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MGMT.172 (Introduction to Information Technology)

Tutorial Questions

Think about how you would answer the following.

1) How was an Information System used to shorten the lines at DisneyWorld? Suggest another example where
a similar solution could be used to shorten wait times.

2) Give an example from an industry of your choice (e.g. supermarket or hotel) of how an Information System
has been used to improve customer intimacy. Briefly describe what customer information is kept on the system
and how it might be used to give better customer service.

3) Briefly describe each of the following

i) Cloud Computing
ii) Software as a Service (SaaS)
iii) mobile digital platform
iv) web 2.0

4) Briefly explain each of the following

i) the difference between data and information
ii) feedback in an information system
iii) a business process
iv) Extranet

5) What are the four major Functions of an Organization? Describe a business process which involves at least
two of these Functions.

6) Give an example where Information Technology has enabled a company to introduce a new business model
or service to its customers.

7) Give an example of a Transaction Processing System (TPS). Describe the type of information the TPS might
hold and give an example of a report it might produce for use by an Operations Manager.

8) Give an example of a Decision Support System (DSS). For your example describe the type of questions the
DSS can help to answer.

9) Give the name of a major Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. Give two major advantages for a
company to use an ERP system.

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