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Pohick Episcopal Church

9301 Richmond Highway Lorton, VA 22079
Telephone: 703-339-6572 Fax: 703-339-9884

Let your light so shine (Matt. 5:16)

June 2017
From The Rector A smoother, more regular heartbeat.
An average increase of seven years in life expec-
The Reverend tancy.
Donald D. Binder, PhD This impartial list consists simply of the personal
benefits of practicing gratitude. Beyond that, there is

R ejoice in the Lord always; again I say, Rejoice!

(Philippians 4:4)
The life of the Christian is meant to be one of joy
a ripple effect that extends out to those encounter-
ing a thankful individual. Such acts of gratitude often
inspire these persons to reassess their lives, changing
and thanksgiving, as we can see from the exhortations them in a more positive direction.
of the Apostle Paul, above. He wrote those words in Of course, developing an attitude of gratitude is
the midst of one of his many imprisonments - but easier said than done, especially in todays headline-
that was the least of it. He had already experienced driven society where were practically programmed to
numerous beatings, stonings, shipwrecks, and many complain about everything. These days, not only has
other hardships, all for the sake of the Gospel of Je- everyone become a critic, but the fast-paced lifestyle
sus Christ (see 2 Corinthians 11:23-28). Despite suf- that many of us lead leaves little time for us to re-
fering these many adversities, he continued to give flect upon the many blessings of our lives, much less
thanks to God for all his many blessings each and to find ways to give thanks to God (and others) for
every day. them.
While countless numbers of Christians have fol- Thats one of the reasons Ive chosen this topic as
lowed in Pauls footsteps in this regard for centuries, the theme of our Shrine Mont parish retreat later this
it has only been recently that scientists have begun to month ( June 23 25), entitling it, Finding an Attitude
study to benefits of leading such a life of thanksgiv- of Gratitude: How a Spirit of Thanksgiving can Change
ing. your Life. In our sessions, well explore not only the
What they have discovered is nothing less than theological imperative to lead a life of thanksgiving,
astounding. In the words of Dr. Robert Emmons, one but also some of the studies of its benefits, which Ive
of the leading researchers in this subfield, the prac- mentioned above. Then well examine and discuss the
tice of gratitude has dramatic, lasting, and positive many obstacles to practicing gratitude before consid-
results. Among these are: ering some practical ideas for advancing such a life-
An average of 28% less perceived stress and 16% style once we return home from the retreat.
less incidence of depression. Of course, along with these sessions, which will
Twenty-three percent lower levels of stress hor- be tailored respectively to young people and adults
A reduction of 25% in fat intake. Continued on page 2
Page 2 June 2017 Pohick Episcopal Church

From the Rector: continued from page 1

alike, there will be plenty of time for singing and worship, fellowship and play, and for enjoying the natural beauty
of the surrounding area.
And so, even if youve never been on one of these retreats, please consider joining us this year, as you will defi-
nitely return home relaxed and spiritually renewed - and to boot, youll have a whole new toolbox of strategies for
starting out (or continuing) a potentially transformative lifestyle of thanksgiving. Youll find a retreat application
with more information later in the Pohick Post; it is also available on the church website and in the parish house.
And, as always, please do not let cost be an issue, particularly if you have a large family where the overall price
can add up: weve received generous contributions to underwrite scholarships so that all who want to come to
Shrine Mont may do so. Simply speak to me or Rev. Ruth privately, and well take care of you.
Just one more thing to be thankful to God for at Pohick Church!

mounting can. Higher wattages cause cycling and

Junior Wardens Report failure of the thermal cutout.
Fred Crawford, Junior Warden What is planned: The B&G committee is plan-
ning a mini work day to trim the bushes around the
Thanks: To everyone who worked on the May courtyard. They did not get attention during the work
cleanup day. There were 30 parishioners and families day because rain precluded much of the outside work.
working in spite of the persistent rain on Saturday, Planning continues on the replacement of the south-
May 6. Twenty-three separate tasks were accom- west stairs to the Sanctuary. The Vestry approved the
plished, some of which were outside. Notably the new general approach presented to them at the May meet-
exterior door for the boiler room was hung by Jeff ing. This will be funded by the Virginia State Chil-
Parker and Jody Ickes. Well done, gents. Consider- dren of the American Revolution (VSCAR) with
able touch up painting was also accomplished as well matching funding from the Historic Pohick Founda-
as lots of cleaning and polishing. Thanks also to John tion. All of the entry steps to the Sanctuary need to
and Frances Sessums and their family for the organi- be addressed, but this is the one in most need at this
zation and lunch. The support was appreciated. time.
What has been done: The water damage from the
skylight leak in the Foyer was investigated and the Martha Guild News
drywall repaired. Sanding and painting to follow. Connie Myers
- The south Sanctuary entrance railings were stripped,
primed and painted. Other railings to follow. The Martha Guild thanks the congregation for
- The night time spotlight for the flagpole had broken ALL support with the Wine Tasting held on May
free of its mounting and was realigned. 6 at the home of John Cutler and Nancy Miller. It
- The new dishwasher has had the soap and the rinse was a HUGE success! Thanks to John and Nancy
agent dispensers installed and is operable. In addi- for opening their lovely home, and thanks to all for
tion, several of the punch list items have been ad- continued support. The winners of the raffle baskets
dressed. There is still one to be addressed on the soap are: Charlotte Knipling, Greg Wilson, Edwardene
dispenser. Pitcock, and Jane (friend of the hosts). This fundraiser
- One of the Sanctuary heat pumps failed on Easter enables continued support of various Outreach
Sunday due to an infestation of bugs causing elec- Projects within and outside of the church.
trical problems. This was repaired by the contractor, The Martha Guild will be dining out for the
R&B, on Tuesday following. June 7 meeting at Madigans Restaurant in Occoquan
- The door lock on the Sanctuary south door failed at 6:30 pm. All Women of the Church are cordially
internally. It has been replaced. invited to attend. Notify Connie Myers, jetskiing@
- The pocket light that had failed in the Annex was or 703-201-2204 by Sunday, June 4 so
repaired. The thermal cutout had failed. Pocket lights reservations can be confirmed. Any questions, please
are sensitive to wattage higher than indicated on the feel free to contact Connie.
Pohick Episcopal Church June 2017 Page 3

From The Assistant Rector 3. God does good things in my relationships

with others when I listen to and obey ways the
The Reverend Holy Spirit may prompt about taking action re-
Dr. Ruth E. Correll, Ed.D. lated to the request.
4. God actually shows greater interest in my
Experiments in Prayer prayer requests than I do by working out solutions
My chemist father enjoyed science and the while I am not paying enough attention to note
rewards of curiosity gained from observing care- relevant developments.
fully, searching for solutions, thinking rigorously, 5. God answers yes more frequently when I
and trying experiments. Some of those habits of intentionally and rigorously pray in accord with
mind rubbed off on my sisters and me. My older Gods revealed will.
sister excelled in chemistry and physics in high 6. Gods pure holiness puts a check on me
school while my younger sister continues to excel when I attempt to manipulate, bargain with, or
in domestic science. advise the Almighty.
Me? I was less scientifically inclined because I 7. Gods striking sense of timing teaches that
tended to personify inanimate things. Around age patience is worth waiting for.
6 or 7, I did an experiment in the kitchen to deter- 8. God deals with situations through gracious
mine which was more powerful, hot or cold. So I and delightful options I could never dream up.
ran one cup of cold water from the spigot into one 9. Gods tenderness over time sustains me
glass and one cup of hot water into another glass when an answer to prayer brings sadness.
and tested the temperatures of the water in each 10. Gods loving-kindness surprises, humbles,
glass with my fingers. Then I poured the water and elicits adoration and joy.
from both glasses into a third glass. There I imag- Conclusion: Prayer is immensely important in
ined hotness and coldness fighting it out. When I our faith and practice. If you would like to be in a
was about to put my finger into the third glass to group to sustain and encourage prayer, let your in-
feel the outcome, my father entered the kitchen terest be known. Attending the Wednesday night
and asked what I was up to. The conversation that service may help.
followed pointed out the flaws in my categories, Challenge: Results of valid experiments can
measurement tool, experimental design, and some be repeated at other times in different places by a
other points I could not comprehend. That lesson variety of researchers. Let us know your results.
only increased my respect for experiments.
In early adulthood, I ventured forth with an- CONGRATULATIONS
other experiment. Over a few years, I selected per- TO ALL OF POHICKS GRADUATING
sonal prayer requests and wrote each on a page of
a tablet with the date. When something related to
that request occurred, I recorded the information
with the date on the appropriate page. DONT FORGET!
Here are ten points in no particular order that
still linger in my mind decades after this experi- Sunday service times
ment in prayer. Most of these I could not have
change on June 4!
learned without the record keeping that convinced
and increased my faith in the power of prayer. Please attend the
1. God listens to and answers prayers. 8:00 am or
2. God answers prayers I would have forgotten 10:00 am service.
all about without the written reminders.
Page 4 June 2017 Pohick Episcopal Church

on a Saturday or Sunday, tell the person that they are

Senior Wardens Report welcome to worship at Pohick and to participate in
T. E. Fuzzy Thurston, Senior Warden fellowship but not to use either as a venue to ask for
money. Explain that there is not a feeding ministry
From the May Vestry meeting: Recently, a Vestry and suggest the shelter as an alternative, perhaps offer
member, while performing the lock-up checklist, was a mana bag to feed them on their way. Explain that the
confronted inside the Parish House by a person ask- rector has a small fund to help people with valid need
ing for food and begging for money. This situation is but that no aid is given to non-parishioners who have
not isolated. There has been a dramatic increase in the not been referred from the local social agencies where
number of people coming to Pohick on Saturday and the case workers help to verify the real needs of people.
Sunday looking for a handout - asking particularly for If the individual appears to be casing the facility,
money. notify one of the priests, a church employee, or Vestry
This is a ticklish issue. In discussing charity, many member. If alone and approached, and feel the least bit
site Matthew 5:42: Give to everyone who begs from threatened, ask the person to leave and if they do not,
you, and do not refuse anyone who wants to borrow call the police. If one must offer some assistance, please
from you. However, the context of this sermon is not do not offer money.
in the city of Jerusalem in Judea, but out in the coun- Here are a few more issues the Vestry discussed
try on a mountainside in Galilee. Most of his listeners at its May meeting. This summer, Linda Egan will
came from small villages where everyone knew every- attend the meeting of the Anglican Guild of Musi-
bodys business. They knew exactly who was in need cians, of which she is a member. Both Linda and the
and why because they were neighbors, not anonymous choirs of Pohick will benefit greatly from the informa-
strangers (think Reb Nahum, Anatevkas beggar in tion Linda gathers at the meeting. The Vestry voted
Fiddler on the Roof). to underwrite part of her expenses with money from
Clearly, Christ expects us to be charitable toward the music memorial fund. A project is in the works
those less fortunate, but when is it necessary to draw a to replace the crumbling stairs at the southwest en-
line? Pohick does not have a soup kitchen ministry, nor trance to the church. The current steps are not original
a food pantry. Instead Pohick joins with other churches so hopefully the project will gain quick approval from
to support organizations like the Lorton Community the county architectural board. The local chapter of
Action Center and the Kennedy Shelter. That is where the Sons of the American Revolution, in conjunction
the indigent seeking a bed, clothing, or a meal should with the War of 1812 Society, was granted approval to
be directed. Moreover, the Rector and Assistant Rec- erect a memorial marker honoring the service of Revo-
tor have a discretionary fund which allows them to lutionary War patriots and War of 1812 veterans bur-
help the truly needy with such things as utility bills, ied or memorialized on the grounds of historic Pohick
and car repairs. Unless certain that money given will Church.
not be used to abet substance abuse dependencies or, Reminder: the annual Sounds of Pohick choirs re-
more generally, to create an unhealthy co-dependency, cital will be held on June 3 at 4:00 pm, followed the
keeping the person from seeking the true help that he next day by a visit from Bishop Shannon S. Johnston,
or she needs. Such aid may do more harm than good. Bishop of the Diocese of Virginia for confirmation.
Relating this to Pohick, what about the man or
woman who comes to coffee hour or to Brotherhood Annual Parish Picnic - Sunday, June 11
and makes the rounds asking for money? Certainly, all
are welcome to worship. Baptized Christians are wel- The Vestry will supply hot dogs,
come to the altar rail for a blessing or to take commu- hamburgers, fixings, drinks, and
nion. Those who have attended service are welcome to paper products. To round out the menu,
share fellowship at coffee hour or to Bible study and please bring a dish to share.
breakfast with the Brotherhood. But neither Brother- The Parish Picnic is the Vestrys
hood nor coffee hour is intended to be a food kitchen opportunity to thank everyone for
and certainly they are not an appropriate venue for gifts of time, talent, and service.
asking for money. If approached around the church
Pohick Episcopal Church June 2017 Page 5


Shrine Mont, Orkney Springs, Virginia Shrine Mont
Retreat coordinators: Neil and Judy Sunderland, 703-670-2962, CAMP & CONFERENCE CENTER

Dates: June 23 - 25, 2017, from Friday dinner (5:30 pm) through Sunday lunch (12:30 pm)

Sign-up Deadline: Sunday, June 11, 2017

Shrine Mont Overview: It is that time again for fellowship, and physical, mental, and spiritual
renewal at Shrine Mont in the beautiful mountains of Virginia! Shrine Mont, located in Orkney
Springs, 13 miles west of Mt. Jackson, Virginia, is a conference center managed by the Episcopal
Diocese of Virginia. Shrine Mont consists of 1,100 acres of forest land featuring trails, lakes,
hills, and streams at the edge of George Washington National Forest, which is a stones throw
from the West Virginia state line. The centerpiece of Shrine Mont is an unusual open air stone
chapel, the Cathedral Shrine of the Transfiguration, from which Shrine Mont takes its name.
Campers, conferees, and guests worship at this beautiful shrine regularly.

Fees: The cost is $159 for adults (ages 13 and over), $59 for children (ages 4-12), and free for
children under four. If a crib is required, there is a $6 fee for the weekend. Babysitting during
adult sessions is available for an additional $10. Please note that these costs should not prohibit
Pohick Church
anyone from attending the retreat. Church members needing financial assistance should con-
Annual Retreat
tact the Reverend Don Binder at 703-339-6572. Fees are firm for the weekend, even for late June 23-25, 2017
arrivals. If arriving late, one can usually get dinner until 6:30 pm.

Babysitting Service: For parents with children, there will be a super program for young people as well as a babysitting ser-
vice ($10), so parents can attend activities. Babysitters will be available only during adult study sessions.

What to Bring: While breakfast, lunch, and dinner are provided, bring snacks and a favorite beverages for evening fel-
lowship time together at the Gathering Place. Also, consider bringing a flashlight, Bible, jacket or sweater, fan, and other
personal items. There is no air conditioning in the cottages, however, most rooms now have electric fans.

Study: There are three scheduled occasions to study, and Rev. Binder/Correll put together a new program each year. These
sessions provide a great opportunity to get to know the clergy and fellow parishioners. This years theme is Finding an At-
titude of Gratitude: How a Spirit of Thanksgiving Will Change Your Life. Please note that Shrine Mont expects parents to
be responsible for the actions of their children, especially during the periods between the three planned sessions.




Email:______________________________________________________ Tel:___________________________________
_____ Adults ($159 each) _____ Children (4-12, $59 each)
_____ Young Children (3 and under, free) _____ Cribs required ($6 each) _____ Babysitting ($10)
Total enclosed: $_____________
Enclose a check payable to Pohick Church, and mark Shrine Mont in the memo section. For more information, call the Parish Office at 703-339-6572.
Page 6 June 2017 Pohick Episcopal Church


Shrine Mont, Orkney Springs, Virginia
Friday, June 23
Afternoon arrival, rooms ready at 3:00 pm Shrine
5:30 pm Dinner Mont
7:30 - 8:30 pm Orientation in Art Hall Center
8:30 pm Compline
9:00 pm until The Gathering Place

Saturday, June 24
6:30 am YOGA with Rita
7:30 am Morning Prayer in Art Hall N
8:00 am Breakfast
9:00-10:30 am Session I, Group Photo at Shrine* W E
10:30-12:30 pm Open/Activities
12:30 pm Lunch
1:00-4:30 pm Open/Activities S
4:30-5:30 pm The Gathering Place
5:30 pm Dinner
7:00-8:00 pm Session II in Art Hall
8:00 pm Evening Prayer at the Shrine
9:00 pm until The Gathering Place
Shrine Mont is located 1 hour south of Winchester or 1
Sunday, June 25 hour north of Harrisonburg, and approximately 2 1/2 hours
6:30 am YOGA with Rita from the Washington, DC and Richmond metro areas. To
8:00 am Breakfast reach Shrine Mont follow I-81 to Mt. Jackson (Exit #273).
9:00-10:30 am Session III in Art Hall Turn left from DC or right from Richmond onto Rt. 703
10:45 am Holy Eucharist at the Shrine* (east), then right (south) on US 11, follow through town,
12:30 pm Lunch turn right on Rt. 263 and follow approximately 15 miles to
1:30-4:00 pm Open/Depart Orkney Springs.
* Subject to change

Directions to Shrine Mont: From Pohick Church, take I-66 west to I-81 south. Exit 273 at Mt. Jackson. Turn
left on Mt. Jackson Road (Cty 292). Turn right on US 11 (traffic light). Turn right on to State Route 263 to
Orkney Springs and Shrine Mont. The trip takes about two hours from Pohick.


Activities and Options: Indicate particular activities of interest.
If you are interested in a particular activity, call Neil or Judy Sunderland, 703-670-2962. Please note that if you are not
identified on the phone ID, our phone will not answer, and they can let you know whom else has expressed interest.

_____ Swimming _____ Basketball _____ Volleyball _____ Shuffleboard

_____ Tennis _____ Sleeping _____ Fishing _____ Mountain Climbing

_____ Golf _____ Hiking _____ Eating _____ Bridge/other card games

_____ Horseshoes _____ Shopping _____ Antiquing _____ Porching

_____ Other
Pohick Episcopal Church June 2017 Page 7

Episcopal Church

July 10 - 14, 2017

To be held at:
Pohick Episcopal Church 9301 Richmond Highway Lorton, Virginia 22079
For chidren age 3 (only if potty-trained) through Grade 5*
Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 12:00 noon

Please PREREGISTER your students - it makes planning easier.

Directions: Please fill out a separate form for each child attending.

Childs Name ______________________________________________________________________________

Address ___________________________________________________________________________________
(street) (city) (zip)

Telephone _____________________________________ Date of Birth ________________________________

*School Grade completed in June of 2017 ________________________________________________________

Parents Names _____________________________________________________________________________

Medical Information (e.g. food allergies, etc.) ______________________________________________________



_____ I can stay and help if needed. _____ We would like to carpool, if possible.
_____ My child would like to come, but will need a ride. _____ I can provide a ride for _____ child(ren).
Please return this form to the Church office, either in person or by mail.
Page 8 June 2017 Pohick Episcopal Church



Name of Child _____________________________________________________________________________

Date of Birth _____________________________________________________________________________

Name of Parent/Guardian ____________________________________________________________________

Address ___________________________________________________________________________________

Telephone _________________________________________________________________________________



Name of Family Physician _____________________________________________________________________

Telephone _________________________________________________________________________________

ALLERGIC TO MEDICATION? ____________________________________________________________

IF SO, WHICH ___________________________________________________________________________

ANY OTHER ALLERGIES - SUCH AS BEE STINGS _________________________________________


UNDER PHYSICIANS CARE? _________________

UNDER MEDICATION NOW? _________________



NOTE: By law a parent cannot consent in advance to any and all manner of emergency care. It is understandable that
in cases, other than the need for immediate emergency treatment, the attending physician may defer treatment pending the
parents permission to administer professional service.

(Parent/Guardian signature)

Pohick Episcopal Church June 2017 Page 9

The Persecution Corner

By Bob Munson
Therefore, brothers and sisters, in all our distress and persecution
we were encouraged about you because of your faith.
For now we really live, since you are standing firm in the Lord. - 1 Thessalonians 3: 7-8

Millions of Christians around the world stand this can have limits. Nigeria is a country struggling
firm in their faith, often in the face of threats, vio- with this freedom. Some Muslim-majority states
lence and repression. From the safety of the United have adopted Islamic law to the detriment of the lo-
States, we have the Christian duty to support these cal Christian minorities. This is despite the fact that
brothers and sisters the best we can - whether across Nigeria, overall, has a huge Christian population. In
the water in Cuba, on the battlefields in the Middle some areas, such as the Islamist extremist controlled
East, or in the modern and repressive country of areas in Iraq and Syria, Christians become targets
China. due to their religion, but few other people do well
We can back our brothers and sisters in many either. Human rights, including those of Christians,
ways: with prayer, through activism, by sending let- must be pursued and supported.
ters, through supporting organizations working with This is my last Persecution Corner. I retired
the persecuted, as well as encouraging our govern- from the military last fall and have been searching
ment to take persecution seriously. The US has al- for a new career. I recently accepted a position with
ways stood as a beacon of freedom in the world, the US military in Germany. Over the last year and
although exactly how this will play out in the com- a half I have enjoyed writing these pieces which
ing years is still unclear. The new administration has encouraged me to learn more about persecution.
stated it will concentrate on American interests and Learning about persecution, per se, is not enjoyable
place less value on promoting human rights. but exposing it a bit more has hopefully helped in
Then at other times, it has emphasized the plight a small way. The stories of people who bravely de-
of Christians in the world. In mid-May, Vice Presi- fend their faith make me to question how I view and
dent Michael Pence appeared at the World Summit practice my faith in my own country. I appreciate
in Defense of Persecuted Christians in Washington, the encouraging words I have received from fellow
DC. In his speech, he stated that [p]rotecting and Pohickers and my family and I will definitely miss
promoting religious freedom is a foreign policy pri- the congregation here.
ority of the Trump administration. In parallel, the One of my sources for information on persecu-
Trump Administrations travel ban (currently be- tion has been The Voice of the Martyrs, a non-
ing challenged in the courts) which blocks visas to profit, interdenominational missions organization
those from six Muslim-majority countries includes ( This organization bases its
a clause stating the US should prioritize the admis- ministry on Hebrews 13:3 :
sion of refugees who are persecuted Christians.
Certainly, these signs are positive as long as they Continue to remember those in prison as if
do not create a backlash against the very Christians you were together with them in prison, and
the US is trying to help. Often, interference from those who are mistreated as if you yourselves
the outside is seen by national governments as a plot were suffering.
directed against national unity. As we have discussed
here, Christian persecution is never a simple issue. This provides a perfect ending for it reminds us
Persecution generally flourishes where repression to continue to support our persecuted brothers and
thrives. In Eritrea (where about 50% of the popula- sisters - as if we were suffering - with our prayers
tion is Christian), the persecution of Christians is and in the other ways we can. Persecution will, un-
merely another aspect of the governments attempt fortunately, not soon go away but we can pray for
to maintain control. On the other hand, freedom for Gods help for those who long for his kingdom.
Christians tends to signal a free society for all; but
Page 10 June 2017 Pohick Episcopal Church

Update on Issues in the Anglican Communion

Don Brownlee, Member of Policy and Planning Commission
This monthly report is part of the Vestrys ongoing effort to the terrorism in Westminster, merely 400 yards from
inform and update the Parish about the ongoing controver- Lambeth Palace. The kingdom of God is proclaimed in
sies within The Episcopal Church (TEC) and the Anglican practices that develop virtues. The Peace Centre will pro-
Communion. These controversies largely involve the blessing claim that reconciliation is the gospel, with God through
of same-sex unions, ordination of non-celibate homosexuals, Christ, but like the Temple in Ezekiel 47, releasing a
interpretation of Scripture, and breakdown of traditional flood of water that as a mighty river becomes the place
boundary lines between Provinces. of fruitfulness and healing for the nations. Thank you for
your step of faith. We too will work with you as best we
The Diocese of Virginia and Truro Anglican Church can.
in Fairfax have announced creation of an Institute for The leadership of ACNA did not see it that way.
Peace and Reconciliation based at the Truro campus in Abp. Foley Beach said, I would welcome the opening of
Fairfax. Its initial work, Bp. Shannon said in a letter to centers with this focus around the Anglican Church in
the Diocese, will involve seminarians and focus on rec- North America if they promote Biblical reconciliation.
onciliation among Christians, Muslims and Jews. Unfortunately, the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia has
Truro left The Episcopal Church and Diocese of Vir- not been reconciled with the revealed
ginia during the early 1990s, as part of the theological dis- Word of God, and is therefore not an
agreements that followed the consecration of Gene Rob- appropriate partner for such a project.
inson as bishop of New Their leadership continues to promote
Hampshire. It is now teaching and practice that is contrary
affiliated with the An- to Scripture - teaching that, if followed,
glican Church in North would keep people from an eternal in-
America, or ACNA. The heritance in the Kingdom of God, teaching that has torn
Diocese eventually won the fabric of the Anglican Communion, and teaching
court battles over control that remains a scandal in the Anglican Communion to
of the property, but has this day. Therefore, until there is repentance by the Epis-
allowed the Truro Anglican congregation to continue copal Diocese of Virginia, there can be no true Gospel
using it. Several years ago, Bp. Shannon began meeting partnership with them.
and praying with its rector, the Rev. Tory Baucum. The Bp. John Gurnsey of the ACNA Diocese of the
announcement of the Reconciliation Institute is part of Mid-Atlantic said he was deeply grieved by the an-
the ongoing dialog that came out of those meetings. nouncement, and urged the Truro vestry to reconsider.
A statement from the Truro vestry announcing the Because of the false teaching of the Episcopal Church,
agreement said, The Institute represents the continued I asked them not to enter into a joint
fulfillment of Gods work at Truro over many decades ministry with the Episcopal Diocese.
and is consistent with our congregational history and The issues that divide us are of first
DNA. It is also the culmination of our outreach to and importance and to partner with the
discussions with the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia with Episcopal Church is to give the mis-
whom we are joining in this exciting initiative. Years af- taken impression that these concerns
ter the costly litigation and sometimes on-going animos- are merely secondary. If I thought
ity with the EDV, we have arrived at a new era of com- that the issues that divide us were
munity building and peacemaking. secondary, I would never have left the
The agreement was praised by the Archbishop of Episcopal Church. The Truro leadership has chosen to
Canterbury, and attacked by leaders of ACNA. proceed in joint ministry with the Episcopal Diocese in
Abp. Justin said, I am deeply moved by the estab- spite of my opposition.
lishment of the Peace Centre at Truro, not least because
I have looked more closely at it in the days following Continued on page 11
Pohick Episcopal Church June 2017 Page 11

Update on Issues in the Anglican Communion, The forums convenor said told the Assembly there was
continued from page 10 no sufficient theological reason for the Church not to
authorise specific ministers to officiate at same-sex wed-
But the Truro vestry pushed back. dings.
Just as we gratefully and humbly partner with Ro- The report also said that the conscientious refusal
man Catholics and Southern Baptists on matters of of other ministers and deacons to preside at such mar-
marriage and domestic church strategies, we rejoice that riages due to their theological convictions must be pro-
Episcopalians wish to join us in building a peaceable tected.
community in an increasingly diverse and dynamic re- As part of the debate, the Assembly urged church
gion of the country. We also acknowledge that there is leaders to take stock of its history of discrimination at
no need for peacemaking and reconciliation with those different levels and in different ways against gay people
who fully agree with what we believe/stand for. Truro is and to apologise individually and corporately and seek to
trying to build a relationship with the Episcopal Diocese do better.
of Virginia (EDV) from the position of what we have in The Scottish Episcopal Church is expected to give
common without ignoring, diminishing or papering over final approval early in June to a proposal to allow same-
what divides us. sex weddings. The plan won initial approval a year ago,
The move was criticized by some within our diocese subject to a final vote this year.
as well. I am aware that some in our Diocese may still The primates of the Global Anglican Futures Con-
have strong concerns about making long-term agree- ference (GAFCON), anticipated that final vote when
ments with a congregation that left us and holds funda- they met for their annual conference this spring, and said
mentally different views on important matters of the- they would be stepping in. If this were to happen, faith-
ology, Bp. Shannon said in his letter. But after much ful Anglicans in Scotland will need appropriate pasto-
prayer and reflection, I feel very strongly that we are ral care. In addition, within England there are churches
being called to live into the Gospel in this way. Build- that have, for reasons of conscience, been planted out-
ing new relationships with the ACNA congregation has side of the Church of England by the Anglican Mission
helped us to recognize that there is so much to gain and in England (AMiE). These churches are growing, and
to achieve. Indeed, there is much more that unites us are in need of episcopal leadership. Therefore, we have
than divides us. decided to consecrate a missionary bishop who will be
Naturally, the very fact that such a major ministry is tasked with providing episcopal leadership for those who
being run jointly by an Episcopal diocese and an ACNA are outside the structures of any Anglican province, espe-
congregation, two entities that had previously been very cially in Europe.
publicly in opposition, will be an additional narrative in ***
itself. This is precisely the kind of witness that our Dio- Elsewhere:
cese and our Church need to provide in this divided and A committee of bishops, priests and lay people from
polarized world. A peace center has been born at a time The Episcopal Church and United Methodist Church
when we desperately need it. have approved a report which recommends establish-
The institutes governing board will have equal repre- ment of full communion between the two denomina-
sentation from the Diocese and the Truro congregation. tions.
As part of the agreement, Truro may continue to use the The report says several years of study and dialogue
church and other diocesan property going forward, po- found, no theological impediments to unity. We be-
tentially for the next 53 years. lieve that this proposal represents a significant witness of
* * * unity and reconciliation in an increasingly divided world
The Church of Scotland (Presbyterian Church) has and pray that you will join us in carrying this work for-
taken a major step toward allowing same-sex weddings. ward.
Its General Assembly approved a report on same-sex Full communion is understood as a relationship be-
marriages from its Theological Forum, and directed its tween two distinct ecclesiastical bodies in which com-
Legal Questions Committee to determine exactly what
changes to church law would be needed to allow them. Continued on page 12
Page 12 June 2017 Pohick Episcopal Church

Update on Issues in the Anglican Communion,

continued from page 11 Christian Education
Frances Sessums, Director of Christian Education
municant members of each would be able freely to com-
municate at the altar of the other, and ordained ministers
may officiate sacramentally in either church, it explains. It has been a wonderful Church School year.
The primary theological difference between the two Thanks to education superintendent, DAndrea Woo-
denominations is its approach to consecration of bish- ten, all of the teachers, staff, substitutes, and aides who
ops. If approved, all future consecrations would include have made this year such a success! They have all been
at least one bishop from the other denomination. so generous with their time and talents. The students
The report now goes to the 2020 General Confer- have all been very blessed to have such fabulous peo-
ence of the United Methodist Church, and 2021 Gen- ple to work with them. Thanks also to the outstanding
eral Convention of The Episcopal Church, for adoption. children and youth of the parish who have participat-
A Maryland parole board has denied early release ed in the Church School this year.
to former bishop Heather Cook. She was convicted of During the summer months, preschool through
vehicular homicide and other charges related to drunk rising second graders will meet together in classrooms
and distracted driving after a December 2014 accident C and D for Summer Bible Storytelling Time. This
in Baltimore that killed a cyclist. She was removed as a will be in lieu of Childrens Chapel and Childrens
priest and bishop, and sentenced to seven years in jail. Church. Parents should drop off their children be-
Bp. Jon Bruno of the Diocese of Los Angeles con- tween 9:50 am and 10:00 am. Following story time,
tinues to wait the judgement of an ecclesiastical trial the children will join their parents in the Church dur-
panel on charges he engaged in conduct unbecoming a ing the peace. Any questions should be directed to
bishop. He was accused of improperly closing St. James Frances Sessums at 703-472-5180.
the Less Church in Newport Beach
and trying to sell the property to a
townhouse developer. That sale even-
tually fell through.
The diocese won control of the
property after a long-running bat-
tle with the previous congregation, VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL
which wanted to leave The Episcopal Church. A new
Episcopal congregation formed, but Bp. Bruno eventu- Pohicks annual Vacation Bible School will be held
ally locked it out of the buildings. July 10 through July 14 from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon.
Attorneys representing The Episcopal Church in the The theme is Hero Central, and the students will be
proceedings recommended that the panel order that the studying fantastic bible stories to help discover their
church be reopened, its vicar be reinstated, and that Bp. strength in God. Do not miss this adventure! Regis-
Bruno step aside from overseeing the congregation. tration forms are available online, in the Church of-
It also recommended that Bp. Bruno be suspended fice, and in this Pohick Post issue. Please register stu-
from ministry for at least a year, but the penalty be stayed dents early as this helps with planning. Be sure to tell
if he agrees to forgo any appeal. friends and neighbors about this wonderful program!
It is in the best interest of everyone to bring about There will be classes for three year olds through
prompt reconciliation. fifth grade students. The 6th through 12th grade stu-
It is important to remember that despite all these controversies, the dents are encouraged to volunteer as teacher assistants.
work of the Church - globally, nationally, and locally - goes on. Through
youth mission trips, food donations to LCAC, donations of school sup- Many volunteers are needed. There are openings
plies and backpacks, the Community of Hope and other outreach efforts, for assistant teachers, craft assistants, recreation assis-
Pohick continues to leak the love of God to our neighbors in need. And tants, snack assistants, nursery leader and assistants.
as our Sr. Warden reminded us recently, God continues to send Pohick-
ians out two-by-two to spread the good news of stewardship to other All those interested in learning more about the pro-
churches and other dioceses. gram, please call Frances Sessums at 703-472-5180.
Pohick Episcopal Church June 2017 Page 13

Pohick Church Activities June 2017

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
MAY 28 29 30 31 JUNE 1 2 3
Easter VIIa Memorial Day 9:30a Staff Mtg 2p HE, the Fairfax 6p SoP Rehearsal 8a Brotherhood
7:45a HE I Office Closed 6p COH 7p Boy Scouts of St. Andrew
9a HE II 6p St. Cecelia St. 7:30p Martha 9:15a Confirma-
11:15a HE II Alban Choir Guild Dinner tion Rehearsal
7p EFM 10:30a Yoga
6p St. Francis Choir
1p 1st Sat
7:30p Healing Service
Docent Tour
4p Sounds of
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Pentecost Year A 7p EFM 9:30a Staff Mtg 2p HE, the Fairfax 6:30p Ffx Co 8a Brotherhood of
Bp Johnstons Visitation 9:30a Ann Ma- 7:30p Healing Service Mtg St. Andrew
8a HE I son Guild Mtg 10:30a Yoga
7p Boy Scouts
10a HE II, Baptism, 6p Youth Choirs
Confirmation Picnic
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Trinity Sunday, Year A 9:30a Staff Mtg 2p HE, the Fairfax 7p Boy Scouts 8a Brotherhood
Youth Sunday 7:30p Vestry Mtg 7:30p Healing Service of St. Andrew
& Parish Picnic Pohick Post 10:30a Yoga
8a HE I Deadline
10a HE II

18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Proper VIa 9:30a Staff Mtg 2p HE, the Fairfax 7p Boy Scouts Shrine Mont Shrine Mont
Fathers Day 7:30p Healing Service Weekend Weekend
8a HE I 8a Brotherhood
10a HE II of St. Andrew
10:30a Yoga
25 26 27 28 29 30 JULY 1
Proper VIIa 9:30a Staff Mtg 2p HE, the Fairfax 7p Boy Scouts 8a Brotherhood
Shrine Mont Weekend 6p COH of St. Andrew
8a HE I 7:30p Healing Service 10:30a Yoga
10a HE II 1p 1st Saturday
Docent Tour

Contact the Parish Secretary, Susan Hayward-Costa, to list group meetings or events on the calendar,

COMBINED ISSUES! Thank You Note from

Lorton Community Action Center
The July and August 2017 issues of the
Pohick Post will be combined into one newsletter. Dear Anita,
Wow! Thank you so much for coordinating the Souper
On June 15, please submit all articles that would
usually appear in the July AND August Pohick Post. Bowl Collection at Pohick Church! The efforts you put in
Thanks very much for the cooperation! Forward ar- place Anita, will help hundreds of families avoid hunger.
ticles by email in Word compatible format to Lori The funds raised will enable Lorton Community Action
Buckius, Items for the Sunday Ser- Center to purchase more than 8,000 pounds of food over
vice Volunteers page should be addressed to Carmel the coming months to help families. Thank you!
Hodge, Linda
Page 14 June 2017 Pohick Episcopal Church


8:00 Becky Wagner Rodger Jones Stew Remaly Tony Marsico Don Cooke
Alan Mayberry Alan Mayberry Mike Zane Mike Vaughn Becky Wagner
10:00 Chris Brown Kathy Kirkland Mo Faber Hal Yarwood Pehr Pehrsson
Beth Altman Don Cooke Dave Billingsley Hank Foresman Sandra Caesar
Dru Hodges Ed McGovern Brent Goeller Matt Gurrola Bill Patton
Greg Wilson Ron Schow Bob Munson Rick Nelson Rita Smith
7:00 B. Altman C. McCullough F. Thurston E. Thorson D. Smith
1:00 A. Choi J. Rolander A. Derbes J. Rolander C. Cockroft
AM BJ McPherson J. Sunderland J. Sunderland J. Wells J. Wells
A. Powell, J. Schmid B. Altman B. Altman N. Sage N. Sage
M. Tonkin N. Bireley N. Bireley C. Foster C. Foster
S. Caesar V. Jones V. Jones J. Geschickter J. Geschickter
E. Pitcock J. MacDonald J. MacDonald J. Mullins J. Mullins
A. Marsico R. Teale R. Teale H. Parker H. Parker
M. Yezek B. Wagner B. Wagner R. Stankwitz R. Stankwitz
8:00 Choi Family M. Holmes M/M Bartholomew S. Yarwood C. Wylie
10:00 M/M Armstrong M/M C. Brown Bland/Girten M/M Bland M/M Botts
8:00 Sunderland (R) Booth (R) Foresman (R) Thorson (R) Cockroft (R)
Foresman (P) Thorson (P) Pasour (P) Foresman (P) Thorson (P)
10:00 Nelson (P) Cockroft (P) Walden (P) Elston (R) M. Harding (R)
Faber (R) Elston (R) Prior (R) Ayorinde (P) S. Harding (P)
8:00 M/M Pasour M/M Jacobus M/M Jacobus M/M Remaly M/M Biddlecomb
10:00 Vestry Vestry Persigehl/Dudley C. McCullough M/M Wise
10:00 E. Pitcock F. Crawford M/M Costa H. Foresman TBD

The Sunday Service Volunteers Schedule is also available at Pohick Churchs website,, under Ministries.
Pohick Episcopal Church June 2017 Page 15

Pohick Church Annual Parish Retreat General Browns Scalpel

Shrine Mont, Virginia By Lawrence M (Larry) Nelson, MD, MBA
The annual parish retreat, June 23- 25, is fast ap- CAPT USPHS, Retired
proaching! All Pohickians are encouraged to participate
in this weekend of spiritual renewal and enrichment.
For those new to Pohick, the parish retreat is the fourth
weekend in June, usually the weekend after kids get out
of school. The emphasis this year is upon getting as many
past participants and new singles and couples as possible The National Brotherhood of Saint Andrew has
in attendance to really max-out on what the Pohick fam- an initiative to develop veteran friendly congregations.
ily has to offer! Consider a few reasons to go: This effort is particularly relevant to Pohick Church,
It is a wonderful way to meet and get to know fellow the church of General Washington. June brings Flag
parishioners. Day, commemorating the adoption of the flag of the
Wonderful family-style dining with down-home United States on June 14, 1777.
cooked meals. The Episcopal Church House of
Clergy-led sessions, this year entitled, Finding an At- Bishops and House of Deputies ad-
titude of Gratitude: How a Spirit of Thanksgiving Will opted the official church flag on Octo-
Change Your Life. ber 16, 1940. The white field represents purity. The red
Cozy sleeping rooms with central parlors in quaint cot- cross represents the blood of martyrs. The nine cross-
tages and houses in a secluded resort community from crosslets in the shape of a cross on the sky blue field
yesteryear; time stands still at Shrine Mont; no traffic, represent the nine original dioceses in 1789 America.
no TV The Brotherhood of Saint Andrew is a worldwide
The surrounding is as peaceful as it gets. Take the op- ministry founded in 1883 by a group of workingmen
portunity to curl up on an Adirondack or rocking chair at Saint James Episcopal Church in Chicago. The fo-
on a porch or next to the lake with a book - or just snooze. cus is to bring men and boys to Christ. A muscular
Puzzles, Cards, Music form of Christianity is envisioned, a source of strength
Swimming (handicap accessible and suitable for all for dealing with adversity. The Pohick Chapter meets
ages), Tennis, Golf (available through arrangements at every Saturday morning at 8:00 am for a hearty mans
Bryce Resort) breakfast, prayer, service, and study. New members are
Scenic hiking and nature trails welcomed with open arms. Come join the group!
Fellowship at the Gathering Place (bring favorite bev- The logo above is Saint Andrews cross. As their
erage and snack to share Friday and Saturday nights) patron saint, his cross comprises the flag of Scotland
Book Store and is also part of the Episcopal flag.
Shopping in the Shenandoah Valley
Outdoor services at the Cathedral Shrine of the Trans-
figuration Golden Dove Gift Shop
Nearby Vineyards and wine tasting
Come see whats new in the Golden Dove!
The fried chicken on Sunday
Please look for the flyer/registration form found at - Gifts for Grads, Dads and Kids
the Common Room Information Center, upstairs land- - Pohick Mugs, Tote Bags, Tea Canisters,
ing, in the Pohick Post, or as a downloadable PDF doc- Cookbooks, Ornaments, Sketches, Photos
ument from the church website. Fill it in, then simply and Father Dons CDs
drop the application, along with payment, in to the col- - Episcopal Shield Lapel Pins and Car Decals
lection plate at any of the Sunday services, or drop it by - Cross Necklaces, Bracelets, Earrings
the Church Office. - Trivets, Plaques, & Home Decor
Please note, that cost should not prohibit any Pohick
Open Between Sunday Services
Church parishioner from attending the retreat. Church First Saturdays 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
members needing financial assistance should contact di- and during Special Events
rectly the Reverend Don Binder, 703-339-6572.
The Purpose of Pohick Church is to be a nourishing community where Christs love is experienced and taken beyond its walls.
Non-Profit Org.

Permit No. 2
U.S. Postage

Lorton, VA

Date: _____________________ Subject: _____________________

To: The Vestry
Pohick Church Staff Pohick Church Vestry
Rector: The Revd Donald Sr. Warden: Fuzzy Thurston
Binder, PhD Jr. Warden: Fred Crawford
Assistant: The Revd Dr. Ruth Treasurer: Doug Smith
E. Correll, Ed.D. Register: Susan Pehrsson
Lorton, Virginia 22079-1519

Seminarian: Wesley Arning Members: Beth Altman, Amanda Choi,

9301 Richmond Highway

Minister of Music: Linda Egan Caroline Cockroft,

Return Service Requested

Director of Anne Derbes, Emily Elston,

Christian Ed: Frances Sessums Kathy Kirkland,
Pohick Church

Youth Minister: Rusty Booth Carney McCullough,

Parish Secretary: Susan Hayward-Costa Jane Rolander,
Finance Admin: Mike Morgan Eric Thorson
Sexton: John Sessums
Telephone: 703-339-6572 Fax: 703-339-9884
Church Office Email: Web Site:

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