An Entire Computer On A Chip

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Microprocessor- an integrated circuit that contains all the functions of a central processing
unit of a computer
2. Microcontroller an entire computer on a chip
3. IDE- intergrated development environment
4. Computer A words and names defined as part of a computer
program- language to perform specific tasks
6. Machine a programming language understood by computers that
language- consists entirely of numbers
7. High level a programming language
8. Open source denoting software for which the original source code is made freely
available and may be redistributed and modified.
9. Proprietary relating to an owner or ownership.
10. Syntax- the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in
a language
11. Interface a device or program enabling a user to communicate with a computer.
12. Keywords a word or concept of great significance
13. Abstraction the quality of dealing with ideas rather than events
14. Variable not consistent or having a fixed pattern; liable to change
15. Program loop- a loop that the progam must follow and execute
16. Infinite loop- while loop
17. Counting loop for loop
18. Conditional if loop
19. Comment a verbal or written remark expressing an opinion or reaction
20. Statement a definite or clear expression of something in speech or writing
21. Function a relationship or expression involving one or more variables
22. Analog- relating to or using signals or information represented by a continuously
variable physical quantity such as spatial position or voltage
23. Digital- (of signals or data) expressed as series of the digits 0 and 1, typically
represented by values of a physical quantity such as voltage or magnetic
24. Binary- relating to, using, or expressed in a system of numerical notation that has
2 rather than 10 as a base
Definitions Used in Computer Programming

Introduction to Robotics Part 5: Programming
1. What is the main reason to write a computer program?
A to learn mathematics
B to understand technology
C to solve a problem
D to impress your friends

2. What does IDE stand for?

A Independent Device Enterprise
B Integrated Development Environment
C Iterating Decision Enclosure
D Instant Decision Environment
3. What does the term int in the following instruction mean? int bumper
A bumper is a 16 bit variable
B bumper has an intermediate value
C bumper has a value between 0 and 255
D read the bumper switch to input a value

4. How do you know some typed text in C++ is actually a statement?

A it is terminated with a comma
B it is terminated with a semicolon
C it is enclosed by curly brackets
D it has a double slash in front of it

5. How do you know some typed text in C++ is a function?

A it is terminated with a comma
B it is terminated with a semicolon
C it is enclosed by curly brackets
D it has a double slash in front of it

6. What type of loop is a FOR loop?

A a counting loop
B a decision loop
C an infinite loop
D a conditional loop

7. What type of loop is a WHILE loop?

A a counting loop
B a decision loop
C an infinite loop
D a conditional loop

8. What type of loop is an IF loop?

A a counting loop
B a decision loop
C an infinite loop
D a conditional loop

9. What do you use in C++ to create a comment?

A it is terminated with a comma
B it is terminated with a semicolon
C it is enclosed by curly brackets
D it has a double slash in front of it

10. What is a microcontroller?

A a multipurpose programmable device
B a computer on a chip
C smallest standalone part of a computer program containing executable code
D a sequence of instructions that continually repeat

11. What two things does an IDE do?

- Converts the higher level language to the machine code that is specific
to a family of microprocessors
- Allows the microcontroller to perform the instructions and to interact
with the outside world
12. What two things happen when you define a variable?
- you have to put a parenthesis
- the program can run it
13. Describe the following computer program in as much detail as
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once;
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly;
Matching: does not return any values or data
14. Machine language
15. Statement
16. Computer program
17. Syntax
18. Keywords
19. Function
20. Binary
A words and names defined as part of a computer language to perform specific

B a programming language understood by computers that consists entirely of


C the set of rules that define how symbols and words are used in a programming

D has only two values, zero and one

E smallest standalone part of a computer program containing executable code

F a sequence of instructions that are executed by a CPU

G section of a computer program that performs a specific task

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