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a> ten Uns Cran ‘Ertmingonss vai et Sune 2017 ss) emo T ort 10.00 1 2 ‘hey 3 4 Tengeoskeaeng ——] 10 I Galea Taare nT Ge Wr Chamber IS 18 a 22 24 25 Ee Cathy Martens lat — = : Nv | 26 27 28 29 30 ‘Miwodance Se ee Minister's Musings School is out, the weathar is warming, vacations are being planned and church attendance is, being put on the back burner. Yup, the summer swoon in church attendance has started. Are you a ppart ofthis swoon? This phenomenon is certainly not a Minden thing. The swoon is a Church wide thing, and I wonder why. Why’s it so easy to “take a break" from church in the summer? God certainly never “takes a break’ from us. Maybe the question is why do we goto church in the first place? Going to church i vital to a person's spiritual growth. Thave heard many times that I ean pray fat home and that I can bea good Christian at home. Maybe, but you eannot be the best Christian you ean be by iguuring church alleadauee, You cau be a basketball player, but if you never practice, are never around other basketball players, never get taught and challenged to be a better basketball player how good are you? Church isthe place we find community with other believers. We go through the familiar rituals ‘of worship, we hear the word cf God preached, we pray for others as we're prayed for, we are challenged to grow in our faith, and maybe most importantly we are reminded that we do not travel this path alone. Worshipping with other believers reminds us that we have a vast support system, and it humbles us to know that out faith isnot only about us. We are reminded that we are called to help support others, and that our fsith needs to be bigger than our simple lives. When we don't goto ‘church we miss out onal ofthat. Ofcourse, worship attendance doesn’t guarantee a strong faith, but ifyou want a strong faith it needs to be an intentional part of your journey. Your attendance in chureh feeds your faith life, and it feeds the faith life of the people around you, ‘Sunday is the only day I get to sleep in, wo're just so busy that Sunday is the only day we get to ‘be home, I don't like the pastor, the sermons are boring, I don’t like who Isee in church, it's just a bunch of hypocrites and sinne:s sitting in the pews, my kids think church is boring, all the church ‘wants is my money. The list o° excuses is endless, and trust me I've heard almost al of them, Do these same excuses get used ifthere are sports planned for a Sunday? How do you suppose these excises sound to God? The God who ereated you, the God who loves you unconditionally, the God ‘who wants you to live the best life possible, and yet an hour of your time on Sunday is simply too ‘much to give back. Think abontit..hlow ridiculous does that sound? Now, if you simply don't care about your relationship with Cod then all of this doesn’t really matter, does it? On the other hand, if you truly do want to be closer :o God then regular, intentional worship is essential to building that faith. Yes, personal devotion end prayer is also a part of your relationship with God, but it cannot be the only part. I dare say if you're not involved in a church then your relationship with God is not nearly where God wants it toe. So, back to the summer swoon, Imagine telling God, “I'm going to take a break for a conple months.” Or, "I can't give youan hour or two on Sunday because I'm simply too busy with other stuff” “God you've given me everything, but regular worship is too much to ask in return.” I'll say it again...sounds downright silly. I guess the question is simple...If you are serious about wanting strong faith then are you willing to participate in one ofthe best ways to grow that faith, church attendance and involvement? If the answer is yes, we'll see you on Sunday! If the answer is no, I ean't, commit to regular worship then I maybe so bold as to question your desire fora strong faith and relationship with God. Pleaseknow, if we don’t see you, know that we still ove you, God loves you, ‘and we sincerely hope you will join us soon, Sunday morning 10:00am! ¢vents in our Church Life June 4~ Congregational Meeting June 14—Board Meeting 7:00 July 30— August 3 - Vacation Bible School August 27—Iee Cream Social igh School Seniors who are members ofthe Minden UCC are eligible for scholarship money for futher education after graduation. Ifyou are a graduating senior or recipient of a GED in this school year you ‘ay apply. Application consists of a short narrative stating when you | will graduate and your plans for further ‘education. The application should be presented to the church office by August 2017, The ‘amount of the scholarship will depend on the amount of money available and the numberof applicants : facation Help is always needed for ‘Bible chool VBS is July 30 — Aug. 3 Please contact Tracy or Pastor Brian Vacation Bibl School]!!! : Ages 3-5" Grade The best week of the summer! © New friends (© Amazing experiments © Creative games © Lip-smacking snacks ‘© Surprising adventures © Incredible music Location: Minden United Church of Christ VBS will last from: Sunday, July 31° thru Thursday Aug. 3 Each day's fun begins at: 6.00 pm ‘The VBS day ends at: 7:30pm Register at: or call (712) 483-2903 June Usher List June 4.2017 David & Cindy Manbart, "Tim & Doreen Koch wn 1.2017 Jerry & Amana Muley mne 18.200 Gary & Karls Wedel June 25,2017, Kaylee Schneckloth, Carolyn Siebels ThankYou! mrt inden, ue $3,840 Sm ah ee 1) July Usher List July2,2017 Amy Andersen, Elizabeth Brazeal & Sydney Mutley, Pam Danker July 9,2017 Richard & Vivian Dau July 16,2017, ‘Bonnie && Gene Dollen July.28, 2017 ‘Tressa, Nolan, & Sophie Driver a Art & Reis Brockhof? June Scripture Readings June 4 ~ Acts 2:1-21 of Numbers 11:24 30, Psalm 104:24-34, 35h, 1 Corinthians 12:3b-13 or Acts 2:1-21, John 20:19-23 or John 737.39 June 11 ~ Genesis I:1-24a, Psalm 8,2 Corinthians 13:11-13, Matthew 28:16-20 June 18 — Genesis 18:1-15, 21:1-7), Penlm 116:1-2, 12-19 or Exodus 19:3- 8a, Psalm 100, Romans $:1-8, Matthew 9335-1058, (0-23) June 25 ~ Genesis 21:8-21, Psalm 86:1- 10, 16-17 or Jeremiah 20:7-13, Psalm 69:7-10, (11-15), 16-18, Romans 6:1b- 11, Matthew 10:24-39 | Confirmation Seprember 10, 2017 Sunday School begins September 10, 2017 congregational Neti June 4, 2017 following Worship to discuss painting the Parsonage Celebration of our Ministry Ever wonder what we “do” here at church? Ever wonder what your giving supports? During a sermon, a fow weeks ago I listed out what some of our ministries here at ‘Minden UCC, and it was suggested that list be put in the Cornerstone. ‘Sunday Morning Worship-avg, attendance 60 Sunday School forall ages-a5 kids Children’s church during worship Fellowship time following worship Baptisms, Weddings, & Funerals ‘Wedding counseling, various other counseling Visits to care facilities, hospitals, shut ins Confirmation for 8% graders Group 3:16 for 62-8 graders (youth group) ‘Sponsor backpack program at Tri-Center Gift cards to Tei-Center Elem. Teachers ‘Support a Christmas family each year ‘Scholarships for HS Seniors ‘Tuition help for kids going to church camp Give assistance to travelers in need House area food pantry Boy Scouts, Mothers o Pre-Schoolers (MOPS) Red Cross Blood Drives Dinners throughout the year ‘Member ordained, menber seeking to be licensed to otart a now ministry Building updates: new parking lot, new windows, now furnaces, updated parsonage ! ‘ebration Ce Lists are dangerous because something is usually eft out, so this isn't meant to be ‘exhaustive, We can orly do this much ministry because of the support of our fantastic members and friends. Be on the lookout for more ways to support our church's ministry. We still need support throughout the summer!!! ICE Social 7. hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, salads, drinks, homemade pies, bars and Ice Cream! %/ 2 11:30 - 1:00 Minden United Church of Christ Minden, lowa Freewill donation Teachers Needed 4th & 5th Grade Sunday School Please contact Pastor Brian Supplies Needed: Clean toilet paper rolls Clean tin cans (please make sure the top has safe edges) Hardware (odds and ends Ike bolts, washers, buttons, anything else that doesn’t have sharp edges) Swimming noodles AA batteries Battery operated toothbrushes (find at dollar store) Duet tape Stickers Drinking straws (Washi tape Yellow tissue paper Cardboard (different color) Markers Crayons BissiexSoD) Colored pencils Scissors Helpers Needed! “Minden UCC is responsible for providing snacks this year. We average about 80 kids each year so we need lots of teats! you are interested in helping please contact Pastor Brian or Tracy. \We ask that all snacks be peanut free as we have some kids with peanut allergies. Thank you for your help. Opening/closing leader ~this person(s) s responsible for leading the singing and also helping Introduce the Bible lesson 2ach night Preschool leaders teach he preschool ids and keep them busy © bible story leader teach heel story othe seach ight Craft leaders help the kies with crafts; all supplies wil be there. All you need to dos help assemble the different crafts each night Game leaders ~ come up with games for the kids to play each night Snack helpers~ hand out sacks to the kids; snacks willbe provided “If you are interested in helping with any of the items listed above please talk to Pastor Brian or Tracy. Church Board Meeting May 17, 2017 Those attending were chard Dau, Pam Darker, fom Neon, Kaylee Schnecleth Amanda Murey, Charl Leaders Clerk's reportno report in ast Correrstone Pastors report + went to Chicago for raining on UCC’ new authorization for ministry wording and process ‘Sunday School recognition ‘Vacation in Minnesota or lative confmation ‘New member Sunday 1 Recognized 5 seniors “+ Next Sunday baptizing Ava Pohirman + June 11-Keegan Campbell kapized 4 Helped with Bacalauresteat Ti Conter ‘+ Confirmation willgoto islamic center on une 10 Summer wil be visting members/coming to parsonage BS july 3-August 3 67:30 ‘August 27 ce Cream Soci 'Memoial Day wl ge ceremony a the cemetery 10:00 Monday Treasurer's eport- ‘+ Moved by Pam and seconded by Chalet acept the report and pay monthly Bills Mission Fund report: ‘+ $1200{n account and 6 serlors to glue Scholarships tothe apy ‘Trustee's report- “+ ranch at parsonage broke off—leakby front door withthe wind and ain at church—dovwn spout cracked and ‘needs replace at church—board membar volunteered for that Deacon's report Nothing ‘Memoria Fund report + Working on getting new camcorders forthe church service Youth report + Vasand campers wanting o goto camp Unfinshed/New Business report: ‘+ Fun Day in Minden at and around the Cornmunity Center-we may sell hotdogs Parsonage needs paintng-thas been longer than 10 years Getting bis and wi have congregational meting soon Steve Chistensen ls ding ome landscaping atthe parsonage-Pastor Sian will donate cost ‘Board meetings vil remain Wednesday nights forthe summer Cnfimaton next year wil have 7 kd stil ecaing Wednesday nights or Sunday mornings Etectronie ging wil start this fll—moreinfermation to come Parking Lot Loan Info Starting Loan amount: $36,500 -S year loan at 4% interest -Payments quarterly-Feb., May, Aug., Nov. “The 4 payments are $2081.21 each Money to pay off the loan comes ftom 3 areas specifiod donations to the parking lot fund, ‘undesignated donations to church thatthe board direts to parking lot fund, an finlly all proceeds from our chureh dinners goto the parking lot fund, NO geneva fund money ot ose go ova th puking ot fnd. Wehavemade 2 payesn ad have $8268 68 onthe los. INCOME 2016 (wercmar 17) INCOME 2017 ero Mav 17) $28,605 $27,780 EXPENSES 2016 EXPENSES 2017 $38,756 $35,479 AMOUNT BoRROWED 2016 AMOUNT BORROWED 2017 £4,550 $2,450 ‘This isa very simplistic view of our finances, Varlables can change from year to year and month to month that would affect how the fnances look. With that being sid, we simply want to give a quick picture of how things compare. Giving is down alte bit compared toast year. Expenses are down to, but that's deceiving because of diffrent bills being due and other spending that doesn’t translate easly year to ‘year. Safe to say expenses won't be les this year! Our loan amount is lss this year because of our fantastically wonderful church sale. Jn a nutshell. dan’ forget we still need your financial support throughout the summer! We tend to give when we're n church so please come to church orsetup to have ‘your bank mail checks tothe church automatically. Automate bill pay (swandeful! That way you become ‘1 more consistent & aihfulgiver and all he ministries can thrive! -Minden UCC Church Board Minden United Church of Christ Monthly Mission Fund Report Savings Account #_“SO3¢4s—~ Balance On Hand Date:_[2-]}.-Ve 3. bIbA Receipts: [4-17 ae s eae Sib) 3-977) sad wor s SEDs 107 Interest From Savings Account 8 & other Dass OQ. rowed Many Roel ron Geen Crh aking 8D Total Receipts sSuH4 Withdrawals 219% Lana Di Sor 4. tg cek Amount Transfred o Estate Fund Checking Account $_ © Amount Transered o Generel Church Checking Act, $_ ©) Total Withdrawals <$__|'SO) Balance On Hand Date:_§- [5-17 ‘Submitted by s_|o12.4O ‘Mission Fund Treasurer UCC Mission Fund Savings “The “inasinfrmol” occu ely one in che Bibl n which New Tstamene bok do were! io he ume of de Father an othe Sena of aly Sand whosid thae war’ A. Ras Pal / Bree Per f/ CMe Acta the Apts Lake D.Michew Jou (orem amy | Strength for e's bites Tirta nllfeplionny ic | eee igee hacen a | ee | coccinea | Sooner: = Tee hig ek eee ee eee ond ipietantae guoncieee Se eee: ay Puzzle! Locate te names of al the Ol Testament books, using our Bible's taba of contents for wince Nurbered books, such as 1 Samuel, pear only ‘once — wiht rumbers. SETSAISELCCEDHT OEJDRINYGLEINAD NJOSEESTHERGAIM GESEEUBAHOSEADU ORHZSLTMIJONIAH FEUEOECEUAAEHBA SMAKMVHIRNHSCON OIGIAIHANOJIAAR LAMENTATIONSLRU OHHLNIGHBNROAZT MIAZECHARIAHMEH ODCGKUKKABAHCYO NKINGSBREVORPRT KVMPSALMSUDCXEU JUDGESTSAMUELUZ The wooden shoe of worry "The word hen cing oy Ses the ‘Ranch word for ween sha Ssberge wash xc | throwing ene ite cnr oop more New ens fay ate oink pedason ep = roduc ‘a es toca wosen ee ats oss to pent ut fiom acamplhing Gods plan. Th sb i wor which nena the ope sorcr diepiion ae ih | (Gusta sovice. The wy Joss: "Do awe wary | About taro eee wil wry abo itself” (fate 634 NIV) Jeri promt nas rindi {reese eee oe athe wh ros ral ware "Bees gut snd done wc sbxage your fat ‘You'll never miss it rated dat ince aoe cored expen lange church ase reigned Anwar marie, wh mnths | towns gin ewan vlc coke oer with one ple the weld abit ep ees ya, “The purl bard member pred eet new be we amhonest an, ler dyed hn poco, ‘By yt end ce new car ge glowing pore The shuzc ulin Sead bon eed Sl li ba in ‘ad 13 pee Ad the age showed aay El. ‘Whe isc but died cngreion ak ors ‘plato, he esters, "het yo eng yor pao tmyeleat: When pid you, Tsnply wield 10 ject Tarbes gto mca nye Yee Tage wha we ld dor Go fe wing rere ‘he fie eth af ak eo i, Special dates \ Set + Pees, Je, 2017 | 1 My Sony Je 1, 2017 1 Bag Dow 14, 2017 {Bathe By Jame 18,2017 1 Ba dy fuera 20,2017 | Ancien saris tl of wo bothers who sega fides anal ae send equally vied che fos of ‘he bor Ba he nati el ht hi ce with analy tsoper ld have get care So xh i, tte cone af dake eed ame his pain it bees eh, he mae ler ws concerned ths itn se br wo reo chien eater nid ae Soenh ght a a, added srt graany ‘One nigh, cess bois anne ah ter ‘wc lag thy Ineghed and mb Rabbiileg ac als thc on thc spe = whee love war ely shared (Ge dc is Tp sold be baie Whee pole at incall, cep bere dm ily (encanta mara) fy Sebeslars gan downlad here Né WV STOTLOR. ee ACTIVITIES PAGE voLuwe a8, NumBen 6 HELD IN YOUR Father's Dy isthe peri timt ta romember God ot heavenly Father Whae does te pealmie ay about him? Mala is ears eet} ‘ft gve yr dat ranma rations: Cane stn 8:26 by ply the cael ne as ‘Seman aes What youneet - * Tempra pine (any ovo) Cologs bende whit) shpapesplate “vo paintbrushes + Yourdad’s hand whic caarck OB {per towels tApen ‘What you co: . 1 Pace pine on the paper n= ee Oe ple 2, Prine your dads palm and the insides of is finger ith on color of pine. Set Fishand in che center of tow ley. Gd tie Rick me sae 3. Damour paand Faget eater tle Pace ores in Ps_Im 89:26, N_V the center of your dad's. 7 te 4. ie ong mess teyour dene Bk Seoios of te cso veyour dad eit AIN seae nee 0s Jen spoe ag og A seg Suz ane no, EOS HL SOM and ugh ec05t78 e007, [MINDEN UNITED HURCH OF CHRIST Receipts and Expense forthe Moth of Apel Balance in Bank Api 1, 2017 Income: Beles & Los Oferings ‘Sunday Seo! ‘Loa From Bak otal barowed to date $2,450.00) Hal Renal Cote Hone Miscellaneous: aster Bred Total mame Expenses: ‘OCW Sales “Travel Expense Gi Cards 8, Teaches Insurance — Pastor Social Seury —Fastor Soe, Se. Medicare ‘Utes char Postage ‘once Supplies copies ‘Custodian Supplies Maitenanoe cure Grouas Parse Wor Sappes Ctrsian EA Depirment, 3 rade Biles ther: Taster Parking Lot Miscellaneous: High School Senior Gis “otal Expense Balance in Bank Apel 30, 2017 72.00 1500 30.00 7500 p30 8500 200 4003.76 103.14 17.00 95886 s95a5 55869 3821 stot matt 4036 nae is07 sao 1485 s 12 788630 8696163 s 93629 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. Postage PAID MINDEN, TOWA Permit #7 Return Service Requested THE CORNERSTONE Mated May 80, 2017 | Spirit! Lovet FORGIVE! "KEEP THE SPIRIT" e "Be YOURSELF" Li

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