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Preteach vocabulary 5'

The T introduces new vocabulary by writting the words on the blackboard and giving a
definition if the students do not know the word.

a daffodil-narcis

a vale- valley

Flutter- to wave, flap, toss around

Sprightly- animated, lively

bay- a body of water forming an indentation of the shoreline, larger than a cove but
smaller than a gulf

glee- open delight and pleasure

jocund- cheerful, merry

pensive- dreamily thoughtful

2. Talking about poems 7'

The Ls are asked questions about Romanticism and poetry, and they are supposed to
activate their pre-knowledghe a nd discuss their likes and dislikes when it comes to

a. I've mentioned the 18th century, what period in literature began in that century?
Talking about the Enlightenment and Romanticism.

b. Urban world or the nature, which one do you prefer and why?

c. Poetry, do you like/ dislike it, why? Favourite poets and poems.

d. Poets of Romanticism, guess the topic.

3. General listening activity 5'

The Ls are instructed to listen to the poem and try to summarize it in one or two short
sentences. The the Ls lisaten to the tape again, but paying special atrtention to the last
few verses, as to get the real meaning of the poem (it's not jsut describing the nature, but
talking about the importance of iamgination when in a bad mood).
Did you like the poem? Why/ why not?

4. Specific listening activity- description of daffodils 5'

The Ls are asked to recognize the rhyme scheme of the poem; they listen to the first
stanza again if needed. Then, the T instructs the Ls to listen to the peom, but pay special
attention to the desciption of the daffodils. They are supposed to write down some key
details (color, number, location). The teacher calls out some of the students to read what
they have written. After that, the T asks the students if they can picture the scene in their
heads, and if they could draw it; the T tries to draw a simple picture on the blackboard,
whgile being instructed by the Ls.

5. Specific listening activity- the description of the mood 3'

The Ls are instructed to listen to the poem, but pay special attention to the words
describing the mood, the feelings. Upon completion, the T calls out some of the students
to read their answers. Then the T asks the question:

How does the mood in the poem change? (lonely, happy, sad, happy)

Was the writter succesful in expressing his feelings? Could you indentify with him?

5. Write a poem 10'

The Ls are divided into groups and are instructed to write a poem based on the given
picture. The poem does not have to be long, 1 to 2 stanzas, but the Ls are instructed to try
and give their poem some kind of a meaning (nature versus technology), and not jsut
describe the picture. Each group chooses a representative who will read the poem out
loud in front of the whole class.

6. Cool down- modern Wordsworth 5'

The Ls listen to the hip-hop track from an artist Wordsworth, and try to compare it to the
poem (the setting, the message, differences/ similarities, could hip-hop be considered art

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