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The Global Demographic Trends Impacting Diversity

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Diversity Trends

Diversity in the workplace is a broad topic which incorporates both the urge for social justice and

the high prospective value of employing a labor force that is diverse enough to contend in a

progressively more global economic atmosphere (D'Almeida, 2007). Research findings depict

that those organizations with elevated diversity scores performed better economically. This is

because organizations assume methods of vigorously leveraging the diversity of workers for the

point of augmenting competitive advantage. Diversity is said to lead to competitive advantage

through valuing of conflicts as prospects which lead to effectual problem solving and decision-

making (D'Almeida, 2007). This is also achieved through individuals benefiting and learning

from others notions in a diverse atmosphere. In preparation for this training session, I will

consider five major diversity areas of interest that are well discussed below.

I. Population trends

The population trend is termed to be the transformations over a period and can comprise changes

in varying behavior such as biogeography, life-history, and distribution. The world population

growth is on the rise whereby it has been reported that it has augmented from 2.5 billion to 6

billion in the last fifty years. Currently, this number is increasing annually by 75 million people

whereby 97 percent happens in the developing nations (Byrd & Scott, 2014). For the year 1990

to 2013, the purchasing power of the Latinos was anticipated to increase by 560 percent while

the purchasing power of the Whites during a similar time was anticipated to grow by 211 percent

in the United States. Also, the Black American population augmented by 27 percent compared

with the 15 percent of the white population as well as the 21 percent of the total United States

population. Moreover, from 1995 to 2007, the purchasing power of the disabled people

augmented by 26 percent (Byrd & Scott, 2014). It is also estimated that 2.4 percent of Fortune

500 organization CEOs are women and 20 percent of the highly paid workers at Fortune 500

organizations are women (Hughes, 2014).

II. Working-age population movements

The working age population is termed to be the total population in a given area which is regarded

to be capable and probably to work based on the fraction of the population belonging to an

assured prearranged age range. This age is defined by those people aged 15 to 64 years (Cardoso

& Helwege, 1999). The gauge of the working age population is used to give an approximate of

the total number of likely workers in an economy. The working age population of an economy is

termed to changing the demographics of that region changes whereby big changes have the

ability to impact the economy essentially. As a result of technology, the working age population

within the Fortune 500 organizations has augmented healthy human prolonged existence. The

aging people bring in experience as well as wisdom along with many years of talent. Moreover,

the younger generation brings fresh minds and innovative ideas (Cardoso & Helwege, 1999).

III. Racial and ethnic trends

The racial and ethnic structure of the American citizens is in unrest. Rather scientists have begun

to refute the concept of race as it has scientific grounds. People are said to be mixed with at least

two or more races in any given region. Discrimination based on race is not only unlawful but

also produces unconstructive implications that usually affect people. Ethnicity is termed to be

groups of people in a bigger society that are discernible like language, religion, and cultural

values as well as activities (Scott & Byrd, 2012). Disparities based on ethnicity are not racial

differences although it focuses on how race differences can provide varied cultural values.

IV. Sexual-orientation trends

Sexual orientation illustrates an individuals sexual predilection despite their sexual behavior or

gender. It requires being realized that both genders have feminine as well as masculine

peculiarities. The people that are of varied sexual orientation require to be tolerant of such

disparities and not to make any suppositions (Scott & Byrd, 2012).

V. Gender trends

Gender diversity trends refer to when organizations consider one gender more than the other. The

role of women in the organization has transformed drastically over the last few years with

women getting bigger opportunities for advancement as compared to men. Research depicts that

young women are starting off their career with elevated educational achievement than men.

Many Fortune 500 organizations have realized the value of having a diverse labor force. A great

number of the Fortune 500 organizations have equal opportunities for both men and women

whereby there are no discrimination issues based on gender.

Impact of diversity trends and changes to the firm based on statistical data

Some of the impacts of diversity involve business expansion whereby many of the Fortune 500

organizations will expand their businesses by increasing the number of stores in which their

clients can purchase their products. This business expansion will involve opening up of new

stores in varied locations while maintaining the present business locations (Brislin, 2008).

Diversity trends will impart strong knowledge base to the many Fortune 500 organizations.

There will also be many in-house resources as a result of diversity trends.


The changes to the firm will involve accepting and considering diversity in the organizations by

developing awareness of an individuals cultural suppositions and biases (Byrd & Scott, 2014).

This kind of training on the Fortune 500 organizations will assist in formulating cohesive as well

as enriching experiences for all workers on an individual and work atmosphere level.

Recommendation to the firm for sustaining a diverse workforce

The recommendations I would suggest to the firm for having a sustained diverse labor force is

for them to stay focused on instituting as well as serving diverse market segments as well as a

diverse customer base. The reason for establishment of diverse markets and customer base will

be for the organization to be able to reach a wide range of people in all its branches or stores. I

would also recommend consistent diversity training in the workplace by the consultants. The

reason this constant training is for the organizations to ensure that employing have the right

information in their stores regarding the diversity trends highlighted above. Finally, I would

recommend to the firm that they have a well-restated policy on diversity and publicize the

companys commitment to diversity for all the employees to see. Having a well established

policy of the company on diversity will ensure that the employees are well informed and

committed of the policies that guide and govern the organization regarding diversity trends.


D'Almeida, C. (2007). Effects of cultural diversity in the workplace (1st ed.). Ann Arbor, MI:


Cardoso, E., & Helwege, A. (1999). Latin America's economy: Diversity, trends, and conflicts.

Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.: MIT Press.

Scott, C. L., & Byrd, M. Y. (2012). Handbook of research on workforce diversity in a global

society: Technologies and concepts. Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference.

Brislin, R. W. (2008). Working with cultural differences: Dealing effectively with diversity in the

workplace. Westport, Conn: Praeger.

Byrd, M. & Scott, C. (2014). Diversity in the workforce (1st ed.). New York: Routledge.

Hughes, C. (2014). American black women and interpersonal leadership styles.

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