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Declaration of Identifiers

Budg; real {stores the budget set for the graduation}
Stdfee: real {stores the standard fee for each student}
Flt_fee: real {stores the flat fee of each student}
TotGradFee: real { stores the total graduations fee}


L_name: string [1..16] {Stores the students last names}

F_name: string [1..16] {Stores the students first names}
Tot_SilvCert; string [1..16] {Stores the total amount of Silver certificates}
No_SubPass: string [1..16] {Stores the number of subjects passed by students}
Tot_PlatCert: string [1..16] {Stores the total amount of platinum certificates}
Osta_Fee: string [1..16] {Stores the students outstanding fees}
No_Ofns: string [1..16] {Stores the number of offences committed by students}
Certi_Type: string [1..16] {Stores the special certificates given to students}
Gradu_Fee: string[1..16] {Stores students graduation fees}
Spc_Hon: string [1..16] {Stores the students special honors}
Pena_Fee; string [1..16] {Stores the penalty fees of the students}
Tot_GoldCert; string [1..16]{Stores the total amount of gold certificates}
Tot_BrnzeCert : string[1..6] {stores the total amount of bronze certificates}

Budg 2500
Pena_Fee 195
Flt_Fee 195
Tot_SilvCert 0
Tot_PlatCert 0
Tot_GoldCert 0
Tot_BrnzeCert 0
Gradu_Fee 0

For A 1-16 Do

Print Enter students first name

Readln F_name [A]
Print Enter students last name
Readln L_name [A]
Print Enter students special award
Readln Spc_Hon [A]
Print Enter number of subjects passed by student
Readln No_SubPass [A]
Print Enter yes if student owes outstanding fees and no if they do not
Readln Osta_Fee [A]
Print Input students number of offences
Readln No_Ofns [A]

If > 13 No_SubPas and If No_SubPass < 15 Then

Certi_Type Platinum
Tot_PlatCert Tot_PlatCert + 1
Else If No_SubPass > 11 and If No_SubPass <13 Then
Cert_Type Gold
Tot_GoldCert + 1
Else If No_SubPass > 9 and If No_SubPass < 11 Then
Certi_Type Silver
Tot_SilvCert Tot_SilvCert + 1
Else If No_SubPass >7 and If No_SubPass < 9 Then
Certi_Type Bronze
Tot_BrnzeCert Tot_BrnzeCert + 1
End If
Print Enteryes if the student has commited any offenses
If No_Ofns = yes Then
Pena_Fee Flt_Fee + 195 * 0.35 * No_Ofns
End If

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