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The Thin Line Between Cultural Appropriation and Cultural Appreciation

Appropriation and Appreciation. Eleven of the same letters, but not paying attention to

the difference could be what offends someone or what keeps them happy. Culture Appreciation

means to learn about a culture, and respect it. Culture Appropropriation is choosing what part

of the culture you want to address and completely ignoring the meaning behind it. Learning the

difference between appropriating and appreciating a culture is immensely important when living

in a country of people from various backgrounds it can keep peace among the population.

Psychology For Millennials By Millennials, could not have said it better, we live in a

multicultural world, so you are bound to pick up something from different cultures whether it be

the way you dress or act but you should never feel that culture is free for your gain. Wearing a

hijab, kimo, or dreadlocks because its cute is not appreciating culture. Making dream catchers

and placing them around your home because everyone else is doing it is not appreciating culture.

Posting a selfie on Instagram with a sombrero on Cinco de Mayo is not appreciating culture.

Even if you arent appropriating other cultures on purpose it doesnt mean the action doesnt

hurt the community. Most of the time the tradition, music, language, cuisine, religious symbols,

ect., that people are appropriating has a long history of ethnic discrimination and prejudice in the

place it originated.

There are tons of way to insure that you do not appropriate another's culture. Doing

research as to why minorities do something different is essential because you are more likely

to be understanding and accepting of the culture. When Angelina Jolie visited Pakistan in 2010

she wore a hijab. No one was insulted by this action because she did not do it for the sake of

fashion, she did because she wanted to show respect to the culture and fit into the community she
was visiting (Bashaoor). This differs from what Katy Perry has done, in multiple music videos,

where she has taken aspects of a culture simply for the aesthetic of the video. (Psych2Go)

As members of a free country, where people have exchanged cultures since 1621 (when

the country was first discovered by the Pilgrims), we should understand that we have a

responsibility to educate ourselves on other cultures, since we live among them. The United

States calls itself a safe haven for the world, but it continues make those from different cultures

around the world feel lack of respect. The people that are affected by appropriation are not

hypersensitive. They just want to live in a country that stays true to their word.

Quynh. "Cultural Appreciation V. Cultural Appropriation." N.p., 24 June

2015. Web. 23 Apr. 2017.

Uwujaren, Jarune. "The Difference Between Cultural Exchange and Cultural

Appropriation." Everyday Feminism. N.p., 23 Nov. 2016. Web. 30 Apr. 2017.

Pakistan, Bashaoor. "Angelina Jolie Criticize Pakistani Politicians: I Didn't Come To

Dine." Bashaoor Pakistan. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2017.

Ede, Nneka. "Woman in Peshawar. That's not any woman,

that's Angelina Jolie. Pakistan." Pinterest. N.p., 08 July 2015. Web. 23 Apr. 2017.
"Cultural Appropriation Vs. Cultural
Appreciation." Odyssey. N.p., 18 Apr. 2016. Web. 23 Apr. 2017.

"Party time!" Pinterest. N.p., n.d. Web. 23

Apr. 2017.

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