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3s Pre-K

Just like Noah, we can rely on God to help us honor God with all that we have.
Blessed is the man who fears the Lord. Psalm 112:1
Fin the Dolphin tells us that no-fin is a bigger deal than taking God seriously.

DISCOVER IT! (early arrivals)

Welcome the kids back for the fourth day of Ocean Commotion. Ask them to tell you
the dimensions of the ark using the motions we have learned (two buses, three giraffes,
one-and-a-half football fields).

[You will need to help each child do these activities. Adapt them to fit your classroom.]
A. Pom-Pom Painting
Supplies: pom-pom balls; springform clothespins; red, blue, green, yellow
washable paint poured out on a paper plate; white paper plates cut in half
Explain how Noah and his family finally were able to leave the ark. God sent
a rainbow as a promise that He would never cover the whole earth with
water again.
Give each child half a paper plate.
Place pom-poms attached to a clothespin in each of the plates filled with
Challenge the children to create their own rainbow.
Remind them to thank God for protecting Noah and his family.
B. Dino Dig
Supplies: aluminum container of sand, 2 small pictures of 5 different types of
dinosaurs hidden under the sand.
Ask the children what animals they think were on the ark.

Day 5: 3s--PreK
Then ask them if they think dinosaurs were on the ark. Whatever answers
they give you, ask them why they think that way.
Explain that if the Bible says God took every kind of animal on the ark, then
wouldnt we expect dinosaurs to be aboard, too?
Challenge them to search through the sand and find pictures of the
Have them lay out each picture on the table and then find its matching
Discuss what happened to the dinosaurs after the Flood. It was hard for the
dinos to stay alive after the Flood. There were very few plants for them to eat
in the beginning. The weather conditions had changed on earth. Maybe the
dinosaurs were eaten by other animals. They eventually all died. The Bible
describes two different animals in the book of Job 4041. The descriptions of
these animals sound as if they are dinosaurs. We know that God made them
and we know they lived on the earth at one time.
Allow children to take turns at the Dino Dig or create two separate areas for
them to explore.
C. Coloring Corner
Supplies: crayons, markers, Day 5 coloring sheet with the memory verse, Fin the
Dolphin coloring page with the catch phrase.

INTRODUCE IT! (large group)

[For our preschoolers , lets use words like honor, love, worship, and obey as we talk
through this lesson. Our younger children will not be able to understand the context of
fear as awe and reverence.]
1. PREVIEW what we are going to learn today.
Review all the posters for our animal pals. Hopefully, all the kids will be able to
repeat the phrase attached to each animal.
Today Fin the Dolphin will finish us off with a great reminder. Fin tells us that no-
fin (nothing) is a bigger deal than taking God seriously. Explain that taking God
seriously means that we love Him; we honor Him and we obey Him. We worship
Him. These words help us better understand how Noah felt when he came out of
the ark. He wanted to show God how much he loved Him.
Remember that the Flood had completely changed the surface of the earth. The
world Noah was returning to would not be at all like the world he left.
What do you think Noah saw first when he stepped onto the dry ground?
How do you think the animals would have reacted?
What was missing?
What was the first thing Noah did? Why did he do it?

Day 5: 3s--PreK
TEACH IT! (Large Room by Grade Level)

[The Bible lesson will be taught in a large room by grade. See schedule for time and
location. The information below is for use in general discussions, table groups, craft
activities, and review questions.]


After a little more than 370 days inside the ark, it was time for Noah and his
family and all the animals to come out.
After leaving the ark, the first thing Noah did was to make an altar and prepare
a sacrifice to God in gratitude for His protection over them. Noah was
reaffirming His love and devotion to His God.
God welcomed his sweet offerings and promised never again to destroy the
earth by water.
God blessed Noah and his sons and told them to be fruitful and multiply and fill
the earth with life again.
As a sign of this covenant with man, God put a rainbow in the clouds. Every
time the rainbow appears it is a reminder of Gods promise that flood waters will
never again destroy the earth. It is His promise to mankind, and God is a
Promise Keeper.
For Noah and his family, it was time to begin anew. They had much to do as
they started over. Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth. These three
men and their wives would produce a new generation of people who would
multiply and spread out to populate the world again.
The animals would do the same thing. God had carefully selected the kinds of
animals that would produce all the species of animals we see today.
The landscape itself was changed. Large trees were gone. Vegetation was
limited and scarce. It would take time to plant and harvest crops for food.
Animals would have to hunt for every meal. Mountain ranges now appeared
where once before there had been lush fields of grain. The temperature of earth
was now given to extremes; there was no longer a constant climate that
sustained healthy conditions for man and animals.
How do we know a worldwide flood really happened?
We would expect to see billions of dead things buried in rock layers all
over the world and that is exactly what we find. Fossils do not take
billions of years to form. Fossils can form within shorter periods of time.
(Show fossil posters.)
Fossils of fish have been found high in the mountains away from any
possible water source. Animal fossils have been discovered with
undigested food in their stomachs as if some great catastrophe has
overtaken them.
There are unusual formations all over the world that reveal land pushed
up by the force of water or sunken because of an earthquake or a
Day 5: 3s--PreK
volcano, for example, the Grand Canyon and Mount St. Helens with its
There are stories about a Great Flood found in the cultures of many
different civilizations: Babylon, Greece, India, North America (Indians),
Peru and Pacific islands. (Show your posters.) Each legend has a flood, a
man/family who is saved inside of a box or a boat. These stories were
handed down through the descendants of NoahShem, Ham and
Japheth. As people spread across the world, they retold the stories about
a Great Flood they had heard about from their parents.

THE CROSSROADS (large group) ark
up your model) had provided salvation for the human race. It would be wonderful
to report to you that all the descendants of Noah turned out to be godly men and
women who loved God and obeyed His commands, but we know thats not the
As the earths population increased, people began to argue among themselves.
Men did what was right in their own eyes as they struggled to get their way. Do you
ever do that?
We ourselves are sinners who often fail to make loving God our no. 1 priority. God
looks across the face of the earth for those whose hearts are turned toward Him (2
Chronicles 16:9).
God is looking for people like Noah. Are you one of those people? Do you love God
enough to obey His commandments? If you do, then someday you will want to ask
Jesus to be your Savior.

APPLY IT! (Table Group)

A. EXPERIMENT: Rainbow Reflections

[This demonstration should be done in each Table Group.)
Supplies: One flashlight per group, clear plastic bowl of water, child-safe mirror,
white copy paper
Have a student submerge a mirror at an angle in the bowl of water. Darken the
room if possible.
Allow students to take turns shining the flashlight into the mirror.
Put a sheet of white paper near the bowl and a rainbow of color will be projected
onto the paper.
EXPLAIN: Sunlight is made up of many colors that all blend together but we see
only white light. The rays of the white light from the flashlight shining in the
water were bent (refracted) by the water. The image seen on the paper is the ray
of light now separated into all its colors.

Day 5: 3s--PreK
Explain to the children that the rainbow is a reminder of Gods love for all men
and the Savior Jesus God sent to earth from heaven.


Blessed is the man who fears the Lord. Psalm 112:1

Go over the meaning of the verse. Have the children repeat it several times with you and
then use the motions to lock it into their minds. Blessed can be understood as happy.
Fears can be explained with the words love or honor or obey.
Use these motions to teach the verse.
Blessed Extend your hand forward.
The man Flex your muscles like a man.
Who fears the Lord. Put hands together and bow head. Make an L
with your right hand and move from left shoulder to right hip.
Psalm 112:1 Open hands as if you are holding an open Bible.
Practice saying the verse multiple times all together. Then ask the boys to say the
verse to two girls and one leader. Tell the girls they have to say the verse to two
boys and one leader.

WRAP UP & GOODBYE (Table Group)

each student a Take-Home Sheet for Day 5. As time allows, work through some of
the activities. Challenge the students to complete all the activities.
Send home any special announcements placed in your room for Friday.
Here are some review questions to use:
1. What did God promise Noah?
2. What was the sign of this promise?
3. What did the new world look like?
4. What do you think happened to the dinosaurs?
5. How do we know the Flood really happened?

Day 5: 3s--PreK

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