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Computer Vision
Machine Learning
Fundamental Algorithms
Game Development

Tools / Libraries OpenCV, Matplotlib, Scipy, Numpy ( Python )

Web development tools HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MEAN stack

Databases SQL, MongoDB

Video Analysis and object detection:
This project uses Opencv framework on python. It detects moving objects
in a video and tracks it with an ID. Furthermore, it recognizes properties
of these objects such as color, direction of movement, position and area
occupied on the screen.

Fitbit App A fitness application which helps users to define their

fitness plan for each day of the week and tracks the progress on a daily
as well as a weekly aggregated basis. The user is provided with a
number of charts showing daily or weekly plan vs actual progress view.

Vehicle Tracker App A tracking application which tracks the position

of a vehicle on the map as it moves along its route, showing its current
location and also its history along with a timestamp.


Apr 2016 Image Recognition

Identifying the class of an image using a Neural network from a given set of
Mar Digit Recognition
Recognizing the digit on a picture using a Neural network.

Nov String Parsing using LR Parsing Table

2015 Given a String w and an LR-parsing table (in the form of a matrix) with
functions ACTION and GOTO for a grammar G, predicts whether the
given string is in language or not.

Apr 2015 Indexing a book using a B-tree

This project indexs the keywords of a given book using a B-tree.

Mar K d trees (2 d tree)

This project allows Insertion, Searching, Nearest neighbour
search, Range count and Range Search on elements of a 2-
dimensional tree.
Dec 2014 Text compression using Huffman coding
This project implements Huffman coding algorithm by taking a text
file as an input, generating its Huffman tree and then compressing
the text to its equivalent Huffman code.

Feb Student information portal

2011 Developed a website to maintain and publish Student
May NarutoZRT
2008 Developed and hosted a multimedia website
- Dec

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