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Stand for God!

Genesis 13; Genesis 6:59
Just like Noah, we can rely on God to help us stand for Him.
Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13
Hydro the Whale reminds us theres a whale of a problem

DISCOVER IT! (early arrivals)

A. Nature Walk
Aquarium/Fish Bowl: Ask the kids to watch the fish and tell you what
they are doing. Point out how God made so many different kinds of fish.
Leaf/Flower Rubbings: Give the kids a piece of paper to put over a leaf
or flower. Have them gently rub a crayon over the pager.
Summarize by talking about Gods beautiful world at the beginning of
time. Describe plants and animals. Point out special ways God has made
them (giraffe, dinosaur, bee, hydrangea, rose, daisy, a Christmas tree)
B. Construction Zone
Explain how smart Adam and Eve were back in the early times on earth.
Use blocks to build a city.
Use musical instruments to play a tune.
SAY: Lets pretend that we were builders in Bible times and made a good
C. Coloring Corner
Use todays coloring pages to show Gods beautiful world, Adam and Eve,
and Noah.
Explain how God was watching Noah just as He watches you and me.
God knew Noah would always do the right thing.
When others told him to make bad choices, Noah stood up big and tall and
would not do what made God unhappy.
What do you think of a man like that? What do you think God thought about
Day 1: 3s--PreK
INTRODUCE IT! (large group, classroom)
OME the children to Adventure Week Ocean Commotion.
2. GET TO KNOW YOUR KIDS: Beach Ball Blast
Throw the ball to different people in the room and ask a question.
What is your name?
How old are you?
Point to your foot, your head, your eye, your thumb.
What do you like to eat?
Have the kids sit down in small groups with one adult. Talk to them about what they are wearing
or what the weather is today. Get them to talk to other children in the circle.
Go around the circle. Say each childs name and say: God loves you.
3. LESSON PREVIEW: Talk about Noah and his family.
4. INTRODUCE Hydro the Whale. Theres a whale of a problem. Ask: Does
anyone know what it could be? Today we will find out in our lesson.

TEACH IT! (Bible Lesson Room)

[Your Bible lesson will be taught in Creation Station. Listed below are some things you
can say and do to introduce the lesson and then summarieze the key points later in the
day. You will have posters to put up in your room that cover all the details of the Bible
SAY: Today our lesson is found in the very first book of the Bible. It is the book of
Genesis. Can you say that big word? Genesis!
Talk about how God made the world and everything in it.
You can briefly walk through the creation narrative in Genesis 1 & 2.
Talk about how God created the world in six days and then He rested.
Explain that when God looked at everything He had made, He said, It is
good! Say that with me: It is good! Then SAY: On the seventh day He
SAY: Adam and Eve made a bad choice and had to leave the beautful garden God had
given to them.

As the number of people on earth increased, there were many conflicts

between the people. Some people were angry; some were mean and some
were very, very bad.
All of this evil made God very sad.
Then God found a man who loved him very much. His name was Noah. He
stood up for what was right.
Noah was married to Mrs. Noah and theyand his wife had three children:
Shem, Ham and Japheth.
Can you say these three names with me? Lets try it again: Shem, Ham and

Day 1: 3s--PreK
SAY: God had a very important job for Noah to do. Noah obeyed God and wanted to do
what was right. Thats what we should do, too. Point to the poster of Hydro, the Whale.
Hydro says: We have a whale of a problem. Does anyone know what it is? Noah had a
whale of a problem in his day, and so do we. People make bad choices every day that
make God sad. We need to do what Noah did. Stand up for God and do the right thing.
Have everyone stand up and repeat what you said with their hands on their hips as if
they mean it.

THE CROSSROADS (Large Group) The

says Noah found grace in the eyes of God. That means God saw Noahs heart and
He knew Noah had chosen to love Him. God loves us so much He sent Jesus to tell
us about heaven and provide a way for us to go there. We love Jesus, and someday
you will want to ask Jesus to be your Savior.
Lets bow our heads and thank God for loving us so much. Lets ask Him to help us
do the right thing. Amen.


Go over the meaning of the verse. Have the students repeat it several times
with you.
Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13.
Use these motions to teach the verse.
Watch Hand above eyes looking out in the distance.
Stand fast Stand up straight and tall.
In the faith Fix arms in the shape of a cross.
Be brave. Hands on waist as you stand up tall.
Be strong Arms held up as if to show muscles.
1 Corinthians 16:13 Open hands as if you are holding an open
When the students are ready, have them say the verse together while
hopping on one foot, then while jumping up and down, and then while
turning around.

APPLY IT! (Table Group)

EXPERIMENT: Consider creating an ocean for Day 1 Ocean Commotion.

Fill a clear water bottle two-thirds of the the way.
For the final third, add clear baby oil or vegetable almost to the top.

Day 1: 3s--PreK
Drop in four or five drops of blue food coloring, cap it, and then shake.
Explain how oil and water do not mix, just as being good doesnt mix with
being bad. These two things dont like to hang out with each other.
In Noahs day, there were lots of bad people and only a few good people. It
was a big mess. God wanted the people to turn away from sin by making
right choices and standing for God!
Only Noah was willing to obey God.
Challenge the children to do the right thing and stand as Noah did. Make
circles with your index fingers and thumbs and put them over your eyes. SAY:
God is watching everything we do. He is looking for those who make good
choices. Noah made good choices and so can we.


The children will make a booklet about creation. It will have a cover they can
decorate with stickers and foam pieces. Seven pages will follow with one page
dedicated to each day of creation. The children will color each page as the
teachers explain what happened each day. The teachers will help them put the
pages in order. A ribbon will be used to bind the pages together.


Give each student a Take-Home Sheet for Day 1 to do with their mommy
or daddyparents.
Tell the kids that tomorrow, they are going to learn how Noah built a big
boatn ark!
Send home any special announcements placed in your room for Monday.
Use these questions to review.
1. What happened to Adam and Eve?
2. Where did Adam and Eve live?
3. Name some animals God made.
4. Which animal do you like?
5. How did Noah feel about God?
6. How did God feel about Noah?

Day 1: 3s--PreK

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