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1. For the given system below, what is the system reliability?

independent failures. Please round your answer to 3 decimals.

Answer 1:
Step 1: calculating the reliability for the parallel segments
Rp = 1 [(1 - 0.85) (1 - 0.8) ] = 1 - [0.15 0.2 ] = 0.97

Step 2: The system reliability is, then, the product of these component

Rs = R1 Rp R3 R4 = 0.85 0.97 0.9 0.85 = 0.6307

2. A centrifugal pump consists of three major components: a motor, a

shaft, and an impeller, having reliabilities of 0.81, 0.9 and 0.86,
respectively. Calculate system reliability for high-level redundancy for
the system with two parallel components. Please round your answer to
3 decimals.

Answer 2: The high-level redundancy structure is:

0.81 0.90 0.86

0.81 0.90 0.86

The system reliability:

Rhigh = 1 [(1 - 0.810.90.86) (1 - 0.810.90.86)] = 1 - [0.373

0.373 ] = 0.86

3. A centrifugal pump consists of three major components: a motor, a

shaft, and an impeller, having reliabilities of 0.81, 0.9 and 0.86,
respectively. Calculate system reliability for low-level redundancy for
the system with two parallel components. Please round your answer to
3 decimals.

Answer 3: The low-level redundancy structure is:

0.81 0.90 0.86

0.81 0.90 0.86

The system reliability:

Rlow = (1 - (1 - 0.81)2) (1 - (1 - 0.9)2) (1 - (1 - 0.86)2)= 0.9639 0.99

0.9804 = 0.9356

4. Consider a system of 7 components of which at least 5 must function

properly for system success. Each component has a reliability of 0.9 for
the mission duration. Determine reliability of the system. Please round
your answer to 3 decimals.

Answer 4:
Using the below formula, we can calculate the reliability of the system:

where, k =5 ; n=7; R = 0.9

7 7 7
Rs (0.9) 5 (0.1) 2 (0.9) 6 (0.1)1 (0.9) 7 (0.1) 01
5 6 7
Rs = 0.1240 + 0.3720 + 0.4783 = 0.9743 = 97.43%

5. Consider a system of 5 pumps of which at least 4 must function

properly for system success. Each pump has a 0.89 reliability for the
mission duration. Determine reliability of the system. Please round
your answer to 3

Answer 5:
Using the below formula, we can calculate the reliability of the system:

where, k =4 ; n=5 ; R = 0.89

5 5
Rs (0.89) 4 (0.11)1 (0.89) 5 (0.11) 0
4 5
Rs = 0.3451 + 0.5584 = 0.9035 = 90.35%

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