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Radiographic Interpretation Questions WIS10 CSWIP 3.

1. How is backscatter prevented from reaching the film?

2. Static marks are caused by?

3. Water spots on drying films are caused by?

4. Lead foil screens intensify primary radiation more than scatter? True / False

5. A TLD measures?

6. The difference in densities on a radiograph is called?

7. Who designates that the employee is a classified worker?

8. When using gamma radiography, the monitors should be:

a. On all the time during exposure
b. Only when winding in/out the source

9. Instant readout of radiation dose is given by?

10. To find out the safe distance from an unshielded source what procedure is

11. Before taking a gamma source to site for the first time, how much notice is

12. What types of warnings are used on X ray enclosures

13. What is the purpose of a densitometer?

14. What is the purpose of an IQI?

15. What is the HALF-LIFE of the following gamma sources?

1. Cobalt 60
2. Iridium 192
3. Ytterbium 169

16. What liquids are used to develop a film?

17. What does increasing the film speed do?

18. IQIs should be placed where?

19. What are intensifying screens?

20. For a given thickness, which of the following will give the greatest
protection against ionising radiation:
a. Concrete
b. Steel
c. Lead
d. Brickwork
Radiographic Interpretation Questions WIS10 CSWIP 3.2

21. What is the purpose of a FILM BADGE?

22. What faults may be present on a radiographic film, which are not from
the specimen being radiographed?

23. In general, does X-rays give more, or less, sharp images than Gamma

24. What are the three common techniques applied to the radiography of
plates and pipes?

25. A section of film that receives more radiation than the surrounding area
will be?

26. Radiation exposure will be detected firstly in which part of the body?

27. When do intensifying screens do their work?

28. Film badges assess different levels of exposure by using?

29. The ability to detect small flaws is called

30. What do cracks look like on a radiographic film?

31. Sensitivity in radiography depends on three factors, what are they?

32. Scattered radiation from walls and floors is called?

33. How do lead screens work?

34. Why are lead letters used for identification when using radiography?

35. Which three liquids are essential for processing radiographic film?

36. Pressure marks on the film before exposure are lighter or darker than
the surrounding area after development?

37. What Is reticulation?

38. A permanent dose record is maintained by using which type of


39. What are the main steps of X-ray film processing?

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