No Amount of Deceit and Violence From The US-Aquino Regime Can Crush The Revolution

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Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas

ANG Pinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo

English Edition
Vol. XLI No. 14
July 21, 2010


No amount of deceit and violence

from the US-Aquino regime
can crush the revolution
espite pronouncements by the US-Aquino re- David’s blatantly fascist line. Deles has unreservedly
gime that it is willing to talk peace with the concurred with the Arroyo regime’s line of DDR (disar-
revolutionary forces, it has already laid various mament, demobilization
obstacles even before the talks could begin. and reintegration).
First among these are Benigno Aquino III’s orders Although this is
to the AFP to decimate the revolutionary movement. outrightly inimi-
His regime aims to accomplish this by relying mainly cal to peace ne-
on the fascist military forces which he plans to ex- gotiations, Deles
pand, modernize and equip with more weapons, even argues that
equipment and benefits for its officers and men. the DDR line is a
To that end, his regime is scrambling to raise hun- doctrine that is
dreds of billions of pesos in the face of a crushing def- integral to any
icit and an enormous public debt. peace process.
In line with their master’s orders, Defense Secre- It is the
tary Voltaire Gazmin and AFP Chief of Staff Ricardo OPAPP’s role to
David quickly laid out the Aquino regime’s militarist implement the
line. David boasted that the AFP is prepared to en- objective of end-
force Aquino’s order to destroy the revolutionary ing the armed
movement in a matter of three years. Gazmin declared conflict with
that the NPA has to surrender its weapons first before emphasis on the
peace talks could resume. The declaration is ridiculous use of deception
as the revolutionary movement will never lay down its and treachery in tan-
arms and it has been repeatedly proven in the past dem with the
that all deadlines set by the puppet regime and the fascist vio-
AFP to destroy the revolutionary movement have been lence of the
nothing but bluster. re a c t io na r y
Teresita Deles who heads the Office of the Presi- military. De-
dential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP) espous- les has been
es an approach that is little removed from Gazmin and mouthing the

Rights advocates
This issue’s Enemy suffers 20 dead, The PEACe Bonds in
assail plans to
loses 8 firearms to NPA review
highlights... appoint Etta Rosales
US-Aquino regime’s so-called “four democrats’ shallow and deceptive ships of two parties at the nation-
pillars” to attain peace—economic program for human rights, land re- al level and focus on the basic is-
reconstruction and development, form and the like will be laid out as sues.
improvement of basic services, the solution to the people’s basic There is in fact no need for the
good governance and security sec- problems and a foil to the national supposed broad consultations and
tor reform—which was lifted from democratic program of the revolu- dialogues being concocted by the
the new US Counterinsurgency tionary movement. OPAPP. The principles, framework,
Guide. In this frame, the peace ne- Deles has schemes to make the basic talking points and their se-
gotiations will only be used to trick peace talks appear democratic but quence in the peace negotiations
or deceive, not as a venue to dis- they are, in fact, only ways to toy have already been clarified and
cuss and address the roots of the with and downplay the importance agreed upon in The Hague Joint
conflict. of the process. Before proceeding Declaration of 1992. Deles’ concoc-
The formula does not make any with the formal talks, she has an- tion of bogus consultations and di-
sense. Any “reform” and cosmetic nounced that the government will alogues is a way to dispense with
scheme done along that formula first broaden consultations with previous agreements, mess up the
will go nowhere as the entire sys- various sectors in the localities and agenda and gloss over the substan-
tem upon which it is based is re- that it is still in the process of tive issues.
plete with rottenness and corrup- choosing which areas to focus on. With regard to the the peace
tion. Behind all these conciliatory This is nothing but a plot to revive negotiations with the Moro Islamic
posturing, the puppet reactionary efforts for “localized peace talks” Liberation Front (MILF), Aquino’s
state continues to employ fascist which previous puppet reactionary spokesman and the newly appoint-
violence as its main weapon regimes had tried to use to under- ed head of the government panel
against the struggling people. mine the talks at the national lev- have declared that they will never
With the anticommunist Deles el. agree to the dismemberment of the
leading the OPAPP, it is her clique Previous regimes have tried the republic and to any scheme that
of pseudo-progressives that will be same scheme. The OPAPP pretends would “violate” the constitution.
dominating the government’s con- to consult with a wide range of so- This means that the government
duct as regards the peace process. cial sectors but in truth, the gov- will be maintaining the position of
Through them, the social demo- ernment is only talking to itself. the US-Arroyo regime against the
crats’ pseudo-progressive frame- Such a scheme is only intended to institution of real autonomy for the
work will merge with the fascist create confusion. For peace negoti- Bangsamoro. This is at once con-
framework of the AFP and other ations to be genuine, they have to trary to the MILF’s foremost de-
state security forces. The social be conducted between the leader- mand.
The peace talks will again come
ANG to naught if the government fools
Contents around with it, lays down obsta-
cles, misleads and uses it only to
Vol. XLI No. 14 July 21, 2010 Editorial
No amount of deceit and violence from the deceive and tie down the revolu-
Aquino regime can crush the revolution 1 tionary forces in futile talks while
Ang Bayan is published in Pilipino, the US-Aquino regime steps up its
Fascist state on a rampage
Bisaya, Iloko, Hiligaynon, Waray at No end to political killings 3
English editions. attempts to destroy them with a
Panay military officers indicted 3
It is available for downloading at Etta Rosales appointment 4 bigger and stronger AFP. Whatever
the Philippine Revolution Web Central Free the Morong 43! 5 scheme the new puppet reactionary
located at: Victorious tactical offensives regime resorts to for this objective 20 soldiers killed, 10 firearms seized 5
Ang Bayan welcomes contributions NPA releases POW 5
will fail.
in the form of articles and news. The PEACe Bonds in review 6 Whether or not peace talks are
Readers are likewise enjoined to send Developments overseas held, and however intense the
in their comments and suggestions for Volatile situation in Nepal 7 counterrevolutionary offensives of
the betterment of our publication. You 26 paramilitary forces killed in India 8
Nationwide strike in India 8 the puppet reactionary regime, the
can reach us by email at: News 8 revolutionary forces and the people
will never be distracted in their
Ang Bayan is published fortnightly by the Central Committee pursuit of the revolutionary strug-
of the Communist Party of the Philippines gle until total victory. ~
2 ANG BAYAN July 21, 2010

No end to political killings

the afternoon when he was killed.
A grandson tried to help him but
was also fired upon by the assail-

ive members and supporters of progressive groups were slain in the ant. The killer managed to escape
first two weeks of Benigno Aquino III's regime. As in the previous with the help of an accomplice on
regime, the perpetrators were masked, motorcycle-riding armed a motorcycle waiting outside the
men employed by the reactionary military. victim’s property.
July 16. Three days before the
funeral of Fernando Baldomero, 61,
the first victim of political killing Military officers indicted before people's court
under the new regime, his cousin
Zosimo Ingeniero, 57, was gunned
down. Ingeniero, a village watch-
A number of high-ranking military officers in Western Visayas in-
volved in the murder of MAKABAYAN-Aklan provincial coordina-
tor Fernando Baldomero were indicted before a people's court in
man, was found dead near his
Panay. Baldomero was also a member of the Lezo town council. In
house in Barangay San Ramon, Ma-
a statement on June 14, National Democratic Front-Panay spokes-
linao, Aklan. Five 9 mm shells were
person Concha Araneta said that filing a case before the people's
found near his body. He was an ac-
court is merely an initial step in the quest to attain justice for Bal-
tivist in the 1980s up to the 1990s.
domero's death.
July 9. Armed men ambushed
Baldomero was shot by two bonnet-clad men on July 5 in his
and killed Mark B. Francisco, 27,
home in Kalibo, Aklan. He was preparing to bring his 12-year old
and Edgar Fernandez, 44, both
son to school. He was the first activist victim of extrajudicial kill-
members of the ACT Teachers Party.
ing under Benigno Aquino III's regime.
Francisco, a teacher at the San
The NDF-Panay has prima facie evidence to file a case against
Isidro Elementary School in Pala-
Philippine Army 3rd Infantry Division chief Maj. Gen. Vicente Por-
nas, Masbate was on his way home
to; 301st Infantry Brigade chief Brig. Gen. Gerardo Layug; and ele-
along with four colleagues when
ments of the Civil Relations Service (CRS) under their commands.
the assailants opened fire in Ba-
The NDF-Panay said that months before Baldomero was killed,
rangay Malibas. His companions
he received a letter warning him against continuing his political ac-
survived. Fernandez, a teacher at
tivities. On March 19, two grenades were lobbed at his ancestral
the Roco C. Pahis Sr. Central School
home in Lezo. Two weeks before his death, elements of the 3ID-PA
in Masbate City was also on his way
branded Baldomero a “communist terrorist front personality” and
home when unidentified men start-
MAKABAYAN a “terrorist front organization” in their “Army Hour
ed firing at him.
July 9. Peasant leader Pascual
Such public accusations are the equivalent of ordering all state
Guevarra, 78, was shot at close
agents to kill the target activists, said the NDF-Panay. It said that
range. He was the president of the
CRS elements were also accountable for launching an anti-Baldome-
Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries As-
ro program.
sociation in Laur, Nueva Ecija and
These actions by the 3ID and 301st Bde-PA are big indications
one of the most senior leaders of
that the military planned Baldomero's killing. They further incrimi-
the Alyansa ng mga Magbubukid na
nated themselves when the AFP spokesperson spewed the menda-
Nagkakaisa 3100 (Alamana), which
cious line that the crime was allegedly the result of a purge among
is affiliated with the Alyansa ng
the revolutionary forces. Araneta said that no one believes this lie
mga Magbubukid sa Gitnang Luson
by the military. The public and even the reactionary military and
and the Kilusang Magbubukid ng
police know that it was intelligence agents and their minions who
Pilipinas. Members of Alamana are
killed Baldomero. The military's hands are dripping with blood, add-
struggling to reclaim 3,100 hec-
ed the NDF-Panay.
tares of land in Laur which lies
Revolutionary authorities continue to gather evidence concern-
within the Fort Magsaysay Military
ing the crime and the people's court will issue an arrest warrant as
Reservation. Guevarra was cooking
soon as the requisites are completed. ~
dinner in his residence in Barangay
San Isidro, Laur at around 4:45 in
ANG BAYAN July 21, 2010 3
July 9. An unidentified assailant ambushed Miguel uniforms ambushed Dexter Legaspi, 36, a teacher and
Belen, a reporter for dwEB-FM of the Filipinas Broad- member of ACT Teachers Party in Masbate City. Legas-
casting Network in Nabua, Camarines Sur while he was pi and his wife were aboard a tricycle when they were
on his way home to Barangay San Jose Pagaraon. Be- ambushed but they survived the attack.
len sustained gunshot wounds in his neck and body June 27. Peasant activist Fernando Bejino, 45,
and is now in critical condition at a hospital in Iriga was gunned down in Siaton, Negros Oriental. An agent
City. of the 79th had been identified as a suspect, accord-
July 6. Five men donning ski masks and military ing to KARAPATAN-Central Visayas. ~

cist violence under the Marcos re-

Human rights groups assail gime. Led by the organization SEL-
DA (Samahan ng mga ex-Detainee

plan to appoint Etta Rosales Laban sa Detensyon at para sa Am-

nestiya), close to 10,000 martial

to CHR
law victims filed a class suit with a
Hawaii court in 1986 to demand
damages from the Marcoses. The

uman rights groups are vehemently opposing the imminent ap- court ruled after six years in favor
pointment of Loretta Ann Rosales as chair of the Commission on of the victims and ordered the pay-
Human Rights (CHR). Rosales is a member of the pseudo-progres- ment of $2 billion in damages to be
sive Akbayan party and served as its representative in Congress in 1998- coursed through SELDA.
2007. In 1993, the Ramos regime,
Appointing Rosales will be a It is this tack that Rosales took through the Presidential Commis-
huge insult and is completely un- throughout the nine-year killing sion on Good Government (PCGG),
acceptable to the families of vic- spree of the US-Arroyo regime. entered into a compromise agree-
tims, to human rights advocates In chorus with the AFP, Rosales ment with the Marcoses for a shar-
and even employees of the CHR. vilifies the CPP and the NPA espe- ing scheme where the government
Rosales is known for her contempt cially during elections. She spear- would get control of 75% (and use
for victims of grave human headed investigations into a big portion of it) instead of di-
rights violations and their so-called extortion activi- rectly awarding it to the victims,
families. In the past ties of the NPA against and the Marcoses would retain
years, she has repeated- candidates through the al- 25%. Amid all this, a number of
ly branded as fronts of leged collection of personalities like Rosales and the
the Communist Party of fees for permits to opportunist renegade Ramon Casi-
the Philippines and campaign, ple formed a rival group called
New People’s Army the among others. Claimants 1081 to cash in on SEL-
progressive organiza- Rosales even blew DA's victory and that of the 10,000
tions where most of the her perceived im- victims it represents. Claimants
victims belong. Rosales portance out of pro- 1081 concurred with the proposal
is not oblivious to the portion when she to course the indemnity through
fact that this is the claimed that she was be- the reactionary government, and to
same justification in- ing targeted for liquida- the compromise agreement be-
voked by the AFP's tion by the NPA, making tween the government and the
butchers to attack, herself a laughing stock Marcoses.
murder and torture among comrades. SELDA said Rosales' looming
activists and ci- One of the main bases appointment is despicable due to
vilians tagged as of opposition to Rosales’ her actions that divided the ranks
supporters, if not appointment is her sabo- of the victims of human rights vio-
outright members, tage of efforts to ob- lations and her having entered in-
of the armed revo- tain indemnification to a compromise with the Marcos-
lutionary movement. for the victims of fas- es. ~
4 ANG BAYAN July 21, 2010
Release the

Morong 43! Enemy suffers 20 dead, loses

R 8 firearms to NPA
elease the Morong 43!
This was the message of
an open letter from Civicus:

t least 20 soldiers were killed and 20 were wounded in tactical of-
World Alliance for Concern
fensives by the New People's Army (NPA) in various parts of the
Participation to the new ad-
archipelago from May to July. Among the firearms seized by the
ministration of Benigno Aqui-
guerrillas were a machine gun and five M203 grenade launchers.
no III. The Morong 43 were
arrested while conducting a July 16. Sr. Insp. Alfonso Der-
medical training in Morong, raco, police chief of Benito Soliven
Rizal in February based on the town in Isabela was killed and five
allegation that they are mem- others were wounded in an NPA
bers of the New People’s Ar- ambush in Barangay Danipa of the
my. Civicus is a South Africa- same town. Aside from the police-
based international alliance men, a sergeant assigned to the
of civic organizations. Military Intelligence Battalion
Civicus called on Aquino (MIB) was also among those seri-
to demonstrate to the fami- ously wounded. The policemen
lies of victims of human were responding to reports that the
rights violations his regard NPA had burned down a tractor
for the rule of law and to owned by a despotic landlord in
show that such abuses have Barangay Villa Luz when they were
no place in the “new Philip- ambushed.
pines.” It urged Aquino to in- July 9. The NPA wiped out a
vestigate the conduct of the seven-man strike force under the
Armed Forces of the Philip- 52nd Division Reconnaissance seized four M203s, an M14, an M4
pines (AFP) in the arrest, de- Company (DRC) in an ambush in carbine and other military equip-
tention and interrogation of Sitio Chawer, Samoki, Bontoc, ment. Among those killed was the
the Morong 43. Mountain Province. The guerrillas strike force commander 1Lt. Lito
Civicus also called on
Aquino to put an end to hu-
man rights violations by pur- NPA releases POW
suing the perpetrators of tor-
ture and other abuses in ac-
cordance with Philippine laws
T he New People's Army (NPA) released on humanitarian grounds
Sgt. Bienvenido Arguelles Jr. of the 25th IB in a remote area in
Monkayo, Compostela Valley on July 20. Arguelles was turned over
and international humanitar-
to the custody of the Monkayo parish priest and local officials.He
ian law.
was reunited with his family just a few hours after his release.
The Morong 43 include
A CAFGU element who was a minor had earlier been released.
two doctors, a nurse and
Arguelles was arrested at a checkpoint set up by the NPA on
health workers. Two of the
June 19 in Sitio Mabatas, Barangay Upper Ulip, Mt. Diwalwal in
detainees are due to give
birth in detention at Camp
Arguelles' arrest serves as a warning to military and police ele-
Bagong Diwa—Carina Olive-
ments who operate within guerrilla bases, especially those who spy
ros, 26, in July and Mercy
on Red fighters and the masses, said Rigoberto Sanchez, spokesper-
Castro, 27, in October. Many
son of the NPA Merardo Arce Command of Southern Mindanao Re-
local and international groups
gion. He said this should be a warning to those who protect foreign
have demanded the immedi-
and local enterprises engaged in large-scale operations that exploit
ate release of the pregnant
the masses and destroy the environment. ~
detainees. ~

ANG BAYAN July 21, 2010 5

Punio. There were no casualties on
the NPA side. The PEACe Bonds in review
The fascist unit was waylaid

near the 501st Brigade tactical o amount of self-absolution by the officials of the previous US-
command post in Barangay Talu- Arroyo regime can cover up their involvement in anomalous ac-
bin, where the soldiers had just tivities.
come from. They were in Barangay Among the former Arroyo offi- retary Jose Camacho.
Samoki to reinforce other 5th ID cials with the biggest accountabil- In October 2001, the Bureau
troops conducting military opera- ities are Corazon “Dinky” Soliman, of Treasury issued PEACe Bonds
tions against the NPA. who was reappointed by Pres. Be- worth more than `35 billion
To cover up their shameful de- nigno Aquino III as DSWD Secre- (`10.17 billion in principal and
feat, the military claimed that the tary, and Teresita Deles, who has `25 billion in interest payable up-
ambushed soldiers were on their been reinstated as Presidential on maturity after ten years). The
way to a medical mission. Adviser on the Peace Process. bidding was rigged to enable fel-
July 9. Eight elements of the Both were involved in the sale of low conspirator Rizal Commercial
Marines Battalion Landing Team 8 the PEACe Bonds and the ques- Banking Corporation
(MBLT8), including an officer were tionable ways by which the pro- (RCBC) to monopo-
wounded when NPA Red fighters ceeds were spent. Bonds are lize the purchase.
detonated a bomb on the truck instruments that enable RCBC was then
they were riding in Sitio Itiabiak, governments to borrow the conduit
Barangay Agutaya, San Vicente, from the public or for Code NGO's
Palawan. The ambushed troop was from various banks scheme. The
part of the MBLT8's Special Opera- and institutions. Like rigging was
tions Platoon. Second Lieutenant other debts, they are done by con-
Willy Pait and his seven wounded paid with interest up- cealing the is-
men were brought to the Western on maturity. suance of the
Command hospital in Puerto Prin- The idea of issuing bonds from oth-
cesa City. the PEACe (Poverty er banks and
June 23. Two soldiers were Eradication and Allevi- bidders until the
killed and two others were wound- ation Certificate) final week.
ed after three gunbattles between Bonds was Out of a to-
the NPA and the military that were pushed by tal `10 bil-
fought in pitch darkness in Baran- Code NGO lion worth
gay Poponton, Las Navas, North- (Caucus of of bonds
ern Samar. Develop- sold, Code
May 31. Red fighters seized a ment NGOs) NGO reaped
K3 light machine gun and an under Soli- up to `1.48
M203 grenade launcher after they man and billion or al-
ambushed soldiers along the Deles. Code most 15% in
boundary of Barangays GM Osias NGO claims commissions
and Bangon in Gamay, Northern that the bonds while RCBC
Samar. Seven soldiers of the AFP were floated to raise earned `200 million
and three others were wounded in funds for their antipoverty proj- and another `100 million went to
this ambush. A Red fighter was ects. two persons who brokered the
martyred. Code NGO is an alliance of bo- deal. They also let the Bureau of
May 3. Three AFP troopers gus NGOs run by cronies and close Internal Revenue in on the deal to
were killed and two others were friends of Gloria Arroyo who are make the earnings from the PEACe
wounded in an encounter with now with the Aquino camp and Bonds tax-exempt.
NPA guerrillas along the boundary administration. Not only are Soli- When the Senate called their
of Barangay Nagbubtac in Palapag man and her husband Hector in- attention to the anomalous trans-
town and Barangay Lanubi ni Lao- volved in it. They lead it, along action, Code NGO officials insisted
ang town, both in Northern Sam- with Deles and Marissa Camacho- that they were left with only 10%
ar. ~ Reyes, sister of then finance sec- from the proceeds of the PEACe
6 ANG BAYAN July 21, 2010
Bonds' sale, which they said was
used for operational expenses. The
remaining 90% or `1.318 billion

Volatile situation in Nepal

was channeled to the Peace Equi-
ty Access for Community Empow-
erment Foundation (PEF). It was

through the PEF that projects in epali prime minister Madhav Kumar Nepal resigned from his post
line with the Arroyo regime's an- on June 30 due to demands from Maoist oppositionists within
tipoverty program were allegedly parliament and massive street protests.
implemented. But it was revealed Kumar Nepal was installed by after, the Nepali people also
in the Senate hearings that the the revisionist Communist Party of launched a general strike that par-
Soliman couple was behind the Nepal-United Marxist Leninist alyzed the entire country for a
PEF. (UML) and the conservative Nepa- week. Riot police tried but failed
Where did the money go? Soli- li Congress Party (NC) after Maoist to suppress the strike due to the
man says she is still asking this prime minister Pushpa Kamal Da- people's militancy.
same question from those who hal's resignation in May 2009. In an effort to achieve a con-
took charge of Code NGO after she Dahal was compelled to resign sensus and speed up the process
“left.” She gives the lame excuse when the country's UML-affiliated of the CPN-M's return to power,
that the money was used for pro- president countermanded his deci- the party called for talks with the
people projects such as potable sion to fire the army chief, Gen. NC and UML. But the two parties
water systems and micro-financ- Rookmangud Katawal for refusing imposed new conditions on the
ing. But there is no proof that the to comply with his instructions to integration of the old and revolu-
proceeds from the PEACe Bonds respect the supremacy of the civil- tionary armies in their latest talks
were indeed used for such projects ian government, refrain from re- on July 11. Aside from a new in-
or were otherwise beneficial to cruiting new soldiers into the old ventory of Red army forces and a
the people. army inherited from the ousted new selection process, the NC and
An even bigger problem lies in king and accelerate the integra- UML demanded the abolition of
the fact that the government is tion of the Red army and the old the Young Communist League
obliged to fork out `35 billion army in accordance with the pro- which serves as the CPN-M's para-
once the bonds mature in 2011. visions of the ceasefire agreement military arm and the restoration of
Not only did the people gain and guidelines on setting up the all properties confiscated by the
nothing from Code NGO and the new government. CPN-M and Red army from the rul-
Arroyo regime's bogus projects, After more than a year in pow- ing classes and enemy elements in
they now bear the burden of hav- er, Kumar Nepal failed to consoli- ten years of people's war. The NC
ing to pay off the money earned date Nepal's peace process and and UML said that for as long as
by these fake NGOs from the sale draft a new constitution, one of the CPN-M does not become a ci-
of the PEACe Bonds. the requisites of forming the new vilian party and restore all confis-
Soliman's bigger responsibility government. The NC and the UML cated property, the two parties
as former DSWD secretary under blame the CPN-M for the country's will never allow it to resume pow-
the Arroyo regime lies in account- inability to move forward in draft- er even if has the majority repre-
ing for the `8 billion in proceeds ing a new constitution, but it is sentation in parliament.
from the PEACe Bonds that were the two parties that have in fact In a bid to propel the process,
supposedly used for antipoverty been blocking fundamental re- the CPN-M agreed to these condi-
projects of the Arroyo govern- forms and imposing many new tions and adopt a three-month
ment. No one knows who gained conditions on the CPN-M in the timetable for their implementa-
from these funds and what proj- process of forming a new charter. tion.
ects or which agencies or local On April 30, up to 125,000 The political situation in Nepal
government units became the people led by the CPN-M rallied in remains volatile, with no prime
end-users of these monies. No one Kathmandu to demand the resig- minister having been chosen yet
from Code NGO admits to anything nation of the prime minister and to replace Kumar Nepal. Parlia-
and Soliman has done nothing but his government to give the major- ment is set to meet again on July
deny that she had anything to do ity CPN-M the right to lead a gov- 21 in a renewed attempt to elect
with all this. ~ ernment of national unity. The day a new prime minister. ~
ANG BAYAN July 21, 2010 7

Youth launch National Day Drivers launch protest caravan

of Action for Education MEMBERS of Pinagkaisang Samahan and the removal of the value-add-
ng mga Tsuper at Operators Nation- ed tax on petroleum products.
YOUTH and students launched a wide (PISTON) launched a protest Third is the review of anomalous
successful mass action on July 16 caravan from Quezon City to Men- projects of the Land Transportation
to raise their sector's grievances diola in Manila on July 15 as part Office (LTO) and Stradcom Corp.
before the newly installed Aquino of the buildup for the upcoming such as the suspended Radio Fre-
regime. State of the Nation Address of Be- quency Identification Device
More than a thousand students nigno Aquino III. (RFID) scheme. Fourth is punish-
from various universities, colleges The mass action aimed to raise ment for Gloria Arroyo for her in-
and high schools aside from out of the transportation sector's de- volvement in grave corruption dur-
school youth joined the mass ac- mands before Aquino, said PISTON. ing her nine years in power.
tion. The National Day of Action for Its main demand is the junking of PISTON said Aquino must ad-
Education was led by progressive the oil deregulation law which is dress all these demands to avoid
youth organizations. The partici- one of the motorists' biggest woes. damaging his image and being re-
pants marched from the University Second is the cancellation of toll pudiated by drivers and the broad
of Sto. Tomas in España, Manila to- fees at the South Luzon Expressway masses.
wards Mendiola. Filipino-American
youth activists also joined the 26 Indian paramilitary elements die in ambush
Similar protest actions were TWENTY-SIX paramilitary elements were killed and two others were
likewise held in the cities of Ange- wounded in an ambush by revolutionary forces in Chhattisgarh, India on
les and Cebu by youth who picket- June 29.
ed the regional offices of the Com- The casualties were elements of the Central Reserve Police Force who
mission on Higher Education in were on their way back from a clearing operation. The targets, who were
their respective areas. March-rallies on foot were attacked by Maoist forces upon reaching Dhodai, which is
were also held inside the regional 300 kilometers away from Chhattisgarh's capital Dhodai. The firefight
campuses of the University of the stretched for three hours, with the enemy unable to escape until the ar-
Philippines in the cities of Iloilo, rival of reinforcements.
Tacloban and Davao.
The youth and students' main India rocked by nationwide strike
demand is for government to pro- A nationwide strike called to pro- eled intense anger among the Indi-
vide a sufficient budget for educa- test a government decision to an people. For instance, the price
tion. The United Nations Educa- withdraw oil price subsidies rocked of kerosene which is used by mil-
tional, Scientific and Cultural Or- India on July 5. The subsidies were lions of impoverished Indians rose
ganization has set 6% of the Gross withdrawn in an effort to alleviate by 33% or 3 rupees per liter. Gaso-
Domestic Product as the standard India's growing budgetary deficit. line prices rose by 6.7% or 3.5 ru-
for education budgets worldwide. The strike was led by the opposi- pees per liter while that of lique-
The protesters also demanded tion Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), fied petroleum gas shot up by 35
that Aquino put a stop to succes- the Communist Party of India-Mao- rupees per cylinder. The inflation
sive hikes in tuition and other ist (CPI-M) and the Communist Par- rate has also grown by more than
school fees. They likewise called ty of India (CPI). 12% since oil prices were deregu-
for the abrogation of anti-student India is expected to suffer a lated.
policies such as those outlined in budget deficit equivalent to up to Most affected by the 12-hour
the Education Act of 1982 and the 5.5% of its Gross Domestic Product strike were the opposition-led
Campus Journalism Act of 1991, for 2010-2011. states of Bihar, Punjab, Karnataka,
the recognition of the rights of The removal of the subsidies, West Bengal, Kerala, Andhra Pra-
teachers and school employees and which caused the prices not only of desh, Rajahmundhry, Orissa, Mad-
the advancement of autonomy for petroleum products but of other hya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Har-
student councils and publications. commodities to skyrocket has fu- yana.
8 ANG BAYAN July 21, 2010

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