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1. Energy IQ has 8 questions. Each question is worth 1.25 points.

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Energy IQ: Think You Know Energy?

2. Respond to these questions.

1. Question: What are non-renewable energy sources?

Answer: Energy sources that cannot Be Replenished
2. Question: What are renewable energy sources?
Answer: Energy sources that can be replenished

3. Write the definition of The Great Energy Hunt Technical Terms

Green Energy - Is a term describing what is thought to be

environmentally friendly sources of power
and energy. Typically, this refers to
renewable and non-polluting energy sources.

Non-Renewable Energy that cannot be replaced once it is

Energy -
used or energy that is not being replaced
as fast as it is being used.

Renewable Energy - Is energy which comes from natural

resources such as sunlight, wind, rain,
tides, and geothermal heat, which are
renewable (naturally replenished).

Coal - combustible black or brownish-black

rock with a composition,
Natural Gas - a gaseous mixture of hydrocarbon

Petroleum Energy - gasoline, diesel fuel, and propane.

Petroleum - is hydrocarbon mixtures.
Propane (C3H8) - A normally gaseous straight-chain

Biomass is plant matter and animal waste that

can be harvested

Ethanol (CH3-CH2OH) a clear, colorless, flammable

oxygenated hydrocarbon.

Ethanol is typically produced

chemically from ethylene

Geothermal Energy a form of renewable

energy derived from heat deep in the earths

Hydroelectric Power a renewable energy

source. It produces the most electricity in the
United States.

Hydrogen the lightest of all gases, occurring

chiefly in combination with oxygen in water.

Solar Energy the radiant energy of the sun.

Wind Energy - kinetic energy present in wind
motion that can be converted to mechanical


Directions: Determine which energy source is Non-Renewable or

Renewable. (5 points each)

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