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All of the sources for the information in this leaflet can be found online.

The full bibliography can be found at: http://imgur.com/3p7owxc

Cant get online? This leaflet is not affiliated with any political
Your local library will have computers, and staff or volunteers who are there to help you find
what your looking for. Alternatively, reach out to family or friends.

Engage in discussion:
Since childhood, we have been discouraged from being wrong. This can make it intimidating to
seek out opinions and facts that disagree with our worldviewa disagreement can seem like a
personal offence.
The future is a choice.

Take control.
However, the problems we face today are complex and there arent always easy or even correct
answers. Should we bomb Syria? Its the most efficient way to kill the bad guys, but it might also
kill innocent people who might be killed by the bad guys anyway...does that make us the bad
guys? Whats the answer?
Instead of having arguments to prove that were right, or to persuade people, we should have
arguments with the goal of finding the truthand this means considering both sides.

If you would like to know more about party policies, and the reasons for them, Choose well.
contact your local party representatives.
They are nominating themselves to represent your voicemake sure theyre
We believe that knowledge is power.
Power for change. Power for good. And anyone can
[1] Joseph Rowntree Foundation. In work poverty hits record high as the housing crisis fuels insecurity. (2016). [online] JRF. Avail-
able at: https://www.jrf.org.uk/press/work-poverty-hits-record-high-housing-crisis-fuels-insecurity [Accessed 1 Jun. 2017].
have it.
[2] M.O.R.G.A.P., W., Mullins, T. and 88324306 (n.d.). Statistical bulletin:Migration Statistics Quarterly Report: Feb 2017. [online]
Office for National Statistics. Available at: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/
-estimated-to-be-596000 [Accessed 1 Jun. 2017].
You have received this leaflet from a fellow voter. This
[3] How immigrants affect public finances. (n.d.). [online] Full Fact. Available at: https://fullfact.org/immigration/how-
immigrants-affect-public-finances/ [Accessed 1 Jun. 2017]. leaflets sole purpose is to inform, and to encourage
the electorate to seek further information.
[4] Trust, M.D.N. (2016). EU immigration and NHS staff. [online] Full Fact. Available at: https://fullfact.org/immigration/
immigration-and-nhs-staff/ [Accessed 1 Jun. 2017].

[5] Health tourism: what's the cost? (n.d.). [online] Full Fact. Available at: https://fullfact.org/health/health-tourism-whats-cost/
[Accessed 1 Jun. 2017].
Austerity is the economic Some economists dont believe that austerity is the best method for Immigration to the UK has steadily Terrorism is the use of violence to bring about political
policy that is currently in place strengthening a recovering economy. Instead they believe that risen over the last two decades. In change. People may be drawn to terrorism if they feel
to reduce the deficit. government spending will boost an economy in depression. 2016, the number of people who rejected by society, or if they feel they can not affect change
By spending less and selling Their reasoning is that investment in human capital and welfare will immigrated minus the number of within society. Historically, terrorist attacks were normally
public services, the boost and stabilise an economy in the long term. people who left the UK was driven by nationalism, but more recently they have been
government will save money, +273,000 people. In 2016, most EU motivated by religious fundamentalism.
with the aim of building a Human Capital is the value immigrants came for work-related
There is a theory that says, if tax rates
stronger economy. of a skilled and able reasons, and most non-EU
are set too high, people will find Governments will create policies to counter terrorism that
populationinvesting in a immigrants came to study. 9,933
ways to avoid paying tax (even not are either proactivedirect strikes against the terrorists or
skilled workforce is less costly people were granted asylum, just a
There is a stigma associated than paying for poor health working). This means that there is a defensivesuch as securing borders. Defensive policies are
third of those that applied2.
with being in poverty. There and unemployment later on. best tax rate that will generate the likely to just deflect attacks to other countries. Proactive
is a belief that if you work most revenue, which is the highest tax policies intend to weaken terrorist groups, for the benefit of
hard, you will not be poor. rate that can be set without lots of Immigrants can put pressure on everyone, not just the proactive country. However, if
people trying to avoid paying tax. However, the public services, but they also proactive policies are too aggressive or causes a lot of
A 2016 report1 by the Joseph Rowntree
value of the best tax rate depends on lots of other provide value to society. The net collateral damage, they may cause so much upset that
Foundation found that one in every eight
factors too: how tax avoidance is dealt with; cost of migration is within +/- 1% people lose faith in the proactive government, and become
workers was living in povertywhich
peoples opinions on government spending; and the GDP, which means that migrants vulnerable to terrorist recruitment. Terrorists may also be
directly impacted on the 2.6 million
countrys culture. The best tax rate at any given collectively make tax contributions more likely to target proactive governments for publicity.
children who were part of a poor working
time, for any given country, is very hard to predict. that pay for their place in society3.

Micro-targeting is a form of
Enforcing a National Living Wage is a way of making sure that anyone can live on what they earn. But, 10% of registered Health tourism
campaigning that uses information
there is a concern that small businesses will not be able to afford the costs if it is enforced too quickly. doctors in the UK accounts for 0.3%
about individuals to tailor campaign
are EU migrants4. of NHS spending5.
Government welfare spending breakdown in year 2014/2015: material specifically to each individual.
This means that key arguments, and
Depending on where you live, and your politics, your vote even misleading information, can be
may have more of an impact than someone elses. Our spread only amongst people who are
society relies on a first-past-the-post voting system: likely to agree, without invoking
within each constituency, the candidate with the most counter arguments from people who
votes wins. This means that everyone has a local are less likely to agree. This exploits the
Image source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.2.0. Data from 2014/2015. Published 2016. representative in parliament. However, this system does existence of echo chambers
not mean that the number of constituencies a party wins communities where one view will be
Nationalisation vs. Privatisation of the public sector:
is representative of the number of votes they received. amplified, and challenging views will
Nationalisation: Privatisation: not be fairly representedand the
Preferable when welfare and consumer access Competition between businesses will drive them backfire effectwhen people only seek
must be prioritised over profit. to be more economically efficient. The inner circle information that confirms their existing
shows the proportion view, and will reject information that
Investing in a service may drive positive Politics and bureaucracy wont affect economic
of votes each party challenges their view. This can be a
economic impacts in other parts of society. decisions.
received, and the threat to democracy, because it allows
If the industry is profitable, this can be another Industries can be expensive to run. Sale of a outer circle shows the information to spread even if it isnt
way to generate a long-term source of government service will reduce government proportion of seats true, and removes the people likely to
government revenue. spending, and generate a one-off profit. each party won. check facts from the conversation.

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