires to be reset. In this

case, hackers can guess the password, or be left open in offices, attained using keylogging

malware, or cracked with the use of brute force. Small business passwords can also be obtained

by overcoming weak password recovery mechanisms like answering secret questions whereby

the answers are openly obtainable. For instance, some occurrences in which others are allowed to

have access to data stored in the cloud can be unintentional.


Cloud computing is a great method that small business owners can save some funds, hassle, and

time on a day to day basis. Some of the benefits of cloud computing in small businesses involve;

Cloud computing reduces cost the major benefit of cloud computing to small business owners

is cost saving. The business gets a chance to grow with the use of the cloud services with no

extra hardware acquisitions and with limited or no software expenses (ICSOB Conference, In

Herzwurm & In Margaria-Steffen, 2013). The cloud assists small businesses to preserve office

resources, and that is why many businesses decide to outsource their payroll as well as tax tasks

using cloud-based computing methods.

Cloud computing is accessible and flexible the benefit of cloud computing is that it is

accessible, easy to modify and save files from any number of devices from any location. Usually,

if a document has been saved on a personal computer, an individual can obtain the file from that

specific computer (Pearson & Yee, 2013). Cloud computing allows an individual to access his or

her files from the phone, laptop, or tablet provided that there is an internet connection.

Affordability small business owners, usually pay for what they require as well as what they

have used. Also, if the business grows to be big, the owner can as well pay for more. The

flexibility of cloud computing makes its services affordable and practical for small business

owners. The costs required for start-up mare very cheap and applications are fast as well as easy

to access and modify (Furht & Escalante, 2010).

How to solve the issue of Data security and privacy

Cloud safety entails finding the right cloud provider and implementing technologies that focus

on both data protection as well as identity verification. To solve the issue of data security and

privacy facing small business owners there requires being secure data transmission. This refers to

transferring of data such as confidential information within a secure channel. Data conveyed

between the cloud service, and the user has to transverse through the internet hence becoming

important for encrypting as well as authenticating data transmission using industry standard

protocols (In Cheung, In Weber & University of Hong Kong. 2015). Moreover, data should be

safely encrypted on the suppliers servers, and as it is in use by cloud service, they can offer local

decryption and encryption of the files in addition to backup and storage. This guarantees that the

data is secured in a manner that no individual involving the administrator of the network plus the

cloud provider could have access to it except the business owner (International Conference on

Information Processing, Venugopal & Patnaik, 2011).


In conclusion, cloud suppliers offer premium quality security against all the risks that happen.

Therefore, it is advisable for small business owners to address any issue with the cloud supplier

before entrusting their data to its servers. This is because the benefits offered by cloud computing

to small business entrepreneurs are far too many to dismiss the system.


Williams, M. I. (2010). A quick start guide to cloud computing: Moving your business into the

cloud. London: Kogan Page.

Mather, T., Kumaraswamy, S., & Latif, S. (2009). Cloud security and privacy. Beijing: O'Reilly.

Furht, B., & Escalante, A. (2010). Handbook of cloud computing. New York: Springer.

ICSOB (Conference), In Herzwurm, G., & In Margaria-Steffen, T. (2013). Software business:

From physical products to software services and solutions : 4th International

Conference, ICSOB 2013, Potsdam, Germany, June 11-14, 2013. Proceedings.

Pearson, S., & Yee, G. (2013). Privacy and security for cloud computing. London: Springer.

In Cheung, A. S. Y., In Weber, R. H., & University of Hong Kong. (2015). Privacy and legal

issues in cloud computing.

International Conference on Information Processing, Venugopal, K. R., & Patnaik, L. M. (2011).

Computer networks and intelligent computing: 5th International Conference on

Information Processing, ICIP 2011, Bangalore, India, August 5-7, 2011, proceedings.

New York: Springer.

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